Mine (The Club Wonderland) Chapter 4 40%
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Chapter 4


“ H ow’s it going with your men,” Olivia asked as she painted her toenails while she video chatted with her mother.

“I thought children were supposed to hate hearing about their parents having sex,” Annabel teased.

“It’s your fault,” Olivia said. “You’ve had me shopping for sexier clothes for you and coordinating outfits.”

“You don’t think this conversation is odd,” Annabel asked to be sure.

“I’ll let you know if we edge into uncomfortable,” Olivia said. “I can see you’re more relaxed.”

“I’ve done things I’ve never done before,” Annabel confessed.

“Do you want to stop,” Olivia asked.

“No. It’s so odd. I want to do more. I want to see how far we can go,” Annabel said.

“Like adding more people in?”

“Not at this point. The two of them are enough.”

“Have you ever felt that way before?” Olivia stopped painting her toes and watched her mother.

“Never. The things we do… don’t worry I’m not describing,” Annabel laughed.

“Probably a good thing. I’m glad you’re enjoying,” Olivia said.

“What about you? Have you met anyone?”

“Not really. I do not want to follow in you and dad’s footsteps,” Olivia said. “I know you met first year in college and never looked back.”

“Those were the good years,” Annabel sighed. “How are classes going?”

Olivia smiled, “I want regular updates on your men. I’ll tell you all about classes but you must keep me updated on your new lovers.”

Annabel bit her lip and then laughed. “Deal. Now classes?”

Annabel turned into the driveway, stopped at the gate, and gave her name. The gate swung open and she drove through. For six weeks, she, Andrew and Ryan met at various places. She never allowed them at her office but she wanted them there. This was her first time visiting Ryan’s place. She felt a little nervous. There were times they were just together but the sex was almost daily. She wanted it daily and wanted them more than once a day. She knew people who said as women age, they don’t want sex as much but this was not the case with her two guys.

She wound up his tree lined drive to a mansion. She wondered what he did with all the rooms. The house sported sleek lines and muted colors but there were touches of whimsy. She stepped up to the double front doors which swung open. Ryan strolled out with Andrew a few steps behind him.

“Welcome,” Ryan wrapped his arms around her. His lips brushed across hers and back several times.

She raised her eyebrows but allowed him to hold her close. “You’re excited.”

“Happy to have you here,” he confessed as he stepped back.

“May I,” Andrew asked.

She stepped into him, gripped his hands, and pressed against him. “He’s being forward but I think I’ll allow it this time.”

“No punishment for him,” Andrew leaned down to meet her mouth. They lingered for moments.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Annabel reached out a hand to Ryan. “He might need a lesson or two in being submissive.”

“Yes,” Ryan stepped into their embrace. “Andrew cooked again.”

“Did he fuss,” Annabel asked.

“I don’t fuss,” Andrew denied.

She slid her hand down and cupped his tight bum. “You do and I like it.”

“Oh. I… hmmm,” he paused. “When you say fuss what do you mean?”

“You worry about whether I’ll like what you’re fixing,” Annabel leaned into him. “You think about the details and you pay attention to what I mention.”

“What’s the point in doing it, if you won’t like it?” Andrew enjoyed the feel of both Annabel’s and Ryan’s body against his.

“A good question,” Annabel said. “I have to make a confession.”

“What?” Ryan leaned closer pressing closer to them.

“I like this,” she said. “I know we were together last night at my place, but this, touching and holding makes my day. Not only do I want both of you every day but I want to be with you daily.”

Andrew swallowed and Ryan tightened his arms around them. “I feel the same,” Andrew pressed his cheek to the top of her head.

“Damn straight,” Ryan agreed.

“We’re all on the same page,” she asked. When they nodded, she smiled, “Now we have the weekend for uninterrupted time together. Let’s enjoy it.”

“Lunch was excellent as always,” Annabel smiled as she walked towards Andrew. He and Ryan stood completely naked on the side of the pool. She stopped and crossed her arms. A smile spread across her face. They were all hers. “You two look good.”

“You’re beautiful,” Andrew murmured.

“I’ve never done this before,” Annabel confessed.

“Skinny dipping,” Ryan grinned. “You have a body made for it.”

“It’s freeing,” Annabel admitted. “You have good security here.”

“You’re safe,” Andrew assured.

She walked close to Ryan and caressed the hard muscles of his chest and abs. She traced a finger around the head of his cock. “You’re both standing at attention.”

