“ Y ou don’t want to exchange gifts,” Andrew frowned.
“We can if you want,” Annabel said. “I’ve received so many bad gifts, I don’t like…”
“We’re being judged based on previous lovers,” Ryan muttered.
“Yes, I guess you are,” Annabel said.
“We don’t have to celebrate a religious holiday,” Andrew said. “But you’re getting gifts for Olivia.”
“I have gifts for her. We do a tree. She likes it. I have someone in to put up a tree and we hang ornaments,” Annabel wrinkled her nose.
“May we put up the tree? I love putting up trees and decorating them,” Ryan admitted.
“He does several in our offices and at his home,” Andrew smiled. “Last year he did themes on comic books in his house.”
They watched her face. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “I’ve had so many bad holidays. Olivia understands as she’s seen them.”
“You can be as grumpy about the holiday as you want,” Andrew shifted closer and wrapped his arm around her.
“One tree,” Ryan said. “Over in the corner by the fireplace.”
“Lights,” Annabel said. “I like lights.”
“We can do lights everywhere,” Ryan knelt on the sofa next to her. “Annabel?”
“Yes, but do it while I’m not here,” she acquiesced. “Olivia will love it. No decorating the tree.”
“You have a tradition,” Andrew said.
“She and I do it on Christmas Eve,” Annabel said. “She’s already asked if you’ll join us so I hope you will.”
“We’ll be here,” Andrew said. “Now about gifts. How about little things? Nothing over fifty?”
“I’m buying you ugly holiday sweaters,” Annabel threatened.
“Great. We have a contest at the office,” Andrew grinned.
“Some of our gifts need to be private,” Ryan smirked as he nudged her neck.
“I might be interested in those private ones,” Annabel turned to capture his lips. “All right. One gift each of whatever nature you want.”
“Nope,” Andrew said. “I know you’re the negotiating queen but I have no less than five things in mind for you.”
“If I hate these gifts, I’ll punish you,” she warned as she tugged the buttons open on his shirt.
“Annabel,” Ryan murmured her name.
“I have plans for you but we have to settle this holiday thing,” Annabel sighed.
Andrew leaned his forehead against hers. “Not holiday. Gift exchange. If you hate them, you’ll tell us and we’ll learn from it. If you love it, next year there will be no limitations.”
“I am not agreeing to no limitations,” Annabel snorted.
“Fewer limitations,” Ryan suggested.
“I’m not having more than one tree,” Annabel rolled her eyes.
“What if Olivia wants one in her area?” Ryan shifted closer to her.
“You can ask her,” Annabel conceded.
“You’ll do anything for your daughter, won’t you?” Andrew tugged his shirt out of his pants as she rubbed her hand up and down his chest.
“Of all the things I’ve done in my life, she’s the best,” Annabel admitted.
“We admire you for that,” Ryan whispered in her ear.
“Annabel,” Andrew murmured her name as she tugged on his belt. “I am desperate for you.”
“You do know we had sex this morning,” she grinned as she pushed his shirt off his shoulders and pressed her body close to his.
“I want to be inside you,” Andrew moaned his neediness.
“Hmmmm,” she licked his neck, slipped her tongue along his chest, and captured his nipple.
“Anna… oh…. Hmmmm,” Andrew lost his mind as she teased his body. “Don’t stop.”
Ryan slipped his hand over her bottom. He leaned in. “Please…” he murmured.
“Bedroom,” Annabel raised her head saw the languid look in both their eyes and knew any discussion at this point was useless. “Bedroom and naked. Andrew?”
“Yes, anything, I’m yours to command,” he submitted to her.
“Carry me. Ryan, you go ahead of us and be naked by the time we get there,” Annabel ordered. “I’m weary of clothes.”
Ryan rushed into the bedroom leaving the doors open. He dragged his shirt over his head as he stepped into the bedroom. Pulling the blankets down on the bed, he moved to the closet and kicked off his shoes. He heard the rumble of Andrew’s groan as Annabel wrapped herself around him and sucked his neck. She’d leave a mark because she knew both her men liked her marks on them.
Ryan dragged his jeans down and got stuck in them. In attempting to step out of them, he fell against the wall. “Fuck,” he muttered.
