“ I nvite them to Thanksgiving,” Olivia told her mother.
“I don’t want to push these two on you,” Annabel said.
“Mom, do you have strong feelings for them?”
“We haven’t talked about feelings,” Annabel confessed.
“You haven’t told them,” Olivia said. “But you do have strong feelings for them.”
“You are first,” Annabel assured her.
“Mom, I know you have my back,” Olivia said. “When you believed me and protected me. Now fess up.”
“Fess up? What have you been reading? I swear, I’m paying for this education and you’d think it would provide you with a better education than for you to say… fess up.”
“I can actually hear you rolling your eyes.” Annabel laughed as she slid her high heels on. “I have significant feelings for them.”
“Then invite them to join us for Thanksgiving,” Olivia said. “I want to meet them and if I hate them or one of them makes a move on me, then I’ll tell you and it will be just us again.”
“Is that what you want,” Annabel asked.
“No. I want you happy and I want me happy. Can we try for that?”
“Yes but no falling in love. Trust me. You’re too young.”
“I plan to sow my wild oats,” Olivia laughed when her mother groaned. “Mark Twain is a fascinating author.”
“Yeah, well read something better like Shakespeare or some poetry,” Annabel smiled. “I must finish getting ready. They’ll be here in a few minutes.”
“What are you wearing?”
“Remember my outfit the first night,” Annabel asked. When her daughter hummed her acknowledgement, she grinned. “I’m leaving the pants off.”
“Button down white shirt, bustier, and high heels,” Olivia said. “Hotter than hot mama.”
“They brought me a box of goodies from the sex shop we went to,” Annabel said. “We’ll be utilizing some of them tonight.”
“Care to share,” Olivia dared her mother.
“No. Because as much as I love you, you don’t need to know more about my sex life,” Annabel said.
“Your very not vanilla sex life,” Olivia said. “Love you.”
“Love you too,” Annabel hung up the phone as her doorbell rang. She stood, glanced at the mirror and mussed up her hair. Walking to the door, she checked the video security and opened it to Ryan and Andrew.
Leaning against the door, she said, “I have plans for you.”
“May I take off the belt,” Andrew asked.
“Not until you are appropriately dressed,” Annabel reached forward and grabbed his belt. She slid it open as she pulled him over the threshold. Her lips met his as she reached for Ryan. “I need you both so much right now.”
“We’re at your command,” Ryan felt his cock harden as she leaned towards him.
Annabel strode into her office and people buzzed around her asking for a signature, direction on projects, and more. She thought about her sexy time with Ryan and Andrew. This morning they woke together. It felt so good waking up between them. It felt even better when they asked her for morning sex and then did everything she told them to.
“Had a good night,” Charles asked as she set her purse down on her desk and took off her jacket.
“Hmmm absolutely,” Annabel said.
“We’ve got reports in from Shawna Miller,” Charles said as he motioned to her computer. “There’s video, pictures, and documentation.”
“Albert Plank,” Annabel said. “Get the lawyers involved. No. I want to talk to Shawna first. Then we get the lawyers involved.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Charles grinned. “I love it when you’re billionaire Annabel Rouch. It is powerful.”
“I won’t allow one single woman to be treated the way Albert Plank treats women,” Annabel said. “Be subtle I don’t want him getting wind of this.”
“I’m sure she’s got a sick grandmother or something,” Charles said.
“Now, what’s next,” Annabel asked.
“Did you finalize your arrangements for Thanksgiving?”
“Sort of,” Annabel hedged realizing she forgot to ask Andrew and Ryan.
“What did Olivia say,” Charles tilted his head as he recognized her evasive answer.
“She said to invite them,” Annabel said. She sorted mail and set it aside to address later.
“But you don’t want to?”
“I want to but I sort of forgot.”
“Were they distracting?”
“Yes,” Annabel grinned.
“You should order them to come to your office and ask them,” Charles said.
“You just want an up close look at them,” Annabel sat in her chair.
“Take out your phone and tell them you need to talk to them. Ask them when they have a free hour.” Charles crossed his arms. “I promise to guard your door so no one gets in.”
“I can ask…” she frowned as she checked her calendar.
“Yeah. You’re busy. Not a lot of time for sexy time. Text them.”
Annabel raised her eyebrows and stared at him for long minutes. She rolled her eyes and snorted. “You are the only one who doesn’t whither under my woman of all things look.”
