Never in my life have I seen such controlled chaos. Poor Ruby’s head is shifting from one sister to another then another. They are bombarding her with question after question, forgetting I’m even in the room. After about four or five minutes, I’ve had more than my share. I raise my fingers to my lips and send out my ear-piercing whistle. They instantly stop and all heads turn my way.
“Can I ask what in the ever-lovin’ fuck are you all doing? My God, poor Ruby can’t get a word in at all, and you keep bombarding her with question after question. I mean, shit, she’s a grown woman and can do whatever the hell she wants, just like each of you do. I mean, Shadow, does anyone do twenty questions on you when you head off to Panther’s ranch? Or I believe you’re Glory, right? Do your ‘sisters’ give you shit when you head home to that one dude from the Intruders? Yeah, that young one, forgot his name.”
I laugh when Glory’s eyes squint and she actually snarls at me, while Ruby makes her way to my side, shaking her head violently. It doesn’t stop me.
“I mean, from what I was told, the Devil’s Handmaidens are about giving women and children—even some men—who have been held back or down in life a chance to rise up. If that’s the case, why is it so strange that one of your club sisters has a man stay overnight with her? Does that mean all the single Devil’s Handmaidens sleep alone every single night?”
I hear a chuckle and look around the women to see, I believe it’s Noodles. His eyes are stuck on me as one of his fingers is tapping his lips. Next to him is Tink and she’s grinning like crazy, while Hannah and Presley are trying to squeeze in the already crowded room. It doesn’t stop my friend from pushing his way through to stand at my side with his arm around Hannah, hanging on to her tight.
Then to my utter shock, I hear someone start to talk. If someone would have hit me with a brick this is not the one I thought who would have sided with me.
“Fuck almighty, the kid is right. Damn it, Kitty, I’m sorry. It’s just I always think of you as one of my little sisters, and hearing a man’s voice in your cabin this morning freaked me out.”
I hear Ruby sniffle but then she shocks the hell out of me too.
“Don’t worry, Shadow, it kind of freaked me out too. But you guys need to realize, just because we’re prospects, each of us is an adult too. I do appreciate all of your love and support, but I need to get better at standing on my own two feet. It’s time, don’t you think? And what better way than to jump headfirst with a man in my cabin. Sure freaked the fuck out of all of you.”
Hannah pushes off of Presley and rushes to Ruby, pulling her in for a tight hug. At first Ruby doesn’t do anything, then she reaches her arms around Hannah and they hold on tightly to each other. I look to Presley, who’s watching his girl closely. When he feels my eyes, he looks my way and I can see the worry in his eyes. Yeah, this group of women can do that to a person because I’m feeling a bit on the outside looking in.
“All right, everyone, out. Give the kids some time. Squirt, Kitty, we have chapel at noon at the clubhouse in town. Make sure you both are there. Yeah, I know generally we don’t have our prospects join in regular chapel meetings, but this situation calls for it. Malachi, Presley, if you don’t mind showing up, I’d appreciate it. And just so you know, Jude will also be there. By the way, Vito is doing good. He and Freddy are enjoying breakfast as we speak. See you guys later.”
With that, Tink and Noodles turn, hand in hand, and walk down the front stairs. Everyone else starts to follow until it’s just Shadow and Glory. Knowing I kind of fucked up, I move to the VP, head hanging down.
“Didn’t mean any disrespect, Glory, swear to Christ. It sounded worse than what I intended. No hard feelings, I hope.”
I watch as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.
“I know, Malachi, you wouldn’t know about my insecurities about Sebastian and our age difference since you’ve not been around. I appreciate the apology and, yes, I accept. Oh, you can call him Yoggie, by the way. Now I’m going to head out, see you both later.”
Glory leaves so it’s just Ruby and Shadow. The tattooed woman is staring between us with a tiny smile on her face. I look to Ruby, who’s glaring at her enforcer.
“Shadow, why are you still here? Lachi and I have things to do and need to get ready. Cat got your tongue?”
The enforcer leans her head back and laughs. It startles Ruby so bad she steps back for a second. When I look down to her, she gives me huge eyes that are so confused. I shift my eyes to Shadow, who once again is watching us. This one is full of surprises.
“Kitty, I bet like hell you both have things to do. From the look on your face, you don’t know exactly what they are. If and when you get to that point, if you need anything, I’m here, little sister. I’ve been there when you love a man so much but still are afraid to take that next step. I’m gonna let you in on a secret… it’s totally worth it. And not for what you both are thinking. It brings a closeness to one person you will never have with anyone else. That is precious in life. We both know that with what we see in our missions. All right, I’m done, and just sayin’ if either of you say a word of this conversation, I’ll cut out both of your tongues. Have a great day, see ya later.”
