I can’t believe I’m doing this.
Nerves that were oddly thrilling skittered through my body as I went to close my bedroom door. I’d just asked Rhys if he wanted to see what I’d bought at Victoria’s Secret. It wasn’t something I’d ever consider buying for myself until Nuala and Aunt Jo encouraged me. As I’d stood in the store, selecting a matching bra and panties set, my mind had inadvertently wandered to Rhys. I imagined his face, the way he might look at me if he saw me wearing something like that. Would his eyes flare, his breathing quicken?
Returning to the closet, I picked out the bag, remembering how Aunt Jo had been acting strangely the last couple days. It was like she felt the need to spoil me, and I didn’t understand why. I’d spent some of my earnings from the hotel on the clothes I bought, but Jo insisted on paying for a new dress and some cute shoes. She’d also paid for the lingerie.
Nuala and her mom had that kind of easy-going relationship where they could buy sexy underwear in front of each other and not feel mortally embarrassed. I’d never been comfortable enough to purchase anything other than practical every day bras and panties when shopping with my own mom.
Speaking of which, I’d called her to ask about the phone conversation I’d overheard between her and Uncle Padraig, but before I could breathe a word, she’d announced she was coming to Ireland in two weeks to see me. She’d managed to get a couple days off work and decided to use the days for a short trip. As soon as she’d said it, I’d known something was up. Mom didn’t book impromptu trips across the Atlantic. She was coming for a reason, and I suspected that reason was to finally tell me whatever it was Padraig had been urging her to reveal.
The fact she felt the need to do it in person meant it was something big .
My mind conjured all sorts of scenarios. Was someone dying? Going to prison for a decades old crime? Were we secretly related to royalty? The possibilities grew more and more outlandish until I had to force myself to quit stressing. So, even though I was freaking out a whole lot, I' decided I just need to chill and let Mom talk to me in her own time.
Besides, I was looking forward to seeing her. I’d missed her terribly these last weeks, even if I had been enjoying my time in Ireland. Specifically, I been enjoying my time with Rhys, hanging out and getting to know him more.
Some nights, we sat up talking for hours . Yesterday, he’d told me all about his cousin, Shay, who was mute, and how Rhys and the rest of the family learned sign language for him. In return, I’d told him about the day the cops had come to our house to tell us Dad had died in a four car collision caused by a drunk driver. The worst day of my life. Rhys had sat next to me, quietly listening, and something about showing him the rawest parts of myself felt strangely freeing.
It was a little addicting to find someone who was interested in you just as much as you were interested in them.
Upending the bag, I let the black lace and silk fall onto the bed. Rhys inhaled sharply, a hint of colour rising in his cheeks. He rubbed his jaw and reached down, plucking up the panties. There was something about his large, masculine hand clutching the delicate, girly material that caused a rush of desire to flood my belly. My breathing grew choppy, and his gaze flicked to mine. The atmosphere thickened around us, and I swallowed the lump of need that had lodged in my throat.
“They’ll look beautiful on you,” he said, his voice somewhat gruff as he dropped them back on the bed. His eyes went to the bra, but mercifully, he didn’t pick it up. I wasn’t sure my libido could handle any more of him fondling my new under things.
“Maybe I’ll let you see me wear them,” I said, trembling and forcing a smirk I didn’t feel. I was nervous. He made me nervous. “If you’re lucky.”
Rhys chuckled low, his eyes warm on mine. “I’m already lucky just to know you, Charli. Everything else is a bonus.”
Air caught in my lungs, my heart pounding fast. I didn’t know what to say, and then Rhys stepped forward, his eyes darkening as they wandered from my throat to my lips then up to meet my gaze. My breathing turned shallow, and his expression seemed to ask permission. I found myself nodding, and then moments later, his lips crashed to mine. His hands cupped my face as his tongue plundered my mouth like he’d been hungering for me.
All week we’d been spending time together, but Rhys had still been recovering, and there’d been too many people around. I’d wanted to kiss him so many times, had found myself daydreaming often about the kisses we’d already shared. I’d begun to wonder if he’d ever kiss me again.
I moaned quietly when his tongue caressed mine, his thumb brushing along my jaw. The backs of my knees met the mattress as we moved closer to the bed, and then—
“Rhys! Where are you, mate? We’re heading to the beach now.”
