Chapter Four
It had been nearly three weeks since I’d first started texting with Josh, and I couldn’t help but notice that during those few weeks, I’d felt…lighter. It was the only word I could use to describe my recent state of mind. I still felt grief over losing my father, but it was slowly turning more toward anger. And my heart still felt a little broken and bruised from Drake’s betrayal…but that was quickly fading into anger as well.
I had successfully avoided my mother since she’d mentioned the blind date. It was easy, since she’d gone on a girls’ trip with her friends. A week-long cruise that had bought me time to decide if I wanted to tell a little white lie, and claim I was dating Josh, or just try to explain to her—again—why I wasn’t ready to date anyone .
Picking up my phone, I noticed I had a text from Josh. I smiled and opened it up. He’d sent it almost two hours ago, but since I was in class, during which my phone was on silent and in my office, I obviously hadn’t heard it come through. It was nice knowing he didn’t get upset if I didn’t reply immediately. I mean, it wasn’t like we were dating, so neither of us should feel that way, but still.
Josh: This is an important question.
Me: Go for it.
Josh: Do you like dogs?
Frowning in confusion, I quickly typed back my response.
Me: Doesn’t everyone like dogs?
Josh: THANK YOU! I said the same thing.
Me: Who doesn’t like dogs?
Josh: This girl I went on a date with last night. When I told her a story about the dog I had growing up, she screwed up her face and asked me why I would ever want a dog. I was floored.
Me: I hope you got up and left her with the check.
Josh: LOL! I didn’t, but when she asked when we could see each other again in a text this morning, I told her I was spending the evening with my dog. It was a white lie…I don’t have a dog. She then proceeded to tell me she didn’t think we were compatible after all, after which I sent a thank you to the dating gods.
I laughed…and wondered why I was relieved he hadn’t spent the entire night with his date.
“Why are you laughing, and who has you smiling like that? I haven’t seen that smile in months, Sophia!”
Nearly dropping the phone, I jumped when my mother entered my office.
“Mom? I thought you were on a cruise.”
She gave me a confused look. “I was. I just got home.”
I closed my eyes. “Right, sorry, I forgot today was Thursday. How was it?”
Putting her hands on her hips, she tilted her head. “Stop avoiding the question. Who are you talking to?”
“No one.”
“I’m not talking to anyone, Mother. I am, however, texting someone.”
“Who?” she asked, slipping into the chair on the other side of my desk.
Feeling my throat tighten and my hands start to sweat, I frantically tried to come up with a way not to involve my new text friend. But before I knew it, the word was out of my mouth before I could stop it.
Her brows rose. “Josh?”
Nodding, I replied, “Yep.” Oh, God, please don’t let her see right through me.
“Josh…as in?”
I cleared my throat. “The guy I’m talking to.”
Her eyes narrowed. “What does that mean? And you just said you weren’t talking to anyone, but texting.”
Well…here goes nothing.
“We’re seeing each other.”
Her eyes lit up, and her body nearly vibrated with excitement. “You’re dating someone?”
Pressing my mouth into a tight line, I nodded. “Yep.”
“Well, how long have you been seeing him?”
I felt a bead of sweat trickle down my back, and it took everything I had not to squirm in my seat. I blew out some air before saying, “Just about three weeks.”
She smiled. “That’s why you avoided me about the date with Janet’s son!”
Smiling weakly, I nodded. “Yep.”
“How did you meet?” she asked.
I frantically tried to come up with a story, then decided to stick as close to the truth as possible when nothing came to me quickly enough.
“I texted the wrong number, and he texted back. We sort of started texting back and forth.”
“If that isn’t the cutest thing I’ve ever heard!” Chloe said as she walked into my office.
Oh. Shit.
My mother, I could lie to. Kind of. But Chloe? She would see right through me.
“It is adorable. When can we meet him?” Mom asked.
“Yes!” Chloe said, sitting in the other chair. “What does he look like?”
I blinked at them, completely blank. I had only imagined what Josh looked like.
Turning to my computer, I did the only thing I could think of. “Oh! Sorry, hold on. I need to answer an email, Mom.”
They both looked at me like I had lost my mind.
Pulling up Google, I typed in Josh Shaw in an act of desperation. Not expecting to actually find anything. I glanced at Chloe and my mother with a quick smile before turning back to the computer and seeing…
Josh Shaw.
“Holy shit,” I said—as I stared at the insanely handsome guy dressed in a Hamilton firefighter uniform.
“What?” Chloe and my mother both said at the same time.
Looking at them, I asked, “Do you guys mind giving me just five minutes? Then I’ll tell you whatever you want to know about Josh.”
They both stood, looking annoyed and excited at the same time. Chloe started to head out, but my mother stopped and said over her shoulder, “Five minutes.”
Motioning for them to leave, I called out, “Shut the door!”
Clicking on the photo, it blew it up and I stared. Josh Shaw had brown hair, blue eyes, and a sexy five o’clock shadow. My entire body shivered.
Leaning closer, I studied the picture of Josh with another firefighter, an older man. He was handing the other man something as they both looked at the camera.
“I’ve never seen that eye color before. They look blue, but not blue. Bluish-gray?”
I backed out and looked at the Google results, then clicked Images at the top of the page.
“Holy cowboy!”
There were pictures of a younger Josh on a bull. Standing next to what I was guessing was his father since they looked so much alike, and a huge bull. There was also a photo of him in his high school baseball uniform.
Lord , he must have been born from the womb hot as hell.
I clicked out of the images and went back to the Google results yet again. I found a recent article and opened it. It was about the Shaw Cattle Ranch in Hamilton, Montana. I covered my mouth with my hand and I whispered, “Sophia, what have you gotten yourself into?”
