T hey ate in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was more of a thoughtful one. Robyn barely tasted the food, only thinking about after. She wanted him to come to her room, but part of her was nervous about suggesting it. Was it too soon after reconnecting tonight?
She glanced at him to find him watching her. Her belly did a little tumble when he smiled.
Maybe not.
"Relax. I can tell you’re wound up about something." He cut a piece of steak and offered it to her. “Would you like to try?"
She shook her head. "Thank you, but I like the taste in my mouth from this chicken.” She cut a piece, dipped it in the sauce and held the fork across the table, offering it to him. "Want a taste? I dare you."
Fletch chuckled. "I would love a taste."
Their eyes never leaving each other, Fletch leaned over and cupped her hand in his. His touch electrified her. How easily his simple gesture lit her up. She pulled her lower lip between her teeth and watched him take the morsel off the fork between his lips.
Oh, how she remembered what those lips did to her, and she wanted it again.
He sat back and raised his eyebrows, nodding. "That is tasty. "
Robyn drew in a shaky breath. “Yes, it is.” She put her fork down and reached for her wine glass, desperately needing a drink to cool her down.
With their meal finished and the table cleared away, Robyn still hadn’t decided if she should ask him up to her room. At least that was what she thought when on impulse she blurted, "Would you like to come up?"
His gaze met hers, and his smile more than melted her. "I'd like that." Fletch signaled for the server and paid the check. He rose and held his hand out. Robyn took it, liking the way his fingers curled around hers.
"Thank you for the dinner. It was a really nice and a totally unexpected surprise bumping into you. Literally." She laughed.
"Yes, quite literally. Did you enjoy the market?" he asked and punched the arrow up button for the elevator.
"I did. I went there to get something to eat and look around a little bit. At least I was able to have a few of the pastries before they became one big pile of mush.”
"That's unfortunate, crowds can be treacherous," Fletch said, and stood aside so she could walk into the elevator.
She laughed again. “Imagine a Christmas crowd treacherous. It was a nice market but not like the ones at home." She pushed her floor and glanced at Fletch.
"How are they different? The markets at your home.”
Robyn shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure how to describe it, maybe it's the atmosphere, people know everybody, and what I love about it is that it has a very European flare. The town does go all out for the Christmas season, and I don't think I've ever felt Christmassy like I do there."
Robyn's throat thickened thinking about home. She was 30 years old for crying out loud and shouldn't be pining for her parents and family. Yet she was.
"Everything okay?” Fletch asked her.
She swallowed away the lump, and nodded. "Talking about home makes me miss it so much."
The elevator stopped, and the door opened. She led the way down the hall.
"When's the last time you were home?" he asked.
They stopped at her door and she swiped her key card.
"Probably two years, maybe three. Time has gone by way too fast. It’s hard to keep track.” She pushed the door closed behind them, and he waited for her before going further into her room.
"Maybe you could go home this year," he suggested and walked over to the window to look out.
"The drive is too long, and I only have a few days off so it doesn't really make it worthwhile." She joined him at the window. "Isn't that a pretty view?"
They stood shoulder to shoulder, gazing down at the Christmas lights below. Close enough that the backs of their hands brushed, making Robyn want to hold his. But she resisted. A beat later he took hers.
“What about you? Have a home to go to?”
"No, not really. Your family sounds very nice. The only people I have that I call family are my business partners, and they’re away for the holidays."
"You're all alone too." She squeezed his hand. "Maybe we could spend it together. That way neither of us will be alone or lonely."
She looked up at him. He faced her, still holding her hand. The expression in his eyes was not one she seen her before. Pain. Robyn raised her hand and rested it against his cheek. He closed his eyes for the briefest moment and then wrapped his arms around her. She hugged him back and breathed him in.
He smelled like the outdoors, wild, with a hint of the sea, and wood smoke. It reminded her of home. She tightened her arms around him and let the memories of Christmases past takeover.
"Would you come home with me?" she whispered against his neck.
