Liam watched the little girl sleeping peacefully. She really reminded him of his sister, Paige—she was beautiful, and he felt his heart swell with love. Liam glanced around to see Barb sleeping peacefully, curled up in the reclining chair.
A smile split his face as he watched her, his heart aching for everything she’d been put through at his family’s hands. Liam knew he’d been harsh with her about the divorce, but there was no way he could let her go. Not now. His eyes turned back to Charlotte. The little cherub moved in her sleep, and he ran a finger over her soft cheek.
There was no way Liam could allow Barb to file the divorce. Not now. When this was all over, and his brother had regained his memory, maybe Barb would agree to therapy. Or at least sit-down and talk things through. Liam knew that a sorry wouldn’t get Barb over what happened or to trust him or anyone in his family ever again.
He couldn’t even blame her for it. If their places were reversed, Liam knew he’d have filed the paperwork for a divorce as well a long time ago. Barb had waited much longer than he would’ve to see an attorney to speak about a divorce if she’d just left him. Charlotte interrupted his thoughts when she woke up and started fussing.
Liam glanced toward Barb. He didn’t want to wake her, so he carefully lifted Charlotte. “Hey, beautiful,” he whispered as her blue eyes locked with his, and she quieted as he rocked her. “Your mommy’s sleeping, and she looks so tired. I think we should let her sleep for a little longer, so I hope you don’t mind spending some time with me?”
The little eyes watched him, and even though he didn’t think it possible, his heart swelled even more with love for the little bundle in his arms. He checked the IV, which was still in her arm, and was careful not to pull it when he sat cradling Charlotte in his arms.
He was cooing and gently singing to her when the nurse spotted Barb sleeping, quietly walking into the room, smiling, and seeing Liam sitting with the little girl.
“She’s looking a lot better already,” the nurse whispered. “Sorry, but I’m going to have to take her and put her back in the crib.”
“Sure,” Liam said, feeling a little deflated as he gently put Charlotte back in the crib.
As the nurse started to check Charlotte’s vital signs, he felt his phone vibrate. He pulled it out and saw that it was Courtney. Liam glanced at the nurse.
“I have to take this. Will you wait and let me know how Charlotte is?” Liam asked.
“If I’m not here, I’ll be at the nurse's station just a few feet away from the room,” the nurse told him.
Liam nodded and walked out of the room to take the call .
“Hello, Courtney. Is everything okay?” Liam answered the phone.
“Where are you?” Courtney snapped. “What time are you getting back here?”
“We’re not married, Courtney,” Liam reminded her coldly. “And the last time I checked, you worked for my brother and me, not the other way around.”
“Wow!” Courtney gave a low whistle. “You’ve really changed.”
“I had to, didn’t I?” Liam retorted. “Is there a reason you’re in a mood?”
“I need help with your brother,” Courtney told him. “I’ve tried to keep him inside, but he’s insisting he has somewhere to be.”
“Then let him go and follow him,” Liam advised. “He may be remembering something.”
“Or trying to find Barb,” Courtney pointed out.
“Either way, we need to let him do what he needs to do,” Liam told her and glanced toward Charlotte’s room. “Don’t worry about him finding Barb. I’m sure he won't.”
“How would you know that?” Courtney asked curiously.
“Because I’m with her at the hospital just outside Frisco. Her baby has viral tonsillitis, and I gave her a lift here at three this morning.” Liam glanced at his wristwatch, surprised to see it was already almost six-thirty in the morning.
“Oh, my word,” Courtney breathed. “I hope the baby is okay.”
“She seems to be,” Liam said. “I must get back to them. Let Zac go and just follow him without letting him know, and keep me posted.”
“Will do,” Courtney promised. “I’m sorry about Charlotte, Liam. Keep me posted as well.”
“Thanks.” Liam nodded before ending the call .
“So she got hold of you,” Patrick’s voice had Liam spinning around.
“Geez, man, get a freakin’ bell,” Liam growled. “If you mean Courtney, yes. We’ve just spoken.” He glanced toward the room again. “Maybe you should get back to the lodge and help her follow my brother.”
“What about you?” Patrick asked.
“Get the lodge to send their car for us,” Liam ordered, looking at Patrick with concern. “After you’ve helped Courtney, get some sleep.”
