Chapter Twenty-Three
1 . Paragraph begins with: “Oh come on, it’s perfectly safe.”
Alexis: Please note it is not perfectly safe. It is actually quite dangerous. Alexis Hall does not condone anyone circumventing safety barriers on cliff edges. Or anywhere else.
2 . Paragraph begins with: “No, you doylem.”
Alexis: I hope I’ve spelled this correctly. It could be doilem ? It’s basically Geordie dialect for a dullard. If I had to guess (and it would be a guess), I would think it’s possibly from the Romani dinilo as there’s quite a lot of borrowing between Geordie and Angloromani (for example, gadgie is a Geordie dialectal term for, you know, “bloke/lad” that comes directly from gadjo gadji, a not wholly positive term for non-Roma).
3 . Paragraph begins with: As far as Alfie was concerned, there was only one chippie in South Shields.
Alexis: Apparently this has gone downhill? Noooo. Please no.
4 . Paragraph begins with: God, he’d missed this.
Alexis: Look, this is actually, categorically, true. The south cannot make good chips. I don’t make the rules.