Quiet Longing (Quiet Love #2) 14. 37%
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“Stay in my bed tonight,” Charli whispered.

It was all I could do not to groan. I had no words, and my brain couldn’t form a single reason to decline. Today had been awful. Adrenaline still pumped through me from what I’d done. I didn’t know if the threat to Dad would work, if his self-preservation would kick in or if he’d simply lose control and lash out instead.

Looking into Charli’s honest hazel eyes—the effect she had on me and how I felt for her—had me forgetting all those worries. Her hand caught mine, instilling peace and stillness into my very bones. It was hard to fathom that this beautiful, captivating, funny, smart, and empathic girl who somehow managed to both soothe and excite me wanted me. She saw everything, knew it all, and still, she invited me to her bed.

Nodding, I let her lead me to her room.

The house was quiet, and we didn’t bump into anyone on our way. When she closed her bedroom door. I stood near her bed, feeling lost for a second before she came to me. She laced her fingers through mine just as she’d done downstairs. We lowered onto the covers, both fully clothed. Charli stretched out next to me, resting her head on my shoulder but not touching me anywhere else. I suspected she was worried about putting pressure on my injuries.

I hadn’t been lying when I’d told her I didn’t need a hospital. I’d suffered worse from dad in the past and managed to get better without medical intervention. It was why I had so many nasty scars, ones that were years old. Sometimes, Mam would tend to me, and I’d tend to her, but her fear and anxiety prevented her from seeing a doctor as often as she’d needed. She’d gone to her GP a few times and managed to explain things away, but I suspected they hadn’t believed her. Still, there wasn’t much they could do back then because she wasn’t prepared to press charges. She’d still believed Dad could change, and the relief she’d finally been broken out of that spell was immeasurable.

Charli lightly stroked my arm, the gentle motion and her soothing presence lulling me to sleep. Just being with her, her warmth next to me, her scent, I felt like the luckiest bastard in the world.

I woke up a few hours later. It was almost midnight, and Charli was sleeping soundly next to me, her breathing deep and even. My body ached, my senses full of her coconut shampoo and subtle, flowery perfume.

I couldn’t stay. Not only would it be disrespectful to Padraig and Jo when they’d put me up in their house, but Derek would likely start blowing up my phone wanting to know where I was if I didn’t turn up soon.

Soaking in the sight of Charli’s pretty features serene in slumber, I smoothed some of her thick, silky hair away from her face then eased slowly out of bed. Leaving her room, I gently closed the door, trying to make as little noise as possible.

I’d just reached Derek’s room when his door flew open, “And what time do you call—” His words fell off when he saw me, his eyebrows drawing together, mouth forming a stiff line. “Bloody hell, Rhys, what happened to you?”

Instead of answering, I replied, “Do you think your dad will still be up?”

“He’s probably in his office, yeah, but what the fuck? Tell me how this happened.”

I glanced at the floor, my expression tense. “My dad.” I was unable to say more than that. Derek cursed and ran a hand over his jaw.

“Come on, then,” he said at last, and I followed him to see his father.


Padraig and I didn’t see eye to eye when it came to the CCTV footage. He took one look at me and wanted to have my father arrested on the spot. I explained to him about the divorce, how I needed Dad to sign the papers and not contest it, but this didn’t change his mind. Derek agreed with his father, so it was two against one, but I held firm.

“How about a compromise, then,” Padraig suggested. “I’ll hold off on showing the footage to the Guards until the papers are signed.”

I rubbed my chin. “I’m not sure.”

“Listen, son, you need to think clearly on this. Your father is a dangerous man. The state you’re in right now … if it was my decision, I’d say lock him up and throw away the key. It would be immoral to let him get away with tonight’s attack because no doubt he’ll do it again. Even if he’s out of yours and your mother’s lives, that doesn’t mean he won’t hurt someone else. And I refuse to let that happen. Not only will I not allow it to weigh on my conscience, I won’t allow it to weigh on yours either. I care about you, Rhys, and I want to you to live a good life with peace of mind.”

Emotion I wasn’t equipped to handle seized me, but I was still unsure. It felt underhanded to lie to Dad, let him imagine I’d never share the footage so long as he complied with the divorce. But it wasn’t like he deserved my honesty. He’d made my life so fucking needlessly dark and depressing, destroyed my mam’s confidence, a gentle woman who never so much as raised her voice in anger.

“Derek told me of your plans to go to France,” Padraig went on. I glanced at my friend, and he gave a shrug. I wasn’t mad at him for sharing. It wasn’t like my plans were some big secret. I just hadn’t really felt the need to tell anyone. “When you go, wouldn’t you feel more at ease knowing your father was somewhere he could no longer reach your mother?”

Okay, he had a point. I’d always imagined we’d sell the house and get mam a place close to Aunt Claire’s so she and Uncle Eugene could look out for her. But even still, I’d be gone. If something happened … No, Padraig was right. I’d feel so much better knowing Dad was behind bars and couldn’t get to her.

