Chapter Sixteen
My eyes rolled back into my head as my fingers sliced through Sophia’s silky hair. It took everything I had not to grip her head and just pump into her mouth as fast and hard as I could.
Her hand gently played with my balls, and I let out a long moan of pleasure when she sucked all the way up my length and let my dick fall from her mouth. She took me back in, this time deeper and faster.
“Jesus, Sophia, I’m so close. You should use your hand… I’m…oh, God!”
She sucked harder and the pleasure that raced through my body was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. My entire body felt as if it was vibrating with the buildup of my release. I was going to come hard, I could tell by the way my balls were pulling up and I fought for every bit of breath. I wasn’t sure how I was even able to speak, but I called out, “Soph, you need to move if you don’t want me coming into your mouth!”
Sophia looked up at me as I looked down at her. When our eyes met, it was my undoing.
“Sophia! I’m going to come!”
My head dropped back as I thrust in and out of her mouth before the most intense orgasm of my life overwhelmed me. My legs shook; hell, my whole body shook with the pleasure of it all. And knowing it was Sophia, making me feel such an intense feeling, made it a thousand times better.
Fucking hell. Now I knew why Nathan was always getting blow jobs.
“Shit!” I panted out. “My legs feel weak.” I looked at Sophia, who was smiling up at me. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you at all? I feel like I might have lost some control at the end.”
She rose on her knees and wrapped her arms around my neck. “It was perfect, Josh. All of it. And there’s something incredibly special about knowing I was the first to please you that way.”
Cupping her face in my hands, I kissed her. The taste of her, mixed with myself, made me feel utterly lightheaded, and if I’d been able to, I would have thrown her down and made love to her right then.
Leaning my forehead to hers, I whispered, “I’ve waited so long for you, Sophia.”
She pulled me down to the bed, and we lay on our sides, kissing one another as our hands explored. Eventually, I rolled Sophia onto her back and slipped my hand between her legs once more.
“Oh, Josh,” she whispered, as I slowly worked my fingers in and out of her beautiful body, bringing out another orgasm.
Sophia turned and faced me afterward, running her finger lightly down my cheek as she yawned.
“I think I’ll close my eyes for just a bit,” she whispered as she snuggled against me, quickly drifting to sleep.
While she slept in my arms, the only thing I could think about was how much I wanted to fall asleep just like this for the rest of my life.
The following day, I woke early to get ready for my shift at the fire station. Sophia was sleeping peacefully, so I didn’t want to wake her until I had to. Slipping out of the bedroom, I took a quick shower then made my way to the kitchen to whip up some French toast and scrambled eggs.
Sophia’s sweet voice caused me to look up and smile just as I finished cooking. She walked into the kitchen wearing one of my T-shirts. She was stunning.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” I replied, pouring her a cup of coffee.
She yawned and took the cup I handed to her.
“I can’t believe we fell asleep so early and I still slept through the entire night.”
“You’re not normally a heavy sleeper?” I asked, putting some eggs on a plate with French toast.
“Not really. I toss and turn all night, but I slept like a baby last night.” She took the plate and slipped up onto a stool at the island. “Thank you for this! Maybe it was because you had me in your arms all night.”
I winked as I poured syrup onto my French toast. “That might have something to do with it.”
“Did you sleep well?”
Nodding, I answered, “I did. Slept like the dead, if I’m being honest. It was sheer luck that I woke up when I did. I forgot to set my alarm for this morning.”
Her eyes widened. “You’re not late, are you? You didn’t have to make us breakfast.”
I laughed softly. “I’m not late, and I like making breakfast. I also liked waking up with you by my side even more.”
“I liked it, too.”
“What are your plans for today?” I asked.
“Heading back home. I normally have lunch with my mother on Sundays if she’s available, so I’ll give her a shout here in a bit and see if we can do today since we missed yesterday. Other than that, no plans. Chloe will probably want to know all the deets.”
“The deets?”
She grinned. “She knows I stayed the night with you.”
“It was her phone call that woke me up. She asked where I was, and I told her I’d stayed with you. Her first question after that was, ‘How was the sex?’”
Laughing, I asked, “What did you say?”
“I told her the truth. That your tongue needs to be designated a national treasure because it’s wickedly good at pleasure.”
“Well, I could say the same thing about you, Ms. Montgomery.”
Her cheeks blushed. “I’m going to miss you the next few days.”
“I’ll miss you, too.” I pushed my eggs around and asked, “Are you teaching Monday through Thursday this week like normal?”
“I’m pretty sure I am. I pick up a class or two occasionally for my mother or the other instructor working for us when needed, but I’ll find out tomorrow morning if anyone needs covering this week.”
“What do you teach to which ages?”
She smiled. “I teach tap to children ages eight and up on Mondays and Wednesdays. I teach our Tiny Ballerinas, ages three to six, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I also teach a hip-hop class for ages six to eight.”
“Wow, you do work with a lot of little ones, don’t you? Do you enjoy it?”
She nodded. “I do. I miss performing myself sometimes. I think the last few months, though, I’ve struggled with finding the same enjoyment I had before with my job.”
