Reunion at Mistletoe Lodge (Sweet Colorado Romance #3) 10. CHAPTER 10 56%
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10. CHAPTER 10



Barb had just settled Charlotte in her crib in Barb’s room when someone knocked on the door. She went through and found Emily at the door.

“Hi,” Emily greeted her, stepping into the bungalow and hugging Barb. “How is she?”

“Much better,” Barb told her, feeling the relief flood through her as she realized the truth in her words. “It’s been quite the night.”

“I believe so,” Emily replied. “I’ve ordered you some breakfast and,” she held up the coffee cups, “brought you some coffee. ”

“Thanks, Emily.” Barb took the coffee and sipped the warm brew. “I needed this.”

“You need a good soak and then to go sleep for a couple of hours,” Emily stated as they traipsed through to the living room where the fire had long since died. “Do you want me to start the fire?”

“No,” Barb shook her head. “The heating is on, and it’s fine for now.”

“Okay,” Emily said, taking a seat beside Barb on the sofa. “Want to tell me what happened?”

Barb told Emily the story and didn’t leave anything out, including all the tension between Doctor Reece and Liam.

“I’m so glad Doctor Reece was able to get to you,” Emily said, giving a sheepish smile. “I have to confess that I called and asked him to go see you.”

“What?” Barb looked at her in disbelief .

“Yeah, he’s the best pediatrician, and we’re lucky to have him,’ Emily stated. “He works between here and Denver.”

“Oh!” Barb said, sipping her coffee. “He’s not bad on the eyes either.”

“No, he is not,” Emily grinned. “And now I’m even happier I called for his help.”

“Ah!” Barb realized. “Well, Liam was not amused by the attention the handsome doctor was giving Charlotte or me!”

“That’s good,” Emily said. “We’ve managed to crack his armor.”

“I don’t know,” Barb sighed. “He also told me in no uncertain terms that he means to contest the divorce now that he knows about Charlotte.” Her eyes narrowed angrily. “He’s also lumped Oscar into it, as he said, now that there are kids involved.”

“I’ll get my grandmother to help you,” Emily said and bit the side of her mouth. “Although I think Avery mentioned that she saw my gran in a meeting with Liam in Denver last night. Her firm represents him.”

“If that’s the case, I doubt whether she’d take my silly divorce case,” Barb pointed out. “Conflict of interest.”

“Then we’ll get one of Giles’s hotshot attorneys to handle it,” Emily told her. “Let’s face it, when it comes to giants, you don’t get much bigger than Giles Holland.”

“Thanks, Emily,” Barb said with a nod. “I was trying to keep Giles out of it. That’s why I went to this attorney who was recommended to me by an old colleague of mine. This woman is apparently very good.” She pulled a face. “I may have lied to Liam and told him my attorney was a man for some reason.”

“No harm in that,” Emily replied. “Knowing Liam, he’ll probably be trying to find out who it is. I know the type. He’ll try to find a way to stall you getting them or something.”

“No!” Barb laughed. “I doubt it. He’ll just go into his pretend attorney mode and find a way to contest it. ”

“Actually…” Emily said. “I found out that, like his brother, Zac did actually study law and forensic science.”

“Oh!” Barb’s eyes widened. “Just a few more things I never knew about my husband.” Her voice was tinged with bitterness. “Liam told me a bit about his family during our time together.”

“That was nice of him.” Emily’s voice dripped with sarcasm.

“He was so good with Charlotte, though,” Barb admitted. “I managed to get at least two hours of sleep in that uncomfortable recliner while he looked after her.”

“That’s even better.” Emily grinned. “If he is Zac, as we think he is, I bet this experience has him reeling, which is good. We’ve just got to keep hitting him off guard.”

“He wants to have a sit down with me and Zac,” Barb told Emily, then told her about how Zac cornered her. “It was so strange.” Her brow creased. “He kept talking about Trevor as if he was still alive.”

“You did say Zac thinks it’s still ten years ago,” Barb pointed out. “You can’t put much into what he was saying.”

