Chapter Thirteen
“ S o are you ready to get on a datin’ app now?” Natalie taunts after we finish three episodes of Grey’s Anatomy . Now we’re just video chatting on my laptop. “I found one called CowboyMatch.”
“You’re jokin’,” I say skeptically.
“I swear it! It’s an app for ranchers and farmers to find wives. You could set your location to Montana and move to Big Sky Country.” She waggles her brows.
I snort. “I’d freeze up there.”
“Not with a beefy lumberjack-sized cowboy. He’d keep ya nice and sweaty.”
Laughing, I shake my head at her. “Sounds more like your thing.”
“Oh, I’m on there. I wanted to test out the waters for ya and now I have a date this weekend.”
“No way. With who?”
“His name is Jackson and he’s six-foot- six ! That’s all I needed to know. He’s a whole foot taller than me,” she says with stars in her eyes.
“That’ll make things…interestin’,” I tease.
“I’ll be climbin’ him like a tree no matter what position he puts me in.”
“At least make him take ya out for dinner first.”
“Don’t worry, he is. And then we’re gonna go back to his apartment for… dessert .”
“Uh-huh, I bet.”
“And then hopefully crack me like a glow stick,” she adds unapologetically.
“Natalie Jo!” I crack up at how open she is about sex. “I don’t even know what that means.”
“It’s time you find out, Harlow. You’re young and hot. Those perky tits and your tight ass ain’t gonna last forever, so use ’em now while ya got ’em.”
“And now I feel violated.”
“Says the girl who sent an ass pic to a group chat,” she mocks, arching a brow.
As if I needed the reminder.
“Look where that got me…” I sigh. “Mystery Guy left the group chat a few days ago and we’ve not texted since he told me he didn’t wanna reschedule our coffee date.”
Once he said that, I wasn’t about to try to change his mind, but it still hurt. I don’t know if it’s normal to be sad about it or miss him after only spending a month chatting, but a part of me does.
“Screw him for not realizin’ how amazing you are. Another reason to get on this app and find someone else who will. Use that photo you sent me of you dressed up that day, too. That was super cute.”
Lifting my shoulder, I wrinkle my nose. “Maybe. I’ll think about it.”
But she’s right. I did look cute.
“Please do. It’s kinda fun. You can add message prompts and then decide if you wanna reply based on their answer. There’s voice and video chat options too, so you don’t even haveta give ’em your number.”
“What kinda prompts?”
“Anything you want. Mine is: The way to win me over is and then my response is: Be witty, charming, and rich. Or tall enough that none of those matter.”
My eyes crease as I burst out laughing at how unexpected that was. Knowing Natalie, I shouldn’t be that surprised.
“That’s genius,” I mock. “Now I see how you landed a giant cowboy.”
“Yep, and it gives ’em a little hint of your humor but also what you’re lookin’ for. Then you’ll know a little about them based on what they say. For mine, most just replied with their heights and asked if that was tall enough, but the one guy I’m going out with said— tall enough to have the best view in the room when you’re bent over in front of me.”
My jaw drops at his bold answer and the fact that it worked.
“Goddamn, that’s a line alright…”
“Worked on me like a moth to a flame. Immediately, yes.”
I snort. “Glad I have your location now. He basically waved chocolate in your face, and you hopped in his creepy white van.”
“I’m just here to have fun. You don’t haveta take it too seriously. But also, you can change up your prompt and see what works best for ya.”
“I don’t even know what I’d write.”
“Could be about your dreams, goals, your type, what you look for in a man…”
“I’d need to have experience with dating to even know what those are,” I deadpan, leaning back against my headboard.
“Okay, let’s look for some simple but fun ones for you.” She grabs her phone, begins scrolling, and then reads them aloud.
“Best way to ask me out—by naming a time and place.”
“We’re the same type of weird if—you put the milk in before the cereal.”
“The one thing you should know about me is—I’m in my Reputation Era to some, Lover to others.”
“Two truths and a lie—I’m hot, funny, and mentally sane.”
“I’m looking for—nothing too serious, just the love of my life.”
I burst out laughing after each one and soon Natalie is too.
“Okay, these are funny,” I confess. “Though that cereal one is diabolical. Immediate block if you put in milk first.”
“Even ones like that could help you find your soulmate in no time.” She beams, and I can’t deny her puppy dog eyes pleading with me to try it.
“I’ll download it but…no promises.”
She squeals and does a little happy dance. “Yay! I can’t wait to hear about who you meet.”
Hopefully not a serial killer.
“Daddy, do you need anythin’ before I go?”
“No, sweetie. I’m fine, go ahead.” He waves me off like an annoying stray cat.
I chuckle. “Okay, love you.”
It’s been a week since his fall. He came home from the hospital on Christmas Eve and then we celebrated together as a family. I’ve been home every day since to keep a close eye on him. With his concussion, I didn’t want to leave him home alone when Mom had to work.
