Only With Me (Sugarland Creek #4) Chapter 14 43%
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Chapter 14

Chapter Fourteen


A fter taking the hottest shower possible, I change into comfy clothes and lie in bed with an ice pack underneath me. I texted Natalie that I’ll be on bedrest for a few days and that I’m making a profile to kill the time.

Of course she was excited as hell and told me to get laid before the end of the year.

Considering that’s in two days, she’s delusional.

I can hardly move, nevertheless have sex for the first time.

But I’m still willing to put myself out there and try—even if it bites me in my bruised ass later.

So after getting a profile up with some photos and a simple prompt— What’s something interesting about you ? My obvious response: I’m a horse show jumper .

At the very least, it’ll be a fun icebreaker.

And if not, then I’ll change it.

I even added a picture of Piper and me in my show clothes.

Considering the type of app CowboyMatch is, I’m hopeful I’ll find someone with shared hobbies and interests that involve horses.

Within five minutes, my notifications pop up with responses.

Damn. That was fast.

I’d let you jump on me.

How original. Block.

I used to ride bulls … maybe we can take turns riding each other?

C for cringe. Block.

Stud horses and I have a lot in common … if ya know what I mean.

I’m a virgin, and I know what you mean… Block.

I don’t ride horses, but I can jump pretty high. Maybe you could teach me?

Okay, that’s kinda wholesome.

I click on Brandon’s profile and see that he plays college basketball in Johnson City, which is over an hour north of here. Then I look through his photos and notice how tall he is, but he’s cute too.

Though I’m curious why he’s on this app.

Now I just need to figure out how to respond to start a conversation.

Harlow: I could teach you but with your sports background, I doubt you’d need more than one lesson.

Oh God, that was lame. Wasn’t it?

Brandon: That’s okay. I guess we’d have to find something else to do for our second date then.

Harlow: You’ll teach me to play basketball?

Brandon: For sure. Might be easier if I just lift you up to make the basket instead.

Harlow: Because I’m short or too dumb to learn?

Brandon: Nah, I’m saying it’d be more fun touching you instead.

Okay…I can’t tell if that’s a cute one-liner or a gross one.

Harlow: You’ll have to tell me more about yourself. What are you studying there?

Brandon: ET. Engineering Technology.

Harlow: Oh! So your athletic AND a brainiac. Why exactly are you here?

Brandon: I’m kinda shy around girls so most of them put me in the friendzone before I get the courage to make a move.


Brandon: I figured girls on CowboyMatch would be looking for something a bit more serious versus a hookup.

Harlow: Makes sense.

Brandon: Why are you on here?

Harlow: My bestie told me to try it. She says I need to “get out more.” I’m from a small town of only two thousand people, so the options are limited.

Brandon: You should come up here some weekend. Tons of stuff to do, on and off campus. Well, it’s kinda boring right now with the colder weather but come spring, I love to go hiking. In the summer, my friends and I go whitewater rafting and fishing.

Harlow: I’d love that!

We continue chatting for two hours before he tells me he has to get ready to visit some family. Things leave on a good note, so I’m optimistic. For now.

When I go back to check my other messages, there’s ten more.

Only two aren’t sexual, so I respond to them—Michael and Jayden.

“Okay, this is kinda fun…” I muse to myself.

Keeps me from getting bored, but the meds I took earlier are making me drowsy, so I lock my phone and take a nap.

When I wake up, it’s dinnertime. Mom didn’t have much energy after work, so she brought home a pizza, which is fine by me. I’m not super hungry anyway.

Instead of sitting at the table, we crash in the living room and watch one of Dad’s favorite shows.

“How’s your tailbone?” Mom asks.

“I think I’ll survive,” I tell her. “Feels fine when I’m sitting on ice, but it hurts when I walk.”

“I brought some ointment home. It’s in the kitchen. Just rub it on your skin and it should help in about twenty minutes.”

“What’s in it?” I ask reluctantly.

“It has CBD and some other stuff.” The hesitation in her voice makes me suspicious.

“Mother! Is it illegal?”

Her jaw drops. “Of course not! I might’ve bought it from a friend at work who has a patient that makes all-natural type stuff.”

Dad snorts, making me laugh because he calls bullshit too.

“Uh-huh, okay…” I muse.

“It’s for sore muscles, just try it.”

Once we’re done eating and Dad goes to bed, I decide to take a salt bath and check if I have any new responses.

This time I accept a few who gave sexual responses just to see how they react to my replies.

Not that I’m good at flirting because I know I’m not, but I promised Natalie I’d try, so here I am.

Devon: So you’re a cowgirl…that’s my favorite reverse position.

