Running Alone (Mayhem Makers-MMM) 18. ‘Kitty’ 69%
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18. ‘Kitty’




It feels strange to be in chapel. Usually Dottie, Dani, Squirt, and I are responsible for drinks and food after the meeting. Instead, this time we are all sitting in folding chairs against the wall as the members make their way in. I watch Wildcat, Kiwi, Peanut, Heartbreaker, and Duchess take their seats. No one is really talking, that is until Taz enters with lil’ Mickie in her carrier. She’s followed by Vixen, who’s carrying her own carrier with Travis Jr. sleeping soundly. I have to say, life here with the Devil’s Handmaidens is never boring. When Taz had Mickie at the club’s gym, she still had to be taken to the hospital to make sure all was well. When Vixen and Intruder got to the hospital everything was fine, until they wheeled lil’ Mickie in. Taz told Vixen to hold the baby and when she reached for the baby her water broke, and thirty-two hours later she had Travis Jr., or as they’ve been calling him, Junior. Teddy is beside himself with a baby brother and has plans for the next twenty years or so of everything they will do together. From what Taz told us, Teddy wanted to know if he could have Jr. stand up in his wedding if his dad could hold him. Yeah, that’s still the top conversation with Teddy and Olivia.

Hearing a baby start to cry, every woman in chapel stands to see if they can do anything. Taz very calmly picks Mickie up and opens her top, placing the baby on her nipple, which she latches her lips to and starts to feed. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life. Taz must have felt my eyes because she looks around until she sees me. I instantly lower my eyes, but she calls me over.

“Kitty, have you ever been around babies? You seem really interested. This little one is a beast when it’s feeding time. These are the moments I love because it’s just her and me. Oh oh, time to switch, hang on.”

Taz carefully lifts her daughter and repositions her on her other boob. The baby needs no help this time, she puts that nipple between her lips and starts to suck like no tomorrow. Taz smiles down at her daughter with such love in her face. I knew she’d make a good momma.

“So will you, Kitty. Want to know how I can say that? Because we’ve been to hell and back and will never allow our children to go through that, no matter what the cost is.”

Not sure why I want to share with Taz but feel like it’s the right thing to do.

“Taz, not sure kids are in my future. I mean, Lachi and I haven’t even…well you know. Had sex.”

She gently smiles at me.

“Honey, when the time is right, you’ll know. Just want to say that young man came all the way out here to see you. That says something about him. Keep your eyes open and if you need to talk, you know where I live. You’re always welcome and Teddy would be thrilled to see you.”

Before I can reply Tink, Glory, Rebel, Raven, and bringing up the back is Shadow. Raven, as usual, has her laptop, tablet, files, and a USB drive in her hand. They each take their chairs, well, until Tink sees the kids, then she gets up and literally skips to them, oohing and ahhing. After about five minutes of that she takes her seat and slams her hand on the table.

“All right, meeting called to order. We’ve got a few things on the table, but first let’s get the necessary homework out of the way. Taz, catch us up on our finances.”

Taz moves and hands Mickie off to Rebel, who the baby was named after. Then Taz starts to give her report, including who’s shy on dues. Tink looks around and her eyes land on Kiwi and Peanut.

“Why y’all late this month? We need to have a side conversation?”

They look at each other then at Tink, nodding. That’s all our prez needs, she moves on. As I sit here listening to everything they go over, it’s intimidating. They review all the victims saved and where they are: either back with family, in halfway homes, or still at the ranch. We cover all of their medical, dental, and anything else until they are able. When they leave the ranch, the person has a checking and bank account with money they’ve earned from working either at the ranch or one of the club’s businesses. Also, they’ve been taught how to keep said checking account, how to pay bills, and everything else that goes with being a member of society. Or that’s what Glory or Tink say when someone leaves the ranch.

When I hear my name, I look up sheepishly.

“Umm, sorry, can you please repeat the question?”

I look at both Glory and Tink, not really sure who asked the question. Glory grins as Tink outright smiles. Then she repeats her question.

“Kitty, I asked, how are you holding up? Obviously, you have a ton on your mind. Anything we need to know before I bring everyone up-to-date on Jude?”

I think, then try to explain everything Lachi had shared with me. When I got to Nova and how some “people” he knows were going to contact the Thunder Cloud Knuckle Brotherhood, I hear Shadow growl. I’m afraid to look at her, but I do. Her eyes are scary as hell but she seems to be holding it together.

When I’m done, Tink takes a drink of water then fills us all in on what she knows.

“From what my dad told me, Nova has connections we could only hope for. The ‘folks’ he’s reaching out to in regard to the brotherhood have dealt with them for years. They’ve had success in breaking down some of their compounds recently, that’s why I think Nova is reaching out to them. Kitty, I know Malachi said he would pay the loan off for Jude’s dad, but the club will be doing that for many reasons. I’ll explain it when we talk with the men. If Nova’s friends can remove the brotherhood from where Jude and his family live, then they should be able to stay there. Otherwise, they’ll have to relocate and we think the best place would be closer to Panther and Avalanche’s ranch. There’s lots of land out there and it’s not well known, so would be harder to find Jude’s family. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Okay, any questions on anything we shared today? If not, let’s get out of here and have a word or two with the guys. Kitty, stay with us, the rest of you go get something to drink or eat.”

I watch everyone leave and Dottie and Dani giving me big eyes. It makes me feel good that they’re worried about me. When I feel someone sit next to me, I turn to see Squirt. She leans into me, putting an arm around me, pulling me in close. I hear a “son of a bitch” as Tink starts toward us.

