Noaz (Van Doren #2) 17. Briar 47%
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17. Briar



“I half expect that all our weddings are going to be dramatic at this point,” Oakley comments from where he’s sitting curled up on the chair in the living room.

“Oh, yeah?” Levis asks. The garment bags are all draped over the backs of the dining room chairs and he’s examining the contents to make sure none of them need to be steamed or ironed.

“Yes. Loren shows up with rings and an officiant. Honey Bee plans a shotgun wedding in three weeks, which will probably leave us all in awe for the next decade. I’m expecting a wedding on the moon next.”

Haze snorts.

“Who’s next?” I ask, eyeing our three non-married friends.

“Levis,” Brek, Haze, and Oakley say together.

Levis picks his head up. “Not sure that’s going to happen. She’s already upset about me moving several hours away and not inviting her.”

“Why didn’t you invite her? Haven’t you been together for a year or something?” Haze asks.

He nods. His focus remains on the garment bags for a minute, but eventually, he slips his hands into his pockets and looks up. “Honestly, when I thought about it, I simply didn’t want to live with her. Which I suppose is more telling than anything, right?”

I nod.

“Yes,” Brek says. “But also, why are you stringing her along, then?”

“Mmm,” Levis agrees, nodding. “I don’t know. Realizing I didn’t want to live with her surprised me, and I’ve been a little too preoccupied with that thought to give myself time to determine how to proceed. But yes, I’ll likely end our relationship.”

“Sorry, Lev,” Oakley says, giving him a sympathetic smile.

Levis smiles. “I’m not as upset about it as I should be. Again, very telling on where my heart is.”

“Very,” I agree.

“What about you, Haze?” I ask.

Haze raises his eyes from his phone. “I don’t have a girlfriend. Sorry.” He’s smirking.

Brek rolls his eyes. “You’ve been texting with some guy for a while. How does you living so far away from him work for you two?”

Haze’s smirk says we’re very clearly missing something. “It’s fine,” he says. “It was casual anyway.”

“Are you looking for casual?” Oakley asks.

Haze shrugs. “I don’t know if I’m looking for something specific. Or that I’m looking for anything at all. ”

“Brek? What about you?” Oakley asks.

“I have no boyfriend or girlfriend and I’m not really sure how to look or if I want to,” Brek answers. “Right now, I just need to get settled into this new life.”

I cross the room and wrap an arm around his shoulders. Brek grins and leans his head on my shoulder. “We want you to be happy. You know that, right?”

“Despite my attitude attributed to all this change, I want you to be happy too.” He looks at Oakley. “All of you.”

Oakley smiles, his eyes sparkling like an anime character.

“I have no doubt you’re going to have an epic romance,” I say. “It’s going to sneak up on you and sweep you off your feet.”

He looks at me dubiously. “Yeah? Is that your prediction?”

“It is. Prepare yourself, Brekky.”

He snorts.

“Time to dress,” Levis announces. “We’re on strict orders to have you delivered at a very specific time and I’m not facing Honey Bee’s wrath if we’re late.”

No, that’s entirely fair.

I have only seen my suit, which is fitted and stunning. The fabric is light and airy without looking any less rich than something you might find at an indoor wedding in Montana. The tones are grays—charcoal pants, a slate button-down shirt that wasn’t made with the top three buttons, and a blue-gray vest that matches the slip-on shoes that are simple, yet don’t bring down the luxury look of this whole ensemble.

“Huh,” I say as I examine myself in the bathroom mirror. “Honey Bee might have an eye for fashion. ”

“Wait till you see us,” Oakley calls from the main room.

I rejoin them. They’re an ombre cast in grays, all in three pieces, with the same style shoes I’m wearing. There’s something unique about each outfit in a way that it doesn’t take away from how they match, but is specific to them.

“She needs a big kiss,” Brek says. “This is pretty hot.”

“I think we’re all a little vain and would love to admire ourselves a while longer, but we need to leave,” Levis says.

