Perfect (Love in Yorkshire #1) Six 41%
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It was a colossal relief that the rest of the week passed by without any major boy drama. I was still feeling ashamed of myself for flirting with Connor.

During those awkward moments when we bumped into each other, we exchanged the occasional ‘hi’, or at least I did. Connor ejected more of a preoccupied grunt than a word.

Over the last couple of days, I’d spent more one one-on-one time with my father, which was cool. Our relationship was gradually becoming stronger and I felt relaxed and fulfilled in his company.

On Saturday evening after supper, Dad and I chilled out in his study again and listened to old David Bowie records.

The majority of our conversations were either about school or farm-related subjects, which was safe. Discussions about my mother always made me feel a bit uncomfortable.

Dad also raised the matter of my birthday and asked if there was anything specific that I would like. I had thought long and hard, but there was nothing I needed really. What did you buy the girl who had everything? Thinking about my birthday reminded me of what Connor had alluded to at the train station. Maybe he was right and I had been spoiled in the past. After much reflection, I asked dad for a surprise but with an added stipulation that he wasn’t to go mad.

For the rest of that evening, when it was at last quiet outside, I managed to read my book. Considering it had been a weekend, the yard had been outrageously busy, with deliveries and tractors rolling in and out. I had found it difficult to concentrate on my Kindle.

On Sunday at supper, Anna joined us at the table for roast beef and the conversation flowed, even Connor made a rare appearance.

We all chipped in, speaking about a variety of general topics but discussions about our favourite movies was the highlight. To be honest, I was surprised by Connor’s knowledge of films, considering there were no TVs in the house. I mean, what family doesn’t have a TV? Part of me imagined it was probably in Connor’s room, but there was no way I was venturing into the lion’s den to check.

Whilst Connor was talking about the scene in Jaws when Quint dies, I was mesmerised, thoroughly enjoying the conversation. His voice was even more attractive when he wasn’t growling.

On Monday, I decided to break the ice even more. Having had a thoroughly normal conversation with him at dinner, I had assumed that Connor and I would now have come to some type of truce. However, when I shouted hello, a little bit too keenly to him, he walked across the yard and totally blanked me. I pursed my lips, once again feeling that muggy vibe. The damn boy blew hot and cold at the drop of a hat.

My time on the farm was still enjoyable, irrespective of the odd atmosphere with Connor. I now thoroughly had my bearings and the need for exploration had gradually fizzled away. I felt relaxed and content in my surroundings and so far, I had escaped from being dragged into any type of unappealing farm work.

One evening, when dad had come in from work looking utterly worn out; I started to feel guilty that I hadn’t offered to help.

On Wednesday morning, dad and Connor had already left for work so I spent most of the day annoying Anna. I helped bake bread which wasn’t a total disaster, although my version of a loaf didn’t appear to rise much.

I spent the rest of the day rattling around the house and playing Candy Crush on my phone. I had been stuck at level one hundred and forty-six for the last three months and was determined to get through it.

I made sure I kept myself busy most days, doing bits and bobs.

On the occasions I wanted to chat with my friends, I had to use the landline like I did when I called Mum. There was only one corner in my bedroom where a mobile signal was possible.

After decimating the ham sandwich which I made myself for lunch (purposefully out of Anna’s bread and not my own), I decided to walk off the calories and see if I could find my father.

As I left the house, I noticed there was a Sky dish on the side of the roof which was strange considering the lack of TVs. Maybe I was right and Connor had the only one? His room was the last place I hadn’t checked. What I wouldn’t give for a bit of Netflix .

Connor’s room was at the back of the house, two doors away from me; the sections in between us were the main bathroom and a large airing cupboard which explained the noise of the pipes which rattled every night.

I eyed the satellite dish moodily. Maybe there was a separate outhouse that they used as a TV room or something?

As I got to the back of the house, I bumped into Nigel, one of the older farmhands who had been working in one of the barns. He explained that dad had popped into the village but wouldn’t be long. I thanked him and moved away. He had one of those ‘pushed for time’ looks and I didn’t want to be the one to keep him from his duties.

I started to make my way back towards the house, but raised voices coming from the other side of the barn told me I had company.

I followed the noise and rounded the corner where I was met by a group of teenagers who immediately stopped talking and turned to face me. I instantly recognised Tom but not any of the others.

