I sat on the bed for several minutes after Rhys left, wondering if I’d done something wrong. Maybe my attraction to him wasn’t as reciprocated as my wishful imagination wanted to believe. God, had I been giving off desperate vibes, my eyes begging for him to kiss me? I wanted to stand under a cold shower just so the shock of it would wash away my embarrassment.
No, I needed to quit overthinking things. For all I knew, Rhys simply left because he’d finished applying the balm, and it was the polite thing to do.
Slipping off my pants and crawling into bed to sleep and rest my shoulder, the menthol balm continued tingling warmly, easing a good deal of the pain.
I overslept the next morning, not waking until a little after ten. Finally, the jet lag had shifted, and I was sleeping on Irish time. Rising, I was relieved when I rotated my shoulder, and it felt much better. Only a small measure of stiffness remained, and I was glad I hadn’t gone to the hospital since it was clearly only a pulled muscle. I needed to get into better shape or, at the very least, start learning how to lift heavy boxes correctly.
Heading into my bathroom, I turned on the shower and stepped under the hot spray. I’d just started shampooing my hair when I heard someone step into my bedroom.
“Charli, are you in here?” Nuala called out.
“I’m showering. I’ll just be a couple minutes,” I called back then heard her step close to the door before nudging it open a little.
“Morning, babe. I have some exciting news,” she said, not at all awkward to be talking to me while I showered.
“Oh?” I questioned, rinsing out the last of the shampoo before applying my coconut conditioner.
“Mam and Dad are away for a charity event down in Wicklow tonight, and they won’t be home until late, so we have the house to ourselves. I was thinking we could order pizza and have a movie marathon. There are also some cocktail recipes I’ve been dying to try.”
I smiled because she really did sound excited at the prospect of a girls’ night.
“That sounds great.”
“Oh, and I hope you don’t mind, but I asked Derek if he thought Milly might want to join us. After I heard about what happened with the prank the other night, I’ve wanted to reach out to her. We share some classes at school, but I don’t know her very well.”
“What did Derek say?”
“He’s going to call her and extend the invite. Hopefully, she says yes.”
“Fingers crossed,” I said, and she finally left me alone to finish my shower.
It was only later in the day Nuala realised the error in her plan for a girls’ night. Sure, her parents were out, but that didn’t mean her brothers weren’t going to be around. Milly had just arrived, and Nuala and I gave her a warm welcome. We then went into the kitchen and were trying out Nuala’s recipe for Cosmopolitans when the boys decided to gatecrash.
Derek, Tristan, Theo, Aidan, and Rhys barrelled into the kitchen, throwing a definite wrench in our plans. It was Nuala’s mistake asking Derek to invite Milly. By the way he looked at the girl, I doubted there was any chance he could keep away when she was at his house.
I wasn’t surprised that I felt a little awkward seeing Rhys for the first time since last night’s encounter. I was nervous because I’d been mostly confident he liked me back. Maybe his attraction wasn’t as strong as mine, but I believed it wasn’t entirely unreciprocated. I wasn’t so sure anymore because if he’d ever wanted to kiss me, last night, alone in my room with the door closed, was the ideal moment. But he hadn’t. He’d left without a single backward glance.
I started to think back on our interactions, questioning everything. There’d been moments when I was flirtatious, and his responses could’ve simply been him trying to be polite. I mean, sometimes it felt like he was flirting back, but perhaps he hadn’t been.
Nuala frowned at her brothers and folded her arms. “What are you all doing here?”
“We do live here, too,” Tristan replied. “You didn’t think we were gonna let you have the place all to yourselves with Mam and Dad away, did you?”
“You boys are out almost every night, and the one night I try to have the place to myself, suddenly you’re here.”
“Deal with it,” Tristan grinned, clearly enjoying riling his twin while Derek slid onto the stool next to Milly. I was distracted when Rhys stood beside me, snagging my attention as he dipped his head low, his eyes assessing.
“How’s your shoulder?”
“Much better today. I slept well so that helped.” A pause as my eyes flickered between his, speaking low when I continued, “I’m sorry if …”
Rhys frowned. “Charli?”
Swallowing thickly, I finished, “Nothing, um, thank you for applying the balm. It really helped.”
“No worries.” His gaze was curious before his focus went to the cocktails. “What are you girls drinking?”
“Cosmopolitans. Nuala had a recipe she wanted to try.” I slid my glass over to him, trying to distract from the discomfort I felt. “Have some of mine if you like.”
God, what had I been about to say just then? Sorry for thinking you wanted me just because I’m a girl who’s giving you the time of day. The idea that teenage boys were always down for whatever with whomever wasn’t always true. And it definitely wasn’t true of Rhys. He was a thoughtful, careful type. The sort of boy who probably had intense feelings for one person, someone he was comfortable with. He wasn’t the kind where anyone would do.