But today she’s off, so I’m finally going to the ranch.
Since talking to Natalie last night, I’ve been thinking more about her suggestion about getting on that dating app. I’m not a hundred percent sold, but I’m considering it. It’d be nice to meet a nice guy.
Since it’s only forty-five degrees, I’m bundled up in my fleece jacket, riding boots, a hat, and gloves. Piper loves the cold, so after I lunge her, we’ll go on a short trail ride, and then I’ll have my lesson with Noah.
“Hey, sweet girl.”
Piper neighs when I approach. I rub her nose and then wrap my arms around her.
“I missed you.”
After I brush her and secure her lunging tack, I lead her out of the barn. It’s quiet on the ranch, which isn’t too surprising for this time of year. Most riders aren’t getting lessons during the holidays because they’re away or spending time with family. I’ve been cooped up in the house long enough and was ready to come back.
As we walk to the corral, I hear voices coming from the training center that isn’t Noah. That’s where she normally is, but this is a man’s voice.
“There ya go! You got it,” he shouts.
“Yeehaw! Now I’m a cowboy.” That excited voice sounds younger.
The older voice laughs.
It must be one of Noah’s brothers, so I walk Piper across the gravel and that’s when I see Waylon with a teenage boy roping with a steer dummy.
“Hey!” I grab their attention.
Waylon’s smile drops when he sees me, which makes me second-guess coming in here.
“Hi.” He nods.
“Who’s this?” I grin at the boy.
“I’m Bentley.”
“My little brother from the BBBS program,” Waylon explains.
“Oh, I didn’t know you did that. How sweet.”
Then I shift my gaze back to Bentley. “I’m Harlow. Nice to meet you.”
“You too. Is that your horse?” He nods behind me.
Grinning, I bring her next to me. “Yep. Her name is Piper. She’s my show horse. Do you have one?”
“No.” He frowns. “But Waylon’s teachin’ me how to ride and rope, so maybe someday.”
“Wow, that’s awesome. Sounds like you’re doing well.”
“He is.” Waylon pats his shoulder and looks at him with pride. “He’ll be learnin’ to bull ride in no time.”
My brows rise, impressed. “You wanna be a bull rider?”
“Undecided,” Bentley confirms. “My mom would probably kill me first.”
I chuckle. “It’s a dangerous sport.”
“Yeah, but he’s tough. Ain’t ya?” Waylon taunts, giving him a little push.
I can’t help smiling at them. I would’ve never guessed Waylon volunteered for the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, but I’m not surprised either. He seems good with him, too.
“It was nice meetin’ ya. I’m gonna lunge Piper before our ride and then do some jumpin’ exercises.”
“You do horse jumpin’?” Bentley asks curiously.
“Yep, we start competin’ again in the spring.”
“That’s so cool. Could I stay and watch you?”
“Of course,” I say at the same time Waylon says, “We shouldn’t bother her.”
“It’s no trouble. I’d love an audience. It helps me practice for the real thing.”
Bentley’s face splits in half. “Cool.”
“I’ll be back in an hour.”
Glancing at Waylon, he looks as comfortable as an ice cube on a hot day.
When he catches me staring at him, he sucks in his lips.
“See ya then,” he finally says.
Piper and I head back the way we came and once I get her into the corral, she starts lunging. While I stand in the center as she circles around me, my mind flicks back to Waylon and how tense he seemed around me. We spoke briefly in the ER waiting room but only for a few minutes. We were both dealing with family emergencies.
I should’ve asked how his brother was doing. I didn’t ask Noah for details, but she mentioned he had a reaction to taking ketamine and was able to go home the following day.
Remembering what Delilah’s told me in the past, this isn’t Wilder’s first medical scare.
After we’re done in the corral, Piper and I take a short ride around the retreat. Luckily, it’s not crowded, but there’s something peaceful about it—the chill in the air, the beautiful mountain views, and the lingering silence.
There aren’t many moments like this anymore.
When we return, Noah’s in the training center, waiting for me. She beams and greets Piper.
“Are y’all ready?” She pets Piper’s nose and gives her some love.
“I think so. It feels like forever since we’ve practiced.”
“Don’t worry, I set up an easy obstacle of smaller jumps to get you back into it.” She glances at Waylon and Bentley. “I see you have some fans today.”
I giggle. “I guess so, which means the pressure is on.”
“You’re gonna do great,” Noah says confidently, handing me a helmet.
I remove my fleece, hat, and gloves, then secure it over my head.
Once I’m settled on Piper, I guide her over to the start and wait for Noah to blow her whistle. She has a timer wrapped around her neck and a clipboard in her hand to record my times.
