Poinsettia Lane Chapter Twenty-Six 87%
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Chapter Twenty-Six


SHE’S FLOORED BY his words. Asim thinks he doesn’t deserve her? They’ve both been blaming themselves, assuming the worst of themselves, when they really needed each other. It’s obvious he isn’t, and hasn’t been, thinking clearly with everything that happened, and Everly doesn’t blame him for a moment. It’s her who needs to get her head on straight and fix this.

Everly inhales a long breath, drops her feet from the seat, sets her shoulders back. Then she turns to Asim and cups his face in both of her hands, forcing his weary gaze to stay on hers.

“I love you," she says, and his eyes flare wide. He attempts to jerk back out of her hands, but she holds tight.

“I love you, and I won’t let you push me away. I won’t let either of us ruin this. You are the best part of my life, Asim, the best thing to ever happen to me. You can try to hide, but I’m not going anywhere," she says, staring directly into his green eyes. Her favorite eyes, now dulled by trauma and loss.

His beautiful gaze turns glassy, and he leans forward, pressing his forehead into hers. She pulls him in and snakes her arms around him, giving him the best hug she can while awkwardly cramped in her small car.

Everly holds him for a moment, her thoughts spinning through scenarios, lists, problem solving and brainstorming solutions at a rapid rate. Her business brain has kicked in, and she’s ready to buckle down and get to work—for him this time .

“Where have you been staying?” she asks, pulling back from him and taking a hard look at his unkempt appearance again. It’s so unlike him.

“I’ve got a room at a neighbor’s down the road. It’s fine, it’s close by," he says, but Everly can see how mentally and physically drained he is, and she knows it’s not a long term solution, or even a viable short-term one.

“You’ll come stay at the hotel. Free of charge for as long as you need. Moose will come too.” She nods in emphasis and scrabbles her hand around by her feet for her keys. Finding them beneath the seat, Everly snags the door handle and swings out of the car, slamming it closed behind her and striding back in the direction of his tent. She hears Asim scramble out behind her.

“No, I can’t do that. That’s too much, Everly," he says, jogging to catch up with her.

“You can, it’s not too much, I promise.” Everly side eyes him, noticing the pained look on his face and the tension that is back in his shoulders.

She stops and faces him, reaching up to place her hands on his shoulders and doing her best to look down her nose at him, even though he’s significantly taller than her.

“Asim, please let me help. You’ve done so much for me.” He’s already shaking his head, so she pulls out the big guns. She’s not below throwing herself under the bus for this.

“I told you I’ve been working on being authentic.”

He freezes and tilts his head slightly, eyeing her with suspicion.

“I shared that with you. I told you I’ve been taking more risks, putting myself out there and advocating for what I want and need. I want this, Asim. I want to help, and I need to be there for you. I can’t undo what happened, but I can give you a comfortable place to rest with Moose while you rebuild.”

She pauses, assessing the situation. Asim hasn’t protested again yet, but she can see the skepticism in the lines of his face, his reluctance to accept this gift.

“Don’t you dare turn me down when I’m putting myself out there like this, Asim.” Her voice is low and quiet, and she doesn’t have to fake the tremble of nerves. “ If not for yourself or for me, do it for Moose. Please.”

Her last word comes out as a whisper. The moment he caves, her heart lifts. It feels like she can breathe again.

His shoulders slump under her hands, and before she can pull her arms back, his slide around her waist and he pulls her into him, holding her tight to his chest. Asim lifts her off her feet, burying his face in her neck and breathing her in. She lays her cheek on his shoulder and relishes the feeling of safety resonating between them.

Asim doesn’t set her back down. Instead, he takes the last couple steps to the camp chair set up under the canopy tent and lowers himself into it, taking her with him and settling her sideways on his lap. His arms don’t loosen, and she has to wiggle around until he allows her enough slack to breathe properly. They soak up this moment together, breathing each other’s presence and convincing themselves they are not alone.

It takes a few minutes, but they sort out the details—when he can get to the hotel, what supplies he has and what he might need, the logistics of caring for Moose while trying to handle the insurance and other pieces of this convoluted puzzle. Everly starts a list in her head of items she can bring from her place to the hotel for him, as well as other little things she can do to make his life easier the next few weeks.

Then they simply sit in silence together, and Everly has never been more grateful for the comfort of it. It’s not weird, or deafening, or threatening, or confusing. It’s just them; his chest rising and falling against her shoulder, his lips grazing her temple or her hair every few moments while his hands smooth and squeeze along her waist, hip, and thigh, reassuring himself she’s still there with him.

