T avi woke next to me in the dark and grabbed my arm.
I had been sleeping, but I was ready for him within seconds. His heatwaves were sweet and strong, and I matched him in energy and eagerness.
He spread his legs for me, lifting them back. He smelled like everything missing in my life: Like family. Like home.
By the low lamplight, which I had kept on in case of any needs he might have, I could see his hole wet and gaping for me.
“Yes, baby, I’ve got you.” I fucked into him, into all that warm, wet craving. His body took me in as if I had become a part of him. He molded around my thickness perfectly.
When I bottomed out, he huffed and said, “Ahh, thank you!”
It amused me how polite he was in bed. It was his heat and my privilege. He could demand as he pleased.
My knot came every time I took him. I’d never had a knot with any of my alpha lovers. I’d read that alphas knotted their omega mates during heats, but usually not every time during penetration. I had expected twenty minute knots, as was average for dragon shifters, and they were about that give or take a minute.
I’d never known anything like this. I thought my cock’s eagerness might take my energy. Instead, it filled me up until I only wanted more.
We napped a lot between bouts of fucking, so that helped. And I gave him baths after every session. I brought him trays of food which he ate with relish before collapsing into another nap.
I kept my omega healthy and comfortable, fed and clean. Allure must have approved because he never spoke, never taunted or teased. But he was there, curled around my pleasure like he was more than satisfied.
Tavi’s heat lasted two days. But even as the desperation ended, he kept his legs wrapped around me asking for more.
I used healing lube on him inside and out, but he said he didn’t need it. His omega constitution kept him supple and healthy during his heat. He was young. And now that his manhood had awakened, he was insatiable.
He pouted when the waves left him. “I don’t want it to end.”
I held him close and reassured him I was his alpha now, and I would be there for his every need. We were mates. We were bonding. “It won’t end. I promise.”
He sighed heavily against my chest, his hand between us holding tightly to my cock. He liked to hold it, sometimes even as he slept, as if it gave him a sense of security. Who was I to argue? His small hands on my shaft were heaven.
We lay against each other on wrinkled sheets, fluffy towels at the ready. I fed him water and fruit. He smiled at me, shaking his head at the water bottle I put to his lips.
“You know I can hold the water myself.”
“I like feeding you,” I said. “It’s part of my pleasure to take care of you.”
He beamed, his cheeks pink.
Later, when he was ready to get up, we had breakfast downstairs. He ate like he was starved, then put down his fork and said, “When will I know?”
“If I’m pregnant.”
We’d gotten so caught up in each other, I’d almost forgotten at times we were trying to make a baby.
“I bought test kits. But they all say we have to wait a week to avoid a false reading.”
He nodded, absently rubbing his belly. “I hope he gets all your genetics and none of mine.”
I frowned, reaching out for his hand. “What? I want our baby to have your eyes and your hair. And if he’s an omega, we will cherish him and make sure he wants for nothing and is safe, never treated differently.”
Tavi sighed. “But I want a dragon baby. An alpha dragon baby. I don’t want an omega. And I really don’t want him to be a set-omega. He needs to be able to shift.” He wrinkled his nose.
I got up and came around the table. I put my hand on top of his head, petting his silken hair. “Baby, you’re perfect. And if our baby is like you, he’ll be perfect, too.”
Tavi put his arm on the table and leaned his head into it. “I disagree.”
What could I do to make him see he was wrong?
“Baby, even though others have created a world where some omegas are not without serious obstacles, we have our own world right here. We don’t have to play into a set of programs designed by alphas focused on control and pride.”
“He’ll have to go into that world at some point in time,” Tavi said. “He’ll see it on social media. He’ll encounter it in his lessons.” He huffed. “I don’t want an omega baby.”
I kissed the top of his head, stroking down his back. When I hugged him, he hugged me back, but I could see he was solid in his belief.
Omegas were rare in dragon culture. Coveted. Maybe not for the right reasons, but they were valued.
I hoped I could help him feel better about whatever designation our baby might be over the coming weeks. If, that was, he was truly pregnant.
Tavi put his hands up to cover his eyes. “I can’t look.”
“It’s not time yet.” I kept my hand on his shoulder to calm him.
The pregnancy test sat on the bathroom counter staring up at us. We were waiting for it to show us red for no or blue for yes.
“This is the slowest three minutes of my life,” he said, peeking up at me from between his fingers.
“How do you feel?” I asked.
“Nervous as hell.”
“Will you be okay if it’s a no?”
“No. But I will be happy about trying again.” He forced a grin. “What about you?”
“I want our child very badly. Now. Or later.”
He nodded. “My heats will start coming more rapidly now that I’ve had three. We probably won’t have to wait a whole year.”
“And before that, we have lots of time to practice.”
Tavi let out a chuckle. “So we get it right?”
“We already have it right. But we need to keep making sure it’s right.”
His chuckle turned into a cute, short giggle.
We both glanced back at the test strip. Slowly, it was turning blue.
Tavi’s eyes widened. “Is that real?”
“Looks pretty real to me.”
“Oh fuck! I’m pregnant.” He turned and put his arms around me. “It’s real now. Really real.”
“Really real,” I repeated. “You are carrying my egg.”