Player’s Juno (Hunters Creek Archangel’s Warriors MC #12) Player Chapter 20 88%
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Player Chapter 20

After spending several hours with Saylor, I hated to leave, but I had to go. I not only made up for my stupid remarks and explained more about Clover, but I was able to fully claim her in one of the hottest ways imaginable for me. The idea of taking her in front of my club was hot, although I doubted I’d be able to do it for real. I was too possessive. The women in the past who I did that with hadn’t meant anything. Saylor meant everything. She played along beautifully, and when she let me take her ass, too, it nailed it. After giving her care and a bath, we went to bed and got some much-needed sleep.

That was hours ago. After waking up, it was back to business, and now, those going out were on the road. It was dark, and we were headed out to take care of Bosch and his men. According to Outlaw and Beast’s continued reconnaissance, no one had left the farm they’d located. We were all praying our intel was accurate, and it was him there.

We went in several vehicles, and we split up. There was no need to gain attention to a convoy of vehicles going onto a remote country road late at night. We’d taken the precaution to use old ones we had access to, not our own, and the license plates were hidden or removed. Motorcycles would’ve been too conspicuous and loud. We left our cuts behind. If seen, no one would be able to say it was the Warriors or Marauders who did it.

Along with these precautions, we were dressed in black and had our faces covered either in paint or masks. We wanted everyone to come home, so Kevlar vests and night vision goggles were a must. We were doing this like a military op. Each of us carried multiple weapons. We were intending for there to be no survivors who could come back later and be a threat. We planned to capture Bosch and a man or two, if possible, to question to ensure there were no stragglers who would need to be cleaned up as well.

We reached the rally point, which was a good distance away, so as not to tip them off. We gathered for last-minute talk and updates from our eyes at the clubhouse. Outlaw and Beast stayed behind to do it and to help protect the compound. We weren’t taking chances with them having that hole there. We may be clean these days, but you never know if someone has a grudge against you or not. We found that out with Aria and her brother’s club. An enemy we thought long gone.

“It’s still a go. No movement other than Beast and Outlaw said there were men sighted outside. Not standing guard duty per se, but they’re out there. Three of them, so be alert. No way to know if they have cameras and an alarm system, so be alert for those, too. We get in, get out, and if we can grab a few, do it. The goal is to get us all home alive and them eventually all dead. Stick to your partner. Okay, any questions?” Bull asked.

We’d thoroughly gone over the plan and who was to go where and with whom, so there was none. I was paired up with Styx from Jinx’s club. He was their secretary, but on top of that, he’d been in the military. Anyone who hadn’t was paired with someone who had. We split into our pairs and spread out, moving as fast, yet quietly as possible through the woods. That was the thing about Tennessee. You could find woods almost anywhere. It made it great for concealing us, but you had to worry about the noise and tripping and falling. Using night vision was an added challenge, but we’d used them and practiced with them several times. It was good to see Jinx had done the same with his guys.

It didn’t take long to get close, but to me, it felt like it took hours. We paused together and searched our surroundings. We were checking for trip wires and cameras that would alert them. That was on top of any of the roaming men.

Styx whispered, “No wires or cameras. You?”

“None that I see,” I whispered back.

We were about to rise from our crouches and proceed closer when I froze and signaled him. I spotted one of those roaming guys. He was a good ten yards or so from us. He wasn’t super alert, but he was between us and our goal. He had a gun on his hip, but the way he moved, you could tell he thought being out here was a waste of time. He was about to find out how wrong he was. Styx gestured for me to go left, and he’d go right. He took out his knife. I did the same. This had to be a silent kill. We didn’t want to alert the others that their base had been found.

In the end, it was a letdown. Styx got to him faster and had his throat slit, and the body pulled out of sight. I shook my head. I wasn’t that far behind. He was just that fast and proficient. He gave me a grin, and then we proceeded to creep nearer to the farmhouse. There were a few lights on inside and only a porch light on outside. I guessed that was for the benefit of the men roaming outdoors.

With our night vision, I was able to see more of our guys coming out of the woods at various points. They were cautious yet moving fast. We had earpieces, which we used sparingly. They were to talk to each other if needed. We made it to the house. As we hunkered down and waited for the order to go, I tried to calm my beating heart. It was nerves causing it. I was excited to get my hands on that fucker, Bosch. He had Saylor attacked and almost kidnapped, and God only knew what he had planned for her if he got her. It wouldn’t have been pretty.