Everly stands before she gets too comfy or nods off, and gives Moose some gentle pets.

Just as she’s about to leave, a Prius pulls into the lot and parks right next to the canopy. Asim puts his arm around her, and she takes the hint to stay, then he murmurs in her ear.

“It’s my sister, Farah, the one you met over the phone.”

Everly nods and Farah steps out of the car, not seeming surprised at the wreckage around her. She must have seen it already. Asim gives Everly a quick squeeze before he lets go and walks over to his sister.

“How much did they send this time?” he asks and Farah snorts.

“I convinced them to send only two meals this time, but of course Mama made the meals fit for a family of five so I’m not sure where you’re going to keep all of it," Farah replies, then softer, “They wanted to be here, too.”

“I know, thank you for convincing them to stay home. I know they want to help but…” Asim trails off and Farah nods.

“But there’s not much they can do, and it would just make everyone feel worse," she says and Asim’s mouth pinches into a grim line. They share a look before Farah drops a large, wrapped dish into Asim’s arms and turns her way.

“Everly! We finally get to meet in person.” Farah walks toward her with her arms outstretched and Everly hopes against all hope that her eyes and face aren’t too puffy from crying. Farah grasps her shoulders and leans in, kissing both of her cheeks before pulling her into a tight hug. Everly returns it with a smile.

“I think I can help with the food issue," Everly says.

“Oh yeah?” Farah glances back at Asim before refocusing on Everly.

“I offered Asim a room at the Sioria. It’s, well, I’m not sure if you know,” Everly stammers, “that is, I own it, so um, well. Asim agreed to stay there, and he’ll have a full kitchen with plenty of room.”

“Excellent!” Farah claps her hands in emphasis. “I’m sure you had to practically pull your own arm off to get him to agree.”

Farah rolls her eyes at Everly’s shrug, bypassing her awkwardness with ease. “He’s not the best at accepting help, thank you for not giving up on him.”

Everly isn’t sure what to say to that, it’s truly the least she could do, so she offers a meager sort of smile before turning to Asim.

“We can put the food in my car if you want, I’ll drop it all off at the hotel. I’ve got a few things to do there today anyways, so I’ll reserve a room for you and pop them in the fridge for later.”

Farah eyes him, a slight threat in her gaze, and he agrees.

“It was nice meeting you in person,” Everly says, “despite the circumstances.”

“You too, okhti," Farah says, pulling Everly into another hug.

Asim walks Everly over to her car, more than a week’s worth of meals in hand, and she glances up at his sun-warmed face, so incredibly thankful she decided to drive out here today. They load the food into her backseat and he wraps his arms around her again, blocking out the world with his biceps and taking as much comfort from her as he gives.

She confirms he’ll be at the hotel later that day, then heads back into town when he insists on staying and going back to work, salvaging what he can, caring for the surviving plants, and fielding a relentless stream of phone calls.


Asim texts her a couple hours later, letting her know that his sister is headed back to the city and he’s on his way to the hotel. When he walks into the lobby, so very slowly to accommodate Moose’s unsteady gait, Everly is there waiting. She’s been doing her best to not to fidget or pace so she doesn’t set her employees on edge too, but when she sees him, all the restless anxiety drains from her body.

He gives her a sad smile as she greets him, tipping up on her toes for a kiss. Everly ushers them to the elevator, holding it open for Moose to waddle his way in and collapse to the floor.

“I’ve tried carrying him,” Asim says, “but he hates it. Wiggles around so much I’m worried he’ll injure himself further.”

“Doesn’t want any help, huh?” Everly side-eyes him. “Sounds like someone else I know.”

Asim shoots her a mock glare and she grins over her shoulder as she exits the elevator, walking down the hall and opening the door to the room she reserved .

“It’s a full suite. Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, small dining nook and living area.”

“Whoa, Everly.” Asim’s eyes are wide as he looks around. “This is way too much. I don’t need all this.”

“It’s standard.” She averts her gaze. That might be a small white lie, as technically their “standard” rooms don’t have a full kitchen or living area, but really it’s only a small step up from that. Or maybe two, whatever.

“Besides,” she continues, “it’s already done. I’ve reserved this room for you for the next two months and I’ve already threatened to fire anyone who allows you to downgrade.”

Asim gapes at her.

“I know you. You don’t think you deserve this, but you do.” Then she smirks at him. “Plus, it’s my hotel, and I like to stay in luxury. If I plan on spending any time here with you—which I do—I want it to be in one of our nicer rooms.”

