Chapter Eleven
Alison woke to a cool, empty place alongside her on the bed. With his duties as second-in-command, Finn most likely rose early every day.
She looked at the slight stream of sunlight coming from underneath the window covering. She threw the bedcovers off and winced as she stood, a tad sore from the night before.
She flushed at the light blood stain on the bedclothes and assumed the maids would change it. What she wanted more than anything was a bath to soothe her, and then a ride on her horse, Bonnie-Bay. It would be nice if Mairi joined her, but she knew early morning was something her cousin rarely saw.
She requested the bath, and, although she had intended to soak for a while and enjoy it, she found herself too full of energy to spend time there.
After drying off, she quickly dressed and headed downstairs. She stopped at the great hall to grab an apple for Bonnie-Bay and a piece of warm bread and a chunk of cheese for herself.
She spent some time with Robin, Craig and their wives as they were getting ready to leave. Robin explained that he had left a lot of problems at Dun Ugadale that needed his attention.
“I apologize for no’ spending much time with ye,” she said, feeling a tad guilty about almost ignoring Finn’s family.
“No’ to worry, Alison, ye and Finn must come for a visit when ye get a chance,” Helena said.
After hugs, congratulations, and promises of a visit, she headed out of the keep and waved at Old Kilmead, who had been in charge of the stable since Alison had been a lass. He walked up to her, an odd expression on his face. “Good morn to ye, Lady Alison.”
“Good morn, is Bonnie-Bay ready for our ride?”
He took off his cap and rubbed his ever disappearing hair. “Well, lass, here is the thing. I have been given orders that ye are no’ allowed to ride outside the castle without an escort.”
Her jaw dropped. “An escort? I ne’er had one before.”
“Aye, ye did. When yer brothers were here to watch o’er ye.”
She placed her hands on her hips. “It’s been over a year since they died. I haven’t had an escort since then.” Suddenly an idea popped into her head. “Who gave ye this order?”
It was not necessary for her to wonder at his answer. “Finn,” they both said at the same time.
“Ye can get my horse ready. I will be having a word with my husband .”
She stomped away and headed directly to the lists. The men were already busy with their training. On the other side of the area, Finn stood, instructing a young lad in the proper way to swing his sword.
She cupped her hands alongside her mouth. “Finn!”
Several men turned in her direction, one of them almost slicing off his training partner’s ear.
Her husband called a stop to the training and stormed over to her. “What the devil are ye doin’, lass? I’ve told ye before ye are no’ to come near the lists when the men are training.”
She poked him in the chest. “Who gave ye the authority to order Old Kilmead no’ to let me ride my own horse outside the castle?”
“I’m the only authority needed. I am yer husband, and I doona intend to let ye put yerself in danger.” He leaned forward. “Yer da has been remiss in protecting ye.”
Alison drew herself up. “I am able to take care of myself. I doona need ye going behind my back and giving orders.”
“Nay, lass. As I said before, yer little dagger will only make it easy for a mon to take it from ye and slit yer throat. And for yer bow, do ye think yer attacker will just wait while ye draw your arrow to hit him in the chest?”
Her eyes narrowed. “No one has troubled me before.”
“Not ‘before,’ lass, the word is ‘yet.’”
Alison stomped her foot. “I told ye before we married that I willna have my independence taken away.”
“And I told ye I willna allow ye to put yerself in danger.”
They glared at each other until Alison growled and swung around, almost tossing herself to the ground. The sound of Finn’s laughter followed her back to the keep.
The warriors piled into the great hall for the nooning meal. Alison had been helping in the kitchen since two of the maids had both come down with an ague.
She wiped her forehead with her wrist and lifted another tray to carry platters of cold meat and stewed vegetables.
The first man she spotted was Finn. He was standing near the great hall door, hands on his hips speaking with her da. She gritted her teeth, still wanting to break something heavy over his head.
He turned as she drew near to the dais. He quickly left her da and took the tray from her. “Ye are the Lady of the Manor, wife, ye shouldna be carrying trays or working in the kitchen.”
She followed him as he carried the tray the rest of the way to the table. “Aye, I am the Lady of the Manor, so ‘tis my responsibility to see that everyone is fed. We have two sick kitchen maids.”
“I will help ye.”
They turned from the table and strode side by side to the kitchen. She grinned at the big oaf and said, “And think ye ‘tis okay for the second-in-command and future laird to work in the kitchen?”
He looked over at her with a surprised expression. “I hadna given that a lot of thought. Of being the future laird.” He placed his hand on her lower back as they entered the kitchen. “I am hoping no’ to have to assume those duties for some time.”
