Room One Hundred and Eleven (Bred By Billionaires) 3. Carter 14%
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3. Carter



A text vibrates my phone in the pocket of my favorite suit. I take it out and check the screen.


She’s pulling up now. Take damn good care of her. I hope I don’t need to remind you she’s my employee and one of my girl’s best friends.

No pressure.


I know how to handle one tiny young woman.

I turn to Aiden and Knox. They’re kicked back on the couch of our condo just below the Club Sin floors discussing the new market expansion we’ve been working on for months.

They look relaxed, but none of us is.

Not when so much is riding on this weekend. The chance to live out our greatest fantasy, and maybe more. The stakes are about to be far higher in our bedroom than in our boardroom. For once.

“Our beauty is here. Want to check her out?” I haven’t finished asking before they’re at my side.

“A little reconnaissance mission never hurt.” Aiden shrugs as if he’s not wound as tight as I am.

Hell, even Knox’s jaw is clenched, and he’s never uptight about anything.

That’s my job.

“You think there’s any way she’s as hot as those photos Gunner sent over?” He’s got a one-track mind. “They must have been filtered, right?”

“Let’s find out.” Without another word, we’re heading toward the elevator then being whisked to the lobby in seconds flat. “Remember, she doesn’t know who we are yet. And she’s not ours until the meet and greet tonight. Look. Don’t touch. Don’t talk. Don’t make eye contact. Nothing.”

“You and that damn contract,” Knox grumbles. He hits the lobby button three more times as if that will make the elevator sink faster.

It was the only way I’d agree to try this out.

The only way I can guarantee we don’t get burned.

To write the rules and make sure everyone—Aiden and Knox especially—follow them to the letter. I would lecture them about it again, except the doors slide open and there she is.

My gaze locks on her from the moment she enters my line of sight, even though she’s across the cavernous room and the equivalent of one floor down.

Maybe it’s because I know what’s ahead this weekend, but I feel something—deep inside—that I never have before. Not with any woman, or even Aiden and Knox.

It’s like something clicks into place and locks there.

A bone-deep certainty that this woman is ours.

And not only because of the legal documents she signed.

Knox runs into my back when I stop dead.

But Aiden, he shoves me. Hard.

“The fuck?” I glance over my shoulder at him. Instead of lust or the possession gripping me, his eyes are wide and his mouth is twisted in horror.

He bolts past me, knocking me off balance. By the time I right myself, I see why.

“Look out!” Knox bellows as Aiden risks breaking his own neck. He’s leaping down the decorative boulders of the ten-foot fountain in front of us—the most direct route to our soon-to-be lover—instead of taking the curving ramps from the elevated main lobby to the street-level reception desk.

Aiden’s trying to cut off the luggage cart that’s barreling, unchecked, toward our beauty.

“Oh shit!” Knox and I are off too, though not as fast as Aiden.

We sprint along the path, no chance to intercept the cart or do more than observe the tragedy as it unfolds.

Poppy is caught. Directly between the oncoming trolley and the solid counter.

“I can’t look.” Knox sounds like he did that night a baby deer nearly trotted into the side of our Maybach. We’d only realized the fawn was safe when we confirmed it in the rearview mirror.

Spinning around, Poppy spots the impending disaster.

Too late to sidestep.

Just then, Aiden leaps, flying across more space than I would have imagined possible despite his dedication in the gym and his obsession with CrossFit and rock climbing.

Now I have two things to worry about. Two people.

One that I love and one that I was about to fuck.

That’s got to be the reason my guts are cramping over a woman I’ve never even met.

Aiden pulls off some action-movie maneuver, spinning in mid-air to shelter Poppy from both the cart and the fall. He bundles her in his arms then lands on top of her as the cart tips and luggage explodes all around them.

Knox and I race to their sides, flinging suitcases in every direction as we unbury them.

Aiden groans as we reach him.

“Son of a bitch, that was close.” Knox clutches his chest.

If Aiden’s banged up, our beauty must be flattened. “Get up, Aiden. You’re smothering that poor girl.”

Knox assists, carefully rolling Aiden off her.

She’s splayed on the ground, clutching her chest. No sound or breath comes out. Son of a bitch!

“You okay?” Aiden rasps, his voice sounding uncomfortably like when he’s just had an epic orgasm. Spent. Exerted. Lost to the aftereffects of adrenaline.

Still Poppy doesn’t respond.

My heart stutters.

Until she takes great gulps of air that have her chest heaving in the sweetheart neckline of her pretty dress. Gunner told me he was sending me the bill for it, and I don’t give a damn. Whatever it cost, it was worth it. I’ll send her a whole closet of them.

Please, beauty, be alright.

“Yes. Thanks.” She blinks up at Aiden with so much gratitude, my jealous side rears its head. That pretty much never happens. At least not with women; we share those all the time. “Will be in a minute.”

I crouch to incline her shoulders, tucking her between my legs and against my chest as I rub her back. It takes a while, but eventually, her wheezes even out and her entire body goes limp against me.

The same way fleeing prey triggers a predator, her pliant form gives me ideas I need to reserve for much, much later tonight.

