Merry with a Captain (Love Beach, Holiday Collection) Chapter 7 50%
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Chapter 7


F letch finished his hot chocolate and headed towards the garbage to toss it out. He pushed his way through the crowd of people stopping to watch a marionette performance on the mini stage, and it caught his attention. He paused to watch with them, the crowd jostling him. He moved to the back, tall enough to see over top of everyone's head, and smiled at the antics on the stage.

He left enough room that people could weave between him and people gathered for the show. A few minutes into it a number of festive — meaning drunk— teenagers stumbled by, knocking people along the way.

“Hey, careful dudes," Fletch muttered as they passed.

One of them turned to him, not watching where he was going, and slammed into a woman. Fletch leapt forward to try and catch her.

She let out a cry, and he grabbed her before she fell to the ground. Pulling her tight to him, he turned his back to protect her and carried her out of the mob to an empty spot behind one of the tents.

“Are you okay?” he asked and set her down. She turned, pushing her blond curly hair out of her face, and he couldn’t have been more stunned. “Robyn!”

She looked up at him, confusion written all over her face. “F-Fletch? What? How?”

“The one and only.” He smiled at her. “You’re here, I thought you’d left weeks ago.”

She nodded, and straightened her jacket. The box in her arms crushed. “Oh, damn.” She opened it and showed him. A mishmash of pastries coated the inside of the box.

“Oh, I’m sorry if I did that.” He frowned and took it from her to try and unsquish the sides.

She shook her head. “Don’t worry, some look salvageable. But wait a minute, it’s you! You’re here. What a coincidence."

"I think I'm the one that should be surprised. I never expected to see you again, so this is fantastic." He wanted to pull her into his arms for a hug, but resisted the temptation.

She nodded and smiled up at him. "It is. I felt the same, like our one night was a one and done.”

He watched a blush stain her cheeks at the mention of their night together and was enchanted. The pleasures they had given each other that night certainly were blush worthy.

"What are your plans for the rest of the evening?" he asked.

“Nothing really. I'm staying at The Cove across the street until I can find something a bit more permanent. I could see the market out of my window and decided to come down to get something to eat." She pointed at the box.

“Are you still hungry? Did you want to go and sit down somewhere for a meal?"

"I was going to take those back to my room to eat after having a few by the fire. Now I'm not sure. At least they all go down the same way." She chuckled. "But you know what, I would like to catch up, so sitting down somewhere would be nice."

“Okay then, how about we find somewhere in your hotel to warm up and then you won't have far to go at the end of the evening,” he suggested.

"I like that idea." Robyn hooked her arm through his, and he led her through the crowd, making sure she didn't get bumped again.

They ran across the street into the hotel lobby, and he enjoyed the way she hung on to his arm.

"Did you want to go into the restaurant or sit by the fire in those two armchairs?" he asked her.

"I think those chairs look comfy. Let's sit there. I could use the fire to help me warm up.” She shivered.

Once seated, they fell silent, and a slight awkwardness settled around them. Even though they’d spent a scorching night together, they didn't know each other at all. This was like a first date. He didn't want to treat it like a first date though.

"Tell me, how come you're back in Love Beach? Your note said you were leaving." He reached for the menu card sitting on the table beside them.

"I was in Savannah for a new position. Was there a couple weeks and then was called back here due to a staffing issue. Kind of a pain in one way really, because my apartment here was leased out, and now that means I have to find something else. Hence, living here for the time being.” She waved her hand indicating the hotel. “Thank goodness the company is covering the cost.”

“That's a lot of changes in a short period of time," he commented and leaned forward to hand her the menu. "What do you like on here?"

She took it and looked at it.

"It is a lot of changes. I'm usually good with change, but this was a bit too much all at once." She smiled then looked at the menu.

He watched her. She was chewing her lip, and Fletch had a feeling she wasn't really seeing the words. Something was on her mind. She put the menu down and looked at him.

"Look, I'm really sorry about how I left. You know, after that night we… Anyway, to be honest, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. I'm not so sure why I feel so awkward right now, but, can we try and not be?"

She looked him dead in the eye, and a swelling sensation rose deep inside him. It was an unusual feeling, and he was momentarily at a loss for words.

"It's okay,” she rushed to say more. "It's fine if it bothered you and you'd rather never see me again. We can have this one drink and meal and go from there –”

Fletch held up his hand and she paused. "Don't get ahead of yourself."