Hearing Tristan call out, we broke apart, both breathless. Rhys shot me a reluctant expression, and I knew the interruption had been unwelcome. He rubbed his fingers along his mouth like he could taste me there. “I better go. Will I see you on the beach?”
I nodded, trying to gather my composure after that mind-blowing kiss. “Sure. I just want to take a quick shower first. I’m all sweaty from the shopping trip.”
Rhys inhaled an unsteady breath then released it. “Okay, see you in a bit.”
With a final heated look, he left, and I flopped down onto the bed. I remained there for a few minutes, my heart racing, before I finally found the wherewithal to drag myself into the shower. By the time I got out and dressed in some jean shorts and a loose fitting T-shirt, word had gotten to Nuala about the beach party because she flounced into my room full of chatter and excitement. I noted she’d showered, too, currently dressed in the prettiest lavender skirt and a flouncy white top. I slipped on some flip flops, put my wet hair into a braid, and off we went.
Nuala linked her arm through mine, talking about how legendary the town’s beach parties were as we walked across the strand. In the distance, I could see a large gathering of teenagers. There were crates of beer and other booze being passed around; not to mention, someone had lit a small bonfire. It almost reminded me of the beach parties back home, and I felt an unexpected rush of homesickness. I missed my friends and my mom and had to remind myself I didn’t need to be sad because I’d get to see her in two weeks.
The first people I recognised had a pit forming in my stomach. Nuala’s ex-friends, Kiera and Danielle, were hanging out in a group. I tried my best to steer us in the opposite direction, but Nuala had already noticed them.
“It’s fine,” she said with a heavy breath when she saw my concerned expression. “We live in the same town and go to the same school. I’m going to have to get used to bumping into them.”
I squeezed her elbow and sent her a smile. “That’s the right attitude. Come on, let’s go find your brothers.”
We wove through the gathering, no sign of the boys until a whistle pierced the air, and I spotted Aidan a short distance away. “Nuala! Moretti! Over here!” he shouted.
That was when I saw them all sitting on the sand drinking beers. Milly was there, too, and Nuala immediately hurried to say hello, pulling her into a hug and gushing about how pretty her earrings were. Tristan was making out with a cute brunette while Theo and Aidan chatted to a couple girls I recognised from the party at Aidan’s house. As always, my attention was drawn to Rhys; though this time, I was struck with an unfamiliar sensation. He stood talking to a girl, a pretty one with long dark hair. She placed her hand on his bicep, laughing at something he said.
Oh, hell no.
A feeling of irritation claimed my chest, especially after the kiss we’d shared back in my bedroom. Something territorial took over as I stepped right up to him and slid my arm around his waist. “Hey,” I said, my voice low, and he turned, a smile curving his lips when he saw me.
“Charli,” he breathed. “You came.”
I nodded then glanced at the girl. She was looking at me with a polite expression, but there was also a faint glimmer of annoyance in her wide brown eyes.
“I didn’t realise you had a girlfriend, Rhys,” she said, her lips pressing together, a subtle sign she wasn’t happy. So, Rhys had been wrong when he’d said girls weren’t into him. He was just too oblivious to notice the ones who were.
“Oh, uh—”
“Hi, I’m Charli,” I said and held out my hand. Her eyes lit in recognition like she’d heard my name already.
“Right, Derek and Tristan’s cousin,” she said, briefly shaking my hand, head bobbing.
“Why do I feel like my reputation precedes me?”
Her cheeks coloured, and I got the sense she didn’t want to elaborate. “Oh, well, I probably shouldn’t say.”
At this, Rhys frowned, and I noticed he’d slid his arm around my waist, too, pulling me close. “June, what did you hear?”
“It’s just Kiera Morrissey. You know what she’s like. She was telling people Nuala Balfe’s cousin was in town for the summer and that … uh, that she was a raging bitch.” She wore a sheepish expression as she took a nervous swig from her bottle. “Sorry.”
I wasn’t sure why, but I burst out laughing, finding it funny that the meanest girl I’d met here was going around calling me a raging bitch. And all because I’d had the stones to stand up for Nuala.
Rhys didn’t appear to see the funny side, his voice low and his jaw tensing as he grunted, “She said what? ”
June raised her hands. “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. Oh, look, I just spotted my friend Paul. I better go.”