“I know,” Barb agreed. “But now that I think of that time…” She shook her head. “Everything was like a big blur of pain and disbelief.” She cradled the warm coffee cup between both hands. “I didn’t even get to see Trevor to say goodbye. He didn’t have any family. Only his FBI colleagues were at the funeral, which I wasn’t allowed to go to for my safety.”

“So there is room for doubt that Trevor isn’t dead.” Emily nodded. “Surely he would’ve tried to contact you?”

“I doubt it,” Barb said. “Especially if he believed my uncle or someone involved with him was responsible for trying to kill Trevor.”

“I see your point.” Barb nodded. “There is one way to find out about Trevor, and that’s to ask Zac again.”

“I know.” Barb glanced at the fireplace. “But I’m not sure that until Zac gets his memory back, I’ll get any coherent answer from him. ”

“What if Trevor is alive?” Emily asked her.

The question hit her like a ton of bricks as she hadn’t thought of what would have happened if he was still alive. Instead, Barb had only wondered if he was. She frowned, realizing she hadn’t thought of what the implications would be if Trevor were still alive. He’d probably moved on as she had. It had been ten years.

“I don’t know!” Barb answered honestly. “I’d like to think he’d also moved on.”

“Like you did,” Emily stated.

“Yes.” Bar nodded, suddenly feeling guilty for her feelings for Zac.

She gave herself a mental shake. She had nothing to feel guilty about. If by some miracle Trevor was still alive, like Zac, he’d left her to mourn his loss, which Barb had done. A spurt of anger rushed through her. I have nothing to feel guilty about. They were the ones that left me. She blew out a breath. I have every right to move on and pick up the pieces of my life—a life that they had shattered.

“You have nothing to feel guilty about, Barb,” Emily stated as if she’d read Barb’s mind and heard all her conflicting thoughts. “Trevor was the one that left and went into hiding if he is still alive.” She raised her brows. “Just like you have nothing to feel guilty about if you want to go through with the divorce from Zac. He abandoned and then ghosted you.” She pointed a finger. “His family didn’t even have the decency to call you and let you know. Instead, they let you suffer.”

“I know.” Barb sighed. “I also tried to let Zac know about Charlotte, but he never even replied. Surely, one of his family members has his phone. If it is really Zac who is the one injured.”

“Exactly!” Emily said, backing up her friend. “So if you decide you’re going through with the divorce, you know my family will stand beside you.”

“Thank you,” Barb said, her heartwarming. She’d never had the luxury of friends growing up, and as an adult, she’d had Trevor and Giles .

Emily and Heather were the first best friends she’d had in her life, and she couldn’t have asked for better ones.

“I’ll keep Oscar tonight if you like,” Emily offered. “Avery and Ryder have asked if I’ll look after their two kids again tonight as they need to get more supplies for the festival and Countdown to Christmas festive fun.”

“Oh!” Barb breathed. “I’d nearly forgotten that it starts today!”

“Yup!” Emily nodded. “I’ll keep you some of the better decorations if you want to compete in the decorating competition.”

“I do,” Barb said, her heart lifting. She loved Christmas, especially now that she had kids. “And Oscar would never forgive me if we didn’t participate in the Mistletoe Countdown to Christmas fun or the festival.”

“Good.” Emily nodded. “But you need to get some rest.” She glanced at the small monitor near the door. “You should try to do so while Charlotte’ s asleep.”

“I’m going to have a shower,” Barb admitted. “If Charlotte’s still asleep, I need to get us unpacked. That sleep at the hospital did wonders for me.”

There was a knock at the door. “That must be your breakfast.”

“I’ll get it,” Barb said, her stomach giving a little rumble at the thought of food. “I’m actually quite hungry.”

“Good,” Emily said, following her to the door. “I ordered you the farm-style breakfast.”

“I’m quite hungry,” Barb got to the door and froze when she saw Liam standing in the doorway. He’d changed. His hair was still damp. Gone was the expensive suit, replaced by a long-sleeved cotton T-shirt that strained across his muscular chest, jeans, a sheepskin-lined bomber jacket, and dark brown hiking boots. Barb swallowed at how handsome he looked.“Oh, it’s you!”