Future laird .
Finn thought about that as he continued to help Alison and the one maid who wasna sick deliver all the food to the great hall.
Although he knew that was part of the marriage agreement he and The Mackay had worked out, he still found it hard to believe he was the third son of his clan, hired here as the second-in-command and now had a much different life awaiting him.
As well as a wife who was determined to put herself in danger in the name of independence. He’d known her brothers Bryan and William. He also knew The Mackay for all his life, and was certain among the three men Alison would never have the type of independence she expected.
The best way to keep the lass close to home was to get her with a bairn. If she had one or two clinging to her skirts she would no’ have the time to get into trouble.
Once they finished their meal, he leaned back on his chair and said, “What say ye we travel to the village this afternoon?”
Her face lit up, making him feel a tad guilty for refusing to let her ride earlier in the morning. Making concessions was a part of marriage, so mayhap he could take a morning or two and go with her for her ride. James and Albert could certainly handle the training.
“I would love that,” Alison said.
He congratulated himself for thinking of a way to calm his wife down and maintain control. If anyone had the ability to have him lose control it was his wife. He had already felt the pull between them and had no intention of letting it go any further.
He’d thought once he’d bedded her, he would feel satisfied and be able to concentrate on more important matters than keeping a woman happy outside the bedroom.
That hadn’t happened. If anything, he craved her more. A voice inside said that was not a good thing to let his wife know.
They walked side-by-side to the stable. He’d sent word to Old Kilmead to have their horses tacked and ready to go. Once they reached the horses’ sides, he lifted Alison to Bonnie-Bay and then jumped on Morag.
Alison had already reached the drawbridge when he joined her. They trotted out, horse hooves clattering on the wooden bridge as they rode away.
Once they reached the bottom of the hill surrounding Castle Varrich, they gave their horses their heads and raced along. He looked over at Alison who looked back at him.
Her bright smile almost caused him to tumble from his horse. Her plaited hair had blown free and she held her body in tense concentration.
Memories of the night before warmed his body and had a part of his body growing, almost making the ride uncomfortable.
The Village Tongue sat only a short distance from the castle, so they didn’t really give their horses a full run. But they were still breathless when they guided their mounts to the stable.
Finn lifted Alison from her horse and placed his hand on her lower back as they headed to the green where vendors had set up for the day.
He reached over and pulled her closer, linking their fingers together. It appeared Alison knew every vendor in the green.
Including the men.
Not that he cared, of course. She was just a friendly lass and everyone seemed to like her.
Including the men.
“Lady Alison!” A large man, long, flowing, red curly hair, a bright smile on his face strode up to her. He threw his arms around Alison and pulled her into a ferocious hug.
Bells went off in Finn’s head and he closed and opened his fists as he studied them.
“Brendan, I am so happy to see you. It’s been so long.” Alison grinned at the man, raising Finn’s irritation.
“And I am happy to see ye, lass. I thought ye’d be gone by now to Sinclair Grinigoe.”
Alison flinched and said, “Nay. I dinna end up marrying Archie Sinclair.”
The man spending too much time clasping his wife said, “Then ye are free? I put my name in to be chosen as yer husband.”
Finn had heard enough. He pushed his way between his wife and the man. “Lady Alison is no’ free, and I would appreciate yer taking yer hands off my wife .”
The man looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Yer wife? Are ye saying this lovely lass that I’ve had my eyes on for years is yers?”
“Aye. And step back if ye doona wish to lose a few of yer teeth.”
The man raised his hands and stepped back. “‘Tis sorry, I am. Lady Alison and I have been friends for many years. When I left to visit my family last month she was betrothed to that bastard, Sinclair. As much as I am sorry to find her married, ‘tis glad I am she escaped that fate.”
Finn immediately calmed down. It didn’t stop him from pulling Alison against him and wrapping his arm around her in a very possessive way. He glanced at his wife, and she gave him a look that he knew meant trouble for him later. But it didn’t matter. He was no’ going to stand there and watch another man place his hands on his wife.
Alison took a deep breath, and it was obvious she was trying to keep from knocking one of his teeth out. “Finn, this is Brendan Mackay, who has been my friend all my life.” She turned to the man. “This is Finn Mackay, my husband.”
They barely nodded in each other’s direction, but Finn kept his arm around his wife.
“I doona ken why ye are not married to Archie Sinclair, but ‘tis happy I am that ye are not. Best of luck with yer marriage to … Finn Mackay.” With those nebulous words, Brendan nodded in Finn’s direction, and turned away, heading toward the baker’s store.