T hey walked through the gallery. Annabel watched her men discuss the merits of the paintings.
“I like the movement,” Andrew said. “It doesn’t have to be anything specific. I just like the movement.”
“The colors are brooding,” Ryan rolled his eyes as he debated with Andrew.
“Brooding is good,” Annabel said. “Sometimes we all need the dark and brooding before we can appreciate the light.”
“We all need time to wallow in our own thoughts,” Andrew stated.
“You need time to brood,” Ryan patted Andrew’s shoulder. “You always have.”
“But he likes the light when he’s done,” Annabel said. “I like my own time for my own thoughts.”
“Have we crowded you,” Ryan worried they demanded too much of her time.
“No, I’ve not needed as much since we started,” Annabel admitted. “I still need quiet and alone but I’m finding I don’t need as much.”
“I don’t mind alone,” Ryan said.
“Yes, but your alone usually involves music at top volume,” Andrew teased. “No one can think with it blaring.”
“He can,” Annabel smiled. “But he also knows to tone it down for the rest of us.”
“True,” Ryan said. They turned a corner in the gallery. “Oh wow. Now that’s…”
“Chaotic,” Andrew said. “Wild. Crazy. Chaos personified.”
“Yeah, it’s got energy and vibrance,” Ryan grinned. “We should get that for our lobby or somewhere.”
“No… definitely not,” Andrew objected.
“It’s very you,” Annabel linked her arms with Ryan. “You didn’t tell me this artist did sexy.”
“Oh. My.” Ryan turned to the series of nude characters. All in a variety of positions and views which showed multiple people participating in different sexual acts.
“This is why he got a write up,” Andrew said. “In that one journalist’s column.”
“Jacob Fellows?” Annabel frowned as she stood in front of the paintings.
“He’s the prude,” Ryan snorted.
“Definitely has specific views on the way things should be… at least according to him,” Annabel said.
“You don’t like him,” Andrew said.
“These are definitely against what he considers proper,” Annabel smiled. “I like them. They’re funny and sexy.”
“They would go nicely in your room,” Ryan grinned. “Like instructional art.”
“There’s one or two positions we’ve not tried,” Annabel agreed.
“You think I should buy them,” Andrew asked her.
“Only if you like them,” she took his arm and hugged. “I’m glad you mentioned this place. I enjoyed the walk through.”
Annabel walked into Mulligan’s ahead of Andrew and Ryan. Mario met them at the door. “Ms. Rouch, so good to see you again. I’ve got the table ready for you just as you requested.”
“Mario, it’s good to see you,” she leaned in and air kissed both his cheeks. “I knew I could count on you.”
“Your server tonight is Eleanor. I know you enjoy her,” Mario pulled the chair out for Annabel.
“She’s discreet,” Annabel smiled as Ryan sat to her right and Andrew to her left.
“I’m available if you need any special attention,” Mario said.
“Thank you, Mario,” Annabel smiled as the host stepped away.
“Smarmy,” Ryan smirked.
“Be nice,” Annabel scolded.
“He fawned all over you,” Andrew complained.
“Because he thinks it gets him a bigger tip,” Annabel said. “The food here is good. The wine cellar tolerable. But best of all the staff is discreet.”
“You don’t allow us to touch you that way in public,” Andrew frowned.
“Do you want fake kisses and insincere conversation,” Annabel demanded tired of the jealousy she heard in their tone.
“No,” Ryan conceded.
“But we also don’t like others being…” Andrew tried to find a word which wouldn’t get him in trouble.
“Careful there,” Annabel said. “What I do with the two of you is private and intimate. It’s real and important. I don’t need the world to see it. Do you?”
Andrew snorted, “You’re talking about public displays of affection. You don’t like them.”
“Do you need me to show everyone in this restaurant you belong to me,” Annabel demanded.
“I don’t like him,” Andrew confessed. “His type.”
