Ride With Me Chapter 10 66%
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Chapter 10



“Ryan has green eyes, dimples, light brown wavy hair and was wearing green splash paint shorts when I grabbed him.”

Ryan was looking at Rene, but kept glancing at me.

“Rene has hazel eyes, a dimple on one cheek, same color of hair but a little longer and a pierced ear. But he was wearing khaki shorts.”

I was looking between the two of them. I had the information correct. Now to place the rest.

“You two duped me. You switched clothes.”

The twins sat there kind of dumbfounded. No one took the time to see who was who, and they were rarely in public together where people could piece the puzzle together, to see they were more than brothers, but twins.

Now that the mix-up was settled, the twins sat drinking coffee and eating sandwiches while I drank my water. Sandwiches didn’t sound good after eating the sour candy strips. There was still a tingle under my ears.

I hoped that I’d get to lick Ryan the same way as he licked my lips. He would be getting the sour candy treatment as well for payback.

“So what now guys? Am I forgiven for kidnapping a couple of hitchhikers? In all fairness, I did save Ryan from excessive heat, and I didn’t hurt you, Rene. Sorry for the stairs though. If it helps any, I thought you were Ryan and had betrayed me.”

I stood and held my hand out to shake first Rene’s hand, then Ryan’s. They both accepted my apology and Ryan’s hand lingered in mine.

It was Ryan’s turn to speak. “Flint, I understand that you wanted to get to know me, but kidnapping me, rather us, was a bit excessive. With that being said, I would like to get to know you. There’s a connection there I’d like to explore with you.

Honestly, there were many things I’d like to explore with Flint.

“Maybe we should get Ryan’s boat hauled back to the marina? Or am I in trouble?” I was a little afraid that at least Rene would be upset enough for me to face charges. But, he’d be in trouble for hitchhiking since it was illegal.

“If you let us go, I’d say we’re square, Bear. Ryan’s boat needs to go to our marina to be inspected and serviced. But, if I ever hear Ryan isn’t happy being with you, around you, or whatever you two are doing, there will be hell to pay.”

Even though Ryan was older than Rene was by three minutes, they only had each other, and family took care of family.

“Could I ask a favor of you two boys?” They looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. “Would you please put your own clothes back on?”

They all started laughing and agreed.

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