“All right,” I said, blowing out a tired exhalation. “We’ll do it your way.”

Padraig nodded soberly. “Good. Now, you boys get on to bed. I’ve work to finish up with here.”

Derek and I didn’t say much when we returned to his room. I was dreading the morning because I had another shift at the hotel, and people were going to want to know what happened to me. I considered taking a sick day, but I needed every penny I could get, both for Mam and for my end of summer plans.

The following morning when I went downstairs for breakfast, the entire family, minus Padraig, was in the kitchen eating. Nuala’s face dropped when she saw me, rising from her seat. “Rhys, oh my goodness. What happened?”

I glanced at Charli, and that feeling of intense connection swept through me. It was getting stronger by the day. How was it that my gaze was always drawn to her?

I looked to Nuala, a fake story on the tip of my tongue when I suddenly decided I wasn’t going to lie to people anymore. I’d been covering up for Dad my entire life, and I was sick of it.

“My dad happened,” I said flatly. I knew by the sad, empathetic look in Jo’s eyes Padraig had already told her everything. There was also a hint of anger there, the same anger I saw in everyone when they found out. It made me realise that the shame I often felt, the strange urge to blame myself for not being strong enough to fight back, wasn’t necessary. No one blamed me or thought me weak. They only felt angry at Dad for his actions.

“Your dad?” Nuala questioned, a hitch in her voice like she might cry. I understood how shocking the news must be for someone like her. She had parents who only doted on and loved her. She wasn’t accustomed to anything different. Tristan looked equally shocked and upset. We’d been friends since we were kids, but he had no idea what my life had truly been like.

“You don’t need to worry,” Derek spoke up. “It’s being taken care of.” His eyes met mine, a silent pact between us. One way or another, we’d see to it my dad was out of both Mam’s and my lives for good. I appreciated his support.

“What do you mean ‘taken care of’?” Tristan asked, his brow furrowing.

“My mam is filing for divorce, and my dad found out yesterday,” I explained. “He believes I’m the one convincing her to do it, so he waited for me outside the hotel when I was leaving work and attacked me. It was caught on CCTV so I’m going to report him to the Guards.”

I left out the part about waiting for the divorce papers because I knew Nuala and Tristan would try to convince me to go straight to the station just as Padraig and Derek had. Glancing at Charli, she seemed curious about the last bit. When I spoke to her last night, I’d mentioned the blackmail, but at that point, I hadn’t planned on going to the Guards.

“You’re going to report him?” she asked with a mixture of concern and relief.

“Yes, I spoke to Padraig last night, and he convinced me it was the right thing to do. I can’t take the risk Dad might hurt my mother or attack someone else.”

She nodded, empathy in her gaze while Jo placed an omelette in front of me.

“Padraig said to tell you he’s arranged for someone else to cover your shifts at the hotel this week,” she said in a gentle voice.

“But I need to—”

“No arguments,” she cut me off. “You’ll still be paid for the sick days, and besides, you’re in no fit state to work. You need to rest and get better. I’ve also made an appointment for our family doctor to come see you. She does house calls and is very discreet.”

Jo gave my shoulder a soft pat. I wanted to argue about the doctor, but seeing the look of relief on Charli’s face prevented me. She’d been worried about my injuries, and if letting this doctor check me over gave her peace of mind, then I’d do it.

It was scary the things I’d do just to make her happy.

We ate breakfast in quiet, and I noted Charli had her work uniform on. She must’ve been on shift, and though I was relieved for the paid week off, I regretted that we wouldn’t get to spend that time together. It barely felt like work when she was there.

After breakfast, everyone went their separate ways, and I wasn’t too keen on the sad looks I was getting from the twins. Charli cast me a glance that said she understood how difficult it had been to be honest with everyone about my father. That she was proud of me for being open.

She’d just put her plate in the dishwasher when she approached me, her delicate hand coming to rest on my shoulder. “How are you feeling? I missed you this morning,” she said quietly.

“Sore,” I answered honestly before whispering low, “I didn’t want to leave.” My attention caught on the few tendrils of hair that had come loose from her ponytail. “But you’d get in trouble if Jo or Padraig caught me in your bed.”

She leaned forward, her coconut scent invading my personal space, and I welcomed it. “It would’ve been worth the risk.”

Something stirred low in my groin at the look in her eyes. I quickly doused it by changing the subject. I was in no condition to be getting worked up, and I certainly didn’t need anyone walking back into the kitchen and catching me with a semi.

“Are you working today?”

Charli nodded, her gentle fingers reaching up to check the small bandage she’d put on my temple last night. “Mm-hmm,” she answered absentmindedly as she continued to inspect her handiwork. I liked it when she fussed over me. It almost made the bashing I’d taken worth it. I stared at the faint freckles that dotted her cheeks and jaw before her eyes came to mine. “Promise me you’ll rest today? After the doctor sees you, just chill, okay?”