“Hi you,” Tom put in brightly, a huge smile plastered on his face. My goodness, he was a keen bean. He obviously didn’t know about the ‘treat them mean, keep them keen’ thing. Not that I cared, but it was refreshing that someone apart from my dad was pleased to see me. I had felt as if I was diseased or something and was definitely starting to suffer from a touch of cabin fever.

Tom was dressed in casual clothing, a pair of fitted black jeans and a green tee.

“Hi,” I replied, raising a hand in greeting.

There were four of them.

“Hi yourself,” a tall guy with jet black hair said with a dimpled grin. He was probably a similar height to Connor, but leaner and less intense from the expression he was wearing. His ear was pierced. It made me think of a pirate.

I approached the group whilst fanning out my hair, annoyed that I hadn’t brushed it.

The other two guys were similar in appearance with messy brown locks. You could tell they were related. Tom introduced them as Kyle and Max, twins but not identical. The other guy was called Nathan Lane. He was extremely cocksure and a practiced flirt, a definite player I guessed .

Tom, the pirate, and the twins all came to stand in a huddle around me. They were all from the village and seemed harmful enough. I surmised that these were ‘the guys’ whom Ella had said were ‘dying’ to meet me. And possibly the men Connor had warned me off.

As we completed our introductions in the usual way, I scanned the yard for a sign of Connor. It was strange as I was sure I’d heard his voice. It had been too long since we’d spoken and I didn’t like it. I felt irritated by the lack of attention.

I could feel Tom’s eyes drilling into me every time Nathan asked me a question. He definitely did the glancing back and forth thing, a hint of jealousy perhaps? I couldn’t blame him really, I wasn’t going out of my way to alienate anyone, but the banter between Nathan and I just flowed. It was less forced and quite fun and Nathan was certainly good-looking with his dark looks and swarthy skin. He also had a scar running through one eyebrow, it gave him that bad boy look. The special ingredient nice girls crave in their man, even though they know it will end in tears.

“What have you been doing with your time whilst Connor has been hiding you away here?” Nathan suddenly asked in his northern drawl.

“Not much, this and that. I only arrived the other day and why would Connor want to hide me?”

Nathan rocked towards me whilst Tom looked on. The twins had broken from the group and were now play-fighting like a couple of high school kids. I internally rolled my eyes.

“Maybe to keep you safe from the wicked boys in the village?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I laughed.

He winked playfully. “To stop them trying to get in your pants to start.”

I laughed at his directness. “I’m sure I can handle myself just fine and who says they would all want to.”

Nathan wrinkled his nose, feigning distaste. “Well now I’ve seen you, I haven’t got a clue. Bit on the small side. Although I suppose you’re not that bad looking,” he shrugged with a cheeky grin. “For a Southerner.”

Tom snorted and looked uncomfortable with Nathan’s brand of flirtation but I kept grinning. I was glad he wasn’t being overly complimentary, it felt refreshing from the pedestal Tom seemed to have placed me on .

Tom excused himself and took a call on his phone, leaving me, Nathan and the two boys, who stopped wrestling and joined us.

Kyle and Max were funny, they actually did finish each other’s sentences. We’d studied twins in Psychology and I had read that they sometimes did this. Kyle was the brighter of the two I would have guessed. Max just seemed to wear a huge dumbass smile half the time.

“So, are you going to come and live up here permanently do you think?” Kyle asked after jabbing his brother in the arm.

I pondered a bit before I replied.

“Not sure. I may study here eventually, but I still have another year of exams to finish.”

Kyle looked impressed and shot his reply in his brother’s direction. “So gorgeous and has brains. You hear that Max, exams. Tell us how you did in yours?” He was blatantly goading his brother and so I imagined Max hadn’t done so well. “Sorry Harlow, but my brother is as thick as fucking shit. But he wears that badge like a boss.”

Max flipped him the finger with a shit-eating grin and they started wrestling again. The old me would have turned her nose up at such immature behaviour, but their banter and cheap shots about each other were actually quite funny.

Tom circled back towards us super-fast as he ended his call.

“What did I miss?”

Nathan winked at me. “Nothing, Harlow and I were just sharing tips on how to give the best blowjob,” he smirked, enjoying winding his friend up.

Tom looked like he’d been slapped, so I put in quickly. “He’s kidding. There was no discussion about jobs of any kind.”

My face started to ache I was smiling so widely, but it felt so much better being the centre of attention again.

“I bet you give the best blowjobs with those lips?” Nathan said suggestively. I was surprised he didn’t wiggle his eyebrows. Dirty sod. I wondered if Nathan was the boy who had made the tits comment in the pub that Connor told me about.