“Yes, boss.” Patrick saluted and was about to turn to leave when he stopped. “I don’t mean to speak out of turn here, but you were a bit harsh with Barb in the car about the divorce, especially at a time when she was clearly emotional and beside herself with worry.”
Before Liam could respond, Patrick turned and walked away, leaving Liam staring after him with his jaw clenching. Not because he was angry that Patrick had spoken out of turn but because Patrick had been right.
Liam knew that he, too, had been anxious and worried about Charlotte and Barb, who looked emotionally, mentally, and physically drained. Only Liam wasn’t able to express his concern, and it had come out in the worst possible way—he’d hit back at Barb for something that wasn’t even her fault—it was his.
“Mr. Shields?” The nurse's voice drew him from his sleep. “I’m finished with Charlotte. Her temperature is going down nicely. I’m just going to get her a bit of formula.”
“Thank you,” Liam said, nodding. “Is she still awake?”
“Yes.” The nurse smiled knowingly. “I think she wants her daddy.”
Liam’s heart jolted at the nurse's words, and before he could correct her, she turned and disappeared. Liam quietly walked back into the room and pulled the blanket that had slipped from Barb’s shoulders back around her. It took everything he had to stop himself from kissing her forehead or moving a stray lock from it .
“Hey, little princess,” Liam cooed as he leaned over the crib. “The nurse said you’re getting better so nice and fast. She’s gone to get you some food.”
He reached in and picked her up, noting that while the IV was disconnected, the needle was still neatly bandaged on her little hand. A pang Liam could only explain as feeling the little girl's pain shot through him as he gently cradled her sitting on the chair.
“Your grandmother and grandfather are going to adore you,” Liam told the little girl as he rocked her, and her little hands reached out toward him. “You also have two uncles and an aunt who are going to spoil you so much.”
“Would you like to feed her, Mr. Shields?” The nurse appeared from nowhere and nearly gave him heart failure.
Liam glanced at Barb, who was still fast asleep and nodded. “If I can.”
“Do you need me to show you?” the nurse asked, seeing his hesitation when she handed him the bottle, and he nodded.
The nurse showed him how to cradle Charlotte and hold the bottle for her. Just when Liam thought he couldn’t fall more in love with the little bundle the moment she took the bottle and started drinking, staring up at him so trustingly, he knew there was no way he’d ever let this little girl go. Like her brother, they were a part of Liam’s heart and soul.
He glanced at Barb, and Liam knew what he had to do. When they knew Charlotte was okay, he was going to tell her everything . Liam didn’t know if she’d ever forgive him or his brother, and Liam completely understood if she wanted nothing to do with either of them. While he knew if Barb wanted the divorce, there was no way they could stop her, Liam hoped that she’d find it in her heart to somehow forgive them—him!
He glanced out the window and smiled as he saw snowflakes start to fall and realized it was the first day of December. Liam remembered that Emily had told her that they start their Christmas decorating today at the lodge. The Carlisle family asked all the guests to join in by opening the barn, where they had a load of fresh Christmas trees and decorations for the guests to choose from.
One of the Mistletoe Lodge's new Countdown to Christmas competitions was the Christmas decorating competition, where the guest whose bungalow or room is the best gets a prize. He smiled as his heart started to lift. Liam wasn’t going to join in, but maybe this was just what he and his brother needed to take the pressure off. Perhaps some good festive fun would help his brother’s mind to heal and release the memories it was holding hostage.
Liam looked at Barb, and maybe it would help heal a torn-apart relationship. Charlotte drew his attention as she started to fuss, and he remembered what the nurse had told him. He put the small towel over his shoulder, rested Charlotte on it, and gently rubbed her back. Within a few minutes, he felt her burp and gave her a minute to ensure she’d released all her wind before
“There you go.” Liam smiled at her. “Feeling better?”
“You’re a natural with her,” the nurse appeared again. “Do you want me to put her down?”
No! Liam wanted to snap and hold Charlotte out of the woman’s reach. He loved holding the little girl, but he nodded and reluctantly handed Charlotte to the nurse.
