Property Of Chrissy (Savage Knights MC #6) Chapter 12 92%
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Chapter 12



Two weeks later…

I can tell she’s nervous. My little beauty is staring out the passenger side window of my truck, worrying her lower lip. I reach for her hand and squeeze it.

“Relax, babe. Jess is going to be excited to see you.”

“But what if she hates me when she finds out I’m the reason Dad has been arrested? What if she sides with him?”

There’s no way in hell that would ever happen. “We have the evidence, babe. I don’t think there’s any denying what’s on that video.”

What Bentley uncovered over these last two weeks is some seriously fucked up shit. Their father is one sick bastard. Using his daughters for financial gain. Trying to pimp them out. Thankfully, it seems like we just swooped in in the nick of time. Because Jessica may have been Pratwick’s favorite daughter—his little princess—but she wasn’t immune to his evil, twisted greed. The fucker was trying to sell her virginity for the starting price of one million dollars.

Bentley managed to get a video of Pratwick’s “meeting” going down, which was a hell of a lot more like an auction. The bastard actually told the men up front how he didn’t care what they did with Jess after they were done with her; they could kill the girl for all he cared, but the money had to be wired into his account on the day of the claiming. The evil gnat is going to be paying for his crime. Same goes for the dirty cop who chose to threaten my girl.

“I can’t believe my dad would really do that to her. He really has no heart. I knew he didn’t love me, but I never thought he’d hurt Jess. She was always his little angel. The one who fit his perfect mold. He never once threatened her. Never yelled at her. She naturally was the golden child.”

“Yeah, well, I hate to say it, babe. But men like your dad don’t stop. The greed for power and wealth controls them and they’re willing to do anything. Even throw their own flesh and blood into a tank of monsters. I’m just glad it’s over. He will never be able to hurt you or Jess ever again.” He’ll never be able to touch my girl. “And anyone who worked for your dad will be taken down, too.”

It still pains me that I didn’t know about her father when we were dating. Then again, until the Savage Knights, I wouldn’t have been able to do much on my own. Now, with the men at my back, I’m more powerful than Pratwick and the fucking cop could ever be. And when all is said and done, he’ll be begging for mercy. A gift that won’t be granted to the one who took my girl from me.

“Oh my gosh! There she is!” The smile on Chrissy’s face erases the dark cloud that had settled in the car. As soon as I park, she’s jumping out of the truck and charging for Jessica. The two of them collide, their smiles bright and their giggles filling the air.

I let the two girls have their time together and walk over to Rake. He and four of our other prospects are going to be guarding Jess, ensuring that Pratwick doesn’t try anything until we have him and the rest of his bottom dwellers dealt with.

“So that’s her?” Rake asks, looking over at the girls who are tearfully clinging to each other and deep in conversation.

“Yep. She’s the one. Your new ‘girlfriend,’” I tease.

He’s not going in as a bodyguard because that would send up too many red flags. The Savage Knights want to keep our involvement on the down-low, and given that Rake isn’t patched in yet, he won’t be recognized. Therefore, he’s playing the role of Jessica’s boyfriend. That’s another reason we’re sending in the prospects for this job. They’re still young and people won’t question the relationship. At least, not too much. Judging by the way Jess is dressed though, they may think she’s suddenly gotten a taste for a bad boy.

I bite back my chuckle as I see the expression on Rake’s face. He looks fit to be tied by his new assignment. He’s staring at the girl like she’s an alien, studying her species in horror. Honestly, if the guy was patched in, he’d never agree to this. Rake’s mom worked as a housekeeper for some rich asshole who ran the woman into the ground. Literally. So, Rake has no tolerance for rich folk who think their shit don’t stink. And unfortunately, until Jess graduates in two months, he’s going to be surrounded by them.

We want Jessica to finish up high school and have as little disruption to her life as possible. So, she’ll be staying at her house. With our guys guarding her, of course. She’ll continue all her activities as usual. And when she’s done with school, she’ll get to decide exactly what she wants for her future. There will be no forced arranged marriage. No forced anything. Her life will be her choosing. But I sure as hell hope that she chooses to stay close because my girl needs her sister.

“Fuck. Man, I swear. This better get me my damn patch. The girl looks like a spoiled brat. Just look at her. Bet her damn shoes cost more than my bike. And you didn’t mention she was a cheerleader. That means I have to go to her fucking games. Fuck.”