“Text them.”
Would you have an hour you could come to my office today? I need to ask you something and I want to do it in person.
“There, you happy?”
“They’ll think you want to break up with them.”
“What? No. I… well shit.”
Is there a problem?
Andrew texted.
I’ve got a full schedule but can shift things. I want to ask you something, I meant to last night but we got distracted.
We’re booked until 3 ????
Great! I’ll see you at 3.
“I’ll clear your schedule for an hour or ninety minutes.”
“One question won’t take ninety minutes,” Annabel scoffed.
“I know,” Charles laughed as he retreated to rework her schedule.
“I should fire you…” Annabel called after him. Once the door closed, she muttered. “Or give him another raise.”
By half past two, Annabel was ahead of schedule and waiting on her men. She read reports and reviewed the evidence Shawna provided. She closed it down, took out another report, and answered emails. She realized she was about to answer the same email a second time so she locked her computer and got up to pace.
Nerves . She thought. I’m actually nervous to ask them.
She heard the phone buzz and Charles announced them. She stopped in the middle of her office and waited for the door to open. She saw the uncertainty on their faces. Stepping close to them, she took Ryan’s mouth before the door closed. When she finished kissing him, she took Andrew’s mouth.
“I didn’t mean to worry you,” she said noting the faint lines of concern on their faces. “Come and sit.”
They sat on the sofa as they kept their eyes on her. She laughed and hiked up her skirt to sit on Ryan’s lap. She sat astride him. “I know I take the lead but there are actual times I am nervous. This is one of them.”
“Just say it out loud,” Andrew bit the words out.
She leaned over and loosened his tie and cupped his cheeks. “Is that an order?”
“No, it’s a desperate attempt to find out why you wanted us to come here,” Ryan said.
“I talked to Olivia,” Annabel stepped back from them.
“You said as much last night,” Andrew gripped her hand.
“Yes but I meant to ask you something along with telling you,” Annabel said. “But seeing you in the collars really did things to me and I lost track of what I meant to ask you.”
“Which is,” Andrew grinned as he turned her hand over and kissed her palm before nibbling his way to her wrist.
“Would you care to join Olivia and I for Thanksgiving next week?” She blurted it out. She meant to preface it with details.
“Huh,” Andrew said. “Who’s cooking?”
“I am. Well Olivia and I usually cook together,” Annabel said.
“Do you have the meal planned,” Ryan asked as he leaned forward.
“I mean… it’s Thanksgiving,” Annabel tried to take her hand back from Andrew but he continued to kiss his way up her arm. “I cannot think when you do that.”
“We’ll come but I want to cook,” Andrew muttered against her arm.
“I… hmmmmm,” Annabel leaned closer to the sofa.
“May I unzip your skirt?” Ryan asked as he reached for her skirt.
“Yes,” Annabel said. She let them do what they wanted. Ryan and Andrew teased her clothes off her.
“Should we lock the door,” Andrew asked.
“Charles will keep everyone out,” she leaned her head back as Ryan skimmed his teeth down her neck.
“Good,” Andrew grinned as he undid her bra and slipped it off her shoulders.
“Oh… I have a meeting in…” Annabel said.
“He’ll let you know,” Andrew nibbled his way to the curve of her breast.
“Protection?” She tried to keep some logic but her mind was fast letting go of everything except what they did to her.
Ryan reached in his pocket and pulled out two condoms. “He’s got more.”
“You two are naughty,” Annabel let go and felt their bodies against hers. She wasn’t sure how they took off clothes but their skin on her skin felt erotic. She felt the heat of them pressing against her.
Fingers pressed into her core and her bum. “Is this what you want from us,” Andrew murmured.
“Yes, I want more,” Annabel demanded. They stumbled around until Ryan hit her desk. He pushed behind him, sending the papers and mail into disarray. She didn’t care.
Andrew lifted her so she slid down Ryan’s hard cock. She threw her head back and bumped into Andrew. Their lips met while Ryan cupped her breasts and sucked in one nipple. His teeth dragged along it and slipped over to her other one. Her hands gripped his shoulders. He leaned back as Andrew slipped his cock slowly next to Ryan’s. The two of them in her core.
She moaned as she sucked on Ryan’s neck. Her nipples brushed against the soft hair on his chest. They withdrew together and thrust in together. Slow and steady. “I… oh… I’ve never… hmmmm…”
“Do you want us to stop?”