“Yes, we will but not if your jeans are stuck on you,” Annabel teased him. “Andrew, put me down here.”
He let her feet fall and bent over so they touched the floor. “I need you,” he murmured.
“You definitely do,” Annabel smiled, kissed him. When she raised her head, she said, “I must help and punish Ryan. He’s a naughty boy. Go to bed and I’ll be there. There’s a position I’ve always wanted to try and think you’ll enjoy.”
“Yes, Annabel,” he pushed his jeans and underwear down and kicked off his shoes. He set them on the bench as he knew she liked a tidy room. His cock throbbed with need.
“You’ll be uncovered,” Annabel stroked her hand along the length of him. “I find I like the feel of you bare inside me.”
“Yeah? Me too,” he stayed where he was until she turned him and pushed him towards the bed.
“You better have control tonight,” she warned. “I’ll be testing you.”
“Yes, Annabel,” Andrew lay on the bed watching her and Ryan. He wanted to grab her from behind and bend her over. He wanted too much but knew the moment he tried to dominate her; she’d withdraw. He’d get no satisfaction and he didn’t really want to be alpha in this aspect of their lives.
“Ryan,” she shook her head and pushed him until he plopped onto the floor. She tugged on the hem of his skinny jeans. “I like how the skinny jeans show off your assets but when I want you naked, I don’t want to have to yank off the jeans.” She pushed his pants up and found the cuff of both pants’ legs. She yanked, jerking his clothes off him.
“You’re punishing me,” Ryan flushed.
“You get the chair tonight,” Annabel reached a hand to help him up.
“For how long,” his Adam’s apple bounced as he realized he’d have to keep control while he watched them. His breath came in gasps at the prospect of watching what she did and made Andrew do.
“Well, it depends on Andrew’s skill,” Annabel led him to the chair. She slipped her hand down his chest. Pressing her body close to his, she reached behind them and spanked him.
He yipped and felt his balls throb. “I’ll stay here as long as you say.”
“Yes and keep your eyes open and your climax… if you cum, you’ll have to smear it all over you,” she gave him permission to get over stimulated by what he was about to see. “I’ll make you cum a second time.”
“Oh, fuck me,” Ryan moaned.
“Yes, eventually, we’ll get there,” Annabel turned and walked to the side of the bed. “Are you both watching?”
“Yes, Annabel,” they intoned together.
“Good,” she smiled slowly and watched the heat in their eyes. “Tonight, you’ll lose your minds.”
She slipped the sweater she wore over her head. Beneath she wore a simple blue lace bra. She knew they liked her in lace. She threw the sweater at Ryan. He caught it and laid it on the bench by Andrew’s pants all without taking his eyes off her.
“Stunning,” he murmured.
She slipped the casual pants she wore down her legs. Beneath the matching lace underwear peeked out as she slipped the pants down.
“Gorgeous,” Andew wanted to reach out and draw her to him.
“Think carefully,” Annabel smiled. “You have two choices. I can keep these bits of lace on and our evening will be enjoyable.”
“I like that idea,” Ryan rushed with an answer.
“Or,” Andrew asked as he gripped the headboard.
“Or I’ll be as naked as you and we’ll try something a little different,” she put her hands behind her back waiting for an answer.
“We have to agree, don’t we?” Ryan met Andrew’s eyes.
“Yes, because one set of activities will not lead into the other,” Annabel said. “Times ticking.” In her head, she counted a slow count to ten.
“I need to be inside her,” Andrew said again.
“Lacy sexy lingerie,” Ryan shrugged. “Inside her is better.”
“Times up,” Annabel said.
“Naked. Please, we want you naked,” Andrew said.
“Good choice,” Annabel said. She slipped one strap down and then the other. She held both men riveted as she did a little strip tease for them. Reaching behind her, she undid the bra. She held it on her breasts as she slipped her arms out of the straps. Grinning, she wiggled her hips and dropped the bra.
Ryan’s hands reached out to her. His breath caught in his throat as he watched her reveal her breasts. “So fucking sexy.”
“I’m glad you think so,” Annabel smiled. She wiggled her hips as she hooked her fingers in the sides of the underwear. She jerked the sides and the tear away underwear came away in her hand. Ryan moaned but stayed in the chair.