Yep. He’s not happy about his babysitting assignment. But I don’t give a rat’s ass. He’s my best prospect and the one I trust for the job. I know he’ll keep Jess safe, and that’s all I care about. My girl has lost so much. She’s not going to lose her sister too.

“Rake, you’ll be getting your damn patch no matter what. But you’re the only one I trust for this job. And don’t worry, my ass is probably going to have to attend the games too. Now that Chrissy has her sister back, she’s gonna want to be there for all of her moments. Fuck,” I echo his sentiment as I think about it.

He shakes his head, looking back over at the girls. “Yeah, well, at least your girl will give you a reward after the fact. I only get to watch mine cheer as other guys score.”

That word mine , along with the way he’s now looking at Jess, has my hackles raised.

“You better keep it in your pants, Rake, or you’ll be dealing with me. I don’t want any slip ups. I need you alert and on guard at all times. Not thinking with your dick. That head between your legs won’t keep her protected. You got me?”

He flips me off. “Seriously, Shiv. You really think you gotta give me that warning? There’s not a chance in hell I’d go there with a girl like that. Don’t give a shit how beautiful she is. She’s been raised with a platinum spoon in that pretty little mouth, and I know exactly what girls like her are like. So, you don’t have to worry about a damn thing. I’ll keep her safe. And that’s all I’ll do.”

I nod, pleased with his answer, then I remind him of the details of his assignment one last time.

When Chrissy signals for me to come over, I go to the girls. My angel wraps her arms around my waist, tucking herself into me. It makes me feel wanted. Her love erases all the shit from my past and fills me with purpose. My family didn’t want me, but my girl is my family now, and she shows me every day how much she wants me in her life.

“Sean, I want you to meet my sister, Jess. Jess, this is Sean, who also goes by his club name Shiv.”

Jessica looks from me to her sister and back again before crossing her arms and narrowing her stare on me. “So, I take it you’re going to be my brother-in-law?”

“Damn straight,” I tip my head, amused by the little hellcat who reminds me of her sister.

“Just a warning.” She smiles. “If you hurt her, I will personally hunt you down. I have more than enough zeroes in my trust fund to pay for the job. And if you ever try to take her from me like our father did, I will destroy you. Got it?”

I bite down on my cheek, trying desperately not to chuckle. If it were anyone else, I’d be raising cane for being spoken to like that, but I’m not too bent because my girl is smiling. Plus, it warms me to know Jess cares about her sister as much as I do.

“Would never dream of it, Jessica. My main purpose in life is to make Chrissy’s dreams come true.”

Finally, it looks like I have her approval. Although, there’s still a bit of reluctance in her eyes. When all is said and done, Rake’s going to need a vacation. He’s gonna have his hands full with this one.

“Now that we’ve gotten the introductions out of the way.” I chuckle. “Did Chrissy fill you in on the plan?”

“How my reputation and dating life are going to be destroyed because I have to claim to be dating some biker dude? Yep. She gave me all the deets. Just promise me you’ll make sure our father is sentenced for life.”

She has nothing to worry about. That man will never walk the streets again. Soon, he’ll no longer be breathing.

“By the way.” She turns toward Chrissy. “How am I supposed to show up to prom with a guy who probably looks like he belongs in a gang? No offense.” She shoots me a look. “It’s just Chrissy and I don’t exactly have the same taste in men.”

“Don’t be so dramatic, Jess.” Chrissy rolls her eyes at her sister. “You’re not going to be ruined. Besides, I don’t think anyone will think you’re crazy for dating Rake or hanging out with an entourage of hot men. I mean, just look at them.”

What the hell? My girl thinks the guys are hot? She’s gesturing towards them with a smile on her face and the smile that was on mine is now gone.

My grip locks down on her chin and I turn her attention up to me. “You trying to make me jealous, baby girl?”

She shakes her head, biting down on her lip to keep herself from giggling. When her eyes roll at me, I decide she’s going to be getting that ass of hers spanked as soon as we’re alone.

“You know you’re the only one I want, Sean, and will always be the sexiest man alive to me, but that doesn’t mean I’m blind.”

Now, I’m the one shaking my head. I lean down right to her ear so Jess, who still hasn’t said a peep as she stares at my men, isn’t privy to what I have to say. “You’re in trouble, babe. Just giving you a heads-up. That little comment just earned that peach of yours a tanning.”

A shiver runs down her spine, and the look in her eyes tells me we need to take off soon. My girl is craving some special attention, and my dick can’t fucking wait to meet her demands.