Dropping back into my seat, I stared at the photo of the entrance of the Shaw Ranch. The Shaw family was known all around the area for being one of the wealthiest cattle ranches in the state of Montana. How in the hell had that not clicked? They were big with doing things in the community, and one of the sons even opened a community center in Hamilton several years ago.
My hands came up to my mouth as I attempted not to laugh. Of all the guys I was talking to, he had to be this guy.
Quickly grabbing my phone, I sent him a text and prayed he wasn’t on a call.
Me: What color are your eyes and hair?
Josh: Um…brown and blue. What color is your hair since I already know your eye color?
I didn’t have time to banter.
Me: We have a code RED, Josh! I repeat, we have a code RED! I told my mother I was dating you. Then she started asking all these questions, then Chloe walked in.
Josh: Soph, take a big breath in and hold it for four seconds, then let it out for four seconds.
Closing my eyes, I did as he said.
Me: I have about a minute.
Josh: I have no idea what that means. But I’m guessing she asked what I look like? I’m six-feet tall, with brown hair and blue eyes. I like baseball, horses, and anything chocolate. My favorite movie is The Lion King. Good start?
Me: The Lion King????
Josh: Hey, do you want me to be your fake boyfriend or not?
I giggled and covered my mouth.
Me: They’re going to see right through me.
Josh: No, they won’t. Be confident. You’ve got this. I have to go, my cousin’s waiting for me. It’s my turn to putt.
Me: You golf?
Josh: If you consider Putt-Putt golfing, then yes, I most definitely golf.
I slowly shook my head and got out of my messages. Then I got out of Google and opened my email, addressing one email to myself and starting to type.
When the knock on my door appeared seconds later, I called out, “Come on in.”
Chloe and my mother walked in as I pretended to focus on what I was typing. Which was, “I can do this. I can do this.” Over and over.
“One more second,” I said, typing away. I leaned back and scanned over my fake email. Then I moved my mouse and hit delete.
“Sent. Sorry, I had a mom upset that her daughter wasn’t picked to lead today.”
My mother nodded, and Chloe looked lost. I started to explain but my mother interrupted.
“Sophia, I want to hear about this young man.”
“Me too!” Chloe stated as she bounced in her seat. “First, what does he look like?”
I rolled my eyes and replied, “Looks are not everything, Chloe.”
Her smile slipped away, her expression exasperated. “No, but it’s bonus points if he’s good-looking.”
I cleared my throat. “It just so happens, he’s very handsome.”
They both leaned toward me. “And?” my mother said with a wave of her hands for me to keep going.
“He’s tall. Six feet.”
“Nice!” Chloe said with a nod of her head.
I shot her a look that said to be quiet before continuing. “Brown hair. Blue eyes.”
My mother grinned. “Total opposite of Drake. Good.”
My own smile slipped away. Why would she bring him up?
“Is he nice to you, Soph?” Chloe asked, diverting my attention from my mother.
Turning my glaring eyes away from Mom, I tried to relax. So far, everything I was saying was true, so this wasn’t so bad. “He’s very nice, and a perfect gentleman. He makes me laugh.”
Chloe’s smile grew into a grin.
“When can we meet him?” my mother asked.
I instantly stiffened and prayed neither of them saw it. “He golfs. Did I mention that?”
They both shook their heads.
“Too bad you hate golf,” Chloe stated.
My mother cleared her throat. “When can I meet him?”
“I’m not sure. We’ve just started seeing each other, Mom. I’d like to take things slowly, and introducing him to my mother isn’t going slow.”
“I’ve got to side with Soph on this one, Mrs. Montgomery.”
Giving my best friend a grateful smile, I thought that would be the end of it.
“What’s his last name?” my mother asked.
“What?” I asked, hearing my voice shake slightly.
“What is this boy’s last name?”
“I told you,” I said, trying to sound nonchalant.
She narrowed her eyes at me. “No, you haven’t told us his last name.”
A sudden lump formed in my throat, and I tried to speak, but nothing came out. When it looked like my mother was about to say something, I suddenly blurted, “Shaw. It’s Josh Shaw.”
Chloe gasped. “Shut the hell up!”
My mother turned and looked at her. “Chloe! We have little kids running around here.”
Ignoring my mother, Chloe blinked a few times and stared at me. “You’re dating Josh Shaw? Of the Shaw Ranch Shaws?”
That caused my mother to whip her head around and lock her eyes back on me. “What?”
I brushed away a nonexistent speck of nothing from my desk. “Yes, Chloe, he’s a member of that family.”
Chloe laughed loudly as my mother’s mouth fell open. “Sophia, that family is richer than Chloe’s!”
“Mom!” I nearly shouted.
“She’s right,” Chloe stated.
“Well, Josh isn’t. The money belongs to his family. Josh works on the ranch, and he’s also a firefighter in Hamilton.”
Chloe started to fan herself. “This keeps getting better! A cowboy and a firefighter?”
My mother and I stared at Chloe as she pulled out her phone.
Quickly standing, I asked, “What are you doing?”
“Telling everyone you’re dating Josh Shaw!”
“Chloe, don’t do that! We’ve only been on a couple dates; please don’t ruin this for me.”
That threw water on the fire that was Chloe’s excitement. She instantly deflated and put her phone back in her purse. “That’s fair. I’ll wait a bit longer.”
Relaxing back into my chair, I said, “Thank you.”
Mom stood, smoothed out her skirt, and then checked her perfect bun. “I’ve got lunch plans that I’m now running late for. You girls have a good day. And, Sophia, don’t forget to tell Julie’s mother that she hasn’t paid for this month yet.”
“I will, Mom.”
Once my mother left the office, Chloe got up, shut the door and faced me. A wide smile grew across her face as she asked, “What’s the sex like?”
I groaned and dropped my head to my desk, wishing a big hole would open beneath my chair and swallow me up.