Shadow turns and walks out, closing the door behind her. Ruby has walked to the sectional and plopped down, shock all over her face. When I take a seat next to her, she turns to me.
“Did that just happen? I mean, Shadow, our enforcer, who can do horrific things to our enemies and not bat an eye, just offered relationship advice to us. If I wasn’t standing right here, I’d call you a total liar, swear to Christ, Lachi. Maybe this is an alternate universe and we are just dreaming.”
I pull her close to me, chuckling. Seems like all of the Devil’s Handmaidens are having new experiences and truly starting to move forward and enjoy their lives. I’m glad Ruby has women she can turn to because she’ll need it for our long-distance relationship to get off the ground.
After our confrontation this morning, wasn’t sure how the rest of the day was going to go. Both Ruby and I got ready, then she took some time to show me around the ranch. And damn, Tink has done a phenomenal job with this extremely huge piece of property, with just the main house, bunkhouse, cabins, new conference building, pens, barns, and the survivors’ buildings. Down from those buildings some guys were working on an addition to a small cabin. Ruby explained Dr. Cora took over that cabin because she has to take care of her mom, who is suffering with Alzheimer’s. Ruby said the club didn’t want to lose Dr. Cora, so Tink made her an offer of going part time and adding on to the cabin, which Tink gifted to Cora. Guess Noodles and his friends are doing the addition, which is almost completed.
Everything Ruby is sharing with me is opening my eyes to what this group of women are truly trying to accomplish. I’ve taken my phone out to make notes, but I have an idea I want to run by the Devil’s Handmaidens eventually.
After the tour, we talked and decided that I’d drive the rental as I was not riding “bitch” as Ruby called it in between giggles. She directed me into town and we walked around a bit. My main thought is my parents would love this town. Then Ruby took me to where she works at the Wooden Spirits Bar and Grill. When we’ve talked about it, as usual, she minimized the place. It’s a good size and truly gorgeous inside and out. When we walk in, Wildcat comes out to greet Ruby and me. She walks us to the kitchen where the cook is finishing off two plates. I glance at Ruby who shrugs, which must mean we’re eating.
The food is beyond delicious. I mean, the pork chop sandwich that has a huckleberry glaze is truly epic. The homemade vegetable soup started the lunch and by the time I shove the last tater tot into my mouth, feel like I’m about to burst. That is until I believe it’s Heartbreaker stops by with two pieces of huckleberry pie and ice cream. Ruby laughs at the look on my face and I can’t believe how she attacks dessert. Where the hell does she put it all?
Conversation between us is amazing. We talk about everything from our likes and dislikes. She asks me questions about my family and I answer honestly. I can tell she’s curious about my business, so I go in depth to explain to her most of what I do is program and then patent what I’ve designed. I also mention I can generally work from anywhere there is internet. Her eyes go big and glassy, but she doesn’t say a word.
When I look at my watch, can’t believe it’s just a little after noon. Noon. I ask for the bill and the waitress laughs at me and walks away. Ruby leans over, explaining there is no charge since she works here. So I reach into my wallet and pull out a fifty dollar bill. Ruby looks at it as her mouth drops open.
“Lachi, that’s way too much. She might pass out when she sees that.”
I chuckle, leaning down, and placing a kiss on her forehead.
“Beauty, this meal has to cost at least double of that. If it doesn’t, I need to talk to Wildcat, right, she manages the place and tell her out by me this would be a gold mine.”
We walk out hand in hand, as Ruby leads me down to the clubhouse. Now, got to admit, I was imagining something like that motorcycle club on television. And I was so off. The building is huge with a fence around part of it but there is a large sign with their logo that I’ve seen on some of the women’s vest. No, Ruby called it a kutte. Then the name of the club, along with Timber-Ghost, Montana Chapter. That’s right, the Devil’s Handmaidens clubs are in many states.
As we head in, I start to get a bit nervous, though I’m not sure why. When my eyes adjust to the interior, I’m shocked to see the main room is packed with people. Ruby squeezes my hand so I look down at her. She motions for me to lean toward her, so I do.
“Some of those people look to be townsfolk. Tink and Glory are very honest with the folks of Timber-Ghost in regard to the brotherhood. We can’t chance them hurting the innocents.”
Just when I get ready to reply, I hear a loud pounding, which is followed by the Devil’s Handmaidens sisters all starting to walk to the carved door off to one side of the building. Ruby stands on her tippy-toes, placing a soft kiss on my lips.
“Get comfortable, Lachi, Tink will call you when it’s time. Help yourself to something to drink. There’s Avalanche, maybe go sit with him. Or there’s Vito, Freddy, and oh, even Jude’s here.”
Then she walks away and I’m on my own. Which usually I don’t mind but right now the hairs on my neck are standing up. I turn to see if anyone is paying way too much attention to me but see no one. Better keep my eyes open, don’t want to be unprepared.