“Keep going,” she reached an arm back to hold Andrew in place.
“As you wish,” he murmured.
They stretched her but it felt so good with just a hint of pain. Andrew reached around her and toyed with her. He rubbed and pressed. He pinched and tugged. She moaned and squeaked until they drove her from mindless to over the top.
“I’m cumming,” she trembled between them as the orgasm ripped through her. She felt them jerk and jerk again.
“Yesssss,” Andrew hissed out his climax.
Ryan reached around the two of them and gripped them tight to him as he jerked. “Annabel…”
They lay breathless for long moments. She heard their hearts pounding along with hers. It felt good. Even when they took the lead this time, it felt good.
“Are you all right,” Andrew asked quietly.
“Stay still for a little longer,” she gripped his arm and held him in place. “Have either of you done this before?”
“No,” Ryan confessed. “Did we hurt you?”
“I’m tingling,” she snorted. “If Charles rings through, I’m killing him.”
“You’re incredible,” Andrew said.
It took them moments to settle. They stepped into Annabel’s private bathroom to clean up and discard the condoms. She laughed, “This is the first time I’ve had sex in my office. I’m not sure this can be topped.”
Andrew handed her skirt to her. “Best thing to happen to me.”
“Next time you ask us to come to your office we definitely won’t be nervous,” Ryan chuckled as he held her close. He buttoned her shirt for her.
“Breakups are for private,” Annabel said. “Not for my work area.”
“What time are you done tonight,” Andrew asked.
Annabel walked to her desk. Shook her head at the mess they made before reaching in her drawer for a sticky pad and pen. She wrote on it. “I have meetings until eleven but I usually run behind on days like this. The first number will get you in the elevator and onto my floor. The second number will get you into my place. Once you’re inside, type in the last number on the security panel.”
“You’re giving us access to your private space,” Andrew stared at the note.
“Yes, but I’d still prefer you let me know when you plan to come over,” Annabel said. “I’m tired of comparing schedules. If you want to come tonight, or any time, this will get you in. Please remember that starting on Wednesday, Olivia will be around.”
“Wow,” Ryan said.
“You trust us with this and your daughter,” Andrew whispered it and shifted his eyes from the sheet in his hand to her eyes.
“I do,” Annabel admitted.
Andrew leaned close and gently brushed his lips over hers. Ryan grinned as he watched them.
Ryan and Andrew rode the elevator up to Annabel’s place. “How are we handling this,” Ryan asked again.
“By ear,” Andrew reminded him. “We can’t plan a strategy. We have to see how she takes us and how the two of them behave together.”
“This is a big step,” Ryan adjusted the bags of groceries.
“It’s a holiday weekend,” Andrew muttered. “I don’t know if this is a test or if it’s a casual thing.”
“What if she hates us,” Ryan asked.
“Annabel will drop us,” Andrew said. “I don’t know for sure but I think she’ll put her daughter before us.”
“As she should I guess but I don’t want to lose her.”
“No, I don’t either. Hopefully, she’s like Annabel and we’ll get along,” Andrew said.
“We’re not daddy,” Ryan scowled.
“Definitely not,” Andrew said. “We’ll take our lead from her. We’ll let her tell us what role she wants us to take.”
“Makes sense,” Ryan turned to Andrew and buttoned a button on his shirt.
“You look great,” Andrew smiled and put his arm around him. “It will be all right.”
They stepped out of the elevator and stood in front of the door. Andrew tapped in the code and they walked in. Calling out, he said, “Hey, we’re here!”
“Hey,” Olivia rose from the sofa in the living room. Her eyes swept over the two men who stepped nervously into her home. “Mom’s changing clothes.”
“I’m Andrew,” he introduced himself and moved to the kitchen.
“You’re cooking. I’m impressed already,” Olivia said. “I hate cooking. This means you’re Ryan.”
“Yes,” Ryan swallowed and hesitated before he followed Andrew.
“Mom talks about you all the time,” Olivia said as she took one of the stools by the breakfast bar.
“She’s a special woman,” Ryan started unloading the bags he carried.
“I know,” Olivia said. She glanced towards Annabel’s bedroom. “Mom will kill me for saying this. You hurt her, I’ll make it my life to hurt you worse.”
“I’ve heard your mother threaten people,” Ryan snorted. “You need to put more ooomfff in it.”