He smiled, hoping to ease her concern. He didn't want to bare his soul to her just yet and let her know he’d been just as obsessed, thinking about her this past month. Watching for her at every turn or in the shops. But if she left once at a drop of a hat, it’d be easy for her to do it again, and he didn't want to open himself up for that. For a few reasons.

She sat back in the chair with a sigh, and nodded.

"I can't say it didn't throw me when I woke up and you were gone and found the note."

“Oh, but that's –”

“Hang on please, you don't have to explain yourself. It's all right, I understand." And he actually did. Sometimes goodbyes are just too hard to say, not to mention he’d done it a few times himself over the years and now he knew what it felt like. He sent a silent apology out to those he’d done it too.

"You do? I'm glad." She reached across the table and covered his hand with hers.

The electrical charge of her touch was almost enough to make him throw caution to the wind and forget how he'd felt only moments ago.

“Maybe what we can do is just start over? Go out on dates, coffee, dinner, or trips to the Christmas market,” Fletch suggested and smiled.

"Thank goodness for the Christmas market! Otherwise would we have ever bumped into each other again, I wonder." She brightened as did he.

“You never know. What do they say… things happen for a reason. Now, how about we order some food?" he suggested.

"Yes, let's. Give me a sec because I barely saw what was on the menu when I looked at it a few minutes ago." She laughed and glanced at it again.

He did as well even though he already knew what he was going to order. Fletch was relieved the previous awkwardness was replaced with a comfortable ease. They had to restart somewhere.

Robyn stared at the menu, still not really seeing what was on it. She picked the first thing her eyes landed on and put it down.

Everything had seemed a little tense until they had this chat. Admittedly, they had no clue who each other were, and they didn't talk about much that night they were together. Only that it had been an amazing time. Plus, he didn't owe her anything, and neither she him, but there was more to them than that one night. She was sure of it.

"Are you back in Love Beach for good?" Fletch asked her.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I'm open to moving around, and Savannah was supposed to be only for six months. Which obviously got shortened. I'm not quite sure what's next. How about you?" She put the menu down.

"Here for at least a couple of months. Then probably moving on. I'm kind of a mobile sort of guy."

Her heart sank hearing that. That would mean whatever this is, or could be, was temporary. Robyn did her best to not let her feelings show so they could enjoy this moment. If all they had was now, these next few weeks to get to know each other and spend time together then she would be contented with that.

"Are you spending Christmas with family?" she asked him after they gave the server their order.

He shook his head. “No, I'm solo. How about you?"

"That’s kind of up in the air. I planned to go home and visit my parents, but then I got called back here so that may have changed my availability." She frowned, she been looking forward to going home.

"Where’s home?”

" Vermont. They have a farm there, and it's beautiful at this time of year. Usually covered in snow."

"I take it you ski?” he asked and sat back when the server put their drinks on the table.

"Yes, I ski. I actually love the winter sports." She picked up her wine glass. “Cheers.”

He raised his beer stein. “Cheers.”

She continued, “How about you, ski or winter sports?

He smiled and chuckled, as if he had a private joke. "Yes, I'll give pretty much anything a try. I'm a bit of a daredevil when dared, and well, people dare me just to see what I'll do."

She sipped her wine and raised her eyebrows. “Then, I could dare you and, you'd do it?"

His laugh was loud and deep and it reached right inside and grabbed her heart. He leaned forward and asked her in a conspiratorial whisper. "Why, are you gonna dare me? "

Robyn nearly choked on her wine, positive his question was a double entendre. Now she didn't really know what to say. She’d trapped herself. Taking a big breath, she decided to play along and see where it led.

"What if I double dare you?" She heard her voice come out unexpectedly sultry.

"I'm intrigued. A double dare could be very interesting." He reached across the table and took her hand, holding it gently.

“Yes, it could." Robyn shifted on her seat, a bit tongue tied by the direction their conversation was taking and the heat building inside her. Images of the last time they were together flashed through her mind.

Should she invite him up to her room after they eat? Was it too soon? They were just going to take it one step at a time and here she was already wanting to get back into bed with him. She opened her mouth to say something just as the server arrived with their plates, halting any conversation and leaving her in a state of hypersensitivity.

Hold that thought.

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