So much for keeping our distance.

Gunner barely finished telling me to keep her safe and we’ve already had a near miss.

We need to keep our eyes on her.

“Oh no. Your cheek.” She traces a gentle arc about an inch above a cut on Aiden’s face, studying the gash.

“Just a scratch.” He winces as a drop of blood spills onto his custom-tailored shirt.

“No, it’s a laceration.” Poppy scans the luggage around us then points to a suitcase, which managed to land somewhat near the top of the heap. “If someone will hand me my bag, I can stitch you up. I’m a paramedic.”

“Like with a needle?” Aiden goes nearly as pale as he was when he saw her about to get run over.

“Sir, would you like us to call an ambulance?” The woman behind the desk clings to the now-cracked marble as if her legs are barely sufficient to hold her up.

“Not necessary.” He waves her off.

Or would if we weren’t there to insist he’s looked after.

I take care of what’s mine, including him. And Knox. And now our beauty.

Except Poppy beats me to it.

“It’s not required if you let me check you out instead. Make sure you don’t have any signs of a concussion. And, yes, sew up that gash. It’ll only take a few sutures.” She surprises me by flirting with him. “You wouldn’t want to scar that pretty face, would you?”

It’s exactly the right approach to take with Aiden’s soft heart.

“You think I’m handsome?” His grin is lopsided. It also turns into a wince when the movement tugs on the ragged edges of his wound.

Knox is staring at me. Although he’s not saying a damn word out loud, I can read his expression clearly enough. Take the opportunity. Bring her home.

It wasn’t supposed to go this way. Still, I relent. “Knox, grab her stuff. Let’s take this upstairs.”

“Oh. You’re staying here too? I mean, of course you are. What else would you be doing in the lobby?” Her eyes widen, but she doesn’t object. She certainly doesn’t admit she knows there’s an exclusive sex club at the pinnacle of this high-rise. The curiosity shining in her warm eyes tells me she’s wondering if we know about it.

Hell, we’re founding members.

“Actually, we own a condo upstairs.” It’s not a lie. I don’t mention it takes up the entire thirty-sixth floor. We stay there when we’re going to be playing at the club or attending their private galas or the stage shows they sometimes put on.

“I’m not about to let you fuss over me here and draw even more attention.” Aiden shrugs. “If you want to patch me up, you’ll have to do it in private.”

He wants her in our clutches as much as Knox and I do.

“Right. Fine.” Foolish beauty. She should run while she still can.

Instead, she tries to follow Aiden but crashes against my chest once more.

So I rise and take her with me, holding her until she steadies and stands straighter. Though she only comes up to my chest, she seems a lot taller. Her illusion of independence makes me want to sweep her off her feet and coddle her that much more.

Damn, she really could have been injured badly. Or worse.

I refuse to let her out of my sight for one moment longer than I have to. If that means Aiden has to let her stitch him up, so be it.

“Take one for the team,” I hear Knox rumble beneath his breath.

Aiden groans.

It has nothing to do with the sting in his cheek. That doesn’t stop him from milking it when Poppy dotes on him. “Where does it hurt?”

It’s quick, but I see his gaze flick to his groin. Thankfully, she doesn’t notice.

“I’m more worried about who’s going to check you out.” Aiden finger-combs her long, thick auburn waves back into place.

Knox raises his hand. “I volunteer.”

Aiden shoves Knox’s shoulder. It’s not enough to budge the guy.

Help us all, Poppy laughs at the goofball’s dumb joke.

“I’m fine. You kept me from hitting my head or getting flattened by the cart or the bags.” She smiles at Aiden. The urge to bite his neck to remind him who he belongs to, and that we’re going to share this beauty, is overpowering.

“You were stunned.” Aiden frowns.

“It was just a phrenospasm. You know, from your forearm colliding with my back and your body covering allllll of me.”

“A phreno-what?” Knox wonders before I can press her on how much she seems to have enjoyed Aiden blanketing her.

She blinks at him. “You know, when the solar plexus is impacted, causing your diaphragm to be temporarily paralyzed.”

How can she know so much more about bodies than we do and yet be untouched? Untried?

Knox’s goofy grin at her nerdy smart-talk tells me he’s as willing as I am to be her anatomy lab partner.

“She means she had the wind knocked out of her,” I interpret for them.

“Yeah, that.” Her smile heats me faster than the stone massage Aiden arranged for us earlier.

Impatient, I scoop her into my arms.

“I told you, I’m fine.” She makes a halfhearted effort to squirm free.

“Let’s be sure you don’t get dizzy or anything.” My excuse is so obvious even Aiden shoots me half an eye roll. Usually, dramatic is Knox’s thing.

“Uh, okay.” Poppy settles her arms around my neck.

Can she feel my heart pounding against her chest?

I march to the elevators, glaring at the bellboy who’s rushing to clean up the mess. “I’m so sorry, sirs. It was overloaded. Too heavy. The wheel snagged on the rug and when I yanked, it broke free.”

