True to Flint’s word, we went to the marina and took my boat out, so Ryan could lead them to the spot where his boat was partially on the rocks. The marina mechanics towed his boat in for repairs while I turned my boat around to go the opposite direction to open waters and speed.
We came across another boat that looked like it had stalled. It was Lex. I’d recognize that red hair and clean-shaven face anywhere. I pulled alongside his boat, and offered to call for help. He wanted to join us, but my happy ever after didn’t include his drama and negativity. I made the call for him, waited for the crew to show up to tow him to his marina, then we all waved goodbye and left.
I could say I understood what no drama and freedom felt like. I looked back at Ryan and Flint. They were sitting side by side, holding hands and smiling like I’d not seen my twin smile in years.
My watch alarm went off. It was time to get back to my apartment to get ready for work. Maybe I could talk the guys into watching me perform at the club tonight. Who knew, maybe with Flint being in the audience, I could talk Ryan into performing with me. That would be a first. He’d only performed solo once on a slow night.
“Hey guys, want to watch me perform tonight? Ryan, here’s your wallet, and could I have my wallet? Perform with me tonight?” I was pretty sure it would be no, but he was smiling when he nodded his head yes. His Bear let out a WHOOP, and I turned the boat back toward the marina.
Bear dropped me off at my place to get ready. I didn’t know where he and Ryan were going and I didn’t ask. They would be at the club in a couple of hours.