At least that was the sense I got.
I watched as he lifted the glass, bringing it to his nose for a sniff before he took a small taste. Instantly, his brows drew together, but I was mostly distracted by him putting his lips where mine had been only moments ago. “That’s strong.”
“Of course, it’s strong,” Nuala said. “I stole a bottle of Grey Goose from Dad’s liquor closet. Oh, and some triple sec.”
“Christ, have you been drinking this, too?” Derek asked Milly as he eyed her small frame before shooting a glower in Nuala’s direction. She gave a carefree shrug, unaffected by his obvious disapproval.
I didn’t blame him for worrying about Milly, though. The girl was so tiny she looked like she’d get drunk on a thimbleful of alcohol, never mind the boozy cocktails Nuala had been rustling up. I was pretty sure she’d put more vodka in than the recipe recommended, too, but I hadn’t been very concerned since it was just us girls in the house. Now, Rhys was beside me, and I needed to be careful in case my inhibitions slipped away. I’d already embarrassed myself with him last night by practically begging him to kiss me with my eyes.
Going forward, I needed to be a lot more self-contained.
Rhys took another sip, a hint of a grin on his face as I swiped it back. “Hey, don’t drink it all,” I complained, my mind going to the night of my welcoming party when Aidan had eaten from my soup bowl. I’d been annoyed and put off by his over familiarity, but with Rhys, it was different. I liked him drinking from my glass, enjoyed the teasing look in his eyes when he’d taken a second sip.
“Okay, Nuala, I think you’re going to have to whip up another batch of those,” Aidan said. “Us boys are thirsty.”
“Coming right up,” Nuala grinned as she began grabbing more glasses.
We moved from the island to the large dining table so everyone could sit. Rhys took the chair next to mine, and my chest shimmered. Okay, so, maybe he did like me? There were lots of other chairs, but he’d taken the one right next to mine. Hell, I was all over the place about this boy, my feelings and insecurities tangled up in a knotted mess. I’d also had two cocktails, and I was buzzed. Maybe I should switch to soda because I honestly didn’t trust myself not to do something impulsive like ask him outright if he was into me the same way I was into him.
“What did you do today?” I asked while the others chatted loudly and animatedly about other topics.
“I was with my mam,” Rhys said. “I drove her to an appointment, and then we had lunch at my aunt’s house.”
“That’s where she’s staying?” I asked, careful not to push for too many details about his family situation. The last time, it hadn’t gone very well.
“Yeah, she, um.” He fell quiet a moment, a shadow passing over his features before he continued quietly, “She and my dad are splitting up. The appointment was to speak to a divorce lawyer.”
“Oh, Rhys,” I said, instinctively placing my hand on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry. That’s got to be tough.”
“Not really. I’ve wanted her to divorce the prick for years. It’s a relief it’s finally happening. Like a weight is being lifted.”
I made note of him calling his father a prick. Evidently, they didn’t have a warm relationship. At least that was what I’d gleaned so far.
I squeezed his arm, hardly realising when my fingers smoothed down to his elbow. Maybe it was those two vodka and triple sec-laced cocktails, but I couldn’t seem to stop touching him. It took a conscious effort to remove my hand and place it in my own lap.
“You don’t have to put on a brave face for me, you know,” I said, and his eyes found mine.
We were locked in a stare when someone asked, “What about you, Charli?”
I glanced across the table and found Aidan looking at me. “Pardon?”
“We’re all going for a swim. Are you coming?”
“Is swimming and alcohol a good idea?” I asked.
“We should be fine,” Nuala said. “Everyone’s only had two cocktails so far.”
I glanced at Rhys. “You in?”
He shifted uncomfortably. “I might go read my book for a while.”
“Oh, come on. Don’t leave me on my own with you know who,” I said quietly, flicking my eyes in Aidan’s direction. There’d been a challenge in his voice when he’d asked if I was joining them for a swim, and I had a feeling Aidan was going to try and lay some kind of seduction moves on me once we were in the water. But he wouldn’t be able to do that if I clung to Rhys the whole time.
Speaking of which, Rhys’ gaze darkened like he didn’t enjoy the idea of me in the pool with Aidan either. Was he jealous? A warm flush spread across my chest. Okay, I was officially back to believing he liked me. He was just more reserved than the typical person. Rhys kept his feelings under a tight leash, which was why I found it difficult to gauge him.
I didn’t have time to push him on the matter because Nuala grabbed my hand and pulled me up. “Come on. Let’s go change into our swimsuits. Milly, you can borrow one of my bikinis. Mam and me went shopping last week, so I have a couple new ones I haven’t worn yet.”