She sticks her nose in the air, putting on her most haughty expression and daring him to contradict her as she strides into the kitchen.

Asim steps up behind her and wraps her in a fierce hug.

“Thank you, my sweet Ever," he says, and she melts in his arms. It means a lot to her that she can do this for him, and she wants him to accept it, accept her.

Letting go with one arm, Asim opens the cabinet next to them and pauses, noticing that it’s not entirely filled, but does have a good amount of dinnerware in it, certainly more than a two person hotel suite would typically have. He releases her from his hold with his other arm and opens the next cabinet, again taking note of the variety of pots and pans inside. Opening a drawer of cutlery, and then one of hot pads, and then the counter under the sink with dishwashing supplies, his eyes narrow and his brow furrows. When he opens the pantry to see it fully stocked with food, he turns around abruptly, and she schools her face into her most innocent expression.

Eyes wide, eyebrows slightly raised, and hands clasped behind her back, she asks, “What?”

“Are all of the suite kitchens stocked like this?” he asks. The words are slow and measured.

“Sure," Everly says with a shrug. The hotel does offer groceries as a special add-on feature, for guests who request and pay for it to be stocked ahead of time.

Asim tips his chin down and eyes her, gaze still narrowed.

“Sure.” His voice is skeptical now, and she doesn’t blame him one bit.

“Yep.” Her lips pop and she nods decisively, then slips past him into the living area.

“Oh, I picked up a couple things for Moose, I hope that’s okay.” She has a memory foam dog bed laid out in each room for him. She ordered them from a pet store near Phoenix and paid extra for them to deliver right away. He’s already found the one in the living area and is sprawled out on it, as comfortable as he can be considering his injuries.

Everly bends down, crooning and petting his silky ears when Asim walks over, shaking his head.

“You know I can’t say no to either of you.”

Standing after one final pat on Moose’s uninjured shoulder, she gives Asim a quick tour, not pointing out any of the extra touches she added just for him, but hoping he likes them anyways. The cozy plaid throw blanket and soft pillows on the couch, the scented diffuser in the bedroom, the herringbone rug in the kitchen. She wants this to be a comfortable place for him to stay the next few weeks, and these things make it feel more like a home to her.

“Should we eat?” she asks, and Asim nods his agreement, eyes still taking in the space around him as he pulls a tray out of the fridge.

“Looks like margat bamia, have you ever had it?”

Everly shakes her head. “I’m down to try anything though.”

He sets the oven to reheat the food, and before she knows it, the small space is filled with the scents of aromatic spices.

“What is it?” Everly asks, gesturing to the oven.

“It roughly translates to okra stew.” Asim hums in thought before continuing. “Generally made with lamb, okra of course, and a tomato garlic base, served over rice, like a curry, if you’ve had that.”

She nods and her mouth starts to water. “It sounds delicious.”

Only a few minutes later, she confirms that it tastes just as good as it smells. She lets the flavors roll around her tongue, savoring Asim’s sparkling gaze as he watches her enjoy his native foods. Asim lets out an appreciative moan of his own when he scoops a massive bite into his mouth and she nearly bites her tongue when she hears it.

Everly asks a few more questions about the situation with the garden center, how long until he has answers from the insurance, what rebuilding will look like. Asim has some answers but not all, and she determines to research any missing information or tips she can find to help him with these aspects too, if he accepts it. He has enough on his plate right now, so she will do anything within her power to help.

As dinner is winding down, Asim leans back in his seat and looks out the window. Although he appears to be going for a casual pose, Everly notices the exhausted tension lining his body again. Maybe she shouldn’t have asked so many questions. He probably doesn’t appreciate her bringing his worries up when he finally has a moment to relax.

Asim sighs, interrupting her spiraling thoughts, then turns to her, a somber look on his face. Everly’s heart nearly cracks in two when she thinks about the devastation he’s experienced the last couple days.

She stands and clears their dishes, taking them to the kitchen and rinsing them in the sink.

“I’m going to let you rest,” she says. “I have a few things to finish up in the office, then I’m going to head home.”

Asim looks like he wants to protest, but he stops himself. He slides his arms around her and settles his cheek on her head.

“Thank you for saving me,” he whispers.

Everly blinks back tears, reigning in her emotions before pulling away from the comfort of his arms.

“See you tomorrow?” she says.

Asim nods, a soft, tired smile gracing his lips.

“See you tomorrow, Ever.”

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