“Whoever makes us late will be tattled on,” Oakley teases as he swings open the front door.

I follow him out, and we pile into Levis’ SUV.

“I’ll be honest and admit I’m not entirely sure where we’re headed. I was told to stay on this straight road a short way until I come upon a couple cars parked on the side where there’s a deeper shoulder of packed rocks,” Levis says. “Keep a lookout.”

We’re not driving long when we stumble upon just that. Honey Bee, standing outside in a feminine version of what my boys are wearing, is leaning against a car with her arms crossed over her chest.

“We’re not late,” Levis says as he opens the door. “We’re three minutes early.”

“No. Briar is supposed to be in place in three minutes,” Honey Bee grumbles.

“Then he best run,” Brek says, shoving me gently. “Go. Before this turns onto a funeral instead of a wedding.”

I roll my eyes as I approach. Honey Bee tries to look serious, but she can’t keep her smile hidden for long. When I reach her, I pick her up in a tight hug. “If the rest of today is predicated by what we’re wearing, it’s going to be breathtaking, Honey Bee. Thank you.”

She sighs. “I really do hope you love it. A week in and all the decisions felt too easy, but I just knew when I was looking at things what you’d like. I could see you there. My bigger concern is if Uncle Noaz will like it.”

“I think Noaz will love it as much as I do,” I assure her, and give her an extra squeeze. “Now, lead the way.”

She takes my hand and brings me around the side of the lake. I’m not sure if it’s actually a lake. Probably too small to be considered one. I can see across to the other side, though it’s not incredibly close. I can’t see down to the other end, though.

Around the lake is as manicured as everywhere else I’ve seen. Shrubs and flowers and stonework. Honey Bee guides me to the spot she wants me to stand in. There are three people I don’t know with cameras in their hands waiting around.

“How many photographers did you hire?” I ask.

“I hired two. I think Jalon hired the rest.”

“The rest? How many are included in ‘ the rest’ ?”

She snorts. “Fucked if I know. I’ve seen at least half a dozen today that I didn’t hire. Jalon wants baby sibling’s big day remembered.”

I smile at that.

“Are you ready?” Honey Bee asks a minute later.

“Yes. Go get them.”

She grins. “They’re already here.” She reaches up on her toes to kiss my cheek and backs away. “Turn around. ”

Chills break out over my body as my breath catches. I haven’t even turned yet! But I can feel it. This moment will be ingrained in my head, behind my eyelids, for the rest of my life.

Taking a breath, I turn. That breath lodges and then whooshes out as I come face to face with the most stunning person I’ve ever known. I stare. Their hair is up in an elegant do with gemstones that sparkle in the sunlight. Subtle, flawless makeup on their beautiful face. Noaz’s eyes are locked on mine, and I can tell they’re holding their breath.

I haven’t even managed to look away from their face. Reaching my hands to them, Noaz places theirs—trembling—into mine and I pull them close. Pressing my forehead to theirs. “You’re so beautiful.”

Noaz gives me a quiet, watery laugh. “You haven’t even looked, Briar. Your eyes haven’t left mine.”

Okay, they’re not wrong. I place a soft kiss on their lips and take a step back. Okay, now I’m breathless. Noaz is covered in lace in a way I’m not sure I can describe. They’re wearing a one-piece suit that’s not entirely full. Straps go over their shoulders like suspenders. Their shoulders are open, but loose sleeves run down their arms. The front is open past their navel and then comes together into a flowing, elegant skirt.

The lace isn’t delicate in the sense where it looks… what’s the word? Traditional, maybe? There are thick lines covering a lacy mesh background. But there’s no mistaking that there’s no fabric under it. The lace is open, revealing millions of tiny peeks at Noaz’s skin beneath.

I have no words.

“Wow,” I whisper. “Noaz…”

“You like it? ”

There’s a hint of uncertainty in their voice. I pull them back to me, cup the back of their head, and kiss them. Noaz sighs, their body leaning into mine as we kiss.