“Jess.” Chrissy turns toward the girl who seems to be studying my prospects long and hard, sizing them up like she’s a queen determining if her guard is worthy of his rank. Damn, she’s going to be trouble. And I need to make damn sure my guys know what they’re up against. “I hate leaving you right now, but we need to head out before we’re spotted by a patrol car. Rake and the guys are going to fill you in on everything. So, just do as they say, and you’ll be safe. And call me if you need anything. Day or night. I’m here for you always.”

Chrissy gives the girl a hug, and I give Jess one last reminder of how important it is for her to listen to my men. “Your sister is right, Jess. You follow my men’s orders and all will be fine. From here on out, they call the shots. Understood?”

And there she goes cocking that chin again and narrowing her eyes up at me. The girl has no fear, which could seriously get her into trouble if she’s not careful.

“I’m a little too old to have babysitters dictating my bedtime. But if the guys are concerned about something, then I’m all ears. I’ll do what I need to stay safe, but I’m not going to be treated like a child.”

I tip my chin, deciding it’s better for me to walk away before I say something that will get me into trouble with my angel. I just need to remind myself that Jess is an eighteen-year-old girl who just had her life turned upside down. All of her emotions are running high right now, and I need to have patience while she adjusts to her new reality.

Rake’s giving the guys the lowdown as I approach. I have a few more comments of my own to add. “Little Miss Priss is going to be a fucking handful. Especially with you, Rake.” I point my stare on him. “Better keep her in line and watch her like a hawk. I’ve got a feeling she’s gonna buck the system since she’s so damn worried about her dating life. My guess is she’ll try to give you boys the slip. So I want you on her ass at all times. You hear me?”

I look toward the others, checking for understanding, then pin my stare right back on Rake. I’m trusting him to keep her safe. Chrissy is my life, and her sister is the only family she has left, which means nothing can go wrong. But I know it won’t. These men wouldn’t be prospects of the Savage Knights if they weren’t capable of taking out a complete army.

Once I’m finished giving the rest of my instructions, I leave them with one final warning. “These women are considered club property and are fucking precious to me, boys. There will be no forgiveness if my orders aren’t followed to a tee. We clear?”

They all grunt their agreement before I turn and make my way over to my truck. I help Chrissy up inside, giving her cute little ass a slap before shutting her in and going around to my side. Later, that peach is going to be mine for the taking.

“Thank you, Sean.” My girl hits me with her sweet smile as I start the engine. I turn and grip the base of her head, kissing the shit out of her until we’re both breathless.

“No thanks needed, babe. Now, are you ready for your next surprise?”

She smiles and presses her lips forward, slipping her tongue right in and striking the match. Damn, I need to be alone with her. “I’m more than ready,” she moans against my lips.

I think that pussy of hers is ready to be played with too, which is exactly what’s going to be happening as soon as I get her back to the trailer. I kept the thing for sentimental reasons. It was where my girl and I shared all of her firsts together, and I never wanted to let it go. And as soon as we pull up to the thing and I see the brilliant smile on my angel’s face, I’m so damn thankful I kept it.

“You still own it?”

“I do.” I brush my finger across her cheek, watching her stare at the metal box as if it’s the most magnificent mansion. “Figured we’d move it to our property and live in it while we’re building our house, babe.”

Her smile grows even larger. “That’s exactly what we said we’d do.”

I know. We mapped out our road to our future together five years ago, and now, it’s time to start paving that road. The one that leads us right to our happy ending. No more roadblocks. No more dead ends. No more sadness.

“We’re going to do it all, angel. All of your dreams are going to come true. Like I said, I’m going to make damn sure of it.”

She turns toward me and a tear slips down her cheek. “They already have, Sean. You’re the only dream that mattered. I’ve already gotten my happy ending.”

Damn, she has no idea how much those words mean to me. All the nights I tried to drown my pain at the bottom of a whiskey bottle, and all I ever found was loneliness. But I’m no longer alone. And I’m no longer hurting for the one I lost. She’s right here, staring at me with so much love in her eyes that I feel the tears filling mine.

“God, I love you so much, angel.”

“I love you more, Sean.”

She leans forward, kissing me soft and sweet. There’s no rush this time. No sense of urgency. She won’t have to rush back home to her dad’s place in an hour. This will be the first time she can stay the night with me under this metal roof. Another first I’m more than excited to share with my girl. It’s another first of many more to come. Because with Chrissy by my side, the sky’s the limit, the road is long, and the happiness is never ending.

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