“I would imagine it’s a bit exhausting working with such young kids.”
“It can be a challenge I won’t lie, but I do love watching them learn new things and seeing the smiles on their faces when they finally master a move. I’m excited for our fall production. It should be a lot of fun.”
“Do you have a date for it yet?” I asked.
With a shake of her head, she replied, “Not yet. My mother has been putting it off for some reason. I need to talk to her about that. I’m sure the parents are wondering as well.”
I finished the last of my breakfast and brought my dish to the sink. As I rinsed it and put it to the side, since I hadn’t unloaded the dishwasher yet from dinner last night, I said, “Make sure you let me know when the date is, so I can take the night off at the fire station.”
Her eyes lit up. “You’d come?”
“Of course, I would.” I glanced at the clock. “I have to get going. Make yourself at home and stay as long as you want, okay?”
“I can’t stay in your house without you here, Josh.”
“Why not? I just told you that you could. I don’t have anything to hide. And anyway…I’m hoping you’ll be here more often than not in the very near future.”
“Is that so?” she asked, sliding off the stool and making her way over to me.
As she put her arms around my neck, I wrapped mine around her waist and pulled her in tight. “Yes. I’d love for you to stay with me as often as you’d like.”
She opened her mouth as if to say something, then shut it.
“I’ll try to stay at your place, too. I don’t expect you to always come to Hamilton.”
Smiling, she kissed me and said, “Well, your place is way nicer than mine.”
“As long as you’re with me, I don’t care where I stay. I’ve got to run,” I said, kissing her again, then deeper.
When I drew back, Sophia let out a small sigh. “Wow. I’m really going to miss you, Mr. Shaw.”
“Text me, and I’ll see you in a few days.”
After another quick kiss, I grabbed my stuff and started for my truck. Sophia followed behind me.
I stopped at the last step of my porch. “Don’t walk me out to the truck. You don’t have shoes on. Talk soon?”
Nodding, she leaned down and kissed me once more. “Be safe, Josh.”
Winking, I said, “Always.”
Once I got in the truck and started it, I saw Sophia standing on my small front porch, smiling as she waved. I watched at her in my rearview mirror until I had to turn.
Focusing on the road before me, I couldn’t help but grin. I realized that I wanted every day to start with breakfast next to Sophia and her waving goodbye to me from the front porch.
When I got to the station, I still couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. The guys noticed, and soon, the questions started.
“What’s with the smile, Shaw?” Larry asked when I walked by the watch desk. It was where we always had a firefighter stationed, so if someone came in with any concerns, someone would be there to help them.
“What’s with the frown, Larry?” I asked in return.
“I’m not frowning. And you’re avoiding my question!” he called out as I kept walking.
When I walked into the bay, Donny looked up and grinned. “Someone has a pretty big smile on his face. Get lucky last night?”
“Something like that,” I said as I continued toward the living quarters. The bunk room was one open space, but there were private rooms for the fire investigator, the battalion chief, and the captain.
“Shaw, I need to talk to you,” Eric Hurst, our captain, said as I finished getting my stuff settled.
“Sure thing,” I replied, following him to his office. Once inside, he motioned for me to sit down as he shut the office door.
“Do you remember me telling you about the city council voting on hiring a few full-time firefighters into paid positions?”
I shuffled nervously in my seat. “I do remember.”
He smiled. “They passed it last night, and your name was first on the list. I wanted to be the one to tell you and congratulate you.”
I was sure my mouth hung open in shock for a full minute. I finally snapped out of it and jumped up. “Are you serious, sir?”
“Yes, I am. Keep up the good work, Shaw, and you’ll be lieutenant in no time.”
Before I could reply, the alarm went off and the code for a multifamily structure.
The rest of my shift was spent on call after call, until I was about ready to fall on my face and sleep for days.
I wasn’t two steps into my house the next morning before my phone rang.
“What do you want, Nate?” I asked, dropping my bag to the foyer floor before I went to the kitchen.
“Want to grab a beer tonight?”
Glancing at the clock, I said, “Sure, as long as I get some sleep in before. Who else is going?”
“Just us. Thought we could catch up.”
I smiled. “You want the gossip about Sophia, don’t you?”
“Hell yeah, I do. I saw her leaving your place. That was two nights in a row she stayed with you.”
“I have to say, I never pictured you as the gossiping type. Or the stalker type.”
He laughed. “I’ll pick you up at six; we can grab dinner first.”
“Six, it is,” I said, as I grabbed some water and started for my bedroom. “I’m taking a shower and crashing; don’t bug me until it’s time to leave.”
“Sleep good, cuz.”
After stripping off my clothes and quickly showering, I grabbed my phone and texted Sophia.
Me: Hey, you. I’m home from my shift and exhausted. I’m going to grab some sleep before I head out with Nate for dinner and a beer tonight. I hope your day is going well. When can I see you?
Sophia: Morning! I’m glad you’re home and your crazy shift is over. So far, my day is going pretty good. I can head to Hamilton Thursday after my classes? Maybe sooner?
Me: Sounds like a plan.
I plugged my phone in, made sure it was on silent, and was out the moment my head hit the pillow.