F letch yawned and opened his eyes. He didn't need to check the time to know that it was still early. His internal clock was never wrong. The weather had come in like he thought it would, and rain pattered against the window.
He needed to get up, and Robyn was cuddled in next to him. Had he half expected her to be gone like the last time? But she wasn't, she was still here, and he pressed his lips against her hair. She murmured sleepily and rolled over, freeing him so he could slide out of bed without disturbing her.
Fletch padded to the bathroom, and when he finished, climbed back into bed with her. He clasped his fingers behind his head and looked out the window. The sun hid behind the grey clouds, unable to pierce through to warm up the gloomy world. It was going to be a miserable day. He had a physio appointment at noon, and could use a few more hours’ sleep. He rolled onto his side and snuggled up behind Robyn.
She shifted, making herself comfortable and curved her back into his chest. It was difficult to ignore her bottom pressed so enticingly to his cock. But ignore it he did. They’d spent the night making love, and he was exhausted in a wonderful way. He tucked the duvet around her and pulled it up over his shoulder so they were cocooned together. The scent of her lulled him back to sleep.
He waked to Robyn getting out of bed.
"I have to get to work." She kneeled on the bed and gave him a kiss. Then in all her naked glory walked into the bathroom.
He heard the shower turn on and debated whether he should join her. But he decided against it, knowing exactly where that would lead. And if she needed to be at work, he didn’t want to cause her to be late. His phone vibrated on the bedside table, and he rolled over to grab it. The message was spam. He shook his head, what’s the point of a cell phone when all the spam gets through? There were no new phone calls or messages.
"I'm just a popular guy," he murmured to himself and then opened one of the games he’d been playing for a few years. Popping the bubbles gave him a weird sense of satisfaction, especially when he completed the game without having to repeat it.
Robyn came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. It didn't matter what she wore or didn't wear, she stirred him.
"If you weren't heading off to work, I'd haul you right back into this bed.” He rose and walked over to her.
"Promises, promises.” She pointedly gave him a once over, and his cock stirred. “As much as that sounds like a totally delightful situation, I’m actually late. Feel free to stay here as long as you'd like, and maybe we could meet up later today? Do some Christmas shopping or something," she suggested and dropped the towel.
He caught his breath. It was nearly his undoing. “You’d better get dressed woman, or you’ll be even later.”
She giggled and struck a pose, then dashed over to her clothes and quickly dressed.
“Later, big man, later,” she said as he wound her hair into a bundle.
“I have some things to do today as well, I'll just hop in the shower and close up behind you if that's fine with you."
She rose up on her toes and cupped his cheeks with her hands. "That's perfectly fine with me. Bye." She pressed her lips to his, and he caught her in his arms. Hugging her tight, he rested her back on her feet.
Showered and dressed, a few hours later he was down at the marina. He wanted to see Intrepid and stepped onto one of the floating docks. She was out there in the rain and mist and damn he wanted to be walking her decks. He’d been working hard at keeping his gait steady, and his hip and leg ached from the effort. He did his best to hide his discomfort from Robyn.
The dock wasn’t steady, and there was enough wave movement to make it buck a little under his feet. This wasn’t a good idea, but he continued out to the end of the dock. Daredevil that he was and exactly why he was in this situation in the first place. The dock rocked from his steps and the water, straining his muscles. It made him angry to realize he wasn't as good as he thought and that the surgeons were right after all. He snorted, who the hell was he to question his surgeon? Fletch just thought he would heal faster. Normally his balance was perfect and the bit of turbulence under him wouldn’t have given him any trouble.
He held onto a lamppost when he got to the end. The mist and rain was thick, hiding anything beyond thirty feet from view. She was beyond visibility, and he’d have to wait until the weather lifted in order to see her from ashore. The water was getting rougher in the marina, nothing significant but enough to make the floating dock treacherous and slick. He turned a bit too quickly, and his foot slid out from under him. He managed to grab a light post to steady himself, not wanting to end up in the drink. That would be totally embarrassing, and he’d probably have to be fished out.
"Shit.” He winced, the movement wrenched his muscles, and activated his pain to almost a ten. He had to pause and catch his breath. He groaned at the prospect of struggling back along the dock to solid ground. The dismal weather kept people away, and he was glad. He didn’t relish the idea of people seeing him in this state. If he took it slow, he should be fine.
Once back in his truck, he let out a sigh. Breaking his leg had been so stupid. Had he learned his lesson about being dared? Probably not. But he’d have to make sure to remember this discomfort for the next time he decided to be stupid.
He wasn't getting any younger, and obviously, he didn't bounce back as well as he used to. The alarm went off on his watch, reminding him he needed to go for his physiotherapy.