R en's failed escape attempt fractured the dynamics within the mansion. Bastian became aware of her nights with Grayson after some rather intense interrogation methods.
She had not known even after Bastian had savagely beaten her and let the other brother’s feed, just how much pain her body could be subjected to, and subsequently healed from.
Bastian was blunt, and brutal, but when he incorporated Grayson into the torture, Ren choked on her own screams.
“You brought this upon yourselves.” Bastian stated calmly.
Her throat was torn bloody and raw from letting the suffering Bastian inflicted escape through her screams.
“Why must you be so cruel?” She cried.
He was particularly fond of using sharp, precise instruments in sensitive places. Although his methods would have killed her had she still been fully human, she always managed to heal before Bastian ordered another round of his tortuous ways.
“You made me do this. You chose to betray us, to flee in the light of the day.”
The bonding to the brothers was truly the curse she called it. The curse that allowed her to be tortured so painfully and so brutally that she wished for death many times.
“I didn’t actually leave though, you stopped me from going. You knew what I had planned all along!” She yelled at him while she was restrained it seemed to fall on deaf ears.
He numbed her in various places on her body with an anesthetic. The long silver needle filled with a clear odorless liquid the same as any dentist would have used to save you from pain while they drilled into the meat of your teeth.
“This will make it so that you feel all of the intensity of the pain as one intense push through your system when the numbing agent wears off.” Bastian walked around her and applied the dosages as though he had done it a thousand times. Hitting every nerve with perfect placement. Aside from the initial pinch of the needle entering her skin and the slight sting of the liquid itself she felt nothing thereafter.
“You don’t have to do this to her, Bas.” Grayson tried to speak up from where he was chained. Bound with silver that sizzled when his bare skin touched it.
Bastian made her watch him continue by using a lid speculum designed to hold her eyelids open. The small little black clip on the side cranked in or out to widen the tool as much as he wanted.
“I am fine with you punishing me, I did try to leave. But please, leave Grayson out of this. He had nothing to do with me leaving.”
“You have no say in this! Of course he had a hand in it! He was supposed to be watching you, not fucking you in the dining room!” Bastian’s anger had the vein in his forehead pumping with every shouted word.
Bastian was exceptionally cruel when he took acupuncture needles and pushed them slowly beneath her fingernails leaving about half an inch sticking out from the end. He used a scalpel to split the webbing between all her fingers and toes. He cut the flesh between her lips and gums. He even sliced the little piece of flesh that held her tongue and lower pallet together.
“I do so enjoy the flavor of your essence when you are frightened, my pet.”
Her pain was his pleasure after-all, so he made sure that she felt every bit of the pain he wanted her to.
“Don’t do this Bastian. You’re taking it too far.” Grayson tried to change his mind once again.
“Ha! You make me laugh Grayson.” He smirked and went back to his little table of toys and devices.
Finally where he hadn’t used anesthetic, he clamped her nipples with the familiar threaded clamps that tighten with a little screw head attached to one another, with the small metal chain that he loved to tug on and watch for Ren’s reaction.
Grayson stood idly by and watched from his own perch where Bastian doled out similar punishments to him for allowing Ren to escape. He didn’t react to any of it though and so Bastian turned his attention back to Ren after only a few slices to his pectoral muscles and abdomen. Still, he watched—without being made to—and seemingly enjoyed watching Bastian work.
When Bastian took her down to wearing nothing but his torture devices and decided that cutting Ren’s clitoris with a pair of manicure shears was the next step in his plans for her, she hissed and howled in pain attempting to bite him while he was close.
Bastian closed his mouth around her bleeding and sensitive clit, suckling on it like a baby on its mother.
“Stop this! You’ve gone too far!” Ren screamed.
The outburst earned a pair of pliers pulling out each individual nail from her smallest toes and smallest fingers, one at a time.
“I decide how far your limits are,” Bastian sneered.
When he removed the speculums from her eyes and left, she felt a small sense of relief. As time passed and the anesthetic wore off she started feeling her nerves catch fire.
Ren screamed as she felt everything all at once. But the worst of it was when the cuts he had made and nails he had pulled began to heal.
They itched with an intensity she couldn’t ignore. Her restraints were left long enough that she could move, but not get up from the torture table as she referred to it now. She attempted to scratch her now healing wounds and tore the skin with the ends of each needle that remained tucked below her fingernails, sending a shockwave of pain shooting up her arm as they cut through the nerves in her fingers.
“Get me out of here!” Ren cried to no one. She knew no one would come to save her.
Grayson left helpless, bound in his silver chains on the other side of the room. Watching in horror that his brother would do this to his lover.
He said nothing either. Just closed his eyes and hung his head.
Ren continued to bleed from her wounds, and the pain was so intense that the combination of the two made her pass out.
When Bastian returned to the room he found her drooling in a heap on the table, her body convulsing in a state of shock.
The once cordial, albeit tense, relations between her and Bastian became more strained. The scent of suspicion and blood lingered in the air.
Bastian, watched her with newfound wariness. Surprisingly despite his and the other brother’s origins as traitors of men, he was not particularly fond of any sense of betrayal. He made sure she suffered for her insolence and even after the punishment, treated her with an unrelentingly undignified sense of mistrust.
He would allow the other brothers to carry on with her in their ways, but though they allowed her to live as a proper guest there was always a question as to her loyalty.
She wanted to make Bastian suffer.
Her only pursuit in this hell he had trapped her in was to show him that his cruelty was no longer a reward for her lust for him.