She hurried off like she couldn’t get away fast enough. I twisted in Rhys’ hold and pressed one hand to his chest, the other going up to smooth over his tense jaw. “Don’t be mad. I’m not. That girl is awful. You know she’s been ostracising Nuala from their friend group, right?”
“Yeah, but she doesn’t get to talk about you. She doesn’t know you,” he replied, and I could still feel his tension beneath my fingers.
“I’m not letting it faze me, and neither should you. Besides, I want to hear about June.” I cocked my head in the direction she’d gone.
Rhys frowned, eyes finding mine. “What about her?”
“How do you know her?”
He shrugged, his attention going to my hand on his chest. “We share some classes at school.”
“And?” I prodded.
“And what?”
“She’s clearly into you. She was all touching your bicep and giggling at your jokes.” I pressed my lips together at the mirth that entered his gaze. It appeared Rhys enjoyed my jealousy. “I bet you didn’t even say anything that funny,” I grumped.
His gaze warmed substantially as he drew me closer. “I was hilarious, actually.”
I mock scowled. “Sure.”
He caught my chin, his thumb brushing my jaw before he relented. “Okay, fine. June and I kissed once at a school dance about two years ago. It wasn’t anything.”
“Well, it was clearly something to her.”
“I doubt it, but even if it was, I don’t like her that way.”
His statement pleased me to no end. “Good, because I can be kind of jealous.”
There was a flicker of heat in his gaze. “Oh, yeah?”
“Yep,” I confirmed then leaned in and pressed a light kiss to the underside of his jaw. I let out a quiet groan. “You’re wearing that cologne again. You know I can’t resist you when you smell like Old Spice.”
Rhys chuckled low, his hand moving from my hip to the base of my spine. Every nerve ending in my body tingled. “Now, I’m going to start drowning myself in the stuff. Do you want a beer?”
I glanced over my shoulder to where a bunch of cans were sitting in a bucket of quickly melting ice. “Sure.”
He took my hand and led me over, grabbing a beer for each of us before we went to join Derek, Milly, and Nuala. Nuala was drinking a beer, and I could tell Derek was monitoring her alcohol intake because he had that serious older brother expression on his face.
I sat on the sand next to Rhys and took a sip of my own beer, leaning my weight on him and savouring the feel of his solid warmth beside me. Nuala got a little excited when she saw how close we were sitting.
“Oh! Did you two hook up? Because I’m sensing some vibes,” she blurted, and I flushed a little.
“Leave them alone, Nuala,” Derek reprimanded.
“It’s fine,” I said. “Rhys and I are spending time together. That’s all you need to know.”
“Ugh, but I want details ,” she complained, and Rhys stiffened next to me.
“Don’t be such a little pervert,” I chuckled, glancing at Rhys who looked mildly embarrassed but also a bit amused. I squeezed his knee to let him know he didn’t need to feel awkward. I was proud to be his … whatever I was. June had called me his girlfriend, and I couldn’t deny I liked how it sounded. But I wasn’t his girlfriend. I couldn’t be. We’d be parting ways in a couple weeks, so it wasn’t like we could start anything. Not unless I convinced him to drop his plans and come live in America.
Butterflies claimed my stomach at the thought.
The idea held appeal, but it was a pipe dream. I knew that. Rhys was hardly going to move halfway across the world for a girl he knew for one summer.
My cousin groaned. “Sorry, I know, I’m nosy. But I can’t help it. I’m just excited for you two.”
I sent Nuala an appreciative smile, and Derek thankfully changed the subject, steering the conversation away from Rhys and me. We chatted and hung out for a while. At some point, Rhys grabbed us another beer, and I wasn’t sure how many Nuala had consumed, but she seemed buzzed.
I noticed Kiera and Danielle were sitting in a group just across from us, and they kept darting dirty looks Nuala’s way. Just as before, my protective instincts kicked in. I was about to say something, but then Nuala beat me to it.
“Do you have something to say to me, Kiera?” she asked loudly, and I knew the beer had taken hold. Nuala was officially a lightweight, and Derek sat up a little straighter, looking like he was trying to decide whether he should intervene or escort his sister home early.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kiera replied haughtily.
“Well, you just keep looking over here with a face like you sucked a lemon, so I thought maybe something was weighing on your mind.”
