Why was someone talking to my brother and who was it? Where was I and why did I taste sour candy? Someone was touching my lips with calloused fingers. A working man. I liked that. My brother liked soft hands. No idea why I thought of him at that moment. Maybe because the guy had called me Rene. Oh, shit! I had my brother’s wallet. I had worked for him so we exchanged our ID’s. No one could tell us apart who didn’t actually know us. Since we didn’t interact with anyone at the clubs much, no one suspected what we did on occasion, as far as we knew anyway.
Whoever he was, was talking in a voice that was deep and vibrating, almost recognizable. The dark was inviting and my body felt cooler. A little more sleep wouldn’t hurt, then I could wake with a clear head instead of the fuzziness I was feeling. I felt someone cover me and the darkness reclaimed me.
I awoke to a dark place where I couldn’t make out my surroundings. I was thirsty and my mouth felt sour. I tried to lick my lips but there was something on my mouth, and only tasted more sour, almost like the candy I ate when I was younger, only because my twin brother, Rene did not care for it.
When I tried to stretch my legs, they felt bound, as well as my wrists. At least my hands were in front of me, so maybe I could remove whatever was covering my mouth and untie my restraints.
I was lying on something soft. I’d have to wiggle from under what felt like a soft sheet or cover.
“You’re finally awake, sleeping beauty? You gave me quite the scare when I found you unconscious. You’ve been out of it for almost two days.” It was the same deep voice as before. He tugged at whatever was covering my mouth.
Ouch. There was no light to see by so identifying him would be hard. At this point I wasn’t sure I wanted a light to be on for fear of where I was. Wait, I gave him a scare?
“Why would you be scared?” My voice sounded unfamiliar to me, as it was more of a croak, but I continued,
“Thank you for taking care of me, but who are you and why have you kidnapped me? That’s all I can guess since you have me bound.”
There was only a quiver in my voice now. Part was the sour mouth mixed with being scared witless, but I needed answers. Being a person that took time to wake up, and without coffee, this was going to take a minute to put the pieces together.
“Oh, Rene, I’ve been watching you for such a long time.” A light switched on in the corner so I could see in front of me. He offered what looked like water, with no odor. I had to try it. He helped me lean forward to take a sip.
So he does think I am my brother. Was I kidnapped because he got the wrong twin? I wasn’t going to confess that and endanger my twin.
“I only go to Fate This because you serve there. I kept trying to get you to notice me. But you always seemed indifferent. I saw you at Fate Rouge a couple of times, but you were totally different, and it was confusing. Going to Fate Rouge was fun, but I kept going to Fate This as you acted almost always the same there.”
It was me he was after; he’s just mixed me up with Rene. Rene works at Fate Rouge, even in drag sometimes as he likes to perform. I had to admit a little jealousy because he liked to be in the spotlight, even though my voice was better. He had admitted so on more than one occasion. There was no way I was telling him about my twin and endangering him.
“Why have you taken me? Could you please unbind me so I can stretch? This position is really uncomfortable.”
It seemed to me that if he cared about me, maybe he would comply and I could figure out my options on escaping. I also needed to give him what he’d think of as a nickname for my name so he’d stop calling me by my brother’s name.
“I go by Ryan, not Rene. It’s been that way as long as I could remember.” That part was truth at least.
“ I took you Ryan, because I wanted to get to know you, and for you to know absolutely everything about me. I saved you from the heat. You were passed out in the tall grasses, but yes, ultimately I took you. This may not make sense to you, but it was the only way I felt that I could get your undivided attention.”
While he still had a gruff tone, he sounded sad.
“I’ve been watching you for a long time. You’re so solemn, almost sour, even when you smile it never reaches your eyes and I’m trying to understand why.”
Oh man, this was going to be a real conversation I’d never had with anyone. Should I try to explain this to this guy? Maybe telling a stranger would be easier than telling a friend. Hell, while Rene and I were twins, we never talked about our sexual proclivities.