Tom shifted uncomfortably on his feet and shoved his hands into his pockets as the twins came to his side .

“What’s up T, Nate after your girl again?” Max chuckled, shortening his friend’s name.

Tom suddenly looked like a kicked puppy and Nathan aka Nate straightened. OMG had Nate stolen Tom’s girlfriend in the past? Awkward much?

Nate recovered first and replied. “Piss off. Anyway, I heard you two were part of triplets, but one died of laughing.”

His joke lightened the atmosphere and a bit more flirting commenced with Tom standing there like a spare part. Like he felt unequipped to join in, a proper square. I felt a bit sorry for him.

As we chatted and put the world to rights, the distinctive throaty roar of Connor’s truck sounded into the yard, drowning out my answer to Tom’s question. Kyle also tried to speak over the noise and said something about a party. I didn’t fully hear what he said as my attention was then dragged to Connor who was climbing out of the Ranger. He was filthy and looked tired and moody like he’d possibly been working flat out all day. He still looked extremely edible of course.

Everyone turned to acknowledge Connor like he was some type of important military leader and Clive climbed out of the passenger side.

“Missed you at the pub last night man,” Nathan boomed across the yard as Connor slammed the door of the truck and approached us. He was scowling which didn’t surprise me; it seemed to be his signature look. Clive raised a hand in greeting before going into the house.

All of the guys turned to watch Connor in awe as he approached; like they fucking worshipped the guy. I was surprised they didn’t salute.

His gaze drifted across us, assessing the group before his eyes locked on mine with an accusatory element. Great. Now, what had I done? I was starting to think the guy had major mental health issues.

His eyes skimmed over my body and I could see he was trying to control his temper. The guy lived in a constant state of moodiness.

All sets of eyes then darted between us and there was a definite tension in the air.

“What are you doing here? I said I’d meet you guys later,” he shot at the boys, his brow knotted in disapproval. He obviously didn’t like the fact that I was speaking to his friends. I felt like a third wheel and suddenly disregarded.

As Nathan spoke, he turned away but I saw Connor’s jaw tic, the way it did when he was annoyed about something.

“Mike said you needed a hand attaching the press?” Nathan fired back, blatantly reacting to the definite tone in Connor’s voice.

Connor shook his head, his brow creasing before pointing out. “No, it’s sorted. Clive was here.”

Kyle and Max exchanged semi-amused looks, probably due to the change in atmosphere. It was almost like one of those ‘elephant in the room’ scenarios and yes, I was the fucking elephant it appeared!

Nathan raised his eyebrows and swayed back a step which put more of a gap in between the huddle.

“OK, cool, at least I don’t have to get these jeans dirty. We were just catching up with your new sister here,” he said jokingly and looked at me with a mock brother fondness like we’d known each other longer than those few minutes. If he ruffled my hair, I’d smack him one.

There was a moment’s pause before Connor replied.

“As I said the other night shithead. She’s not my sister.” His tone was flat without any trace of humour and Nathan’s entire face dropped. The shit-eating grin he had been fashioning, falling away.

He recovered slightly by rolling his eyes.

“It was a joke man. Who the fuck killed your hard-on,” he bit back, half under his breath; his expression now saying ‘here we go again’ as if he was used to this guy being difficult.

“What the fuck did you say?” Connor shot back. His head dipped aggressively. There was a steely element to his tone.

Nathan had the sense to look worried and he backtracked. There was definitely something missing in the equation.

“I said I was joking, there’s no need to lose your shit man. Why so pissed today bruv?” Nathan’s thick brows were joined as he rammed his hands into the pockets of his designer jeans. I recognised the brand well and they were not cheap.

The atmosphere changed to one of those uncomfortable silences and I was about to break it when Connor beat me to it .

Shaking his head, possibly at himself and his overreaction, he apologised. “Sorry man. Bad day.”

He exhaled, his nostrils flaring and dashed a hand across his jaw.

Connor just apologised. Wow, that was a first. I almost swallowed my tongue. He actually knew the word existed! I almost had a stroke on the spot. Suddenly, that bark was aimed at me.

“Don’t you have somewhere you need to be Harlow?” he bit out moodily, now addressing me directly. His brisk tone made me flinch and I hated the thought of him putting me down in front of his friends.

I worried my lip, threading a chunk of hair behind my ear as I met his stare.