I grinned. A few people chuckled. Kiera dramatically rolled her eyes and glanced at her friends like Nuala was acting crazy. And sure, maybe that was what it looked like, but I knew the truth. This was months of unhappiness and frustration that had built up in my cousin, and it was finally coming out. I sat up straighter just as Derek had, prepared to jump in if needed.
“I don’t have anything to say to you, Nuala,” Kiera scoffed. “You’re embarrassing yourself.”
At this, Nuala stood, a little unsteady on her feet as she let out a loud, confrontational laugh. “I’m embarrassing myself? I think it’s more embarrassing to pressure your friend into manipulating her own brother to go out with you. It’s not my fault Tristan wouldn’t ride you into battle.”
The entire gathering gasped in shock at the first part then burst into laughter at the second. The remark might’ve gone over my head if I hadn’t spent half the summer with my cousins. I knew that “ride” meant fucking, so I assumed “wouldn’t ride you into battle” was a pretty cutting insult. Also, a hilarious turn of phrase.
Keira immediately stood, her eyes shining with fury, and I almost felt sorry for her. Then I remembered how horrible she’d been to Nuala and decided payback was a bitch. A raging bitch, in fact. She stormed off, Danielle scurrying after her.
“Is that true?” Derek asked. “Is that why she stopped hanging out with you? You wouldn’t set her up with Tristan?”
Nuala nodded, looking a little glum suddenly. “Oh God, was that too mean?”
“It was deservedly mean,” I said. “Don’t beat yourself up. The girl convinced all your friends to exclude you from their group. That’s far meaner than what you just said.”
“How awful,” Milly exclaimed, her eyes tilted downward. “I had no idea she did that.”
Nuala shrugged and let out a sigh. “Yep, so beware of what could happen if she ever tries to befriend you at school.”
Milly reached out to squeeze Nuala’s hand. “I could never be friends with someone who treated another friend that way.”
A small silence fell before Tristan, Aidan, and Theo reappeared from wherever they’d been. Nuala’s twin smiled obliviously, hands on hips, “So, what did we miss?”
I glanced at Nuala, who then glanced at Derek and Milly, before we all burst into laughter. It took a little while for Nuala to explain to her twin the real reason she and Kiera fought. He looked guilty like it was his fault somehow.
“Fuck, why didn’t you tell me sooner? I could’ve set her straight.”
“It doesn’t matter now. I’m glad I’ve seen her true colours.”
“I know what’ll cheer you up,” Theo interjected. “A midnight swim. Some of us are going into the water.”
“That’s a terrible idea,” Derek replied. “It’ll be freezing.”
Even as he said it, teenagers all around us began throwing off their shoes and shirts and running towards the sea. Excitement filled the air, and Nuala started to smile as her eyes met Theo’s. “Do you know what? I think that’s an excellent idea.”
Ignoring a few grumblings from Derek, Nuala let Theo take her by the hand as they ran out to the water, Tristan and Aidan hot on their heels. Squeals of delight and jovial laughter echoed around the beach. I looked to Rhys, my gaze drawn to him like a magnet.
“Feel like a swim?”
He lifted an eyebrow. “Didn’t you just shower?”
“I did, but you only get so many chances for a midnight dip in the Irish Sea,” I countered, feeling giddy. Rhys was hesitant, so I stood, pulling him up with me. “Come on,” I encouraged. “You only live once.”
His gaze darkened as his hand tightened around mine. “You’re a bad influence.”
I grinned at him. “I’m the best kind of influence, and you know it.”
Rhys chuckled and allowed me to lead him towards the sea where Nuala, Tristan, Theo, and Aidan were already frolicking about among dozens of others. Derek and Milly hung back to look after our phones and personal items, remaining seated together on the sand. Luckily, I was only wearing shorts, so I just needed to slide off my flip flops. Rhys wore longer board shorts and a dark blue hoodie. I reached for the hoodie, tugging it off over his head. Again, he allowed me, his expression enraptured like everything I did in that moment fascinated him.
Leaving him in the T-shirt he wore underneath, I tossed his hoodie onto the sand, and he slipped off his shoes. There was something in his eyes that made me catch my breath, a kind of hunger.
Fizzy excitement gurgled in my belly as I turned and ran into the sea. Air caught in my lungs because Derek was right, the water was cold , the night temperatures setting in. I gasped then felt Rhys’ contrasting heat as he came up behind me, his chest meeting my back.