“His type is after the best tip he can get,” Annabel rolled her eyes. “He thinks fawning all over me increases his tip. It doesn’t. I increase Eleanor’s tip because she’s working her way through college and having to deal with him.”
“You don’t like him,” Ryan realized.
“I don’t think of him for a second more than I need to,” Annabel opened the menu and scanned it.
“But you do think of us,” Andrew watched her reactions.
“More than I should. Much more than I should,” Annabel smiled. “Eleanor, my dear, how are classes going?”
“Everything’s fine,” Eleanor glanced over her shoulder as Mario seated another couple. “What can I get you this evening?”
“What’s good?” Annabel watched Mario for a moment before she assessed Eleanor.
“The broasted chicken,” Eleanor glanced over her shoulder again.
“I’ll have that,” Annabel said.
Andrew and Ryan gave their orders. Once Mario left the dining room, Annabel asked, “Is he being difficult again?”
“I’m not supposed to talk to the customers about… anything personal,” Eleanor said.
“You have rights,” Annabel said.
“I need this job,” Eleanor said. “Would you like anything to drink?”
“Yes, we’ll take a bottle of Marcassin Estate 2010,” Annabel said.
“I’ll have Mario bring it to you,” Eleanor said. “He might recommend something different.”
“I’m sure he will,” Annabel said. “This should be fun.”
“She’d been crying,” Andrew murmured.
“Mario is overbearing and demanding,” Annabel said. “I’ve told the owners to get rid of him but they don’t. I think he’s related.”
Andrew watched the man move through the restaurant. “Family’s important but not if they are a detriment to business.”
“Agreed,” Ryan said.
“Did you enjoy the gallery tonight,” Annabel changed the topic.
“I enjoyed spending time there with you,” Andrew smiled. “I’ll call tomorrow and buy those naughty pictures. I like them.”
“Put them in your sexy room with your pole,” Annabel teased.
“I will,” Andrew said.
“My darling Ms. Rouch,” Mario swept up to their table with a bottle of wine. “I know you wanted the Marcassin but it’s so bland. I brought this lovely Domaine Trapet Pere et Fils Chamberlin Grand Cru. It’s so much better than the Marcassin Estate.”
“I’ve had the Domaine,” Annabel said. “I don’t want it tonight.”
“You must trust me on this one,” Mario spoke over Annabel. “If you’ve had the Domaine you know it’s the superior wine. It will enhance your meal and…”
“No,” Annabel sat back and folded her hands in her lap.
“My sweet Ms. Rouch…” Mario pushed.
“Mario, I know what I want,” Annabel said.
“Of course,” Mario said. “If it’s the cost…”
Annabel said nothing but only stared at him.
“Forgive me,” Mario said realizing he handled the situation wrong.
“Fetch the Marcassin Estate 2010,” Annabel said.
“If you insist,” Mario rolled his eyes and turned away from the table.
“He’s a snob,” Ryan muttered as he watched the man walk away.
“He’s an alphahole and a snob,” Annabel sighed. “I hate dealing with alphaholes.”
“Alphahole,” Andrew frowned.
“Men who think when a woman disagrees with them if they explain it slowly or loudly enough, they will convince the woman he’s correct,” Annabel said. “They are the take charge must do things their way no matter whether someone has a different or better idea.”
“I’m a take charge guy,” Andrew scowled.
“Yes, but you’re definitely not an asshole about it,” Ryan said. “I’ve seen you listen to our guys and consider their suggestions even when it takes time and their suggestions won’t work.”
“Which makes you an alpha male in your work,” Annabel said. “It doesn’t make you an alphahole.”
“I’m not sure I see the difference,” Andrew frowned.
“The distinction being you’re considerate and open to others’ thoughts and opinions and don’t spend a lot of time explaining to women how you know better,” Annabel said.
“You don’t mind strong men,” Andrew murmured as Mario returned. She took his hand and squeezed before putting her hands back in her lap.