Derek looked like he was being mildly tortured at the idea of his crush in a bikini.
We went upstairs, and I grabbed my swimsuit, quickly changing and pulling a wrap on to cover up before going to see if Nuala and Milly were ready. I approached her door and found the two of them giggling about something. Happiness filled me to see Nuala bonding with a new friend, especially after what had happened with her old friend group. It made me feel a little better to know she’d have someone after I left at the end of summer.
“What are you two giggling about?” I asked as I stood in the doorway.
“Oh, nothing,” Nuala said, biting the inside of her cheek.
“It’s not nothing, I call tell. Spill,” I pushed, eyeing the two of them with suspicion.
“Well,” Nuala replied, sharing a mischievous look with Milly. “Milly and I had an idea to get Tristan back after his prank with the ice water.” I noted she didn’t mention Rhys, so she must’ve known Tristan was the mastermind behind it all.
“I’m always down for some well-deserved revenge,” I said, folding my arms.
“I was going to make another batch of cocktails to bring down to the pool, but there’ll be several spoons of salt in the one I give to Tristan.”
I grinned. Nuala and Milly’s idea for revenge was almost cute, but they were clearly tipsy and thought their salt plan was a stroke of genius. “Okay, well, just make sure you mark Tristan’s drink clearly. I’m going downstairs.”
I was eager to get into the pool since I was riding a pleasingly tipsy buzz, and the idea of just floating about in the water seemed appealing. When I entered the pool room, the boys were already in the water, splashing around and rough housing. A warmth seized my chest because Rhys was there, and I hadn’t been sure if he’d come down.
Derek grabbed Theo by the shoulders and dunked his head under the water, then Theo exploded back up, grabbing for Derek to get him back. They reminded me of a bunch of little kids.
“Come on, Moretti,” Aidan shouted, hands around his mouth while I hovered by the edge of the pool. “How about taking a jump off the diving board?”
There was a small diving board at the deep end of the pool, but I was in no fit state for diving. I shook my head and made a beeline for the shallow end, not interested in being dragged into the boys’ rough play.
My eyes went to Rhys, who deftly avoided the tidal wave Tristan splashed at him, and went to hang out near the edge of the pool. He wore a T-shirt and swim shorts, the wet material clinging to his chest, shoulders, and back. I noted the way his hair hung wet over his forehead, a shade darker than when it was dry.
Removing my wrap and setting it down on one of the lounge chairs lined up next to the pool, I slipped off my flip flops, aware of Rhys watching me, and dipped a toe in the water. It was soothingly warm as I lowered down into it, sitting on a step and chuckling as I watched the boys play around. Rhys glanced my way then waded through the water toward me.
“Not coming any farther?” he asked, arching an eyebrow.
I threw my eyes to the others. “It’s a bit of a warzone over there. I’m not sure it’s safe.”
Rhys beckoned me. “It’s safe. I’ll protect you.”
My chest fluttered. Was it my imagination that I heard flirtation in his statement, a warm promise? “Oh, yeah? Well, how can I say no to an offer like that.”
Wading into the water, I gave Rhys a little splash, and he chuckled. “What are you doing?”
“Splashing you. You’re supposed to splash me back.”
“Ah,” he said, a smile in his eyes. “Is that how it goes?”
“Uh huh,” I replied, wading closer to him until there was barely an inch between us. I was so lost in his deep blue eyes I didn’t notice Tristan climbing onto the diving board until he yelled, “Cannonball!” and launched himself into the water. I gasped when a giant wave crashed over Rhys and me, drenching both of us. I choked when some of the chlorine water went up my nose.
“Fuck, Tristan,” Rhys shouted. “Take it easy, will you? You nearly bloody drowned Charli.”
Tristan wore a sheepish expression. “My bad. Sorry, Charli!”
“It’s okay. I’m all right,” I said, a little obsessed with the angry slant of Rhys’ mouth. He was mad on my behalf, and I quite liked that, actually.
“We made more cocktails,” Nuala declared as she and Milly appeared, clad in bikinis and each carrying a tray.
“Yes!” Aidan said, immediately swimming towards them.
“I don’t think more alcohol is wise,” Derek pointed out, frowning in his sister’s direction, his eyes flickering to Milly briefly, and I noticed his Adam’s apple bob. She wore a royal blue bikini, courtesy of Nuala, and the colour complimented her creamy pale skin. The girl was tiny, but she also had curves.
“One more won’t hurt,” Nuala said with a cheeky grin as she neared the edge of the pool and set down the tray. Rhys glanced at me. “You want one?”
I shook my head, placing a hand on his shoulder as I quietly replied, “Wait a minute. All is not as it seems.”