“Ummm, why are you still here?”

“Don’t start, Maggie. Kitty is my friend and I’m giving her support like Auntie Zoey does for you all the time.”

My mouth drops open at what Squirt just said. One, the relationship between Tink and Shadow is epic. Now, I know we’re friendly, but didn’t think Squirt felt that way.

“Kitty, do you mind if my pain in the ass sticks around?”

I look up to see both Shadow and Squirt looking at Tink. Shadow asks the question, “Which one of us is your pain in the ass, Goldilocks?”

Our prez shakes her head.

“Well, damn, guess you both are. Let me rephrase, Kitty, can these two pains in my ass stay in with us?”

I just nod because I have no idea what Tink wants with me.

“So I wanted to have a quick conversation with you regarding Malachi. No, let me talk, Kitty. I know this visit really went left fast. Don’t let that intrude with what you two are discovering. My question is, do you trust him? I ask because he asked me to help him find some available land and if you give me your word, I can let go of a few hundred acres closer to the road going into town. What are your thoughts?”

As I think about it, I know Lachi is probably the most honorable and honest person I know. So that is what I tell Tink. When she gives me a hug, it feels good.

Once we leave chapel, we all head over to where the tables are set up in a line. Looks like some folks have already picked out their seats. Well, until Shadow takes over with a bellowing scream.

“Get your asses up. We’ll tell you where to sit. Now listen up as my sister tells ya where to plant your asses.”

Raven steps up and starts directing the seating chart. When she’s done, I see she’s put all of us club sisters together, with the exception of me. I’m at the end and Lachi is right next to me. Then his friends are on the other side of him. Vito still looks a bit pale but Freddie looks good. Jude’s pretty bruised up, but he’s also pale. Everyone just sits and waits. Just as I’m wondering who the empty seats are for, the doors open up and I’m surprised to see Tank, Enforcer, Freak, and Yoggie followed by two men. I’m almost positive one is Nova, but not sure of the other guy. Tink and Glory stand to greet the newcomers.

Again, once everyone is seated, we all look toward Tink and Glory. This is our clubhouse, we are in charge, though the energy in this room could put a stranglehold on someone. So much estrogen and testosterone, it’s hard to breathe. Finally, Tink, Glory, and Shadow stand along with Raven, whose hands are full with what looks like papers or something.

“Afternoon, everyone. We’ve got a lot to process, so let’s get to it. First, as you can see, in the far corner by the bar are some of the business owners and ranchers of Timber-Ghost. Our club is very transparent with our neighbors. So let’s start with the brotherhood. One of our sisters is currently dating a young man, who’s a very successful entrepreneur. Somehow, the Thunder Cloud Knuckle Brotherhood figured out the connection to our club and manipulated a friend of Malachi’s with some deeds his family was involved with. Said friend made the wrong decision and put not only his friends, but also his family at risk, not to mention our club and town. Long story short, Malachi was involved with Nova, who some of you may know, who has ties to folks who are also in the process of removing the brotherhood from this country, if at all possible.”

The clapping and cheering from that corner tells the brotherhood has affected just about everyone in our close-knit town. Tink continues as Raven starts to pass out what’s in her hands.

“So now I’m going to pass this over to Nova so he can explain what has happened and how it affects each of you business owners and townsfolk.”

As I sit here listening to Nova, I had no idea how far not only Tink’s reach is but also Tank’s. Don’t have the backstory of how Tank and Nova know each other but their bond is ridiculously strong. And as far as Nova’s reach, it’s scary. He explains that the small branch of the brotherhood who had Jude’s dad by the balls, Nova’s exact words, was a rogue group who were trying to do harm to our club because of what happened when Taz had her issues and the Grimm Wolves came to help. Brick and Chains blew up their homestead. Literally nothing left, though with the help of our sheriff, everyone was out of the buildings.

I glance at Lachi to see him listening intently to Nova. When Nova explains Jude’s family is safe and that small bunch of the brotherhood was no longer an issue, I see Lachi look to Jude, who has his head down. I can’t even imagine the relief he’s feeling, even though he’s a traitor. Lachi looks back to me, reaching for my hand and squeezing it.

Nova turns it back over to Tink, who thanks the townsfolk for their support and tells them they can now go back to work or their families. She looks to us at the extremely long table, saying get a drink or use the restroom, we will convene in about ten minutes. Everyone breaks up and as I stand to maybe walk with Lachi to get something to drink, Jude is already on his feet. He grabs Lachi and starts apologizing like crazy as Vito and Freddy watch, though they get closer to Lachi. I wait because if I was him, I’d tell Jude to rot in hell. That’s not Malachi and he proves it with what he tells his friend.

“Jude, calm down, brother. Look at me. I’m glad this seems to be working out for you and your family. As far as us, dude, it’s gonna take a whole hell of a lot of time and effort for me to even think about trusting you. And, Jude, you should be apologizing to Vito and Freddy too. I mean, look at Vito, he was fucking shot, for Christ’s sake. Now is not the time or place. If your parents or siblings need help, I’ll do that as will my family. Too much history. Now I want to grab a drink and have a word with my girlfriend.”

Without saying anything else, Lachi gently pushes Jude away, grabs my hand, and we move toward the bar area, where Dani and Squirt are acting like bartenders, along with Heartbreaker. I’m not sure what else we need to discuss, but thank God we got some food before. Lachi asks for two waters and once we have them, we make our way back to the table. This is going to be a long-ass day, for sure.

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