But Waylon and Bentley standing next to her makes me more anxious than it should. Bentley appears so excited to watch me, but Waylon’s looking at me with an expression I’ve never seen on him before.
I get into a two-point position and then give Piper a little kick as soon as Noah gives me the go ahead. Piper takes off and makes the first jump effortlessly. It helps that they’re low and we’ve done this dozens of times, but after this past month, I’ve not been able to practice as much or focus as hard.
By the fifth jump, my face is in a permanent smile at how great she did. It’s hard not to have a blast when I’m on her, but I’m glad Bentley didn’t have to witness me screwing up.
“Whew, that was great!” Noah shouts.
Bentley claps and Waylon grins at him.
“Thanks, but now we need a real challenge.”
“You want me to raise ’em already?” She arches a brow.
Glancing at Bentley quickly, I nod and meet Noah’s gaze. “Yeah, let’s give him a good show.”
“Alright. Just remember to bend your waist more and fold in those elbows.”
“You got it, boss.” I smirk.
“Waylon, do you mind helpin’ me adjust the rails?”
He follows her out into the arena while Piper and I wait.
“Do you wanna pet her?” I ask Bentley.
His eyes light up and he nods.
I move closer and show him where he can touch on her neck and nose.
She nudges his hand and neighs at him.
“She likes you.”
“How can you tell?”
“She hasn’t bitten you,” I tease.
“Alright, it’s ready,” Noah announces. “I only did four to give y’all room in between. Don’t forget to keep your head up and look through the jump.”
“Got it!”
I ride Piper back to the beginning and wait for the whistle.
As soon as it goes off, Piper canters to the first one and successfully jumps over without knocking the rails down. When we do bigger jumps, I switch my positions from post to two-point to keep us balanced in between. When my legs squeeze slightly to signal for her to jump over the second and third, she does flawlessly.
Moments before the final one, a small animal runs inside and spooks Piper. She plants into the ground before my body has the chance to stop, and I fly off her back.
And that’s why I wear the helmet.
“Oh my God, Harlow!” Noah shouts, rushing toward me.
“I’m fine…” I grunt, attempting to roll onto my side.
“Are you okay?” Waylon kneels beside me.
I groan at how hard my tailbone hit the ground. “Never been better.”
Noah snorts, grabbing Piper’s reins so she doesn’t run off. “Take it easy and get up slowly.”
Waylon offers me his hand, and I take it. He helps me into a sitting position, but the pain already shoots down my back.
“Was that a goat ?” I ask for clarification.
“Yep…looks like one got loose.” Waylon shakes his head. “Pretty sure Wilder was movin’ ’em into a different pasture.”
“That explains it.” Noah sighs.
“He’s so cute!” Bentley gushes, and when the three of us look over, we find him playing with the little devil.
“Don’t let him get away,” Waylon tells him. “We’ll need to bring him back.”
“Can I keep him?”
Waylon shakes his head. “Not a chance your mom would be okay with that.”
“Ugh.” Bentley pouts.
“Think you can stand?” Waylon brings his attention back to me.
No . “Yeah, sure.”
Waylon gets to his feet and gently pulls me to mine. We’re nearly chest to chest when I get to my full height. Inhaling, I smell whatever he’s wearing. Or maybe it’s just him . Manly and musky with a hint of leather.
His gaze finds mine, but then it lowers to my mouth.
I brush a hand over my cheek, feeling self-conscious. “Do I have dirt on my face?”
He blinks and then shakes his head. “Oh no, you look good.”
My brows furrow at his choice of words, and I almost get lost in his ocean blue eyes while staring into them.
“You’re gonna probably be sore now,” Noah interrupts, causing us to break apart. “Take somethin’ when you get home.”
“I will. My ass is gonna have a nice bruise on it again, so I’ll be sittin’ on ice for the rest of the day.” I chuckle, but Waylon tenses next to me, and I worry that was the wrong thing to say. “I bruise easily, but I’ll be fine.”
He gives me that forced smile again, which confuses the hell out of me.
“Bentley and I will take the goat back, and then I can help you take down the rails,” he tells Noah.
“Sounds good, thank you.”
Noah hops on Piper. “I’ll groom her and then put her back into the stall so you can get home.”
“Are you sure?” I rub my palm over Piper’s neck so she knows I’m not upset with her.
“Yeah, I don’t want you ridin’ anymore today. You need to go rest so you don’t wake up stiff tomorrow. Trust me, been there, done that. It ain’t fun.”
I nod and then give Piper a quick kiss on her nose. “See ya soon, girl.”
With New Year’s Eve in two days, Noah’s taking off from training, so I won’t be back until after the first of the year.
I’m going to be bored, though, because I’ll be at home while Mom’s at work. The hospital is swamped this time of year, so she ends up working overtime.
Maybe I’ll make that profile on CowboyMatch after all.
At the very least, it could entertain me for a while.