“Only if you promise to come see me when you get home from work,” I countered low, and she inhaled sharply.

“Of course, I will. We can hang out and play video games.”

My hand swept down her arm, cupping her elbow as I pulled her closer. “I’ll hold you to that.” Then I did something crazy and leaned in, catching her lips in a gentle kiss. As soon as my lips met hers, arousal coursed through me yet again. I wanted her badly. Even with all the stuff happening with Dad, I could barely get the other night out of my head, all the things I wanted to do to her. Things I’d never done before.

The kiss deepened. I’d only meant for it to be a quick brush of the lips, but suddenly, Charli’s arms snaked around my neck, her tongue sliding past my lips. I had to hold in a groan. The cut on my mouth stung, tearing open a little, but I didn’t care. All I cared about at that moment was getting lost in her. She pressed against me, and I lost the ability to think straight. Thankfully, Charli was the one to draw away, her breathing choppy as she looked at the clock.

“I better get to work.” She ran her hands over her uniform, straightening it out before she stepped away. “I’ll see you later.”

“See you later,” I breathed, my vision hazy with lust as she hurried from the room.

The following few days passed in an easy rhythm. I spent most of my time in Derek’s room either playing video games, reading, or researching and making plans for the end of summer. The doctor came as promised, but as I already knew, there was nothing that needed major attention. She prescribed me some painkillers and was on her way.

Every evening, Charli would come find me, and we’d hang out. It amazed me how easy and enjoyable it was being in her company. Derek had made it his mission to make sure I was doing okay after the whole thing with Dad, so he was around a lot, too. It meant there wasn’t much opportunity to kiss Charli again, but I didn’t mind. Just spending time with her was enough for me.

It was the weekend before my face finally started to look a little normal again. My ribs and stomach were still tender, but otherwise, I was on the mend. Aidan and Theo came over to play pool, so we all hung out in the den. Charli was out somewhere with Nuala and Jo, and I was a little bit restless to see her. It was embarrassing how obsessed I’d become. At night, I’d lie on the bed on Derek’s floor, replaying our kisses and fantasising about all the ways I wanted to make her moan and sigh. I wanted to know all the possible reactions she might make when I touched her.

It seemed Derek and Tristan had kept quiet about what happened with my dad because Aidan and Theo didn’t act any differently around me, which was a relief. I wasn’t going to lie for my father anymore, but I’d also prefer to avoid talking about him where possible.

It was late evening when I spotted Charli walk by in the direction of her bedroom. The door was slightly ajar, and I had to fight the urge to follow her. She was carrying a few bags from a women’s boutique and was probably tired if she’d been out shopping. I should let her get some rest. That was the sensible thing to do, and yet I found myself muttering to Derek about needing the bathroom. He nodded, continuing his game of pool with Theo as I left and headed for Charli’s room.

After knocking gently, her silky voice called, “Come in.”

I opened the door and stepped into the room. The shopping bags sat on her bed—and recognising one of the store names—my throat ran dry. It was a well-known women’s lingerie brand, a fancy one.

“Hey, Rhys,” she said, smiling when she saw it was me. “Oh, your face looks so much better,” she went on as her eyes ran over me. “How are you feeling?”

“Thanks. I’m good. Better. Were you shopping?”

Charli’s attention went to the bags, and she flushed, seeing I’d noted the lingerie one. “Oh, yeah. Nuala and Aunt Jo invited me on one of their shopping trips. I used some of my summer job money to treat myself.”

“Good,” I said. “You deserve it.”

She bit her lip, glancing at the large flat screen on her wall. “Um, I was going to put a movie on. Do you want to watch something with me?”

My chest tightened at the invite. I wanted to say yes, but I’d already told Derek I’d go with him and the boys to a small party on the beach.

“I can’t. The lads and I are going to the beach in a little while for a party. You should come.”

“Oh, right, that sounds kind of cool. I’ll ask Nuala if she wants to go, too.”

“Do,” I replied, stepping closer to the bed, and Charli quickly snatched the bags to shove in her wardrobe. Her sheepish expression made me chuckle. “Hiding something?”

“Yes, of course, I am,” she replied. “I’m pretty sure I don’t need the guy I like seeing I’ve been shopping in Victoria’s Secret.”

The guy I like . I still couldn’t get my head around the fact a girl as beautiful and sexy as Charli liked me . “Isn’t that the point of shopping there?” I countered, unsure where my confidence came from as I took a step closer to her. “So that the guy you like can eventually see you in whatever you bought?”

Her hazel eyes flared wide, and she glanced at the floor for a second. I could see the cogs whirring in her mind as she scraped her teeth over her bottom lip. Her eyes flicked up, and she replied, “Do you want to see it?”

Fucking hell, my pulse skyrocketed as soon as she shyly uttered the question, and I found myself nodding, my voice scratchy and low when I said, “Definitely.”

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