W e finally come up for air and decide to head downstairs to grab something to eat. While Sean goes to get us some food from the kitchen, Roxy comes over and gives me the rundown on all the girls and about club life.
“So, what about you? How’d you end up here, Rox?”
She pours herself another shot of whiskey and throws it back, and I can already tell she’s had a rough road. It’s easy to recognize shame, guilt, loss and exhaustion in someone. I’ve definitely felt the struggle over the last five years.
“How long you got?” she teases, pouring herself another drink before she shelves the bottle.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” The last thing I want is to dredge up feelings she doesn’t want to have to face right now. But she shakes her head, and I see the trust shimmering in her eyes. Something tells me we’re going to be really good friends.
She starts to tell me about her past, and the feeling of déjà vu settles over me. Her story is oddly similar to mine. She was born into an extremely wealthy family and never fit in. The difference between us, though, is that she wanted to be a part of it. She wanted her family to love and accept her. But then, she fell in love with a guy her dad didn’t approve of, and she was tossed out like trash. Then her twisted road led her here. To a place where she felt at home. A place where she felt safe and accepted.
“I’m sorry about your family, Rox. But maybe it’s for the best.” If they can’t love and accept her for the amazing person she is, then she deserves better. “Money can be poison. Greed can turn people psycho. My dad turned into a monster.” His cruelty was suffocating, and when I left, I could finally breathe again. And now that I’m here with Sean, in this clubhouse, I feel like life may finally be on my side this time.
“Here, baby. Got a little of everything I could find. Wasn’t sure what you were in the mood for, so you just eat what you want, and I’ll play clean up.” Sean places two giant plates full of food on the bar in front of me, and my stomach lets out a rumble. We table the heavy conversation, and Roxy gets back to cleaning up the bar while Sean feeds me, groaning every time I lick my lips or swallow a sip of my drink. God, I’m not even going to be able to finish my meal if he doesn’t stop. I’m getting hungry for a whole lot more.
“Shiv, you’re just the man I need to see.”
We both turn in the direction of the deep voice, and Officer Bentley is standing by the door. By the look on his face, it doesn’t feel like this is a friendly call. Though, his dark stare isn’t pointed at Sean. His dark eyes are narrowed right in on the pretty bartender who’s glaring right back at him.
“Wow. Come right in and pull up a chair, Officer,” Roxy snarks. “Or is this a business call and you’re here to arrest someone on false charges, seeing as that’s your area of expertise?”
Based on her bristly tone, I take it she’s not a fan of Hailey’s brother. I’m surprised by what she just said though. Bentley doesn’t seem like the type to pin charges on an innocent man. He actually seemed like a really genuine guy. But for some reason, Roxy doesn’t agree with that opinion. She looks like she wants to shove him right back out the door he just came through.
“Rox,” Sean warns.
Roxy rolls her eyes. “Sorry. Just don’t feel all that excited to see the man who wrongfully arrested me on prostitution charges.”
Oh my God. What!?! Okay, so maybe she’s warranted in her opinion.
“Yeah, well, maybe you should watch that mouth of yours then, doll.” Bentley is now standing by our side, intensely staring Roxy down as their glares battle it out.
“You ever heard of sarcasm, Officer? Maybe you should get out more. Pull that head of yours out of your own ass and learn what it is.”
Bentley stiffens, clearly pissed about being spoken to in such a way. If I were Rox, I’d reel it in before he decides to snap the cuffs on her again and arrest her for disrespecting an officer.
“You better watch yourself, baby girl. I still intend to make good on that offer you gave me. The one you claim was ‘ sarcasm .’”
Wow. Okay. So maybe there’s something else going on here. A different reason behind the tension. It suddenly feels crowded in the room. We should probably be giving them their privacy to battle it out, but I’m all eyes on deck, waiting to see what happens next.
Roxy leans forward on the bar top, giving Bentley an eyeful of her cleavage, which he freely takes. “You must have a really tiny prick, Officer, since your ego is that big. I wouldn’t fuck you even if you were the last man on the planet.”
Her eyes turn in my direction and she gives me a friendly smile, and I have to bite back my giggle. I’m absolutely in awe of this girl. “Do you want a tour of the place, Chrissy, while these two go and discuss business?”
I glance toward the man in uniform and see how tight his jaw is clenched. It looks like he’s seeing red right now. Yeah, I think it’s probably a good idea if Rox and I get out of their sight. He may haul her down to the station just for implying he has a small dick. No man wants their manhood called into question.
“I’ll come find you when we’re done, angel.” Sean leans in and plants a kiss on my lips, and I take an extra for the road. As Roxy comes around the bar to join me, Bentley steps into her path, leaning in and whispering something only she is privy to. By the way her eyes darken, and her cheeks turn red, I can only imagine what he wants. And now, my curiosity is killing me. As she gives me this tour, I may need to find out the real scoop of what’s going on between them.