“No, not really. I was just talking to the guys.” I didn’t know why I felt the need to defend myself, but his expression made me feel guilty.

“Yeah, I can see that, and now you’re done. I suggest you go and put on a suitable top, one that isn’t see-through. Mike’s looking for you anyway.”

I folded my arms across my chest, mortified at what he’d just said. I was being dismissed and I just didn’t have the energy to fight it, especially in front of his friends and his comment about my clothing.

The added annoying thing was that I knew he was lying. There was no way dad could have been looking for me as Nigel had already told me he was in town. His car wasn’t there either. He may have had a point with my top as I wasn’t wearing a bra. Not that it was any of his business. Heat tinged my skin at the thought of him looking at me there.

The next thing that came to mind was… absolute zero comeback. I suddenly lost the power to speak.

A strange tense silence shadowed the group and they all shared a knowing look before turning back to Connor. Like waiting for his signal. If the guy instructed them to sit, they’d probably all do so and right there on the fricking ground. I must admit, I lost a bit of respect for the Nate guy, who I was sure at least possessed part of a backbone.

“Fine, whatever,” I eventually replied, focusing on the floor by his feet. “I’ll see you guys later.”

I flicked the group a shy smile, trying to hide my humiliation. They said their goodbyes all over each other, it was all very odd and I could feel their eyes on my back as I headed for the house. It felt like the walk of shame and the branding on my skin would be Connor shaped. I was so pissed off and wished I had the courage to stand up to him in front of them. They probably thought me severely pathetic, although none of them had gone against him either or stuck up for me. Even Tom seemed to have swallowed his tongue. Connor Barratt appeared to be some type of country messiah.

What the hell was his problem? Did he think me some type of slut that would work her way through all his friends and make a name for herself? Or was he trying to protect me from them? It was all very bizarre. They came across as regular boys, not sex-starved lunatics. Maybe he just didn’t like it that other people could hold conversations. He was pretty shit at it.

I replayed the scenario in my head as I walked into the kitchen, the smell of bread still lingering.

The guys had definitely been on full flirt alert, even Tom in his own shy way but not in an over-the-top fashion. I imagined out of the four of them, Nathan would be the one to watch out for. He probably went through girls like he went through socks. I wondered fleetingly how he’d got the scar.

“What did you mean, ‘later’?”

I jumped, startled at Connor’s voice. He must have ditched his friends and followed me into the house.

I turned to face him and folded my arms, conscious of my braless chest after his comment. Connor tilted his head to one side and eyed the motion curiously. I saw a fire in his eyes, he was definitely trying not to stare at my breasts.

I blew out a breath, confused, replaying his question in my head as I attempted to control my body’s reaction to his nearness. My nipples were now hard and it had nothing to do with the cold. “Nothing. I was just saying ‘see you’, you know, in the usual way.”

His antagonistic eyes narrowed. “So, they didn’t invite you to the party?” His voice reeked of disbelief and he folded his strong arms over his chest, his biceps bunching.

I was well and truly puzzled.

“Party?” I began. Ah, yes. Kyle had mentioned something, but his voice had been drowned out by the noise of the car .

“Not sure about any party,” I still said, playing ignorant seemed the best option.

“Don’t play dumb sweetheart. The party tonight at Nathan’s house.” His eyes glittered hotly.

He spoke to me like he would a five-year-old.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Connor,” I snapped. I so didn’t want to argue with him, but I wasn’t sure what to say to shut it down.

He shook his head and his expression twisted before he shrugged those huge shoulders.

“It doesn’t matter, as you won’t be going,” he replied throwing his arms open.

His words wound me up, instantly grating my nerves. Who the hell did he think he was telling me what I could and couldn’t do? I remembered Ella’s controlling comment. No shit.

I squared my shoulders and shook my hair away from my face before stating in a tone of my own.

“I’m not? Oh, please Dad,” I mocked in my best fake begging voice. “Who died and made you in charge?”

He didn’t like that and he took a threatening step forward, blasting down at me.

“While Mike is out, I’m responsible for you.”

His words were like a red flag to a bull. Ah ha, so he knew Mike was out.

“So, my dad is out and therefore can’t be ‘ looking for me’. You’re such a lying shit,” I bit out, impressed by my willpower. I literally wanted to strangle him at that point.

He had the guts to look slightly uncomfortable as he replied.

“You should thank me for helping you out of an awkward situation.”

I wrinkled my nose. “ Awkward situation? What awkward situation? Being surrounded by fit guys who were all giving me attention and talking to me like normal people? That type?”

