Once Upon a Haunted Horn and Hoof (Highland Outcasts) Chapter Seven 100%
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Chapter Seven

K eithen looked around the tavern the day of the wedding, happy to see the room filled with both MacKeefes as well as MacNeils. The atmosphere seemed tense as everyone waited for the ghost of Lennox MacNeil to show. Still, Keithen decided he wouldn’t let this ruin his important day. He was about to be married to Lorna, and the lass looked bonnier today than ever.

The piper started playing, and Keithen stood next to the priest with Cam and Gavin at his side. Lorna walked up to them, holding onto her father’s arm. Dressed in the MacNeil green plaid, after today the clans would be aligned, and Lorna would wear the MacKeefe colors.

Keithen looked around the room, seeing his chieftain, Storm MacKeefe, there with his wife, Wren. Then there were the Madmen MacKeefe: Onyx, Aidan and Ian, who were some of the bravest and craziest men of the clan. Old Callum had positioned himself behind the drink board, probably guarding his precious Mountain Magic.

Yvaine and little Avianca were seated next to Lorna’s mother. There were a handful of MacNeils there, but most of the crowd was made up of MacKeefes.

Keithen leaned over and whispered to Gavin, “Where are North and Nash? I dinna see them.” North and Nash were twins and good friends of Cam and Gavin. At one time, they were considered outcasts, but had earned their way back into the clan.

“They’ll be here,” Gavin whispered back. “They’re always late, and like to make a grand entrance.”

Sure enough, just as Lorna took her place next to Keithen, the tavern door burst open, and North and Nash entered with their swords drawn.

“We’re here,” said Nash.

“And ready to protect,” added North.

The music stopped, and everyone became silent, staring at the twins.

Callum ran over and grabbed them both by the front of their tunics. “Put away the blades, ye fools. Canna ye see this is a blasted weddin’?”

“Sorry, sorry,” said both men, sheathing their swords and slinking away into the crowd.

“Let’s proceed, shall we?” asked the priest, looking back and forth nervously.

“Yes. Please,” said Keithen, hoping the ghost wouldn’t show up until after their vows were taken. “And make it fast.”

“My pleasure,” said the priest, making this the shortest wedding ever.

“Do ye, Keithen MacKeefe, take Lorna MacNeil for yer wife? And do ye, Lorna, take Keithen for yer husband?”

Keithen and Lorna looked at each other and almost laughed since it was so rushed. Then they both said “aye” at the same time, and just like that, the wedding was over.

Everyone rushed over to congratulate them, but then the sound of the bell mounted on the drink board rang out loudly.

“Callum, do ye really have to do that on our weddin’ day?” complained Keithen, covering his ears.

“It’s no’ me,” said Callum. “I didna touch the bell. It was Lennox.”

Keithen’s head snapped around, and his eyes settled on the ghost of Lennox MacNeil standing at the end of the drink board. No one said a word. Keithen was afraid people might start running if he didn’t do something fast.

“Come with me, Lorna,” he said, grabbing the hand of his new wife and hurrying over to the ghost.

“G-Grandda,” said Lorna, flashing a smile. She tried to act calm, but Keithen could feel her arm shaking.

“Callum, some Mountain Magic for Lennox please,” said Keithen. “After all, that was part of the deal.”

Callum grumbled, but made his way back to the drink board, poured a tankard of whisky, and slid it down the drink board to Keithen, who caught it.

“W-we have the tavern filled with people,” Lorna pointed out. “Just like ye wanted, Grandda.”

“Both MacKeefes and MacNeils,” Keithen added.

“Aye,” said the ghost in a booming voice. “That ye do. And now ye are married. Congratulations.”

Keithen noticed the women and little Avianca stirring. A few of them stood up. He looked back at Gavin and Cam and nodded. Gavin rushed over to guard the front door, and Cam did the same to the kitchen door as planned. They would stop anyone from leaving until the ghost was satisfied and gone forever.

“Thank ye,” Keithen told the ghost, holding out the tankard. “Well, there is just one thing left before ye go, I guess.”

“That’s right. I want my drink of Mountain Magic,” insisted Lennox. He reached out for the vessel, but of course his hand kept going through it.

“I want it!” shouted Lennox, causing the entire room to stir restlessly as his anger grew.