“Okay, okay,” Honey Bee says. “Time to go. We have an audience waiting.”

She’s lucky I don’t make her pry Noaz from my arms. “See you in a few minutes, beautiful.”

Noaz smiles, dabbing under their eyes. “Can’t wait.”

When we reach the ceremony location, there’s a bigger crowd than I anticipated. Who knew this many people could get together on such a short notice? I spot my family in front mixed in with Noaz’s. I can pick out the older set of Van Doren brothers easily enough. While they’re all very distinct, they all look remarkably alike.

My friends and their families are mixed with the people in the front as well. I spot Honey Bee’s parents, Levis’ parents and sister, and Oakley’s parents and brother. These four families were the ones we tended to gather with before we left Anaheim. The supportive ones. The ones who welcomed us all into their homes and treated us like family.

I’m touched more than I thought I would be to see them here.

I know it’s about to begin when Honey Bee rushes in and takes her spot beside Levis and Brek. They wrap their arms around her and then her eyes are on me. She’s smiling.

The music I hadn’t realized was playing changes. It’s not the traditional wedding march, for which I’m grateful. I can’t stand that music. It’s cliché and overused. This song is soft and sweet.

My thoughts stop entirely when I spot Noaz in the distance. They’re radiant. The sunlight glows off them like they’re an angel. I see nothing else. Just my future partner. The parent of my future children. The person I’m going to grow old with and spend every single moment worshiping until the day I die.

Time feels like it stands still. Noaz remains light-years away, even though I can see that they’re moving closer. The way they walk is so elegant, like they’re on a runway.

And then they’re right in front of me. I almost can’t see with all the emotion manifesting in my eyes. Is it possible to love someone so quickly? It feels like just yesterday we met for the first time face-to-face on Jalon’s front porch. The memory of their smile, amused but kind, dances before my eyes. The first time their hands were on me, in front of the archery target, as they guided my aim. The way I felt breathless, burning, floating.

I’m oblivious to the world around me. It’s just us—me and Noaz. Their hands in mine as I stare. Mesmerized. Seeing our future and short past blend into this moment. There’s nothing else.

Words happen. Rings. The moment carries on. It’s a blurry hum around us right up until the moment Noaz steps closer. I bring them into my arms and finally, the moment to kiss them is here. I do. Holding them against me as tightly as I can while I pour everything that I feel into this kiss until it feels like a tangible thing. Like it’s breathing all its own. We’ve given it life.

The music gets louder, cutting into our bubble. We reluctantly break apart and the applause from our audience brings me back to the moment.

Oh. Right. Wedding day.

Noaz has tears in their eyes and I gently wipe them away. “Happy?” I ask in a voice that’s only shared between us.

They nod. “Yes. The way you look at me… as if I’m the only one who exists. ”

I hum. If only they knew how true that had been. It was just us for several long minutes. Nothing else was here.

“Time for pictures,” Honey Bee announces.

“Ah,” I say. “This is how we meet the family. Ready?”

“No,” Noaz admits.

I slip my fingers through theirs, lacing them together. “We’ll make it as short and painless as possible.”

“Not a chance,” Honey Bee says as she grips my other hand. “I admit my list is rather short, but I have a feeling that with twenty-eight photographers, there’s going to be a much longer list of poses.”

“Twenty-eight?” Noaz asks warily.

“Seems Daddy Jalon wants to immortalize this moment from every angle.” She looks over her shoulder at Noaz, giving them a bemused look. “He’s your brother.”

“It’s actually really sweet of him,” I offer.

“I think he’s going to recast this entire day in 3D,” Honey Bee teases. “Make a diorama recreation for spectators so they can walk through it like they’re here.”

“Oh jeez,” Noaz says. “Don’t say those words too loudly. You’ll give him ideas.”

She smirks.

Pictures take almost two hours. Honey Bee may have been right.

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