“On my count, on three, we enter. Watch your sixes,” Bull whispered into the earpiece.

I tensed. His countdown seemed slow, but I knew it was just me. When I heard three, I was up and moving like a bullet out of a barrel. Styx was with me. The aerial views the hackers got us had shown the outside of the house. We knew where every window and door was. We had been assigned one to enter for those going inside. Some would remain outside to assist where and when needed. Styx and I had a window on the west side. A second pair would come in behind us. That was Iceman and Ajax.

I tried the window in case it was unlocked, but it wasn’t. Again, we’d planned for it. We had tools that could open most locked windows. As a last resort, we’d have to bust the glass, but that would tell them they were being attacked. It wasn’t unlocked, so Styx got out the jimmy pry bar as I referred to it, and worked it into the frame. Somehow, he got it opened. As soon as he did, he went through, and I was on his heels. The room we entered was dark. It was a bedroom. Luckily, no one was in it. We quietly made our way to the closed door. I heard Ajax and Iceman come in behind us. Once in the house, we were on our own timer to get in and find the men and eliminate as many as we could.

As Styx opened the door and peeked into the hallway, I heard a shot and then shouting. The element of surprise was blown. Still being cautious, we came out of the bedroom and split to search in two directions. Doors were being kicked in and searched. There were cries, swearing, thumps, and shots going all over. I shot a guy as he came bursting out of a bedroom in his underwear.

It became a haze as we worked our way to the center of the house. In total, we killed two men by the time we got there. I was scanning the room to see who from our team made it and what condition they were in. I was relieved to see all the ones who were there appeared unharmed. The same couldn’t be said of those gathered in the middle of the room with their hands on their heads. They wore angry expressions as they gazed around at us. I only wanted to see one face, and I relaxed when I did. We’d been shown not only pictures of the men in the innermost circle that we suspected of helping but also of Bosch.

Prison hadn’t done him any favors. He’d aged a lot when compared to his photo before being put behind bars. I smiled. He noticed it. He scowled and yelled over at me. “What the hell are you smiling about, asshole? You have no idea who you’re messing with.”

I walked over to him so I was able to stare him in the face. My anger over everything he did began to increase. This bastard was the one responsible for blinding Saylor. He’d tried to take her life. When that failed, he plotted and found a way to escape to go after her. He deserved everything to come and more. I smiled wider.

“I know exactly who you are and the shit you and your buddies have done. You thought you’d bust out of prison and come for her. Not as easy as you thought. Have you been wondering where your men are that you sacrificed? No, I doubt it. You sent them in there, figuring most would die. Too bad for you, they all did, and lucky for us, we have talented people who figured out where you and your sycophants were.”

He sneered. “You must be the biker I heard was fucking her. The one Clover wants. Player, isn’t it? Surely, a blind woman isn’t worth all this. You can find someone better to fuck, like Clover. She looked like she would be up for anything. Or she was when I had her.” He smirked.

I knew he wanted to make me hit him. Not sure why, but I held myself back from doing it. Barely. Instead, I smirked back. His cocky look dimmed a bit.

“Yep, I’m Player. As for Clover, she won’t be screwing you or anyone again. Why would I go for a woman like her when I have a stellar one like Saylor? You should’ve done your homework better. See, in the biker world, there’s one guaranteed way to get a whole club and more to come down on your ass. Just mess with our families.”

“She’s not related to any of you. I checked,” he snapped.

“No, not by blood, but she is my old lady, which is the same as a wife. My club, me, and our friends will go to hell and back to protect an old lady. You fucked with the wrong woman. You should’ve learned when she hurt one of your goons who tried to kidnap her over a month ago. Is he still alive, or did the stab wound and gunshot a blind woman gave him, along with the dog bites, do him in like he deserved?” I taunted.

A guy to the right of Bosch flushed red as he took a couple of steps toward me. The gun jabbed in his side by Demon stopped him. He glared at me as if he hated me. He wasn’t standing as straight as the others, plus his gait was off like his leg hurt him.

“Ah, you must be the one. Damn, she’ll be disappointed you didn’t die, but now she can have a second chance. That blind woman you speak so scathingly about not only fucked him up, but she also killed a few more of the ones you sent and wounded another one. Not bad for anyone, let alone a blind woman. But what truly pisses me off is you tried to have her and Freya killed in that ambush over there to protect your ass. You have a whole lot of sins to pay for. I can’t wait.” He spat at me. I just smiled more.