Had she really invited him? She couldn’t believe it. Nothing like putting him on the spot, but something about him made her impulsive and daring. He didn't answer, and she wondered if he heard her. But she didn't want to ask again.
They stayed wrapped in each other's arms for a few more moments until Fletch took a step back. He tipped her chin up with his finger.
"I don't know what to say. Your invitation to your family home for Christmas is a surprise.” He gazed down at her and she was lost in his eyes, unable to find words for a second.
"I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot,” she continued and knew she was rambling but couldn’t stop herself. “Don't feel obligated to come. I guess in the heat of the moment I just blurted out the words. We barely know each other, I understand that. Please just think on it. Like I said, no rush or obligation."
She stepped away from him and twisted her fingers together. She was embarrassed, especially just when everything seemed to be settling down during and after dinner. They seemed to be finding their footing, and her impulsivity may have gotten in the way.
“Robyn, I didn't mean it was a surprise in a negative way. You're right, we're just getting to know each other, but what I do know is I like you. A lot. "
He crossed the room and placed his hands on her shoulders. She turned to face him, her eyes large and luminous. The expression in them made him want to gather her in his arms and soothe her worry.
"I like you a lot too. I know this is all so quick, but the night we spent together was amazing. I regret that I had to leave the next day, and the way I left with only a note." She lifted her hands to rest them on his forearms. "I left you that night, and I'm not the kind of person that spends the night with a random person. But, there was something about you that made it okay, and weirdly I trusted you.”
He smiled. "Well, I guess I'm just that kind of guy. I give off the friendly vibes. And, you can trust me." He squeezed her shoulders and then took her hands in his. "I'm glad tonight happened. I think if it hadn't, I would've always wondered about you.”
"Oh," she breathed. "I think I would have as well."
"I have an idea. What do you say we start fresh?" he suggested, and he had a feeling she would be all for it.
"I love that idea. And we can table the whole visit to Vermont so there's no pressure." Her excitement was infectious.
“How about this. If you're free tomorrow, why don't we do something? Go to a movie, grab a coffee, go for a drive. That way we can continue this getting to know you stage,” he suggested.
As much as he would love to spend the night with her, he felt it would be best if they took it a little slower. And he hoped she felt the same.
She tilted her head and chuckled. "Seeing you walk out that door will be really hard. I'd love for you to stay, but I totally understand where you're coming from. So yes, I like that idea very much."
He walked towards the door, holding her hand. “Good. We could make a day of it if you like, and we can start with breakfast. I know this great little local joint."
"Sounds like a plan," she replied.
"How about I pick you up about 8 o'clock? Too early, not early enough?"
“Perfect, I'll be waiting." She didn't make a move to open the door and they stood there for a moment, staring at each other.
Fletch was going to kiss her. No way was he going to leave without holding her in his arms and kissing her. The problem might be not being able to let her go.
“Come here,” his voice was low and husky.
Fletch leaned over her, pushing her back to the wall, lifting her. She wrapped her legs around his hips, and her hands slid up his arms to clutch his shoulders.
Her response was what he’d hoped for. No hesitation. Their lips almost touched, and the heat of her set him on fire. Her fingers slid into his hair, holding his head, and their mouths found each other. It wasn't gentle, it wasn't tentative, it was wild with abandon. Furious with need. They fused together, she tightened her legs around him as his erection pressed against her. She flexed her hips, and it was almost his undoing.
Fletch groaned into her mouth and pushed his hips against her. He wanted so much more than this, the barrier of their clothes frustrating. It would've been so easy to carry her to the bed, especially when she moaned with her own desire.
If he didn't stop now, his brain would shut down and he wouldn't have the ability to. Reluctantly, he lightened the kiss, and even though she clutched at him, he lifted his head. Their breath mingled, both of them struggling for air.
"Oh, my God," Robyn whispered, resting her cheek on his shoulder.
Fletch slowly let her legs down, but she kept her arms around his neck. "I know," he said in a low and tight voice.
It took a few minutes before Fletch took a step toward the door and turned the handle. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."
She nodded, and he was relieved she didn't suggest he stay, because if she had, he would’ve.