He sent me a curious look as Nuala selected a glass and approached her brother, holding it out to him. Tristan took the offered drink without question and knocked back a gulp. I expected him to immediately spit it out with a grimace, but he only smacked his lips and smiled, “Ah, delicious.”
Nuala frowned in confusion just as Aidan spat out his drink, spraying it everywhere. “What the fuck, Nuala? Is that salt?”
Her frown deepened as she looked from Aidan to her brother, an oh shit expression on her face as her hands went to her cheeks. “I freaking told you to clearly mark the glass,” I said, chuckling as Nuala sent Aidan an apologetic glance.
“Shit, that was meant for Tristan,” she said. “Milly and I were going to get him back for the ice water prank by putting salt in his cocktail.”
Derek laughed at that, his gaze warm on Milly as he said, “I didn’t know you were so devious.”
She smiled shyly. “I’m full of surprises.”
Tristan wore a giant grin, having avoided payback. “And lady luck shines upon me once again.”
“My mouth tastes disgusting,” Aidan complained, sticking out his tongue as though to rid the salty taste while glowering at everyone.
“I’m sorry. Here, have another. I promise there’s no salt in this one,” Nuala said, holding out a fresh glass.
Aidan took it grumpily, knocking it back in several thirsty gulps to wash the foul taste from his mouth.
“You guys need to swear off doing pranks,” I said to the twins. “You’re both clearly terrible at them.”
Aidan’s annoyed eyes landed on me. “You knew about this, Moretti?”
I shrugged. “I may have had some prior knowledge.”
“That’s it. You’re getting dunked for not warning us.”
He started wading through the water towards me, and I squealed, hiding behind Rhys, my arm going around his broad shoulders as I clung to him. “Now’s the time to make good on your promise to protect me,” I said in his ear, suddenly aware my boobs were plastered to his back.
A small shudder went through him when he cast me a smile. “Don’t worry, I won’t let him get you.”
Those words made my belly flutter as Aidan reached us. “Get out of the way, Rhys.”
“Sorry, man, she’s under my protection.” Rhys was a solid wall between Aidan and me as I continued to cling to him.
I stuck my tongue out at Aidan, and he rolled his eyes in return. “You can’t hide behind Rhys all night. I’ll get you eventually,” he threatened playfully.
“Want to bet?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around Rhys’ neck and my legs around his middle like a limpet. I experienced a moment of concern that he might not want me touching him so much, but those worries were quashed when his hands wrapped around my legs, his palms skimming my outer thighs just above the knee. He held me to him like he really did mean it about protecting me.
Even though we were just playing around, there was something about the whole thing that made my stomach flutter. Rhys was the sort of guy who’d face down a hurricane for the people he cared about.
Still with his large, solid hands on my thighs, he stared down Aidan, who scowled and gave up, returning to the other side of the pool. I wrapped my arms tighter around Rhys, savouring the closeness.
“So, you’re just going to stay like this until we get out?” he asked, sounding amused. There was a small catch in his voice that belied his nervousness, too.
“If it’s not too much inconvenience to you, yes,” I replied, and Rhys turned his head a little to meet my gaze.
“It’s not an inconvenience,” he said quietly, his eyes intense, giving me yet another belly flutter.
Nuala shot me a knowing grin like she was onto me. And okay, yes, a small part of me might’ve been using this opportunity to get close to Rhys, but who could blame me? I’d never been this attracted to a boy before. And though I’d been unsure earlier, I wasn’t anymore. Not with the way he kept my body pinned to his back. He was into this just as much as I was.
Derek caught my eye, a vaguely concerned look on his face, and it made me wonder if maybe I was being cruel without realising it. I genuinely liked Rhys, but he was also going through a lot with his parents divorcing. Maybe I shouldn’t be complicating his life when he had so much going on. But it was hard to stay away from him. I was like a moth fluttering around a light bulb whenever we happened to be in the same room, unable to help being drawn close.
Aidan made a few more attempts to get to me, sneakily giving us a wide berth and then trying to dive for me from behind. Rhys was onto him though and easily swung me around, my arms tightening as he moved us through the water. Every time my chest pressed against his back, it sent a flutter of awareness through me. My pores tingled with all the places we were touching. My nipples beaded, and I wondered if he could feel them prodding into his back.
Eventually, everyone started getting out of the pool. Nuala made an announcement that she was ordering pizza and that we all needed to come upstairs to pick what we wanted from the menu. Aidan tried waiting us out, but my will was stronger, and the prospect of takeout won in the end. He shot me a strange, defeated look as he glanced from me to Rhys like he was finally accepting I wasn’t interested in him.
He climbed from the pool, and I sighed in relief.
I was about to finally let go of Rhys when I was suddenly aware it was just the two of us left in the pool.
We were alone, and my heart began to race.