Room One Hundred and Eleven (Bred By Billionaires) 4. Poppy 18%
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4. Poppy



W hat the heck did he just say?

Maybe I hit my head during the collision after all. “Excuse me?”

“We’re Gunner’s friends. I’m Carter, the guy you stitched up is Aiden, and he’s Knox.” Carter points each of them out. “The men who invited you to Club Sin. You know, the ones you have an arrangement with. Which includes us taking your virginity and filling you full of our come in the hopes that you’ll have our child?”

“Oh.” The dang contract.

Okay, fine. Fitch was right. I should have read it.

But maybe I didn’t want to be dissuaded from taking this wild leap.

Now it’s even worse.

Because I’ve met my three billionaires, and I’d be willing to let them do just about anything they want in exchange for taking my V-card.

They’re magnetizing. Mesmerizing.

And it has nothing to do with the money Gunner made it clear they have to lavish on an inexperienced nursing student who’s willing to be theirs for a weekend.

Aiden saved me. Put himself in danger to protect me.

So what If I touched him slightly more than was strictly necessary for healing?

His hair is thick and silky, and his scruff the perfect amount of scratchy on my knuckles.

Besides, the curses Knox uttered under his breath when he thought I couldn’t hear and the intensity of Carter’s stare on my underwear as I tended to his partner were nearly as intoxicating as the skin-on-skin contact with Aiden.

Now it makes perfect sense why.

They’re already lovers. And we were about to be.

Except…as much as I want to let them take me, I can’t do that.

Not if they’re expecting a baby out of the deal. That’s outrageous. Insane.

Too impulsive, even for me.

“Your stuff is here. You’re here.” Knox waves to the gorgeous condo. “You might as well settle in and make yourself comfortable.”

“That’s not part of the agreement.” Carter glares at Knox. “She’s not staying with us.”

He’s right. I’m not.

I snatch the handle of my suitcase and drag it closer to the door.

“Let me help with that,” Aiden offers.

I shake my head. “I can do it myself.”

“At least let us walk you to your room.” Knox looks to Carter for backup when I edge toward the exit.

“Enjoy your final hours of freedom, beauty.” Carter folds his arms and spreads his legs. “Tonight will be different. Then you’ll be on our turf. Bound by our deal.”

My insides flash from cold to warm and back as if they’re as mixed up as the rest of me.

Is his threat sexy or is it terrifying? Both, I think.

I’m so confused.

I need to go. To escape their influence while I still can.

A weird pang of regret stabs me in the heart. They’re nuts, but I liked them. Would have enjoyed letting them teach me about passion.

Isn’t it wild enough to give my first time to three men? They have to want to knock me up too?

No. Absolutely not.

I’ve worked so hard to put myself through school and pursue my career.

I’m not throwing that all away for a weekend, even if it could be the best one of my life. They’re certain to pamper me and lavish me with riches in addition to giving me more orgasms than I can count.

It’s still not worth it.

“I made a m-mistake.” I stumble over my words and my feet as my butt bumps into the door. “I can’t do this. I’m sorry.”

I lunge for the doorknob, wrench it open, and then bolt.

Racing down the long, long hall, I hear them shouting after me. I sprint, my suitcase banging against the wall and my calf as I fling myself toward the elevator and smash the call button incessantly.

“Please, please, come quickly,” I mutter as I whip my head around in search of a stairway sign, though I doubt I could beat them in a race down thirty-something floors without breaking a leg…or my neck.

They’re barreling from their condo, reminding me of a pack of wolves hunting a baby bunny.

I’m no match for them.

Forget my bag. I drop it and flee, careening around a corner in the hopes the path leads to a different way out.

It doesn’t.

Instead, there’s only another locked door. A tall plant with long fronds in an elegant hammered bronze pot sits beside it. Not even I can hide behind something that skimpy.

Carter rounds the corner first.

I’m trapped. With nowhere left to run.

Aiden and Knox follow on his heels, one on either side of him, a few steps behind.

The jerks aren’t even breathing hard as they close in on me.

There’s a tiny opening between them, or could have been, but something in me hesitates for a fraction of a second. It rebels, wondering what it would be like to be caught by them.

And that’s all it takes.

The window closes.

I dive, intending to bowl my way through them.

Knox ensnares my wrist and arrests my forward motion just long enough that Carter latches onto me, winding his arms around my waist like steel bands covered in warm man-flesh.

Just like when he carried me upstairs, they feel too good strapping me to him.

Though I thrash, he refuses to relent. Aiden and Knox secure my wrists and legs, pinning them so I can’t move an inch.

“Get your filthy rich hands off of me. Right now!” I bite someone, I don’t even know who, in my desperation to escape.

Instead of wailing, they groan.

What the heck is wrong with them? And why do I like it?

“If you can look me in the eyes right now and tell me you don’t want us coming deep in your tight little pussy, one after the other, making you scream with pleasure, I’ll let go.” Carter is dead calm. Quiet, stern, and immovable in a way that makes me focus on his every word.

When I still and consider what should be an easy denial…it’s not.

Spitting rejection in his face would be satisfying. Except, I can’t do it.

That’s not the part of their plan I object to.

A slow grin spreads across his handsome face. He’s older than Aiden and Knox, both of whom have at least five years on me.

Wiser too, I suppose.

Because despite my brain’s efforts to convince my mouth to move, I can’t bring myself to lie.

“That’s right, beauty.” He slides one hand up to my neck and squeezes lightly. “Settle.”

“You ran because you feel it too.” Aiden shuffles up behind me, sandwiching me between them. “This connection. Our chemistry. It’s intense. It’s okay to be frightened. You don’t need to be, though. We’re going to take care of you.”

“No, I ran because I had no idea you expected…you know. That thing Carter said. Breeding.” Okay, fine, maybe there’s more than one reason. But that’s the most important of them.

“I can’t believe Gunner let you sign our papers without reading them.” Carter’s eyes grow stormy, and his fingers tense on my throat.

Crap, I can’t have him causing a problem with my boss! “He told me to. So did Fitch.”

“But you didn’t listen?” Knox groans. “I finally understand how annoyed these two are with me when I do something reckless.”

“I should put you over my knee,” Carter growls. “Maybe I still will. But first, you’re going to go in your room and read that damn contract. Every. Single. Word.”

“I am?” I blink up at him when he slowly releases me, letting me slide down his entire front.

“She is?” Knox stares at Carter like he’s lost it.

“Yes, you are.” Carter dips his hand into the pocket of my dress. He caresses my hip as he retrieves my keycard. My knees go weak, but Aiden is still behind me, ready to hold me up when I need his support.

Carter taps the metal rectangle on the reader of the door in front of us then swings it open.

That’s my room?

“Get in there. You have fifteen minutes to go over every detail and give us your final answer.” He points, the three of them forming an impenetrable wall across the hallway so there’s only one direction to go.

“And if I still say no?” I bite my lip as I glance up at them from beneath my lashes.

“We’ll forget this ever happened and find someone else who says yes.” Carter is cold then, like shutters snapped over his brooding soul.

Knox and Aiden look to each other and gulp.

Do they want me as much as I want them?

Maybe it’s not as bad as Carter made it sound?

I should at least find out before I make any rash decisions this time, right?

Clutching the strap of my purse with the invitation, and contract, inside, I turn toward my private space.

“The clock is ticking, beauty.” Carter slaps my ass, making me squeak and sending me into the suite. “You have fourteen minutes and forty-five seconds to make up your mind. We will not wait a moment longer.”

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