“Were you expecting someone else?” Liam’s brows rose.

“Yes, she was,” Emily stepped beside Barb.

“Hello, Emily,” Liam greeted her. “I need to have a word with Barb—alone.”

Emily looked at him in surprise. “That’s rude. I was here visiting my friend.”

“Sorry,” Liam apologized. “Forgive my rudeness.” He sighed. “I’m a little tired.”

Emily nodded and looked at Barb. “Do you want me to keep Oscar tonight?”

“I think we should let him decide,” Barb said. “Although it might be best if he’s not sick. I’m not sure if this virus is contagious.”

“I’ll ask him,” Emily said, her head looking past Liam as Barb’s breakfast arrived. “Your breakfast is here.”

Liam turned and took the tray from the Mistletoe staff member, signed the bill, and handed the tray to Barb .

“Thanks,” Barb said, stepping back. “Come in,” she invited Liam.

“I’ll go check on the kids,” Emily said, giving Liam a warning look. “ Liam !” She stepped past him, turning back to Barb. “I’ll call you when we open the barn.”

“Okay.” Barb nodded, turning to the dining table where she put her breakfast tray. Emily pulled the door closed behind her, leaving Barb and Liam alone.

“How is Charlotte?” Liam asked, following Barb to the dining table.

“Sleeping,” Barb told him. “Can I make you some coffee?”

“No, thank you, I’m fine,” Liam declined her offer. “But please, eat.”

“I can wait,” Barb said, leading him to the living room. “I was just about to start the fire.”

“Let me,” Liam offered and went to work. “I thought I’d come to see you before I brought my brother over.” Within a few minutes, he had the fire roaring to life. “We need to talk.”

He got up and sat beside her on the sofa, which suddenly felt too small.

“What’s this about?” Barb asked curiously.

“You asked me about Trevor,” Liam said, and he pulled out his phone. “I haven’t asked my brother yet, but I found this.” He scrolled through something on his phone and handed it to Barb. “Do you recognize anyone?”

Barb took the phone, and her eyes widened. Her heart hit her rib cage like it was trying to bang open a locked door. “That… that's Trevor!” Her head shot around, and she looked at Liam. “Where is this?” She breathed. “Where is he?”

“Barb, you need to keep a level head,” Liam advised. “I’m not even sure it is Trevor. It could be someone who looks like him.”

“No!” Barb shook her head, expanding the photo so she could see his face. “Do you think someone who would look like Trevor would have an identical scar on his cheek?” She handed the phone back to Liam. “That is Trevor!”

He took his phone back and looked at the scar on the man in the picture’s face. Liam had seen that scar nearly every day. It was where a perp’s pocket knife had sliced Trevor.

“I agree. It looks a lot like the scar Trevor had on his face,” Liam agreed. “But it still could be a coincidence.”

“Who are the other people in the photo?” Barb couldn’t help but ask, especially after seeing a wedding ring on the man that could be Trevor’s finger.

“The man in the middle is an astrophysicist, and the woman on the other side of the younger man is Trevor's wife,” Liam told her. “I believe they were married seven or eight years ago.”

“How do you know this?” Barb asked Liam, searching his eyes as if trying to pull the answers from his head. “Do… do they have children? ”

Liam looked at her with something like panic in his eyes for a fleeting second before it was gone, and he shook his head. “I’m not sure.”

Barb frowned as she was sure he was lying for some reason. “If it is Trevor, don’t you think he has the right to know about Oscar?”

“I think he might already know,” Liam told her. “I have reason to believe that someone close to me has been keeping him updated.”

Barb’s brows shot up. “Zac!” she guessed.

Liam nodded, staring at his phone, before switching it off and pocketing it. “I’m afraid my brother is full of surprises.”

Barb looked at Liam in disbelief. “So your brother knew that Trevor was alive all this time?”

“If it is Trevor, yes,” Liam said with a nod. “Do you know a Professor Jackson who works between Boulder and Keck in Hawaii?”