“It’s always so nice to see a baby as much loved as little Charlotte,” the nurse commented, putting Charlotte back into the crib and making her comfortable. “I’ll be back in thirty minutes.” She pointed to the call button. “Call me if you need anything.”
“Thank you,” Liam gave her a tight smile as she left the room and pulled out his phone while Charlotte and Barb slept.
He went through emails and messages as he answered the ones that required his urgent attention. He felt his eyes grow heavy, and as hard as he tried to fight it, sleep soon won.
“Mr. Shields.” A soft voice pulled him from his sleep. “The doctor is on his way. ”
At first, Liam wasn’t sure what she meant as his eyes opened, and he remembered where he had been returned. He winced as he sat up, and his neck felt stiff from the awkward angle at which he’d fallen asleep in the chair.
“What’s the time?” Liam frowned, looking at his wristwatch. He was surprised to see he’d been asleep for an hour. He glanced to where Barb was slowly coming awake as the nurse woke her up.
“Nearly time for you all to go home,” Doctor Reece said with a smile as he walked into the room. It didn’t go unnoticed to Liam how the doctor looked at Barb, and it didn’t sit too well with him.
“How long did I sleep for?” Barb’s eyes widened in alarm, and she sprung out of the chair looking so cute, all sleep disheveled, as she rushed to Charlotte’s crib. “Oh, no, how awful of me to have just slept.”
“It’s okay, Miss Gardener,” Doctor Reece assured Barb, putting a hand on her shoulder and pushing Liam’s buttons. “The nurse and I believe her uncle ,” he turned and gave Liam a look that made Liam want to punch him, “took excellent care of her. You needed your rest.”
“Thank you,” Barb said to him with a warm smile. “I can’t thank you enough for everything you and the wonderful nurses have done for my little girl.”
What about me? Liam managed to bite back and clamped his jaw shut.
“I’ll just give Charlotte one more check, and then I’ll sign her discharge papers.” Doctor Reece spoke to Barb and ignored Liam. “The nurse will make an appointment for you to bring Charlotte to see me tomorrow.”
Doctor Reece checked Charlotte and typed something on his tablet before once again ignoring Liam and turning his irritating, smiling charm on Barb. “Charlotte’s going to be fine. The nurse will give you the prescription before you leave.”
Liam saw Barb breathe a sigh of relief as she beamed at Doctor Charmer. “I’m so relieved.”
“I’ll see you and Charlotte tomorrow,” Doctor Reece said to Barb. “Call me if you need anything at all. ”
“I will,” Barb promised.
Not if I can help it! Liam’s mood started to darken as his anger sparked watching the Doctor openly flirt with Barb.
“It was nice to meet you and Charlotte, Miss Gardener,” Doctor Reece told her.
“It’s Mrs. Shields ,” Liam couldn’t hold his tongue any longer.
“Oh?” Doctor Reece looked from Barb to Liam.
“Oh…” Barb’s eyes widened. “No. I was married to Liam’s brother.” She shot Liam a dark look before turning back to Doctor Reece. “I’m in the process of filing for a divorce.”
“I’ve been there,” Doctor Reece’s eyes filled with compassion, and to Liam’s annoyance, that only drew Barb in some more. “I’m here if you need me.” He shot Liam a smug look. “For anything .” He looked at his watch. “I have to get ready for my rounds. I’ll see you tomorrow, Miss…”
“Please, it’s Barb,” Barb told him with a shy smile.
“Please call me Daven,” Daven said. “Now, as much as I’d love to stay, duty calls.” He turned to the nurse to give her instructions before leaving.
Liam was furious by the time Doctor Charmer left.
“Would you mind just keeping an eye on Charlotte for a minute?” Barb asked the nurse. “I have to go to the bathroom.”
“Of course.” The nurse nodded as Barb turned and left the room. She took the needle from Charlotte's little hand and put a band-aid on it before lifting her from the crib. She turned to Liam. “You should tell Miss Gardener how you feel about her. Love is precious, and life is not guaranteed for anyone, so you need to grab every moment of joy you can.”
“Here.” The nurse gave Charlotte one last cuddle before handing her to Liam. “It’s clear you love your little girl and her mother. If you don’t tell her, you’re going to lose them. ”
“She’s not…” Liam tried to deny it, but the nurse raised her eyebrows.