Mario returned, “Here’s the wine you requested.” He poured it for a taste and handed it to Andrew.
Andrew raised his eyebrows and handed it to Annabel without saying anything.
Annabel sipped, hummed her pleasure. She turned to Andrew and offered him a sip, “What do you think?”
He took the glass and sipped. “You’ve selected an excellent wine.” He handed the glass to Ryan.
“Delicious,” Ryan sipped and grinned.
“Well now,” Mario’s eyes went wide but he poured three glasses of the wine.
“Thank you,” Annabel said with a tone of impatience.
Eleanor served their meal and came to check on them. The conversation turned general. Halfway through their main course, Annabel stiffened and paused as she took a bite.
“What’s wrong,” Ryan put a hand on her thigh.
“Gerald Montgomery just walked in,” Andrew noted the gossip blogger.
“He’s a bastard,” Annabel muttered. She toyed with her food and sat back.
“His blog is full of venom,” Andrew met eyes with Ryan.
“He’ll have nasty things to say about the three of us,” Annabel continued eating though she wanted to get out of there.
“He’s been on a tear about one judge,” Ryan said. “I don’t read him regularly but his column shows up in my feed. Some judge is getting great coverage by him.”
“Hmmm, my ex. Gerald doesn’t like me so will do almost anything to put me down and show me up.” Annabel sipped her wine.
“Do you want to go,” Ryan asked.
She smiled, “And let them win? I don’t think so.”
“Is he one of the ones who...” Andrew stopped not knowing how to ask.
“He’s an alphahole in and out of bed,” Annabel said. “I made a mistake taking him as a lover.”
“Bastard,” Andrew muttered. He made a point of turning his back on Gerald. He kept his eyes on Annabel. “How’s Olivia?”
“She’s looking forward to coming home for the holidays,” Annabel said.
“When will she be home,” Ryan asked.
They chatted through dessert about Olivia and her plans for the holidays.
Annabel paid for dinner and the two men paid a large tip to Eleanor. Annabel handed her a card. “If you want different work, speak with Charles.”
“Ma’am,” Eleanor slid the card into her pocket. She smiled, “Thank you.”
“Do you do that often,” Ryan asked.
“Do what?” Annabel slid into the driver’s seat of her car. Ryan got in the back while Andrew walked around to the passenger side.
“Hire people you have no idea what their background is,” Ryan said.
“No actually, I don’t,” Annabel said. “Charles will find a place for her if she calls.”
“You’re a very generous woman,” Andrew took her hand. He noted her relaxed state as she pulled out of the parking lot. “Are you embarrassed by being seen with us?”
“Never,” Annabel said. “But I guarantee Gerry will have pictures of us up tomorrow and he’ll make them seem disgusting.”
“We ate dinner,” Andrew said.
Annabel took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “You go to his site and search for all the columns on me. He hates me. He twists things until they are ugly and so far from the truth no one recognizes it.”
“It was a meal and you were cool from the point he showed up,” Andrew said.
“Any other media, I wouldn’t have withdrawn,” Annabel confessed. “Gerry’s had it in for me for the last few years.”
“Why,” Ryan leaned forward to run his hand soothingly down her arm.
“My ex-husband liked to feed him stories,” Annabel tapped her finger on the steering wheel. “Do you want to hear about my past? We haven’t really touched on this.”
“Tell us,” Andrew asked.
“Don’t order me... No. I take that back.” Annabel sighed. “Sorry, I should take my testiness with them out on you. Gerald Montgomery and my ex-husband did a smear on me. My ex used to give him hints when we were out. He liked the exposure, any and all exposure. If I’m honest, I’ll confess to enjoying the kind words about my clothing and how I looked. It was good for my ego. I wasn’t thrilled with it being every time. He even did it after I had a miscarriage. I just wanted to go home and sleep but there were cameras and media. It was one of the last straws.”