“Do you want us to kneel?” Andrew asked.

“I want to play,” Annabel said. She leaned forward and took Ryan’s nipple in her mouth. She licked around the taut bud. She tugged lightly with her teeth. Ryan hummed his pleasure. She grinned as she stared up into his smiling face. Her hands rested on his chest. Delight and mischief played across her eyes as she pushed him backwards into the pool.

He yelped as he fell backwards. The water splashed and Annabel grinned. Andrew laughed as Ryan surfaced.

“You’re next you know,” Ryan spluttered as he stood brushing the hair back from his face.

“Do with me what you will,” Andrew whispered.

“I have plans for the two of you,” Annabel stepped closer to him. She reached around him and cupped his bum. She felt his muscles tighten and saw his pleasure. “I want to play, be silly, and just let go for a while.”

“Because you’ve always worked harder than everyone else,” Andrew guessed.

“You both take my breath away but I want there to be more than sex between us,” Annabel admitted.

“Then we should play,” Andrew tugged gently on her hair. “Do with me what you will, mistress. I’m at your mercy.”

Annabel laughed and pushed him in the pool. He waved as he fell backwards. He surfaced and stepped behind Ryan. Underwater he pinched Ryan’s bum. “I wanted to share,” he murmured. Ryan turned his head and their lips met. Annabel put her hand on her stomach. She felt her nipples tighten. The two men stared into each other’s eyes.

Ryan smiled and put his hands on Andrew’s face. “Are you trying to distract me?”

“Both of you,” Andrew said. “Too much stress lingers from the work week. Annabel, will you join us?”

“Depends,” she smiled.

“On what,” Ryan asked.

“Ryan’s answer,” she bit the inside of her lip so they didn’t see her uncertainty. “Do you want more between us then the amazing sex we have?”

“Yes,” Ryan didn’t hesitate.

Annabel grinned and nodded. She held up one finger. Walking back inside, she returned with a basket of condoms. They used them in the bedroom earlier. She wanted to play but they made her ache for more.

“I think we’ll have some sexy play, then some play, and then maybe some more sexy play,” Annabel said.

“Tell us what you want,” Andrew asked.

“I intend to, but first,” she set the basket in easy reach of the edge of the pool. Then she picked out two condoms before jumping into the pool. She cannonballed to splash the men. They laughed as she landed near them. As she surfaced, she slipped her hand up each of their cocks. “I want you both inside me. I need it.”

Andrew swallowed as he stepped closer to her. Ryan whooped and splashed water on all of them. “This is my fantasy,” Ryan confessed. “I’ve wanted both of you in my pool for weeks.”

“I plan to have both of you in several ways in this pool,” Annabel grinned at his joy. “Now, I know we’re doing the naked but for this next bit, you have to be covered.”

“Yes, mistress,” they grinned as they took the condoms from her.

She watched them touch themselves as they slipped the condom down their hard cocks. “Andrew, touch me,” she slipped her hands up his body, cupping his balls, squeezing his cock, sliding up his taut abs.

“Where,” he asked.

“Wherever you want,” she gave him permission.

His eyes widened as he tipped her chin to him. His lips brushed across hers and slipped down her neck.

“Ryan,” she hummed her pleasure. “You’re too far away.”

Ryan stepped behind her and trembled with need. He wanted to touch her, to join in their exchange. “May I…”

“Yes,” Annabel said. “I want you both touching me. I’ll say stop or no if I don’t like what you do.”

“Hmmm,” Andrew hummed his agreement.

“I love watching you two,” Ryan kissed her shoulder and slipped his hands around to cup her breasts. “It makes me throb.”

Andrew pushed his fingers into Annabel’s core. She grunted as he fisted her. Her head dropped back against Ryan who captured her lips. Moans echoed around the pool area as the three connected. Hands caressed, bodies pressed, and lips wandered.

Ryan pressed her cheeks apart. “I need to be…” he begged as he pressed his cock to her bum.

“Yes, now… I need you there now… I… hmmmmm,” Annabel babbled her consent.

Gently, he slipped inside her. “Ohhhh… yes… I’m…” He lifted her as he connected their bodies.

“Andrew,” she pulled him closer with her legs. “Inside me… I need you inside me. Now. Right now.”