“Of course not.” She smiled at Liam. “I’ll be at the nurse's station when you’re ready to leave.”
Charlotte's little hands touched his face as she gurgled, looking a lot better than she did when they’d arrived in the early hours of the morning.
“Where did the nurse go?” Barb rushed back into the room, nearly ripping Charlotte from his arms. “I asked her to look after Charlotte.” Her voice was laced with annoyance. “Sorry that you had to be burdened with it.”
Liam felt like she’d ripped his heart out when Barb grabbed Charlotte, and for a few seconds, he stood staring at Barb, flabbergasted, before a surge of red-hot anger seeped through him. “I can assure you it was not a burden. After all, she’s my family, too,” he snapped.
Barb’s eyes widened as she stared at him. “Thank you,” was all she said, packing up Charlotte's bag, which Liam had taken when it was ready.
“I’ll go see if our car is here yet while you finish off with the nurse,” Liam said before stalking out of the room without waiting for her to reply.
As he stepped out of the hospital, a man in a black suit walked toward him. “Mr. Shields?”
“Yes?” Liam nodded.
“I’m here to take you and Miss Gardener back to Mistletoe Lodge,” the man told him.
“Thank you. Miss Gardener will be here shortly,” Liam told him.
He’d just climbed into the car when Barb walked out, and his heart jolted as he watched her cradling Charlotte as they walked toward the car.
“Hello, Garth,” Barb greeted the driver. “Thank you for coming to fetch us.”
“It’s a pleasure, Miss Gardener,” Garth told her. “We’re all worried about little Charlotte. ”
Barb slid into the back seat with her daughter. “She’s much better, Garth. Do you think you could stop at a drug store as I need to get her prescription?”
“Of course.” Garth nodded, closing the door and going to climb into the driver's seat.
Ten minutes later, they pulled up in front of a drugstore. “Would you like me to go in for you, Miss Gardner?”
“No,” Barb answered. “I’ll do it. I have some other things I need to get.” She surprised Liam when she turned to him. “I don’t want to take Charlotte into the cold again. Would you mind holding her?”
Liam was so shocked he didn’t trust his voice. He nodded and took the now sleeping baby into his arms as Garth helped Barb climb out of the car. Barb had been gone for five minutes when Liam’s phone buzzed.
“Hello?” His voice was low as he spoke into the phone.
“What’s up with you?” Patrick asked him.
“I’ve got Charlotte, who's sleeping,” Liam explained. “Barb went into the drug store.”
“Ah,” Patrick acknowledged. “Does this mean you’re on your way back to the lodge?”
“Yes,” Liam replied. “Is everything alright?”
“Not really,” Patrick said. “Your brother tried to break into Barb’s bungalow.”
“Heck no!” Liam breathed, gritting his teeth. “What on earth did he do that for?”
“He didn’t say,” Patrick answered. “But he’s insisting on talking to Barb.”
“Where is he now?” Liam asked.
“Sleeping,” Patrick answered. “I gave him some tea dosed with sleeping pills. ”
“Great!” Liam sighed. “When we’re all rested and thinking straight again, I’ll take him to see Barb.”
“I think that’s a good idea,” Patrick agreed. “How is Charlotte?”
“Better,” Liam told him.
“That's good,” Patrick said. “I’m going to catch a few hours of sleep. The Carlisles have announced that all the guests who want to participate in the Christmas decoration competition must be at the big barn by three this afternoon.”
“And you want to enter it?” Liam laughed.
“I do.” Patrick said. “My niece will be so proud. She wants me to send pictures.”
“Awesome.” Liam felt a pang of guilt keeping Patrick away from his sister and niece, whom he adored, during the festive season. “I’ll see you this afternoon. Get some rest.”
No sooner had he hung up when Barb climbed back into the car with an armload of shopping bags. “Thanks, Garth.”
“Got everything you need?” Liam asked as Garth took off.
“I do,” Barb nodded and glanced at Charlotte. “Do you want me to take her?”
“No.” Liam shook his head. “Let her sleep.”
His eyes met Barb’s, and at that moment, he knew that Patrick had been right—Barb was suspicious! When they got back to the lodge, Liam was going to suggest Barb, his brother, and he meet.