What even is that?

A quick Google search makes me immediately regret looking at the images tab.

Harlow: Is that because my ass would be right in your face?

Seriously, though, what an awkward way to sit on someone. How does one even move like that?

Devon: Spreading those ass cheeks while you ride me gives me the perfect view of your pretty little hole.

My eyes widen, and I blink hard because there’s no freaking way he said that.

Harlow: You look there?

Devon: Why wouldn’t I?

Harlow: Gross.

Devon: I assure you, it’s not. My tongue all up in there would have you coming in seconds.

His tongue?

Oh hell no.

Harlow: So back to being a cowgirl…do you ride horses?

Devon: I work on a cattle ranch, so yeah, we use them for roping and herding.

Harlow: Oh cool. Tell me more about that.

Or literally anything else that doesn’t involve my butt in his face.

While I wait for him to reply, I check back on my other messages.

Jayden: Besides riding, what else do you like to do?

Harlow: I take care of my dad, mostly. He’s disabled. I watch Grey’s Anatomy with my best friend every Thursday. She’s in Nashville, so we don’t get to see each other in person very often. I work at a Western clothing boutique. That’s pretty much it…

And I sound boring as fuck.

Jayden: That’s cool. Do you watch anything else besides that with your friend?

I furrow my brows.

Harlow: No, we’re trying to catch up on all the seasons. We’re only halfway through.

Jayden: Not even some girl on girl?

Harlow: No?

Jayden: You should. It’s pretty hot. I hear girls watch it together and then recreate the scene.

Harlow: Um…well, she’s an hour away from me, so we watch together over video chat.

Jayden: If you ever need someone to watch it with, let me know.

Instead of replying, I call Natalie.

“Hey! How ya feelin’?” She grins.

“Um, fine. But I’m talkin’ to some of these guys on the app and this one asked if you and I watch girl on girl together and then recreate it on each other.”

She barks out a laugh.

“Is this normal? Am I supposed to be fulfillin’ some weird fantasy for ’em and going along with it?”

“Kinda, yeah. It gets their attention. Keeps the convo flowin’ and leads to some dirty talk.”

“Before even meetin’ ’em?”

“Yeah! That’s kinda the point.”

I curl my lip in horror. “The point of what? Being a perv?”

“Harlow…don’t take it so seriously. It’s just fun.”

“ Fun ? One guy said he wants to see my booty hole in reverse cowgirl position.”

“Oh my God!” she hollers. “Was his name Devon?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“He’s harmless…he just has a little fetish.”

I look at her like a deer in headlights. “I’m not experienced enough for that kinda talk. I feel so out of my element.”

“Then ignore ’em if you want. No one says you haveta engage in those conversations.”

“There was one guy, Brandon, who seemed somewhat normal. He plays college basketball in Johnson City.”

“He’s a player.”

“You know him?”

“No, but he’s an athlete on a datin’ app.”

“He said he’s shy around girls, so that’s why?—”

“Yep, that’s a line. He’s full of shit.”

“How do you know all this?”

“Because there’s hundreds of guys just like him at my school. Trust me. They pretend to be one way but in reality are a bunch of manwhores.”

“Well, that’s disappointin’. We talked for two hours.”

“If he’s truly interested, he’ll reach back out. If not, he’ll block you.”

“Seriously? Why does this feel like The Hunger Games .”

“Because dating is The Hunger Games .”

“I don’t have any game whatsoever, so I ain’t gonna survive…” I throw my head back with a groan.

“If you’re uncomfortable, just exit the chat. Don’t waste your time. You’ll find someone on there worth talkin’ to.”

“Maybe…I dunno.”

We chat for a few more minutes, mostly her giving me pep talks, and then once we hang up, I go back to the app.

Then I notice I’m unable to message Brandon.

He blocked me? What the fuck did I do?

He was the most normal guy out of the handful I spoke to.

I must’ve been more lame than I thought.

Or Natalie’s right and it was all bullshit.

Ignoring the other messages, I close out of the app and turn on the TV.

I’ve done more socializing in one day than I do in a month and now I need to decompress.

I must fall asleep because my phone ringing wakes me up and it’s almost midnight.

Even weirder is it’s my sister.

“Hey,” I answer, still groggy.

“Hi, sorry to wake you. I need you to pick me up at Sheriff Wagner’s office.”

I sit up and clear my throat. “You’re in jail ?”

“No…not me. But he brought me in as a witness and won’t lemme drive because I was drinkin’.”

“A witness to what? And whaddya mean not you? Who’s in jail?”

She pauses briefly before exhaling sharply. “Waylon.”

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