“You blow my mind,” Andrew said as his cock throbbed up and down.
“Oh… I’m just getting started,” Annabel leaned over. “Here’s the rules for tonight. You climax when you need to. But you only do what I tell you to as we go along.”
“You don’t care when we cum,” Andrew frowned for a moment.
“Or where?” Ryan murmured.
“I’m fairly confident I’ll make you cum more than once or twice,” Annabel grinned. “I’m kneeling over your face; do you know what I want?”
“Yes,” Andrew realized the only answer he planned to give was an affirmative to whatever she wanted.
“Hands and mouth,” she instructed as she got in position kneeling over his face and facing Ryan. “You will keep your eyes right here until I climax for the first time. Then you will follow the same rules.”
“Yes, Annabel,” Ryan gripped the arms of the chair. He wanted to rub his cock and cum but not before he saw what she planned.
Andrew squeezed her bum. He slipped his tongue along the length of her core.
“Hmmm good start,” Annabel murmured.
Slipping his finger around her clit, he moaned as she straightened above him. Her hands covered her mouth as she sighed and closed her eyes. She felt Andrew slip his fingers into her while his tongue worked her clit. She slid her hands down her neck, tipping her head back. Ryan sat transfixed by her movements. He heard Andrew hum his pleasure with her taste.
Annabel caressed her breasts, tugged on her nipples, “Yes, Andrew. Oh my. Right there. Hmmm so good. Bite me just a little. Oh… oh… yes.”
The more aroused Andrew made her, the harder she tugged on her nipples and squeezed her breasts. One hand slipped down her waist and tangled with Andrew’s hand for a moment.
“Annabel, oh cum for me, oh mistress, cum,” Andrew begged her.
She pressed her clit and slipped her finger in with his. Covered in juices, she swiped it up her body leaving a trail.
Ryan gripped the arms of the chairs. “Oh fuck. I… Andrew, I beg you make her cum.”
“Hmmmm,” Andrew sucked her clit and slipped his hand deep into her core.
“Yes. Don’t stop. Oh! Yes.” Annabel arched her back as her body tightened with her first orgasm. Panting, she leaned back.
“Mistress,” Andrew murmured. “Did you enjoy?”
“You…. Hmmmm. Yes, you did excellent,” Annabel complimented him. “Ryan?”
“Yes,” he growled.
“You’re too far away,” she smiled. Dropped to her hands and knees, she commanded, “Andrew start again. I need a second one. Ryan, you and I will share.”
“Share?” Ryan moved towards her.
Annabel lifted Andrews heavy shaft. “I’ll start at the top. You start on his balls.”
“Aaaaaggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh,” Andrew gurgled as he felt Annabel slip her tongue around the tip of his cock and Ryan suck in one of his balls. He tried to focus on arousing Annabel to another orgasm but so many stimuli. “I…”
“Don’t forget to cum as you please and give me another orgasm,” she instructed before her mouth enveloped him.
“Oh fuck,” he ground out. He pinched her clit, harder than he meant to but her hum told him it brought her pleasure. Hands and mouth did things he never considered before Annabel. He didn’t care if it was Ryan’s hand or Annabel’s rubbing the shaft of his cock. It all felt good.
Her breasts rubbed against the hard muscles in his stomach. The friction from his hair teased her nipples hard. Moaning, grunting, hums echoed in the room as they explored each other.
“Ryan,” Annabel murmured. “Lick here.” She pointed to the base of Andrew’s cock.
“Yes, Annabel,” Ryan leaned close and nipped one side of Andrew’s cock while Annabel nipped the other side. They worked their way up and down.
Andrew jerked and pressed his hips up.
“Andrew, do your fair share,” Annabel demanded even as she felt her body revving up for another orgasm. He found the spot deep in her which flipped a switch for her. When he slid his finger across it, it made her forget everything but the sensations rippling and roaring through her body.
“Ryan,” she met his eyes across Andrew’s cock. “You’re next. Everything we do to Andrew; he and I will do to you.”
“Yes,” he grinned. “Gives me incentive.”
She rubbed her tongue up and down Andrew’s shaft. “Drew, want to be in me?”
