Ride With Me Chapter 2 60%
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Chapter 2



When I saw the man at the edge of the road, I knew immediately who he was. I’d recognize his ass anywhere. I slowed down to watch him walk. Maybe he didn’t think I’d give him a lift. I’d love for him to give me a ride.

At the club I frequented, Fate This, was mainly because of him, he did his job and didn’t seem to favor any patron in particular. This club catered to my tastes, so he had to be gay or a variation thereof. There were too many categories to remember what one identified as, and their definition. It didn’t matter any to me, but I was definitely into this guy, with no clue how to get him into me. Could be he was different away from work. I pulled up to a slow stop not right in front of him, so as not to spook him. Then got out and opened the passenger side door.

Hell, it occurred to me that I didn’t even know his name. But, he was wet and windblown. Two of my favorite things, just add naked with his being interested in me and I’d be one happy man.

I cleared my throat and tried again. “Hey, you want a lift or what?” I flashed a smile to make him feel at ease, hopefully.

“Yes, please.”

The sexiest guy I had ever seen was looking everywhere but at me. He looked up at me momentarily and surprised me when he shook his head no. What made him change his mind? He was staring at the candy stripes going down the length of my 1962 Ford unibody.

I felt irritated. What the hell, I mean. He showed no emotion to anyone when he was at work. Only a polite smile that didn’t reach his eyes. Was he that self-absorbed or just sour?

I slammed the passenger side door closed, making him jump and let out a little squeal, which I would have found appealing if I wasn’t a little pissed. After I got in the driver’s side, I peeled out, making my tires screech as I did a U-Turn.

If he didn’t want a ride, that was one thing. His questioning looks as if he would be safe with me was something else. I smacked my forehead. I was seriously losing my grip on reality if I was imagining a love interest with him. Well, he refused to acknowledge me, he left me no choice but to make him come with me. I’d kidnap him, then seduce him into surrendering to me.

I squealed my tires and did another U-Turn. I almost expected him to still be standing where I left him, but he was nowhere in sight. I slowed down to a crawl to look around. There hadn’t been any other modes of transportation go by. I should know since I’d been back and forth.

There was a movement by the side of the road. My heart skipped a beat as I saw him lying in the dry, overgrown grass. Maybe he had gotten too hot. I threw the truck in neutral and pulled the emergency brake, then grabbed a bottle of water and ran over to him. His face was a little red, so I poured water on my fingertips to moisten his lips. When they touched his lips, he let out a soft groan, which surprised me when there was a twitch in my pants.

He moved a little but his coloring was off. Somewhere between red clay and paste.

I’d take him with me, and if he didn’t come to, I’d take him to a doctor. If he did come to, a kidnapping could never have been easier. It occurred to me that getting him to want me could be more difficult than getting him to come to.

He weighed next to nothing. As I picked him up, his wallet fell out of his backpack. The license said Rene . “Well, hello Rene.”

Placing him comfortably in my truck was easy enough as he weighed nothing, especially compared to me. Rene had started to move around, so kidnapping would be the choice for today.

The only thing I had in my truck that would not hurt him to bind him, would be shoestring licorice. I intertwined the strands as rope and hoped for the best. The worst that would come out of it was he broke the licorice and his wrists and ankles look like black and red strands of candy color. To gag his mouth, all I could find was strips of rainbow sour candy. That would have to do. The stuff was sticky on its own, but I licked the candy, not without feeling the puckering under my ears, and stuck it across his mouth, containing myself from licking his lips to get the candy to stick instead. That would have been much more pleasurable for me. I didn’t really like the stuff, but once you ate it, it was kind of addictive. Kissing him might be some sour candy kisses, but I could deal. His escaping me was not an option. I could only hope this would work.

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