“I’m givin’ it to ye,” said Keithen. “I’m sorry, but I dinna ken how this will work.”

“My faither is never goin’ to leave if he canna get his drink,” said Bhaltair from behind Keithen.

“If he doesna leave, my business will be ruined,” said Callum, making his way over to Keithen. “Give me that.” He grabbed the tankard from Keithen.

“I want my Mountain Magic,” the ghost insisted.

“Then take it any way ye can!” To everyone’s surprise, old Callum took the tankard, throwing the whisky from the vessel right at the ghost. It went right through the spirit, hitting Cam, who was guarding the kitchen door.

“What the—” Cam’s tunic was soaked with whisky, but as soon as he realized Callum was the one to throw it, his face lit up in a smile. “Callum? Ye are no’ just spillin’ Mountain Magic, but throwin’ it around the room!”

“Ye’re breakin’ yer own rule,” Gavin called out from the front door.

Still, everyone remained quiet.

“Are ye satisfied now, ye wretched spirit?” Callum thunked the tankard down on the drink board and put his hands on his hips. “And if ye say no, I’ll wring yer neck and stomp on ye until ye are naught but a pile of dust.” Callum moved closer to the ghost. Keithen smiled when he realized the ghost was more afraid of the little old man than Callum was of him.

“Mmm,” said the ghost, licking his lips. “It’s just what I needed.”

“Then leave! And never return again. Do ye hear me?” Callum was going crazy. He picked up a bottle of whisky and threw it at the ghost next. Then he picked up a stool and threw that at the ghost as well.

“I’m out of here,” said Cam, ducking every time the items thrown went right through the ghost and smashed against the kitchen door, almost hitting him.

“I’m satisfied and will never return, because ye are a madman , Callum MacKeefe,” said the ghost. “Goodbye, Lorna. Bhaltair. I will never see ye again.”

The ghost disappeared, but Callum continued to smash things, spill things, and make a mess, breaking almost every one of his own rules.

“Whoa, that’s enough, Callum.” Keithen took the man by the shoulders. “The ghost is gone and will never return. Let’s clean up the mess and celebrate my weddin’.”

“He’s gone for good?” asked Callum with a raised brow.

“That is what the ghost of my grandda said,” Lorna told him.

“My da is a man of his word. Or he used to be,” said Bhaltair. “Callum, yer tavern will no longer be haunted.”

“What about my customers? Will they return?” asked Callum.

“We’ll all make sure everyone kens the ghost is gone,” said Cam. “However, I canna guarantee they’ll return if they think ye’re goin’ to throw somethin’ at them.” Cam stood up from his hiding place behind the drink board, brushing off the front of his tunic.

“We’re married, Lorna,” said Keithen, kissing his new bride and pulling her into his arms.

“Our clans are aligned,” shouted Bhaltair.

“I’ll drink to that!” The MacKeefe chieftain, Storm, walked over, holding a tankard high above his head. “Grandda, a round of Mountain Magic for everyone,” he called out as the music started back up. “Today is an important day, and we will all celebrate the marriage of Keithen and Lorna, and the alliance of the MacKeefes and the MacNeils.”

“I’ll get the Mountain Magic,” grumbled Callum, not at all sounding happy about giving away free whisky. “But first, this mess needs to be cleaned up.” He pushed a broom into Keithen’s hand.

“What?” asked Keithen. “It’s my weddin’ day. Ye expect me to work?”

“Now that ye’re an accepted member of the clan, ye’ll do yer part. Unless ye want to lose yer job here at the tavern.”

Keithen smiled from ear to ear, liking the fact that he was now accepted and had earned his way into the MacKeefe family.

“Lorna, I’m sorry, but I think I’d better clean up this mess. I dinna want to anger Callum.”

“Dinna be sorry. I’ll help ye,” she said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

“I really wanted this to be a special weddin’ that ye’d never forget,” he told her.

“Oh, it was, and still is,” said Lorna with a wink. “After this is over, mayhap the event will even be mentioned in the king’s Highland Chronicles.”

“Aye, we might be mentioned,” agreed Keithen. “But unfortunately, I’m afraid our weddin’ will be titled somethin’ crazy, like Once Upon a Haunted Horn and Hoof!”

The End

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