“Yes, please by all that’s merciful, I need the feel of you surrounding me,” he begged.
Ryan offered his hands for her to balance against as she shifted. He reached down and held Andrew’s cock to help her slip down the long length of him. Andrew rubbed his hands up her back and moaned long and low.
“Sit up,” she panted the words as she bit her lip. “Ryan, suck us. Go down on both of us.”
“Yes,” he kissed her and slid his mouth down her body. Andrew sat up giving her support while he cupped her breasts and felt her shifting on his cock.
“Fuck, I won’t last,” he ground out.
“Don’t try. I want you to cum often.” She attached her lips to his. She kept his mouth busy as she slipped up and down. He squeezed her breasts and tugged on her nipples.
Ryan watched them for moments before he lowered his mouth to where their bodies connected. He sucked in Andrew’s balls and licked his way to Annabel. He slipped a finger in and grinned when they both groaned. He sucked in her clit, used his tongue to flick it back and forth and pressed it.
She jerked frantically seeking the climax. “Oh, yes! Ryan, don’t stop. Andrew, oh Andrew, cum with me. I’m so close. Oh.”
“There… fuck,” Andrew murmured against her mouth.
Ryan wrapped his hand around Andrew’s balls and teased.
Their mutual climax drew out a bellow from Andrew and a sigh from Annabel. Ryan felt pride in bringing them to climax. Annabel leaned forward, out of breath and her voice sounded wispy and dreamy, “Thank you. You did an excellent job.”
Andrew held Ryan close to them. “Let us catch our breath and then I’ll take the punishment.”
“It wasn’t a punishment,” Ryan grinned. “I’m so hard I may jet in two seconds.”
“If you do,” Annabel grinned. “We’ll make you hard again.”
“You put up a tree,” Charles asked.
“No. I did nothing of the sort,” Annabel shifted reports on her desk. “Ryan and Andrew got it taken care of.”
“Did they do it naked,” Charles teased.
“It’s an artificial tree. Do you know how dangerous naked assembly of such a thing would be,” Annabel asked. “Besides, we get naked often enough.”
“Oh, please tell me,” Charles laughed.
“No,” Annabel grinned.
“Are you falling for these guys,” Charles asked seeing her glow.
“Maybe… yeah, I think I am,” Annabel smiled as she thought about Andrew and Ryan.
“Good,” Charles reached across the desk and picked up all the reports. “You need to shop for them.”
“We aren’t doing big gifts,” Annabel scowled.
“Think of this as acquiring a new business,” Charles handed her coat to her. “Go find them something they’ll like.”
“I can shop online,” Annabel said. “I don’t know their shirt or pants size.”
“Go to a sex shop and get them edible underwear or cock rings or custom condoms with their names on them,” Charles suggested as he tugged her out from behind her desk.
“Can you do that,” Annabel asked. She frowned as she put her coat on.
“I have no idea. Can’t you put a name on almost anything? You buy stuff for people all the time. Why are you so resistant to gifts at the holidays? You do for all the staff.”
“Do you know how many bad gifts I’ve gotten,” Annabel scowled in memories.
“Yes, and you’re the most gracious and kind person to not snap people’s heads off for giving you stupid things,” Charles said. “You can’t judge these two by your previous lovers.”
Annabel sighed and closed her eyes. “Fine. If this goes horribly wrong, I’m firing you. No. I’m demoting you to drudge and paying you a quarter a day.”
“Nice threat,” Charles laughed. “We both know you’ll be lost without me in half an hour.”
“Besides the point,” Annabel frowned. “Charles? What if I fuck it up?”
“Gifts? Do you know them?”
“Yes. I know Andrew likes to drink after sex and Ryan likes to nibble… on food,” she pushed him when he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “I know the music they both like. I know the food. I already got early copies of three cookbooks Andrew wanted. Ryan’s been eyeing up this new designer. So, I got him some clothes from the line which isn’t out yet. I’ve got some for them.”
“Olivia’s done? Go have a little sexy fun,” Charles said. He handed her a slip of paper. “This is the address for the two best sex shops in town.”
“What if someone sees me going in there,” Annabel thought of Gerald Montgomery and his nastiness.
