It was time. I was equally thrilled and nervous as I was allowed to join the guys in their session with Bosch and his two men. When Player came out of church and said they agreed, I was beyond relieved. We had time for me to get my favorite weapons. I’d brought them to Player’s room while they were in church, on the off-hand chance they’d say yes to me.
When we got to the Cellar, which Player had quickly told me about while we got suited up, I was ready. I was excited, too, because I got to ride his bike there. It was my first time on one and I was anxious when this was over to go for a real ride. The small amount there had made me crave a longer one. I was assisted off the bike, and then he took my hand.
As we walked toward the building, he whispered in my ear, “If you change your mind at any time, don’t hold back. Tell someone. If I’m not nearby at that moment, tell whoever is. They’ll get you out of here and back to the clubhouse. You don’t have to endure this.”
“I’ll tell someone if it happens, but I highly doubt it will. I’m more bloodthirsty than you know. I want to face him and have him know that I had a hand in his demise. I can handle it, I promise.”
That ended the conversation. As we entered, the heaviness was tangible in the air. It had the feeling of what I thought condemned prisoners would feel moments before they were executed. We’d left Freya at the clubhouse. She was being spoiled and adored by the kids. We weren’t sure how she might react to all the excitement and screams, which there was going to be a lot. This meant Player was my guide. He kept going until we stopped. I tried to picture what it would look like here. I was curious to know what an old crematorium looked like.
My man knew me, and how my brain worked, it seemed. He gave me a rough breakdown of what was where and the dimensions of the place. When he was done, he proceeded to inform me we were standing in front of the cells. Inside were the men we were here to take care of. He shifted me a bit, then said the magic words.
“You’re right in front of Bosch. He’s staring daggers at you right now. He’s not happy,” Player said in an amused tone.
“How much do you guys wanna bet he’s the one who’ll end up pissing and shitting himself in fear? Men like him are fine ordering others to do their dirty work for them because they can’t gut doing it themselves. A woman can do what he can’t. I think that pissed him off about me even more. Hell, I can still kill someone if they deserve it without my eyes. He’s what you call a pathetic, spineless pussy.” As I said it, I laughed as if I’d said the funniest thing ever. The guys with us did the same.
Before we came, I’d explained to them how he’d acted during his trial and what his psychological profile was. I’d studied a lot about him after his conviction, trying to understand what drove a man to betray not only his country but his men and women for money. Delving into psychology had become a passion. In a way, it helped me with my work at the VA to understand the other end of the spectrum. The women and men who did anything to protect their comrades-in-arms and their country. Based on that, I knew any kind of ridicule or demeaning him would set him off, which might not only be psychological torture for him, but it may get him to spill important information that we needed, such as if other people were associated with his illegal activities needing to be eliminated.
I heard a grunting and mumbling sound which sounded rather upset. I smiled wider. “Oh yeah, being brought down by me is rubbing his ass raw. He was so angry when I sent him to prison that he spent the past four years obsessing over revenge. Meanwhile, I’ve gone on to live my life, happy to know a piece of shit like him was rotting in prison. However, I did think of him occasionally. I always wanted to know. Did any of those guys in there with you ass-rape you the way you deserved? Man, I hope so.” This made the guys laugh even more.
“Hell, Saylor, I bet he enjoyed it. He was probably passed around like a pack of smokes,” Player added as he chuckled. The muffled screaming increased. Added to it was the thumping sound repeatedly on something metal.
“Damn, he’s gonna break a foot kicking the bars like that,” Demon observed.
“Good. Why don’t we bring his two buddies out first, then we’ll get him. Luckily, it looks like Gavin got the other tables set up for us. It’ll make it easier to work. As much as I’d love to work them one at a time, they’re just not worth the time. We have more important things to do than to waste too much time on losers,” Bull added.
Player moved me backward. I listened as mumbles and rustling sounds filled the area as they brought out the first two men. When they moved to bring out Bosch, those sounds were even louder. I was abruptly moved behind Player. There was a loud thump, then a few grunts, then a muffled scream of pain. I wasn’t sure what happened until Payne spoke up.
“You don’t fucking try to lunge for her. Try it again and see what you get. Those broken fingers will be the least of it.”
There were more muffled noises, and then I was being guided around and brought to a stop. “Babe, we’re gonna get started. If you want to join or have a recommendation or even a suggestion on what you want us to do, just speak up. Otherwise, we’ll keep things moving along. Typically, we’d take hours to do this, sometimes days, and we’d do one at a time. But we want to get this over with and move on. Plus, if they have other men we should be worried about, we need to know as soon as possible,” Player said quietly in my ear.
“Do whatever you need to do. I’m just here for the show.” I assured him.
He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and then moved away from me. As they got started, I became more than impressed with their ability to work them and to extract retribution while extracting needed information. Even those who hadn’t served in the military or had specialized training were impressive. Anyone making an enemy of these men was stupid. I wondered how many had any clue before finding themselves on this end of the stick with them.