“Enough chitchat. We need to get this show on the road. We’ll take these two. Anyone else?” Terror asked me, after pointing to the one who Saylor hurt and Bosch.

I eyed the group. As much as I’d like to take them all, it wasn’t a good idea. We’d had the prospects dealing with bodies since early this morning. No need to add a ton more. I saw one guy who seemed to want to hide behind the others. There was something about him that made me pause. He looked nothing like the others. He didn’t have the military presence they did. My gut clenched. I went with it. I pointed to him, and his face paled.

“And that one. Three should do nicely.”

The third one shook his head and shrank back. That left four others. Bosch had more men there than we thought. As soon as the men were identified, they were removed from the cluster. Moments after they were, a couple of my brothers from both chapters of Warriors and two Marauders struck. They came up behind them and silently slit the remaining men’s throats. The shock on their faces was awful as they choked and bled to death. We made sure their three remaining buddies watched. Once they were dead, it was time to get on the road.

We had a plan for this. Part of us would take them back to the compound. The rest were staying to take care of the scene. We made sure to wear gloves, policed our brass, and didn’t touch it with our bare hands, just in case. The bodies that were shot would be added to those with slit throats, and then the whole place would tragically explode from a gas leak. I didn’t care how they did it as long as they were gone.

It was a minor fight to secure their hands and feet and get them to the waiting van. It was brought to the house by Stalker. He’d been left behind to transport and to be a lookout in case anyone was expected and came up behind us. We didn’t waste time getting them loaded, and those of us leaving got in. Stalker dropped some off where the rest of the vehicles were so they could ride back. We gagged them. I didn’t want to hear any of their shit until we got home.

The drive took over an hour. I used the time to think more about the things I wanted to say to them and do. I knew the women were waiting to find out if we were safe, so Bull had set up a code word he could send to Outlaw that would tell them we were alright and on our way. I had no doubt he sent it.

When we came through the gate, we were greeted by several guys who were outside standing watch. We waved but didn’t stop. The first thing was to get these three to the Cellar. Then, we’d come back to the clubhouse to see everyone. We wouldn’t start the fun stuff until everyone was back. We threw the three bastards into a cell and ordered Gavin to stay and watch over them. Once that was taken care of, we drove the van back to the clubhouse. As I got out, I checked to see if I had blood on me. Some men did, and they would most likely shower first. I noted a bit on my pants.

We shook hands with the ones outside to greet us, then entered. I was going to go to my room first to change, but I was almost bowled over by Saylor. She unerringly came to me and threw herself in my arms. I hugged her and then gave her a kiss. Fuck the blood. She couldn’t see it. I’d change in a minute. As we kissed, I felt a nudge. I broke it to glance down. There stood Freya. She had her shoulder bandaged, but she was up walking. I hunkered down to rub her head. I gave her a kiss on the head.

“Good girl. You’ve been watching your momma.”

Saylor chuckled. “Yeah, you could say that. I went to check on her again, and she refused to stay in the room when I was done. She’s been hobbling around. I’ve tried to keep her as still as possible, but when she heard the cars, it was like she knew. She got me over here by the door.”

“She looks good for all she went through. We’ll keep an eye on her, but I think she’s fine.”

“How did it go?”

Now, most of the guys probably wouldn’t give their old ladies a lot of details. However, their women weren’t the same as mine. Saylor understood combat. Taking her hand, I made my choice.

“Come with me. I need to change. I’ll tell you in my room.”

She didn’t argue. Freya, of course, came with us. As soon as we were behind the closed door of my room, I undressed and washed up a bit as I told her the broad details. She knew we’d shot and then cut several throats. I told her what Bosch and I said, then told her we had her buddy she fucked up. She laughed at that. Her eyes sparkled with bloodlust by the time I was done. God, she was made to be a biker’s woman. She didn’t bat an eye at anything I told her we did or at the few things I shared with her that I planned to do to them. When I was done, we sat on the bed, holding each other. I needed a minute like this.

The silence stretched out until she broke it. “Brooks, I need to ask you something. I know that you guys have a plan for them. I agree wholeheartedly with it. But I’ve got to ask, please include me. I need to be there when you end them. I know it’s not something you allow, but I need it. I want to help punish them. I know it’s not ladylike and probably against all the rules of being your old lady, but I can’t help it. I’ve dreamed of it for years.” She sounded so sad at the thought that she couldn’t. She was pleading both in her tone and her expression. This was clearly something she needed to do rather than just want to do.