“It’s freezing,” I said, teeth chattering.
“It’ll heat up in a minute. You just have to let your body get accustomed,” Rhys said, his hand sliding around my hip before coming to rest on my stomach. Somehow his low, husky words made me forget about the cold.
“Okay,” I said. “I don’t think this counts as a midnight swim unless we go into the water at least up to our waists.”
“Lead the way,” Rhys answered, still with that lust-inducing husky note in his voice.
He kept his hand on my stomach as we waded our way into the water. Goosebumps claimed my skin, mainly due to my awareness of Rhys, the way he touched me.
No matter where my life took me when summer ended, the smell of the beach and the sea would always remind me of him.
“You okay?” he asked, and I noticed I’d gone a lot farther than waist deep. The water was midway up my arms, but due to Rhys’ height, he was much less submerged.
“Um, I’m not sure I meant to go this far,” I said, and his other arm swept around me.
“Put your arms around my neck,” he murmured, and my heart thrummed as I wove my arms around him. Unexpectedly, Rhys lifted me, and I inhaled sharply as he guided my legs around his waist. It reminded me of how I’d clung to him in the pool but far more intimate. We were face to face, and I could feel his erection pressing into me, distractingly hard against my stomach.
Rhys gazed at me. “Better?”
“Yes,” I whispered, my eyes going to his mouth. We stayed like that, standing in the water, while others made noise and splashed about in the distance. Waves gently crashed over us, knocking us together and making me ever more aware of the hardness in his pants. Rhys gripped me tighter, and I shivered, arousal flooding me as I closed my eyes and savoured the moment.
No one else existed. There was just Rhys and me, alone in our bubble.
“You should probably kiss me now,” I went on, opening my eyes. A shock went through me when I saw the dark, lust-filled need shining in his gaze.
I nodded, a soft smile shaping my lips. “It’s the polite thing to do.”
“Well,” he almost growled. “I wouldn’t want to be impolite.”
Rhys’ mouth descended on mine, and I gasped into the kiss. It wasn’t soft or nice. It was hot and wet and feral. He tasted like the sea. His tongue plundered inside my mouth, and my fingers wandered to the ends of his hair, my nails scraping lightly at his scalp, soliciting a low groan.
“Keep doing that,” he urged breathlessly before his mouth was on me again, laying waste to whatever ounce of self-control I might’ve had.
His hands kneaded my thighs while his tongue danced with mine. I tightened my legs around his waist, his erection pressing into my belly. He felt … big. I couldn’t help being impressed considering how cold the water was. Unable to douse my curiosity, I reached down, palming him. Rhys hitched a breath then made a fascinatingly needful noise.
“I love touching you,” I whispered, breaking the kiss and nipping at his chin, then his jaw.
“I wish we weren’t in the bloody sea right now,” he grumbled, which made me laugh because I kind of wished that, too. I wanted him badly, but I wasn’t prepared to lose my virginity in the freezing cold water with crabs and fishes swimming around.
Rhys caught my cheek in his hand, his thumb rubbing gently over my chin. “You’re so beautiful, Charli, especially when you laugh like that. It fucking destroys me.”
My laughter faded as electricity zipped through me. How did this nineteen-year-old boy have such words in him? Words I was certain most people went their entire lives without ever hearing. He was an old soul, and I was obsessed.
We stayed there, locked in each other’s gazes, until Tristan’s voice broke through, “Hey, you two! We’re heading back now. Come on!”
Without a word, Rhys swam us back to shore, only letting me go when the water grew too shallow. I was loopy headed and in a daze as we grabbed our things, and Rhys insisted I put on his dry hoodie. We walked back to my cousins’ house, everyone giddy and chatty around us while we stayed quiet, too aware of each other for conversation. My entire body was covered in goosebumps, my mind unable to stop replaying our kiss in the sea.
“Oh my God, I need to shower so badly,” Nuala said, shivering as her damp, sandy clothes clung to her. Theo’s eyes wandered over her before he caught Derek’s glare and studiously turned away. He and Aidan said their goodbyes and headed home while Derek walked Milly to her place.
When the rest of us reached the house, all I wanted to do was lead Rhys to my room. I wanted us to take off our wet clothes and get lost in each other.