“Are you afraid of the media?”
“Yes.” She sighed. “But they won’t stop me from being me. Fine. I’m going but don’t think you can boss me around.”
“I know who the boss is,” Charles winked at her.
“Yeah. Michael,” Annabel cupped his cheek and smiled.
“Go on, you hussy. Find some toys for your boy toys,” he laughed as he walked out with her.
“I’m buying Michael a punishment paddle for you,” Annabel threatened.
“Oooh, get one with glitter,” Charles grinned.
“Did you see the write up,” Andrew murmured as he sprawled on the couch.
“Bastard,” Ryan complained. “I’d like to get him in a back alley.”
“Mom won’t allow that,” Olivia approached from behind them. “If you’re talking about Gerald Montgomery, the little worm, we should collaborate on the destroy him plan.”
“She was having lunch with a business associate,” Andrew said.
“She demolished the man,” Ryan grinned. “You can tell from the video she’s giving him a dressing down.”
“I was firing his ass,” Annabel strode in barefoot and carrying three gifts. “He sexually harassed women in his department. I gave him the option to resign or be fired and have the ‘me too’ movement on his tale.”
“Bet he took the resigning option,” Olivia said.
“Prick asked for severance,” Annabel shook her head. “Where’s my wine? I want a large glass of wine and to spend some quiet time with people who don’t piss me off.”
“Oh? When do they arrive?” Olivia laughed as Ryan rose to pour a glass of wine.
“You’re still a teenager, you’re supposed to piss me off,” Annabel hugged Olivia.
“Who did you hire to do the decorating,” Olivia teased.
“These two did it,” Annabel leaned towards Ryan to brush her lips across his. “I didn’t have to think about anything.”
“It was fun,” Ryan said.
“He got to decorate two more trees,” Andrew laughed. “Made his week.”
“Olivia decorated her tree. I just helped.” Ryan shrugged at Andrew’s teasing.
“Presents. Let’s do presents,” Olivia demanded as she rose. “I’m starting. I’m the youngest and spoiled so you have to let me.” She grinned and laughed as they shrugged. Selecting three small presents, she handed one to each of them. “Before you open these, I know I’m being presumptuous here but I think these fit the three of you.”
Annabel opened the small box and gaped, “It’s beautiful. Did you make it?”
“I did,” Olivia bit her lip as she watched the two men stare at the box.
Andrew and Ryan saw matching necklaces. On the end, a triple spiral. “It’s a unique symbol.”
“It’s Celtic,” Olivia said. “I was doing a search on symbols and this one made me think of you. Three spirals all interconnected.”
“Which is sort of what the symbol means,” Annabel said.
“Sort of. It’s more big picture like eternity and cycles of life,” Olivia admitted. “I’m not pushing any of that. I just like how the three of you are together.”
“You made these?” Andrew took the necklace out and slipped it over his neck. “It’s beautiful work.”
“Thank you,” Olivia said. “I’ve seen you wear other chains and such.”
“You made this? Actually, like made it,” Ryan took it out and stared at the symbol. “It’s… I’m touched.”
“Great. Show me up,” Annabel said. “Now the tube socks I got them are going to be a real downer.”
“Mom,” Olivia rolled her eyes. “Do you like it?”
“It’s a perfect symbol of the three of us,” Annabel leaned over and hugged her daughter. She slipped the chain over her neck to match her men.
“Thank you.” Ryan and Andrew leaned to her and hugged her between them.
One by one they handed out gifts. Silly, sweet, fun gifts. Annabel sat back. She enjoyed the time the four of them spent together. She saw how Olivia enjoyed teasing Andrew and Ryan. She saw how the two of them weren’t quite sure how to handle her adult daughter but took it in stride.
Candles lit around the room. Music played softly. Laughter shared by the people she loved the most. She choked on her wine. Andrew turned, “You okay?”
Covering her mouth, she nodded, “Wrong tube.” When had her sexy time turned into feelings? She watched them and realized it was the first time since her first marriage she felt happy and content to be with people other than her daughter. Two of them. She loved two men.
Did they feel the same way?
Ryan leaned close, “Okay? You look a little baffled.”
“It’s the holidays,” she hugged him close. She needed to think about this.