“Your ex leaked it,” Andrew felt his gut tighten at the thought of putting her through a media blitz like that.
“When I realized he was cheating on me, I threw him out. He used Gerald to smear me,” Annabel said. “He told him I cheated... it got ugly.”
“Fucker,” Andrew raised her hand and kissed her palm.
“I’ve mostly let it go,” Annabel smiled at Andrew. “I have you and Ryan so that makes life better. Are you up for some private entertainment at my place?”
“Definitely,” Ryan squeezed her upper arm as his eyes met Andrew’s.
Andrew kissed her palm and gently kissed his way up her arm. “Whatever you want, we’re eager to give you pleasure.”
“Did you see his blog,” Ryan stormed into Andrew’s office with his tablet in one hand and his other fisted.
“I’m looking now,” Andrew said.
“It was a meal,” Ryan said. “He makes it sound like she stripped us naked on the table and fucked us right there.”
“How did he get the video,” Andrew watched as he turned his back on Gerald to pay closer attention to Annabel.
“He calls us pussy whipped,” Ryan clenched his teeth.
“He calls her worse,” Andrew skimmed down the blog. “Who wants to read this bile?”
“Such toxic maliciousness,” Ryan complained. “Because she sat at a table with two men. What would he have said if she were there with women? For all he knew, it might have been a business meeting.”
“No wonder she was upset,” Andrew read the blog and started over. “What can we do about this?”
“If we confront him, it gives him more power,” Ryan leaned against Andrew’s desk.
“We definitely don’t want to do that,” Andrew said. “Does she want us to do anything?”
“What do you want to do,” Ryan shifted his gaze from the tablet to Andrew.
“Probably the same as you... take a crew of our guys and drag this bastard into a dark alley,” Andrew took the tablet out of Ryan’s hands. “What about you?”
“I’m vindictive,” Ryan grinned. “You know I’m the easy going one.”
“Yeah, I know,” Andrew snorted. “Everyone knows that.”
“I want to go after the judge, her ex, and the fucker blogger,” Ryan said. “I want to dig up their dirty laundry and let everyone see what shits they are.”
“Alphaholes,” Andrew spit out the word he heard from Annabel. “Were we gentle enough with her last night?”
“We did exactly what she told us to,” Ryan said. “She’s precious.”
“Do you think we should meet her kid?”
“Leave it in her hands. I think our Annabel will be fiercely protective of her daughter,” Ryan said. “I want to meet her. I want to spend holidays with her but we’re just getting started.”
“I respect her more for not introducing us to her,” Andrew admitted. “We should send her something.”
“Flowers? Candy? Balloons?”
“Seems typical,” Andrew said. “We need something over the top.”
“We could visit our favorite store and send her something,” Ryan said. “We should still do flowers and candy.”
“I’ll order them right away. Send to her office or home,” Andrew asked.
“Both,” Ryan said.
“I’ll put both our names on it,” Andrew said. “I’ve got meetings until six tonight. Want to go over to the other store after?”
“Yes,” Ryan grinned. “While the vengeful side of us wants to protect and act the alpha male, we’re aware she can take care of herself.”
“Her PR will do something,” Andrew said. “She’s good at PR.”
“Fucker,” Charles growled as he sat across from Annabel.
“It’s more of the same,” Annabel said. “I’m ignoring it.”
“Doesn’t mean those of us who care about you don’t want to egg his house,” Charles took a deep breath.
“Are you twelve,” she smiled. “I appreciate it. I’ve already given Olivia a heads up. So, it won’t surprise her.”
“The video shows three adults having a meal together what does he see in it,” Charles complained. “I’ll get PR on this.”
“If we respond, it gives him power over and knowledge he hit a sore spot.”
“You always say that,” Charles said. “Our PR experts would like a chance to defend you.”
“I don’t need defending against toads like that,” Annabel shifted her gaze from the spreadsheet she read to Charles. “I appreciate it. I really do but if I react in anyway, he’ll blow it up bigger.”