Holding his cock, he pressed the tip to her. Before sliding in, he rubbed her clit making her jerk forward and back. Ryan moaned with her movement. Ryan pushed deeper into her and pinched her nipples. It drove Annabel into a frenzy as her orgasm rippled through her.

“Faster,” Annabel demanded as he connected with her.

Gently, slowly, they pressed deep into her. Her moans and demands encouraged them, “Harder… I won’t break… I need more.”

Ryan and Andrew met eyes as they plunged into her. Ryan bit his lip. Annabel reached behind her to touch him. He growled and moved faster. His breathing ragged as he threw his head back. He didn’t want this to end. He didn’t want to be the first to climax.

“Annabel,” Andrew gasped out her name. “Annabel… oh my Annabel…”

“Yes… Ryan… Oh Andrew…” she muttered their names as they battered her body. “Oh, I’m so close… I …”

“Fuck,” Andrew growled. “Fuck… I can’t hold out. I… Ahhhhhh.” He came in an explosion of sensations and jerked into her.

Ryan stopped thinking and jerked and held deep in Annabel. “Aaaaaaaaannnabel….”

She felt her body tighten as they both pressed hard into her.

They stood panting, pressed deep into her.

Andrew’s head rested on one shoulder while Ryan’s on the other. She felt closer to these two men than anyone else ever.

“She’s swimming laps,” Ryan informed as he paced back and forth from the patio door to the kitchen.

“I’m falling for her,” Andrew admitted as he chopped up vegetables for their dinner.

“I am as well,” Ryan grinned. “I want her here all the time.”

“I think we have to go slowly on this,” Andrew paused in cutting things. He pointed his knife at Ryan. “I think men have not been good to her.”

“I think we’re helping her find her Domme power,” Ryan agreed.

“Too early to tell her we’re falling for her,” Andrew didn’t say the L word. “I want to kneel at her feet and confess all but I think we’ll lose her if we do.”

“Agreed,” Ryan said. “Unless we’re being too cautious. I want to say the words. I want the three of us to be together every day.”

“Is she still swimming?”

“Yes. Do you want to be together daily?”

“Yes, and not just to fuck like today’s been. We’ve done it in the bedroom and the pool area multiple times. Sexually, she wants us. She dominates us even when she gives us permission to do as we want.”

“We’ve talked as well,” Ryan said. “After the first time in the pool, we lay on the loungers for a couple hours and talked.”

“All while she toyed with us,” Andrew smirked. “Do you think she’s aware of how much she makes us ache?”

“With all the little touches,” Ryan watched Annabel swim another lap. Naked. She suggested a naked weekend and when they eagerly agreed, he offered his place and here they were. “I hope so. I want more. I want to wake up next to both of you. Do you want that?”

“Fuck yes,” Andrew agreed.

“It’s more than her body,” Ryan confessed. “It’s her mind. I like how she thinks. I like how she treats us even when she’s dominating us.”

“Knowing when I need to watch more than be part of it,” Andrew said. “I don’t know how she knows but I want more.”

“Let’s make this meal about talking and being connected… intellectually and emotionally,” Ryan suggested.

“We need to get her talking,” Andrew said. “I love hearing her speak.”

Andrew and Ryan retreated to make dinner. She offered but they said they had it. She swam laps and realized she enjoyed the freedom of a private pool like this. Nudity, she enjoyed seeing them and their arousal. She wasn’t sure she liked being naked all the time but they seemed to enjoy it.

Ryan traced her stretch marks and then licked along them. It took her breath away and aroused her in a way she couldn’t really explain. Nor did she want to.

More than that, when they talked, she felt connected. I like how they think and listen. It doesn’t feel like a game. It feels sincere.

She considered her previous lovers. When she took the dominant role in anything, they usually tolerated it for a time or two but would always assert their own dominance, usually in a way she didn’t like. It felt like punishment but not a sexy punishment.

They never retaliated for her dominating them. They genuinely enjoyed her taking the lead. It made her feel humble when they submitted to her. It showed her how much they trusted her.

She pushed off the wall and turned onto her back to float. She needed to think about this and what it meant.

“Tomorrow, we’re back to the real world,” she murmured as she lay with their heads on her breasts.

“Pity,” Andrew grumbled.

“I don’t want the fantasy to end,” Ryan admitted.

“Up until now, we’ve connected randomly,” Annabel stated. Ryan shifted to gaze down at her face.