Apparently, she hadn’t talked to the old ladies about her desire, or they would’ve told her that an old lady taking part had been done in the past more than a few times. I recalled what Aria did earlier this year. She’d gotten revenge on those who raped, beat, and crippled her. Slash told us that afterward, her sleep had improved drastically. She rarely had nightmares like she did before we killed Ox and the others. I’d have to run it by the club, but I doubted anyone would deny her.

“Babe, I’ve got to ask Bull and the guys, but I think they’ll say yes. You wouldn’t be the first to ask and have it granted. I suggest you talk to the old ladies one day about what they did or didn’t do to those who were after them or caused them harm. I know you can handle it. Sometimes, we’ve hesitated due to not wanting to traumatize our women. You’re a warrior, Juno.”

“I’m your warrior. It was fate for me to end up with an Archangel’s Warrior. Thank you, honey.” She gave me a tender kiss. I hated for it to end, but we needed to get back out to everyone else to await the return of Bull and the others. He had stayed with that group. As soon as he got here, I’d have to ask permission.

“Come on, we’ve got to rejoin the horde,” I told her after I let go of her mouth.

“I know. I just want to lock us away from the world for a month or two, that’s all. Okay, let’s go. Voraus ,” she commanded Freya. I’d learned all the commands by now. After instructing Freya, Saylor had it that Freya would obey me the same as she would Saylor. I knew what she said meant to go out. She got up and took her place to guide her mistress. Even with me there, unless we dismissed her, she did it. Saylor had explained that if she started to let her be lazy, it would cause depression and then mischief due to boredom, so we worked to keep Freya active both in mind and body.

Making our way back to the common room, we were greeted along the way. Freya got just as many. She accepted the pats on her head, only because Saylor had told her it was alright. If not, they would’ve been bitten or worse. When we got there, I found two seats and had her sit.

“Can I get you anything?” I asked.

“No, but you should drink something. You’ve been expending energy. Try some water and then maybe something with some sugar in it to keep your blood sugars stable. I can go make you a sandwich if you’re hungry.” She went to stand, but I held her in the chair.

“Babe, thank you for the offer, but I’m good. I’ll be back as soon as I get our drinks. You’re right. I should drink. Be back,” I said before walking off to weave my way to the bar. Walker was there serving people as fast as he could. I had no idea where Diego was.


It was over an hour after we returned before the rest of the guys did. They came in smiling. So, all must’ve gone well. No surprise that Bull, Terror, and Jinx called church almost as soon as they came in, and after they greeted their women if they had them. Others did it to their brothers and friends.

Now, we were gathered around the table in church. They’d given us a quick overview of how the gas leak went. I was kinda envious when they were done. I would’ve loved to have seen the explosion. When I said it out loud, Vex whipped out his phone. He passed it to me, which led to others watching it. As soon as we all saw it, Bull instructed him to delete it and make sure Outlaw cleared it permanently for him. He nodded.

“Alright, now we’re down to these last three. I know Player has ideas on how to take care of them. You got anything to say before we go do it?” Bull asked.

I knew I had to ask about Saylor, and I knew in my gut this was the time to share my past and explain about Clover. I wanted to have a clean slate for me and Saylor as soon as we dealt with the scum in the Cellar.

“Actually, I have two things. First, Saylor has asked me to beg the clubs for permission to be there when we take care of Bosch and the other two. She’s desperate to join in. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she wants to participate. I know we’ve allowed it in the past. Aria is one example. Protecting our women is always a goal, but mine is a Marine, no matter if she’s discharged and blind. I think she’s proven she’s a Warrior and deserves to do it, but it’s a group decision. I told her I’d ask, so that’s what I’m doing.”

I paused to let it all sink in and for them to think about it. I was silently praying they would. After a minute or more of silence and glances around the table at each other, Bull ended the suspense.

“Personally, I have no issue with her being there or participating. She’s more than able to handle her shit. Do I want to protect all our women and kids from it? Sure, but that’s not realistic. I’m calling for a vote. I’ll go around the table. Majority wins. Does anyone have anything to say before we vote?”

Jinx held up a hand. When he was acknowledged, he looked at me. “I think it’s amazing she wants to do it. I have no issue, but I believe my club should not be included in the vote. This is Warriors’ business. We’re here to help. We’ll do whatever the club votes on.”

“Thank you, Jinx,” I told him sincerely. He nodded.

“I agree, it’s Hunters Creek’s decision. I and mine will remain out of it. How could I say no? She’s a damn Harlow,” Terror said next. This caused several to laugh.