I was astounded that he had the balls to make himself out to be my saviour.

He didn’t reply straight away and cleared his throat noisily. I thought I was actually managing to back him into a corner for once, but of course, he recovered.

“Lane is reckless, bad news. All he cares about is drinking and getting laid. He isn’t interested in conversation, just what you keep in your jeans,” he drawled nastily, flicking a glance toward my crotch .

I flinched.

“You’re disgusting. It wasn’t like that at all Connor, we were just having a conversation,” I bit in, feeling thoroughly offended. Was he trying to gaslight me now?

He snorted.

“Yeah, because that’s why Nathan Lane, the biggest player in Yorkshire was drooling all over you, because of how amazing the banter is. That’s up there with rocking horse shit Harlow.”

“Isn’t he your friend?” My eyebrows must be close to my hairline by now.

He smirked before grunting, “I tolerate the tool. There’s little friendship there. It’s a mutual feeling believe me. The guy behaves like a privileged nob one hundred percent of the time and has no respect for women, especially the pretty ones.”

He paused and dashed a hand across his jaw before stating. “I mean it, if you try to go, I won’t be happy and I can guarantee neither will you.”

I itched to slap his face, even though he had suggested I was pretty in there somewhere.

Again, it was all about my looks, my mum’s warning about the downside of beauty doing the rounds in my head. Connor made me feel like I had nothing to say for myself and that I was some type of easy lay that would jump at the chance to shag anyone that showed her interest. How I wished I could really hate him. It’s like pretty was all I was and there was nothing on the inside worth thinking about.

“Your friends, if you can even call them that, were here looking for you actually, it was purely by chance that I even bumped into them,” I explained. Not as though he deserved an explanation.

“That’s bollocks and you know it. The guys have been panting to meet you after Tom’s fucking revelation about you the other night. Stage one is to see where the action is. They’ll be making bets next. The twins are also fuckers when it comes to girls.”

“Making bets? How dare you say that to me? And even if that was the case, don’t you think I have a say in the matter?” I shot out, uncrossing my arms and dropping them to my sides. My nails were digging into my palms so much, I would surely have marks for days.

“One minute you’re calling me a buttoned-up virgin and the next I’m an easy lay that would drop her knickers at the first sign of interest. What the hell is that about? And Nathan was actually very nice. Yes, a bit flirty but I am used to that type of behaviour, I know how to deal with it.”

I could see from his body language that he’d had enough.

“Bottom line. Stay the fuck away from Nathan Lane. You know fuck all about the guy. Even his parents think he’s a cock. As I said, he’s bad news.”

I almost yelled, ‘And you’re not’ but changed my tack.

“What if I don’t? What do you think you can do about it? You’re not my brother and you’re certainly not my father.”

He was unimpressed and he shot me a cold, ruthless look before taking a menacing step toward me, getting in my face. I shivered, my mouth dropping open.

“I mean it. Do as I tell you Harlow and stay here tonight.” His breath fanned my skin and I felt goose bumps skitter up my arms.

I swallowed, slightly intimidated before releasing a breath of exasperation.

My shoulders slumped forward. “You’re impossible. There is no talking to you. Do you ever lose an argument?”

His lip curled.

“Fuck no. Not anymore.” He said it with such force that I believed him.

Out of every party I had ever ‘not’ been invited to, this was the one I’d now trade a kidney to attend. My dear stepbrother obviously wasn’t aware of the story of Pandora’s Box.

I searched his features for any sign that he was joking. He wasn’t. Surely, he didn’t think he could tell me what to do. I seriously didn’t get his attitude. My neck started to ache from trying to retain eye contact. The boy was like a giant.

“If you think for—,” I started to argue again.

He raised a hand to ward me off, “—Mike won’t let you go, so accept it and spare us both the drama,” Connor interjected with a derisive lilt, annoyance still plain on his face .

I almost laughed out loud. “So, you’re pulling the ‘I’m telling daddy card on me now?” I pointed out. My eyebrows were still sky high. “You’re so full of shit. You’re no snitch.”

Connor scowled before grabbing me roughly by the upper arm, dragging me along and stuffing me into dad’s study. A frisson shot up my spine at the contact. His fingers were firm but he didn’t hurt me; maybe just my pride.

He basically manhandled me into the room and then tugged me around to face him. Releasing me, he glared down at me with a foreboding stare. The force of it could have cut glass.