Andrew feared he’d displeased her. His arm tightened around her waist and he pressed his body closer to hers.

“I think before we leave tomorrow, we should pull out our date books and plan our time together,” she said hoping they agreed. She felt Andrew sigh and kiss the curve of her breasts.

“Yes,” Ryan grinned. “I want more connection and time with you.”

“Andrew,” Annabel grinned at Ryan but worried about Andrew’s silence.

“Definitely want more time,” he raised his head to meet her eyes. “I want more of you, of all of us.”

She smiled, “Then let’s get our calendars. I want more of you… naked and not naked.”

“How’s the room coming,” Annabel asked after the server left their table. This was their third lunch this week. They spent the night at her place twice. She cleared space in her closet for them to have clothes.

“It’s coming along,” Andrew flushed. “You do know I was…”

“I like the idea,” Annabel leaned close to tease him. Her hand slipped up his muscular thigh. “I’ll have a place to punish you.”

“Punish?” Andrew swallowed as his cock went on full alert.

“Yes. Ryan and I want you in restraints.”

“Naked,” Ryan grinned as he realized how hard Andrew was. He hoped their lunch would extend to an afternoon of Annabel orders.

“I want a place to sit so I can watch the two of you on the pole you talked about,” Annabel teased.

“We can get private instruction,” Ryan said. “I know a guy.”

“You know all too many guys,” Andrew growled. He leaned close to Annabel. “I need you.”

“I know,” she turned enough to caress the hard length of him pressing against his pants. “You’ll have to wait until after we eat.”

“I want you so much,” Andrew closed his eyes as her fingers slid his zipper down. “Annabel.”

“You seem particularly desperate for me,” Annabel murmured. “Do you want to be closer?”

“Yes,” he whispered.

“Do you want to slide this into me?” She knew he wanted to hold her down and pound into her. She wouldn’t allow him to but she understood her man.

“Yes,” he bit out the word.

“Do you want to pound into me,” she bit his earlobe.

He slowed his breathing and knew she baited him. “If you want me to, yes,” he watched her.

“After lunch, we’ll go upstairs to the room I’ve booked. You’ll have three hours before I return to work. Unless of course you have appointments,” she squeezed his balls.

He closed his eyes and swallowed as he fought to keep from cumming in her hand.

“No appointments,” Ryan leaned close. “Will you be punishing him?”

“I think he needs it,” Annabel zipped his pants and withdrew her hand. “I do plan to have him as my dessert if he behaves through lunch.”

“Yes, please, I beg of you, please,” Andrew breathed out.

“No wolfing down your food,” Annabel kissed his cheek. “I have plans for you this afternoon. You will watch everything… every detail.”

“Yes, mistress,” he murmured in her ear.

“I’ll text my guy for the lessons in pole dancing,” Ryan said. “I think the three of us could take them together.”

“You do that for the two of you,” Annabel said. “I’ll enjoy watching all your muscles as you master the pole. I’ve already done pole dancing. It’s a thing several women I know are into and we’ve already taken lessons.”

“Will you show us,” Andrew asked.

“Depends on how well you do,” Annabel said. “When do I get to see your place and this room?”

“It’s almost done,” Andrew took a deep breath and let it out. “I’d like to see you on my pole.”

“Double entendre meant,” Ryan laughed.

Andrew flushed as he realized what he said. Annabel grinned and cupped his cheek. “I’ll show you some of what I’ve learned when you’re ready to show me what you’ve learned.”

“It’s a deal,” he kissed the palm of her hand.

“Can we get together tonight,” Ryan asked. He knew they monopolized her time. She went to her office to work but all her other times they filled.

“There’s a new artist at that gallery you two like,” Annabel said. “I thought we’d wander through. Maybe stop for dinner and drinks and then go home.”

“We have meetings until seven,” Andrew frowned.

“I talked to the owner. While they normally close at eight tonight, I scheduled a private showing for half past.” Annabel informed.

“Really,” Andrew said.

“You did want to see this new artist,” Annabel said.

“We’ve seen his work,” Ryan grinned. “I didn’t know you liked his work.”

“I’ve not seen his work,” Annabel admitted.

“You did this for us,” Andrew felt touched by her thoughtfulness.

“I did,” Annabel turned her attention to the server as she brought plates of food. “Thank you.”

Andrew and Ryan exchanged a look of sheer surprise and joy at the gift she gave them.

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