Chapter Thirteen
Finn had to admit to himself that helping in the kitchen when things were so chaotic left him with a good feeling. ‘Twas obvious, for as much as she would never admit it, Alison had walked into a mess. But being who she was, she planned to deal with it all herself. She actually looked surprised when he offered to help.
Mayhap a bit of compromise on his part would work. They were married and will spend the rest of their lives together so it made sense to keep from bickering all the time.
But making up from a good fight was a nice thing, too.
James caught him as Finn was entering the great hall to have his own evening meal. Alison would be joining him once she cleaned up.
“Finn, we might have some trouble ahead.”
They sat together at the table, and one of the very worn-out looking kitchen maids poured them both an ale. Finn took a sip and turned to James. “What trouble are we facing?”
“We’ve been getting reports of trouble along our border with the Sinclairs.”
Finn nodded. “I was expecting as much, but I dinna think it would happen so soon.”
“Because of the betrothal?” James asked.
Finn finished his ale and tucked into his plate that another maid placed in front of him. “Please bring a plate for Lady Alison; she will be joining me in a few minutes.”
He turned back to James. “Aye. The Sinclair’s self-importance has taken a blow. Add to that the fact that the younger Sinclair thought he was set to marry a woman who would eventually hand him a Clan Chief position when The Mackay died. Retaliation was inevitable.”
Alison crossed the great hall and took the seat next to Finn. She looked weary and gave him and James a slight smile before she turned to her food. Not wanting to continue the conversation with James since Alison had joined them, he said, “Meet me in the laird’s solar in a half hour. I want to speak with the laird first.”
Alison looked up at him. “Is something amiss?”
He didn’t believe women should be troubled with problems that men could handle. His wife had enough to keep her busy until all the maids had recovered from their illness.
“Nay.” He patted her hand. “Doona fash yerself. ‘Tis nothing that ye need worry about.”
With those words, he pushed his finished plate away and stood. “I will see ye in our bedchamber later.” He gave her a wink and strode away from the table and up the stairs to the laird’s library where he generally hid after the evening meal.
Alison watched Finn stroll off after pushing aside her questions about something being amiss. Her da dinna trouble himself about many things since her brothers died so it was quite possible that Finn was handling something significant that her da should have dealt with.
The glow she’d felt when Finn had helped in the kitchen dimmed with his refusal to discuss what she knew was something amiss. Apparently, her husband was happy to involve himself in her crises, but didn’t want her help or even advice on problems he faced.
Mairi strolled into the great hall and headed directly to Alison.
“Where have ye been, cousin? I ha’ent seen ye since the wedding.”
Alison felt guilty because she had almost forgotten her cousin was even here, so wrapped up she’d been in enjoying the newfound pleasure in the marriage bed and the latest crisis with the sick maids.
Mairi took the seat next to her. “I’ve been sick. I understand there are several maids also no’ feeling well.”
“Why dinna ye send for me?”
Her cousin smiled. “A new bride? I was quite sure ye had other things on yer mind.” The smile she gave her had her cheeks turning red.
She raised her chin. “As much as my enjoying what all wives do, I was busy in the kitchen with the absent maids.”
“Aye. I imagine things were difficult. One of the maids was kind enough to send for the healer who told me about all the others being sick. I’m just glad ye dinna visit me, or ye might have caught whatever this is.”
“Did Beatrix give ye her mixture for the ague that tastes like piss?” Alison smiled.
Mairi nodded her head. “Aye. But, for as awful as it tastes, it does make one sleep a lot, which Beatrix said is the best thing for the ague.
“Do ye want to go for a ride in the morn?”
Her cousin grinned. “How early in the morn? Ye ken I’m no’ one to rise with the sun.”
Alison shook her head. “We can wait until mid-morn. I will most likely have to assume kitchen duties, so I won’t be able to enjoy my ride until then, anyway.”
One of the maids brought a trencher of cheese and bread, and, after finishing her supper, she returned to the kitchen. All the staff was gone home except for Eli who lived in the basement with the others who worked for the keep. “Eli, ye put in a long day; I think ‘tis time ye found yer bed.”
He nodded. “Aye, my lady. I am about to retire, I just wanted to make sure the bread was ready for morning.”
Alison placed her hand on his shoulder. “Ye are a verra dedicated lad, Eli.”
Eli’s cheeks grew red and he said, “Thank ye, my lady.”
Alison trekked up the stairs to her and Finn’s bedchamber. She was finding it hard to place one foot in front of the other. She slowly removed her clothes and dropped them to the floor. Even though she was sweaty from her work in the kitchen, she opted for the jug of warm water to clean herself up instead of having a bath brought up.
She tugged on her night shift and collapsed on the bed. She must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew Finn was crawling in beside her.
As was she. He must have taken her night shift off without her even awakening. She tried to remember why she was annoyed with the big oaf, but couldn’t recall. Before she could put some thoughts in proper order, he was on top of her, his hands everywhere.
He cupped her face with his large, rough hands and covered her mouth with a lover’s sense of possession. Their tongues tangled and she ran her hands down his muscular back, his muscles rippling.
Finn covered her breast with his warm mouth, sucking like a babe. When he left one breast and continued with the other, his deft fingers tweaked the nipple he’d just left.
She had no intention of laying there like a lump of unbaked bread. Her hand slid down his chest, tugging slightly on the curly hairs. Eventually, she found her prize and grasped his cock with her hand.
Finn moaned and cupped her bottom with his hands, kneading the plump flesh and pulling her closer to him.
“Ye are so beautiful, Alison. I can ne’er get enough of ye.” He mumbled some more words in Gaelic.
His hand moved to the swollen wet area between her legs. She moaned. “Aye, husband. That feels good.”
He smiled at her and nibbled on her lips. “Ach, wife, if it only feels good I must work harder.”
Which he did and set Alison to more moaning and urging to work his fingers harder.
He complied again.
Her head moved back and forth as she tensed, pushing hard against where Finn was working the stiff piece of flesh they both knew would break her apart.
Within minutes, she let out with a loud moan and pulled his body closer, covering his mouth with her hot one.
Finn brushed the hair back from her forehead and studied her face. “Ye are even more beautiful when ye break apart in my arms.”
He climbed between her legs and, with one quick thrust, pushed into her. “Alison, mo chridhe, ye make me crazy with wanting ye.”
Alison pressed up against him, moving her hips so she was able to rub the part of her body that brought her the pleasure she craved again.
“Wrap yer legs around me,” Finn said, his voice deep and his lungs fighting for air.
Once she did, her body immediately felt the pressure against Finn’s body that she was searching for. “Aye, Finn. ‘Tis perfect.”
After a few slow, teasing back and forth movements, he picked up speed and was soon thrusting into her with a vengeance.
“Aye, aye, husband. ‘Tis getting closer.”
Within another minute or so, another wave of pleasure rolled over her the same time Finn let out with a shout as he stiffened and poured his seed into her.