“Nate’s parties always end in trouble and Mike would flip his shit if you went.” His voice was uneven and slightly breathless. “I thought you wanted to build on your relationship with your dad and learn more about the farm. Going to Lane’s annual piss-up is not the way to do that. You should stay here tonight, stay out of trouble. I won’t be going and you’re definitely not either.”

Curiosity bubbled within me. Wasn’t he bare-faced lying again now? He’d said to the guys that he’d expected to see them late.

I paused and pretended to consider his words before replying.

Was he really concerned about me? Had our normal on-and-off conversations made him actually care about my welfare, or did he just enjoy being a bossy dick? I went with the latter. The guy was all about being the boss.

“I see. And this is all about looking out for me, is it? You care all of a sudden?” I said in a cynical voice.

He rolled his eyes before shooting me an unwavering dark gaze.

“I care about Mike yes. He wouldn’t want you there. Nate is a tool, ask Ella. The police have been involved in the past and don’t get me started on last year. To be honest, I’m surprised Sally and Adam have left Nathan in the house without Ryan to keep an eye on him. At least he has a brain.”

I shrugged not bothering to ask who Ryan was. “Look whatever, I’m going to my room so, let me by please.”

I made an attempt to move past him but he stepped sideways to block my path. He was so tall, lean and angry and so much stronger than I. My shoulders dropped and I felt myself wilting before such flagrant masculinity and strength. You could taste the testosterone radiating from him .

I swallowed, feeling intimidated again. He was all bristling aggression. That feeling of fear of the unknown was also a strange turn on. An odd combination I know.

He took a deep breath, silent for a moment as if trying to calm himself down.

“You should be thankful that I have some level of restraint today, Harlow.”

Rolling my eyes, I shot him an accusatory look. “You wouldn’t touch me, you’re not that guy,” I said with a pointed look.

“Don’t be too sure. You don’t know me, you don’t know what I’m capable of,” Connor’s voice dropped and took on a dangerous edge. I still wasn’t afraid, not really. “For fucks sake, I’m not even sure myself half the time.”

“I know you’re capable of being an absolute dick,” I volleyed back unperturbed.

I again attempted to move around him but he shot out one strong arm across the doorway to block my exit.

“There’s more to me than that Harlow. There is something inside me that I hope you never get to see.”

“Whatever.” I tried to move his arm but he kept his stance firm, blocking my escape.

Leaning down toward me, he said in a voice full of warning.

“I mean it, Harlow. You’re to stay here tonight. You don’t want to see the pissed off side of me,” his voice was now super serious and his eyes were searching my face, looking for a sign that he’d weakened me.

“I think I’m already acquainted as that’s all you ever are around me and you can stop with the threats. I know you’d never hurt me.”

He closed his eyes, savouring my words before he shot me a look of silent promise. “Maybe not, but I’d definitely put my hands on you.”

Shock and excitement jetted through me. He meant it. He really didn’t want me to go to the party, which as you can imagine made me more determined to do the opposite. It was strange behaviour for me really, when did I become such a rebel?

I decided to play ball, purely for his benefit, knowing that as soon as I walked away, I’d text Tom to find out more about this stupid party. If anything, at least it got Connor’s attention. I had hated being ignored and if Connor could lie, so could I .

“Well, I can hardly go when a) I wasn’t invited and b) I haven’t got a clue where he lives can I?” I pointed out like he was stupid. I was now an Oscar-winning actress it appeared.

He pursed his lips whilst watching me and I felt a slight twinge of guilt, although it was very slight. Miniscule really.

“It isn’t your type of party Harlow,” he warned, dropping his arm before adding. “Honestly, I’m not saying it to be a dick.”

I almost didn’t grace his bullshit with a response but then put in, “Whatever you say, brother .” I knew he wouldn’t care for that comment.

He was such a bastard.

I pushed past him and he let me go thank goodness, part of me wondered if he’d keep me there until I promised in blood that I wouldn’t go.

I exited the study and headed for the stairs without looking back.

Tom had called and I rang him back, standing in that special corner of my room to ensure my phone didn’t cut out. I asked him about the party and he instantly offered to take me. Irrespective of my desire to mess with Connor, I suddenly really fancied going; it pulled me away from the house for a few hours. I could actually start to feel that farm smell on my skin and not just my clothes. Something seriously had to give.

Tom said that he’d pick me up at six and I spent the next hour contemplating what to wear, feeling like an evil genius.

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