Saying goodnight to Nuala, I went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I’d just filled it when Rhys appeared, looking like he had the same idea. Then his gaze locked on mine, and a power greater than either of us took over. Rhys cleared the distance between us in seconds, his mouth hungrily capturing mine. He backed me into the wall, and my water was all but forgotten about as his busy hands swept up my ribs before palming my breasts.
“I can’t stay away from you,” he grunted.
“So, don’t,” I responded breathlessly between kisses.
Suddenly, my bedroom felt too far away, a distance too great to travel. Gripping Rhys’ T-shirt, I pulled him back towards the pantry. Seconds later, we were inside the dark, well stocked room, the door shut behind us as we pawed desperately at one another. A few boxes of cookies fell off a shelf as Rhys backed me into it, his mouth on my neck, his breaths hot and heavy in my ear, causing tingles to skitter down my spine.
My fingers reached for the waist band of his shorts, eagerly slipping inside to palm his cock. He groaned deeply as I gripped him, slowly moving up and down, finding a rhythm. His face fell to the crook of my neck, his hands lowering to my jean shorts. He had them open in no time, and then I was the one to make a noise when his fingers skimmed me. I shuddered, needy for his touch. No one had ever touched me so intimately, and I was overcome with sensation. I kept stroking him, and I knew he enjoyed it from the way he kept breathing heavily into my neck, pressing kisses to my skin.
He tapped my clit, and I shuddered in pleasure. “There?” he asked, his voice almost curious, and I remembered this was all new to him, too.
“Yes,” I breathed. “Rub in circles.”
Rhys was a quick learner, his fingers circling my clit, and I had to bite down on my lip to keep from moaning loudly. The last thing we needed was to wake my aunt and uncle.
“Am I … does this feel good for you?” I questioned, and he nodded into my neck.
“Yes, fucking hell, it feels amazing,” he replied, and a swirl of pleasure filled me. I wanted to be able to touch him how he liked, make him come.
“Kiss me, please,” I said then, growing wetter between my legs the more his fingers worked me.
“You have no idea how amazing you feel,” he murmured before his mouth found mine again, and he kissed me deeply. I sighed into the kiss, full of needy whimpers as I felt an orgasm building. Rhys seemed fascinated by the way I responded to him because I opened my eyes and found him watching me as we kissed, my hand still in his pants. I wasn’t sure why, but it made things even hotter, knowing he couldn’t stop staring at me.
“Rhys,” I cried out, breathless. “I’m going to …”
The orgasm hit me unexpectedly fast. Rhys’ breath hitched when he felt me come on his fingers, his body tensing. I knew he was close, too. His cock grew harder, and I squeezed a little, quickening my strokes. He buried his face in my neck once again, cursing low. I loved being able to do that to him, make him so consumed by me. His kisses on my neck sent a secondary wave of pleasure through me, the tingles lingering at the base of my spine.
“Charli, fuck ,” he grunted, and then wet, hot liquid spurted into my hand. It was a heady sensation, making him come. I suddenly wanted to do it again and again and again.
We remained wrapped around one another, trying to catch our collective breaths. After a minute or two, Rhys drew away, his eyes searching for something on the shelves. Finally, he locked on some napkins and grabbed them, tearing them open and handing me a bunch. I cleaned my hand, unable to wipe the giddy smile off my face.
We tossed the napkins in a trash can, and then suddenly, Rhys was kissing me again like he couldn’t get enough.
“I take it that was good for you,” I said in between kisses.
“Fuck yes, it was more than good,” he replied without hesitation then paused, tilting his head as he gazed down at me. “For you?”
I leaned in and whispered against his lips. “Mind-blowing.”
He chuckled, and I laughed. I didn’t want to leave the small room, didn’t want the night to end. So, I tugged his hoodie up over my head then laid it out on the floor. There was a plush runner carpet, which I was glad for because I didn’t feel like lying on a hard floor. I lay down and motioned for Rhys to join me. He came without hesitation, climbing over me and settling between my thighs. His mouth found mine, and we started making out again. I already felt my need for him returning even though he’d just made me come.
A tendril of fear crept through me because the way I felt for him was too strong. This boy had captured my heart, and it was going to be so difficult leaving him at the end of summer. I needed to savour as much of him as I could before then, which was why I suddenly broke the kiss and begged, “Let’s have sex.”