“Your manager can deal with our lawyers to make sure nothing like this happens again.” Especially not if Poppy is going to be walking around the place.

We don’t stop, striding past, the only important thing clasped tight in my arms.

As we get inside the elevator and turn around, I notice Aiden’s face is starting to really bleed.

Poppy knows what she’s talking about. I’m glad she’ll be able to fix him up.

“There’s a handkerchief in my back pocket.” I stare at Aiden in the mirrored wall.

A naughty grin spreads over his face as he reaches for it. That little fucker caresses my ass while he takes out the monogrammed square of fine fabric. A shame to ruin it, but I have a dozen more at least.

“Put some pressure on the wound.” Poppy is staring.

Knox nabs the cloth from Aiden, wads it up, and presses it to his cheek.

“Son of a—!” The curse is bitten off as Aiden clenches his teeth.

“I have local anesthetic in my kit.” Our beauty is angling for a better view of her patient, but I hold her tight. We’re almost there. “I’ll numb it for you.”

Our floor has limited access. It requires a special keycard that matches the one we had made for Poppy. She has no idea she’s staying in our guest suite.

Following the soft ding and a quick walk down the maroon runner stretched over the center of the parquet mahogany floors, Knox opens the door to one of our places. I’m not sure how many we have around the world, but a landing pad in most of our favorite cities seems reasonable.

At least then we can control the security. Besides, they’re investments.

Knox hands Aiden the handkerchief. A crimson stain blossoms over it despite his efforts.

He carries Poppy’s suitcase instead of wheeling it, making it look as light and miniature as if it belongs to a doll and not our beauty.

After opening the door, he holds it for Aiden and me. As we pass by him, his fingers trail along the long strands of Poppy’s hair, which cascade over my elbow.

Once inside, she squirms until I set her down. My reluctance to let go of her has more to do with how perfectly she fits in my arms than any real concern. Still, she was knocked around pretty good.

Knox lays her bag on our dining table near the floor-to-ceiling windows that give a birds-eye view of the cityscape.

Refusing to be distracted, Poppy doesn’t even glance at the showstopper. Instead, she unzips her hard-shell luggage straight down the middle and splays it open.

If there’s a medical kit inside, I don’t see it because my vision tunnels on the silk robe and spider web of black satin and lace.

Lingerie? Who bought her that?

Gunner? Fuck that. It better be on my card too.

No one but us will see her in it.

“Carter.” Knox is smirking.


“She asked you to move. Quit casting your shadow on Aiden’s face so she can keep him from staining our carpet or end up looking like Frankenstein, huh?” He nudges my shoulder.

I step aside, tearing my gaze from our beauty’s underthings.

She’s already got her kit open, gloves on, and is ripping the backing off one of those sterilized packages with clear plastic on one side and waxy paper on the other. It has swaged needle and a bunch numbers printed in navy on the front.

When she has it precisely set where she wants it on top of something that looks like a puppy pee pad, she picks up a syringe with a needle and draws clear liquid out of a small glass vial. “Let me get a little numbing in there. You won’t feel a thing after that.”

“Damn.” Knox not-so-subtly rearranges his package when she bites the clear plastic cap then yanks it off the needle before spitting it onto the table.

She’s oblivious, locked onto her task, operating on autopilot as she stands in the V of Aiden’s legs. His knees hug her hips. I can imagine a lot of other scenarios for such an intimate position.

“Take a deep breath for me.” Does she have any idea how much she sounds like I will when I’m coaching her through her first time later? “A baby pinch, okay?”

Her finger taps on Aiden’s jaw, distracting him from the sting as she inserts the needle.

The fucker doesn’t even flinch as he stares, mesmerized, by our beauty.

She’s efficient and skilled in her area of expertise.

I can’t wait until she steps into ours and the tables turn.

“Fortunately, this split in a way that I can hide the scar in your laugh lines. It’s smooth enough to be fine. You’ll never see it when I’m done.” It doesn’t take her more than five minutes to place the stitches, knot them off, and bandage him up.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” She beams at Aiden, stopping just short of patting him on the head, tousling his honey-blond hair, and muttering “good boy” like he’s an actual golden retriever instead of simply acting like one most times.

With one hand, she grabs the garbage then slides her glove off, wrapping it up in a neat ball surrounded by latex as if she’s done it a million times before.

Knox collects the wad from her and tosses it in the trash.

“Well, uh, thanks again for saving me.” She stuffs her kit into her suitcase and zips it up, ignoring the fact that we’ve all seen her spicy underthings.

And imagined peeling them off of her string by string.

“You don’t have to go.” Aiden says what we’re thinking, except I know better than to give in to temptation.

I glower at him. Knox too, for good measure.

Our beauty edges closer to the door.

“Thank you, but I have plans for tonight. The whole weekend actually.” She shakes her head as if she’d forgotten and is reminding herself of what lies ahead. “In fact, I need to get ready.”

“Yes, beauty. We know.” I try not to grin at her for fear of flashing my beastly fangs and scaring her away.

“How?” She looks up at me, startled.

“Poppy, you’re the woman we’re going to breed tonight.”

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