C hickens might take a full day to create and lay an egg.
Not so with dragon shifters.
Alluresh called Dr. Hayden, his private doctor, to the castle to check me out.
“You’re healthy and young. I estimate two months before you go into labor and deliver.”
Alluresh stood at the foot of the bed watching as Dr. Hayden used a portable ultra-sound machine on me, palpitated my abdomen and stuck his fingers up my hole. I’d asked for Alluresh to stay during the procedure. I was nervous around strange dragon shifters, even doctor ones. The intimate exam made my mouth go dry.
Alluresh came around the other side of the bed and took my hand. He had become excellent at sensing my emotions through the bond.
Our mate-bond was a sensation-reaction one. Passionate and spiritual. It was as if our emotions were always close to the surface with each other, even if we didn’t show them on the outside. It was comforting, intimate and very sexual. In my pregnancy, I felt hot for him all the time. In turn, he felt my yearning deep inside, latching onto his own desire, and matched my sex drive perfectly.
When he took my hand, much to my embarrassment, my cock twitched. But the doctor seemed not to notice. Dr. Hayden covered me back up with the sheet. He made a few notes on his tablet, then said to Alluresh, “Call me if there are problems.”
“Like what?” This was all new for Alluresh, as well.
“If he has pain or bleeding or a fever. Otherwise, he should begin to dilate and deliver on schedule.” He gave us a late October date. “When the egg is delivered, keep it warm and dry. I don’t expect a wolf to nest.”
I didn’t correct him on that. I came from a pack, but wolf shifter blood had skipped my birth somehow. As a set-omega, I wanted to reflect my mate’s instincts if I could.
When Dr. Hayden left, I got up and got dressed. Alluresh hovered.
I turned to him, buttoning my pants. “What do dragons do to nest? There’s not much about it online.”
“We are a very private species.”
“We’re going to have a dragon baby. I want to learn to do whatever our baby needs.”
He put his hand under my chin and tipped it up. “You’re going to be a great papa.”
When he praised me, all bets were off. My cock went hard. My pants had barely been on for a minute before Alluresh was helping me take them off as he pushed me back to the bed.
Still dressed, he cuddled me to him and began kissing my chest. He made his way quickly to my stiff cock and licked up and down it before gently sucking my balls.
I felt myself stiffen even more. He licked up and across the tip, relentlessly teasing me for a few long seconds before engulfing my cock in his mouth and sucking.
I threw my head back on the pillow and enjoyed myself, soon coming hard as he sucked me deep.
When he was done, he lay back and let me undo his pants and push them down. I found my prize, his thick, dark shaft with the perfect pink tip, and sucked and licked him to return the favor. He was too big for me to take him all the way down my throat, but that didn’t seem to matter to him. My mouth and hands together brought him nearly instant pleasure.
My mate was a pretty easy lay. He hadn’t had enough sex in his life, and we had a lot to make up for. He insisted it was all me, though. He wanted me and no one else. I could make him come from merely a touch because he craved me. Because I was the one he and his dragon had come to love.
In the afterglow, he cuddled me tight to his chest. “Dragons nest in high places, like craggy cliffsides and rocky caves.” He spoke softly into my ear. “We’re not going to live in a cave, though.”
“What should I do?”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ve ordered a nesting kit. It should be here by tomorrow.”
“What’s in it?”
“A basket. Warming cushions. An insulated portable egg carrier so the egg can be moved if needed. Our egg will never be cold. Plus, a low, heavily cushioned floor bed for you where you can spend as much time as you wish with the egg.”
“Is it big enough for two?” I asked.
Alluresh laughed. Then kissed me. “I don’t know, but if we need it, I’ll buy a second one.”
I lay back, sighing contentedly.
“Some omegas chase their alphas from the nest,” he said.
“I wouldn’t do that.” I was sure. I wanted Alluresh with me during the entire process.
“Let’s go outside now,” I said, putting down my gamepad.
Our bond made us so in tune, I learned quickly to sense when Allure wanted out of my alpha mate’s body.
Alluresh got up from the couch. Hand in hand, we walked downstairs to the backyard.
Ever since my heat, Allure never forced a shift until we got outside. I would never be arrogant enough to say my presence in the bond tamed him. I respected his wildness, his feral heart. But I was arrogant enough to believe he respected me. The dragon didn’t want to be anything but careful and gentle with me. I carried his egg.
It was late in the afternoon. Fall had come a few days ago. The temperatures were cooling, the sea breezes crisper and refreshing after the heat waves of August and early September.
On a thick carpet of grass away from the low branches of trees, Alluresh shifted.
Allure stood beside me, his long neck undulating as he swung his head around to look at me with big, golden eyes. I still couldn’t get over how huge he was. He lowered his snout and sniffed the top of my head. His exhaling breath was a hot wind blowing back my hair.
I grinned up at him.
His wings began to unfurl over my head. I thought he was going to fly, and I stepped back to let him know I would watch the skies and wait for his return.
Instead, he turned all the way around, the shadow of him fully encompassing me, and circled me on foot.
I knew what this meant. My laughter burst from me as I ran.
Allure galloped forward, giving chase.
His snout pressed at my back no matter how fast I ran, his breaths like fire though he would never spit fire at me. I knew from our bond he would not hurt me.
I did a lap around the back acreage as he followed me. It was a pretend chase, but I played fair and avoided the trees where Allure couldn’t follow. When he was ready to win the game, his snout pressed me until I fell forward into the cool grass, giggling.
His nostrils puffed warm air all around me as he sniffed me up and down my body, from head to toe and everything in between. His front feet were smaller than the back ones, but still giant as he lifted his right one and gently pawed my upper back.
I felt like a mouse at the whim of a cat.
Slowly, his paw moved down my back until a claw caught at the waistband of my pants. A gentle tug ripped them open exposing my ass. Warm air flowed over my naked skin as he sniffed me. I knew he was smelling the egg. Our baby.
I wasn’t scared. He never scratched me. He never pressed down. He had every right to scent his young on me. In me.
Slowly, I turned over, my naked butt in the grass. I lifted my shirt to show him my baby bump.
Allure pulled his head back, swaying, gaze focused on my belly. His breath washed over me again. I could hear the pump of it like a great bellows.
His scales glittered in the sunlight. They had a glaze over them that made them look polished. When I touched them, they were smooth as glass.
As he smelled me, I lifted my hand to the tip of his snout. My palm was big enough to cover only one of his nostrils. I stroked the septum. He let out a loud, contented grunt.
After a minute, he backed off and turned, lifting his massive tail so it didn’t hit me. He began to gallop away from me and within seconds he took off into the air which made rippling sounds beneath his wings. As he pumped them, I heard the wind he made rush against itself.
He circled over me several times before uttering a loud cry and finally taking off toward the sea.