“My father's younger brother was a professor of…” Her eyes widened. “He, too, was an astrophysicist.” She looked at the pocket where Liam had put his phone. “Trevor also has a PhD in Astrophysics. That photo of him, Trevor, was at Keck in Hawaii, wasn’t he?”

“Your uncle, was he ever in protective custody?” Liam asked her.

“They wanted him to go into protection with us, but my uncle refused,” Barb told him. “He said that he could do more good and help the FBI and U. S. Marshals being on the outside.”

“Do you think he helps relocate witnesses?” Liam’s brows drew together.

“I don’t know,” Barb said with a shrug. “I haven’t spoken to him in years. I lost touch when my parents and I were put into the program.”

“I believe your uncle helped my brother get Trevor into witness protection,” Liam explained. “Your uncle has also helped get many other people into witness protection. ”

“Really?” Barb smiled. “Is he okay? My uncle?”

It sounded like something her uncle would do based on what she remembered of him. He was such a strong, kind, and giving type of person. He’d taught Barb all about the stars.

“I believe so,” Liam said with a smile. “My brother speaks very highly of him, and before you ask, my brother was lucid, and I think his memories are slowly returning.”

“Oh!” Barb said, her heart jolting once again as she stared at Liam. Confusion coursed through her. “If they’re coming back, does that mean he’ll soon remember us?”

“I’m sure your husband has never forgotten you, Barb,” Liam’s voice dipped. “Just circumstances and duty got in the way of him getting back to you and his family.”

Barb looked at him, alarmed, as she felt he was once again speaking from the heart, like he was apologizing for having left Barb and their children. Was he hoping she’d forgive and forget? Her eyes locked with his, and she saw raw pain in them.

“Barb, we have to talk,” Liam said, leaning forward. “You have to know the…”

He was interrupted by a knock on the door. Barb frowned and spun around, looking at the door.

“Excuse me,” Barb said, standing and going to the door. She opened it and found a messenger with a big bunch of colorful roses. “Hello.”

“Hi, the man said, are you Miss Barb Gardener?”

“I am,” Barb said, smiling, looking at the flowers.

“These are for you,” the man said. “Could you please sign here?”

Barb nodded and signed, taking the flowers. “Thank you.” The man left, and she closed the door, walking back inside and going to the kitchen to see if there was anything she could use as a vase.

“Flowers?” Liam’s eyes darkened with emotion for a moment. “Who are they from? ”

“Not sure,” Barb said, finding a jug that she filled with water and putting the flowers in before taking the card attached to it and opening it.

I hope Charlotte is feeling okay and that you get some rest.

“And?” Liam asked, his eyes narrowing. “Who are they from?”

Barb shrugged, frowning. “I don’t know. There’s no name.”

“What does the card say?” Liam asked a little gruffly.

“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” Barb pointed out, taking the roses to the coffee table and putting them on it. She slipped the card into the pocket of her pants before turning to Liam. “Actually, Liam. I really need to have a shower and get half an hour's sleep while Charlotte’s down.” She glanced at the monitor to see her baby still sleeping soundly. “Can we pick this up later?”

A muscle ticked at the side of Liam's jaw, but he smiled stiffly and started walking toward the door, just as there was another knock on it.

“Good grief!” Barb rolled her eyes. “It’s like a circus in here today.” She pulled the door open to find Zac standing there.

“Hello, Barb,” Zac said, something in his eyes made her frown. “Is my brother here?”

“Yes, I’m here,” Liam came up behind Barb. “Is everything okay?”

Zac nodded and looked at Barb before glancing behind him. “Do you mind if I come inside? I need to talk to both of you.”

“I was just leaving so Barb can get some rest,” Liam told him. “Can it wait until we come back here later?”

“No,” Zac said, shaking his head and walking into the living room, Liam and Barb following him. “I’m afraid this can’t wait. ”

“What’s wrong?” Barb asked, starting to become worried by the look on Zac’s face.

“My memories have returned!” He looked at Liam and Barb. “ All of them.”

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