“Maybe we have some announcements we could push out,” Charles suggested. “Donations?”
“Not today or even this week,” Annabel shook her head. “It’s them being alphaholes and I’m not willing to respond to them.”
“Next week,” Charles asked.
“Check with PR and see what they have,” Annabel said. “This type of thing doesn’t hurt the business.”
“But it hurts your heart,” Charles hit the nail on the head.
“Maybe,” Annabel closed her eyes. “Okay. Yes. But last night after the bastard showed up and ruined my night, Andrew and Ryan were so...”
“It was a good night,” Charles finished for her.
“It was an excellent night,” Annabel said.
“Are you falling in love,” Charles asked.
“Can I fall in love with two men?”
“Good question. Here’s another... would you want either of them to go away?”
“No.” Alarm jolted through her as she considered not having them in her life. “It’s all new. I don’t want to spoil it.”
“Winter holidays are coming up,” Charles said. “Will you invite them to meet Olivia?”
“Livi and I will talk about it this week,” Annabel bit her lip.
“You do want them to meet her, don’t you?”
“I do but if they hate each other, do I walk away? I’ve always put Livi first.”
“You can’t let it hinge on one meeting,” Charles said. “Do a short meeting and then something longer.”
“Like have them join us for an hour of appetizers or something,” Annabel asked.
“Yes, she knows you’re living an alternate lifestyle. Do you think she’ll disapprove?”
“She’s the one who helped me pick an outfit the first time we got together. And many times since. She knows. I don’t hide things from her.”
“Mostly,” Charles tipped his head.
“She was a child,” Annabel said.
“Yeah. I’m glad you got rid of that husband. Huh. You got a delivery. Be right back.” He set his tablet on her desk and walked out to his office. Annabel saw a message from his assistant on his tablet.
He walked in with a huge bouquet of flowers. He wrapped his arms around it to carry it. Hastily, Annabel cleared the far corner of her desk. “Here’s the card,” he handed it to her. “These are gorgeous.”
Annabel took the card and leaned forward to smell the flowers. “Thoughtful... maybe.”
“No hate flowers,” Charles watched her open the card. When he saw her smile, he sighed his relief. “From your men?”
“Yes. It’s extremely sweet.”
“And you’re sliding it into your date book. How will you reward them?”
“I have my ways,” she grinned. “Go find out what PR says.”
She watched him walk out of the room. She took a picture of the flowers and sent it to them.
These are beautiful! I love getting a variety of flowers. It lightens my day, just like you lightened my night last night.
Glad you like them
There’s more. We have a surprise. ??
I’m available after 8 tonight. Would you mind if we stayed in? Pizza and beer maybe?
She smiled at their reply.
“It sounds like the ex and the blogger sucked and your guys stepped up,” Olivia smiled as she saw the joy on her mother’s face.
“They sent flowers and candy to both my office and here at home,” Annabel gushed. “No one’s ever… it’s very sweet.”
“It sure is,” Olivia said. “What are you pushing out to counter the blog?”
“What do you mean,” Annabel leaned back from the flowers and curled up on her sofa.
“Whenever your exes are horrible, your PR department puts out some announcement saying how great you are,” Olivia said.
“They’re just announcing stuff which was already in the works,” Annabel said. “I’m not letting them this time. Eventually, Gerry will throw enough dirt it will miss me and land on him.”
“What did you do for your guys,” Olivia asked. “You always give the best gifts.”
“We went to an art showing last night. I bought a couple of things for them,” Annabel confessed.
“Ooooo, sexy pictures?”
“No just ones they expressed an interest in,” Annabel said. She thought about the sexy ones but she wanted Andrew to choose them if he wanted them.
“There’s a lot of good things going on,” Olivia said. “I’m glad. Don’t let the alphaholes tear you apart.”
“I won’t. I definitely will not let these two go,” Annabel smiled.