S hocked by what she’d heard, Lorna was sure this would be the end of the betrothal, and the start of a new feud between the clans.
She heard the sound of scraping steel as the MacKeefes drew their swords. Her father’s guards did the same.
“I dinna want bloodshed in my tavern!” shouted Callum. “It’s hard enough tryin’ to get my customers to return, but if killin’ is goin’ on, they’ll never come back.”
“He’s right. Put down the blades,” Bhaltair said to his guards.
“But Chieftain,” one protested, “they’ve still got their weapons drawn, and we will die to protect ye and yer wife.”
“Put yer swords away, ye fools!” Callum growled at Cam and Gavin. “Canna ye see we are tryin’ to solve a problem, no’ create a new one?”
Everyone slowly lowered their blades.
“Callum, I’m surprised ye are no’ angry with Bhaltair for admittin’ he was the one who wanted to steal from ye,” said Keithen.
“Everyone wants to steal my secret, so what’s the difference?” said the old man. “Even though I should have yer head right now for deceivin’ me.” Callum glared at Lorna’s father.
“It seems to me ye both deceived each other,” Lorna spoke up before Keithen could say a thing.
“So… what are we goin’ to do?” asked Cam. “We seem to be at a standstill.”
“There is only one thing we can do,” said Bhaltair. “Get the ghost to leave so we can get on with the weddin’.”
“How do I ken ye’ll no’ still try to steal my secret?” asked Callum, looking at Bhaltair from the sides of his eyes.
“I dinna need to ken how ye make Mountain Magic anymore,” said Bhaltair. “If my daughter is married into the MacKeefe clan, then I’ll have as much whisky as I want. Right?”
“That’s right,” Keithen spoke up. “The MacKeefes drink for free, and I’m sure Callum will extend that privilege to ye and yer clan as well, since ye’ll be part of the family.”
“Nay, I willna,” protested Callum. “I have no customers anymore, and I willna give away the main means of income for our clan by servin’ all the MacNeils free whisky.
“Then how about just my mathair and faither?” asked Lorna. “The rest of the MacNeils will pay if they drink.”
“Lorna!” snapped her father, wanting to shut her up.
“Bhaltair,” said her mother. “I think that is a fair trade.”
“Callum? What do ye say?” asked Keithen.
The old man thought for a while and finally nodded. “Aye, but only if Bhaltair gets rid of the ghost.”
“Shake on the deal,” said Keithen, not wanting either of them to back out.
Reluctantly, Bhaltair held out his hand. “I suppose that would be fair.”
“Ye’re damned right it is,” said Callum, grasping his hand and shaking it. “And ye should be thankful I’m no’ goin’ to lop off yer head for makin’ me live like this for so long.” The men shook and then pulled apart.
“Ye werena the only one to suffer. I had to live with the guilt of what happened,” said Bhaltair.
“So, it was really yer fault yer faither died and no’ the MacKeefes,” said Anna.
“It’s no one’s fault, since the horse reared up, so let’s forget about this and figure out how to rid ourselves of a ghost,” said Keithen, coming to the rescue and making Lorna want to kiss him for stepping in and stopping a brawl that was about to begin.
“I need to talk to the ghost of my faither,” said Bhaltair. “But we’ll have to get him here first.”
“Now that he’s probably realized he’s been tricked, he is goin’ to be angry,” Callum pointed out.
“I heard what ye said,” came a voice from the top of the stairs. When the ghost floated down, the MacNeil guards turned and ran out of the tavern. Lorna grabbed her mother’s hand when she saw the woman’s face turn pale.
“Da,” said Bhaltair, with a catch to his voice. “Ye dinna have to haunt the MacKeefes any longer. We dinna need the recipe for Mountain Magic. I was wrong in wantin’ to steal it.”
The ghost hovered over the chieftain as he spoke.
“I tried to make ye happy, Son.”
“It would make me happy if ye left and stopped hauntin’ this tavern, and the MacKeefes.”
“Nay!” shouted the ghost.
“Nay?” questioned Cam. “Oh, hell, this canna be good.”
“Grandda, what will it take to make ye leave?” asked Lorna.
“I want to be at yer weddin’,” said the ghost.
“Oh.” Lorna looked over to Keithen for help.
“Surely, that can be arranged,” said Keithen, surprising her.
“And I want a drink of Mountain Magic as well as this entire tavern filled with people, or I’ll never leave.”
“Of course,” said Keithen. “Ye will have it.”
“Good!” With that, the ghost disappeared into thin air.
“Keithen, why did ye agree to such a daft thing?” spat Callum. “Ye ken that no one will even come inside if the ghost is here.”
“He’s right,” said Bhaltair. “Ye saw my guards run from the room. And if we canna fill this tavern, my dead da will no’ be happy, and I’m ashamed to say he may never leave.”
“We’ll fill the tavern with people. He’ll have what he requests,” Keithen assured Lorna’s father.
“Keithen, are ye a simpleton?” hissed Gavin. “No one will step foot in here because of the ghost. And ye think they’re goin’ to want to attend yer weddin’ with the ghost present? I’m afraid we’re goin’ to be haunted by Lennox forever.”
“Nay, we’ll do it,” Keithen assured them. “Gavin and Cam, send word to the MacKeefes that they are all invited to the weddin’ in two days’ time.”
“That’s no’ enough time to get a message to Hermitage Castle and have everyone return,” Gavin pointed out.
“Then just send word to the Highland camp,” said Keithen.
“Keithen, they’ll run as soon as they see the ghost, and then we’re still doomed.” Cam shook his head.
“Only invite the bravest warriors then,” was Keithen’s suggestion.
“Faither, I think some of the MacNeils need to be here for the weddin’ as well,” Lorna spoke up. “After all, this is an alliance bein’ formed. And Grandda used to be the clan’s chieftain.”
“I canna ask that, and I refuse to demand it,” said Bhaltair with a scowl.
“This is important, Da,” said Lorna. “If the MacKeefes are bringin’ in some of their brave warriors, then I think we should do the same. And I want my family present for my weddin’.”
“I dinna ken,” said Bhaltair. “Once they hear about the ghost, I dinna think they’ll come, and I refuse to trick them.”
“Then the ghost of Grandda will never leave,” said Lorna sadly.
“I’m sure I can get yer brathairs and even yer uncles to show up,” said Anna. “But we’ll have to make it worth their while.”
“How about free Mountain Magic for a month for anyone who attends our weddin’ and stays until the end?” asked Keithen, looking over at Callum.
“That sounds good,” said Cam. “What do ye say, Callum?”
“Fine,” mumbled Callum, followed by a few choice words. “But no more than a month. And everyone has to spread the word that the ghost is gone forever so my customers return.”
“See, Lorna? Everything will work out for us after all.” Keithen smiled and held Lorna’s hands, filling her heart with love.
“Yes. Yes, it will,” she said, eager now to be married to the handsome Keithen MacKeefe and become part of their clan—their family.