“You don’t think I’m serious,” Olivia raised her eyebrow just like Annabel did when she challenged them.
“Oh, we know you’re serious,” Andrew smiled. “You don’t quite have the power your mother does.”
“Yeah, I know but you should know, I mean it,” Olivia smiled.
“We will do our best not to hurt her,” Ryan laid a hand over hers.
“Good. What are we eating tonight? I’m starving,” Olivia said.
“We brought… hmmmm,” Andrew shifted his gaze from Olivia to Annabel. His eyes widened with pleasure and his mouth smiled on seeing her.
Annabel swept into the kitchen. She pulled Ryan to her for a long warm kiss. “Hi,” she murmured softly.
She moved from Ryan who couldn’t take his eyes off her to Andrew. He lowered his head to meet her lips. She cupped his cheeks and smiled before her lips captured his and demanded attention. “Hi.”
Olivia grinned, “Do I need a bucket of cold water?”
“It wouldn’t help,” Ryan said.
“They introduced themselves,” Olivia said. “I see you’re happy they’re here.”
“Yes,” Annabel said. “Now who needs to do what? Andrew?”
“Mom needs to come out of the kitchen and let the men handle it,” Olivia teased.
“Your mother’s very good at specific tasks in the kitchen,” Ryan diplomatically informed.
“Ordering and setting a pretty table,” Annabel laughed.
“You manage other things, but I still remember the fire one Thanksgiving,” Olivia teased.
“Oh, I need to hear that story,” Andrew leaned on the counter.
“I might be willing to tell you,” Olivia said. “Can I have wine with dinner?”
“You’re not twenty one yet,” Andrew turned to Annabel.
“We’ll discuss it,” Annabel said.
“Oh, you did not just pull out your stock answer for no without saying no,” Olivia laughed. “Fine, but dinner better be good.”
“Are you having sex with them while I’m here,” Olivia asked.
“I don’t know,” Annabel watched her two men walk to her bedroom. “Would it bother you to know we did?”
“I like them,” Olivia confessed. “I don’t want to know what goes on in your bedroom. Though I intend to tease you about the two hunks you’re sleeping with.”
“I won’t be sharing what happens in my bedroom, just as I don’t expect you to share what happens in your bedroom,” Annabel said. “Does it bother you there are two?”
“It was a little odd to begin with but I see how they are with you,” Olivia said. “It’s so natural and comfortable. How are you handling the media?”
“Not at this point,” Annabel confessed. “They you saw the one blog.”
“Nothing’s come of it,” Olivia said. “I’m not giving you my stamp of approval yet but so far so good.”
“But you’re not telling me to boot them out of my place either,” Annabel said.
“Nope,” Olivia said. “I’m headed to bed. Mom.”
“Enjoy them. I like what I see so far.”
Annabel rose with her daughter and hugged her. Her heart felt a lot lighter as she watched her daughter walk to the opposite side of the apartment.
“So, Olivia gave you tentative approval,” Charles smirked as he sat down to their Monday morning one on one. “Does it help?”
“She doesn’t hate them,” Annabel frowned.
Charles shook his finger, “Uh ahhh. You said she liked them so far.”
“It does help,” Annabel admitted. “It feels like things fell into place.”
“How’s it going with them having access to your place,” Charles asked.
“They’ve given me keys to their places,” Annabel smiled. “It took me by surprise.”
“Where do you spend the most of your time,” Charles asked.
“My place is closest to both of our businesses,” Annabel said. “But Ryan’s pool has some delicious options. We’ve been to Andrew’s a couple times but he’s pushed away from being there since it’s under construction.”
“But you plan to change that,” Charles said.
“You butt in a lot,” Annabel wrinkled her nose. “Yes, his house offers other sexually enticing things.”
“Do tell,” Charles grinned.
“No,” Annabel said. “Now what’s on the agenda for this morning?”
“You’re no fun,” Charles teased before launching into an outline of her morning meetings. They discussed the meetings and who she wanted in each one. She took the few folders and found the rest online. Ninety minutes later, Charles rose from the chair. “What will you do for Christmas?”
“Ugh,” Annabel said. “Ignore it if I can.”
“You have all your shopping done for Olivia,” Charles reminded her.
“I have one or two smaller things I want to get her,” Annabel waved him away. “Don’t spoil my mood with holiday talk.”
Charles laughed as he stepped back into his office.