With those two clubs out of it, when Bull did the count, it went fast. No one said nay. I was relieved, but the knot in my stomach remained. Now came the hard part. They were waiting for me to tell them the second thing. I cleared my throat, and then I stood up. This got a few eyebrows lifted.

“I owe you all an explanation. Most of you, even if you weren’t here, heard what happened with Clover the other night and how it led to this. What you don’t know, and I know my club brothers have to be wondering, is about what she said and the meaning behind it, if any.”

There were a few nods and murmurs, all from my brothers. Bull gave me a chin lift, so I continued. The best way was just to say it. No more evasions or hiding. That was the past, and it would no longer haunt my present or future. Those belonged to Saylor.

“Clover mentioned that I told her about a past woman who hurt me by getting rid of my baby. She overheard that conversation by spying on Saylor and me at the townhouse. It was the only time I spoke about it. Saylor is the only one who I told until now.

“Before I met any of you and joined the club, I was in college. My best friend James, Jayla’s older brother, and I had been friends since grade school. We were in different colleges getting degrees so we could open a business together when we graduated. Obviously, it didn’t happen, and then James died. It was my fault it never occurred.

“My junior year, I met a woman. I fell for her hard, and before I knew it, she was living with me, and I was ready to marry her and start a life. The one thing I didn’t do was tell James, Jayla, or anyone back home. I was saving it as a surprise. I was planning to take her home with me on our next school break. A couple of months before that break, she came to me in tears. She was pregnant. We hadn’t been trying because we planned to graduate first, get married, and start the business before we had kids, but Fate had other plans.”

I paused to swallow the knot in my throat. Anytime I thought of what happened, it choked me up. I kept going. I got encouraging looks from around the room. “I told her that I wasn’t upset and we’d adjust. Honestly, I was happy. We went forward, thinking of how we would adjust our lives. Or at least I did. A month later, I was cleaning and found a letter tucked up underneath a drawer. It was from a man named Will. He was asking Christie, that was her name if she’d told me yet about him and how they loved each other.

“Suffice it to say, I was shocked and hurt, but there was more. Further in the letter, he asked if she’d gotten an abortion yet. Seems they didn’t want kids yet, even though there was a chance the baby was mine and not his. I was beyond hurt and upset. When she came home, I confronted her. Of course, she tried to explain it away, but finally, she admitted it. There was no way I’d stay with her even if she wanted me, but the baby was another matter.

“I told her that if the baby was mine, I wanted it. I begged the bitch not to have the abortion. I’d help her any way I could until he or she was born. At that time, once we knew if it was mine or not, we’d make the decision to adopt it out, or maybe they’d change their minds and want it if it was his. If it were mine, I’d take it, and she would have no contact or obligation. I was twenty-one, but I wanted my kid. That’s when the bitch truly gutted me. She informed me she had aborted it days prior. I never knew if it was mine or not.”

This caused a lot of groans and muttering. I had to finish it. “So, after staying and seeing her over and over, I dropped out of school and left for good. I never told anyone about her, and I didn’t join James in the business idea. He kept asking what was wrong, but I didn’t tell him. I made a pledge that I’d use women for my needs only, and I’d never claim one or have kids. I joined the club, and I’ve stuck to it for all these years until I met Saylor. My early stupidity with her was due to this pledge and fighting the knowledge she was the one for me.

“I’m sorry I kept it from all of you. I just couldn’t stand the thought of hearing or talking about it. It still hurts. If Christie hadn’t done that and the baby was mine, my kid would be thirteen, almost fourteen by now.”

I couldn’t say more. I dropped back into my chair. After getting all that poison out, I felt tired but lighter. When I told Saylor, it lessened a lot, but this really cleansed me of the burden I carried.

“Player, we do wish you’d been able to share this sooner. You carried a terrible grief in you, and we might’ve been able to help you. But I understand it. I got to say, I’m fucking thrilled you found someone who changed your mind about your life. I’m a proponent of old ladies or men if you end up so lucky. I’m sorry for what that bitch did to you. If there’s anything we can do for you, just ask,” Bull said softly.

From there, I was flooded with sympathy and anger against Christie and their assurances that they weren’t going to hold it against me, though they, too, wished I’d shared with them. I was slapped on the back and given man hugs until I had a sore back. Only then did it settle, and we got to the real objective of the meeting. A few final things were agreed upon, and then we were free. It was time to go settle the score with Bosch and his two buddies. Bet they wish they’d never met him.

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