Running Alone (Mayhem Makers-MMM) 19. ‘Lachi’ 73%
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19. ‘Lachi’




I have no idea how Ruby has been doing this shit with her club. I can’t even consider it organized chaos. How they manage to keep everything straight, with all of the outside sources, I have no idea.

After the break, Raven finishes passing out the sheets of paper. When I look down, I’m shocked to see all of my family’s name, Vito’s family, Freddy’s family also, and finally Jude’s. And not just our names but birthdates, home addresses, and phone numbers—including cells—and employment status. Finally, under each name it gives an estimate of financial worth. Son of a bitch, I wanted to talk to Ruby before this was made public within her club.

I hear Ruby inhale and under her breath say “Motherfucker.” Not only I heard her but both Vito and Freddie too. Jude glances over at me, his face white as can be. Oh shit, maybe he didn’t have an exact idea how I’ve grown my wealth over the last couple of years. The patents helped a whole hell of a lot.

When I study the page, I realize my family is pretty well off. Thinking at it from Ruby’s view, that would be very intimidating. I wait impatiently to hear why my personal information is being shared with every one present here. My eyes are burning holes in the three women at the end of the table. Well, actually four. Tink, Glory, and Shadow because I know they are in charge and throwing in Raven for running this information. By Raven’s face I’m guessing this was something she was told to do. Finally, Tink stands to draw everyone’s attention

“All right, I can tell by Malachi’s face he is ready to murder us. Honestly, I don’t blame you, but give me a few minutes to explain. What I’m about to share with you all is information we keep close to the chest for many reasons. Malachi, you of all on the sheet, can understand because when you have money it draws all types to you, most not good at all or even looking for a free ride. This information is not to leave this room, or else, and I want to make sure we’re all on the same page. Any questions before we continue?”

I look to my friends and it seems like this information on the sheet doesn’t seem to bother them like it does me. Even though they are doing well, they are nowhere near me or my family. The closest is Jude and his family and, with his current situation, it’s clear they didn’t have enough to get his dad out of his drama. But the way Tink explained it, I guess it makes sense. I just give her a chin lift, which she nods at, though Shadow smirks. Whatever , I think to myself.

“Okay, moving forward, the Devil’s Handmaidens have been working with some allies to rid our country of the Thunder Cloud Knuckle Brotherhood. Saying that just to bring the newcomers current. We operate with an inheritance I received from my grammy on my mom’s side. Just some backstory. I never knew my mom’s family was extremely wealthy. My grammy realized when I was trying to find Hannah, and broaden our search with the human trafficking side, she donated money for each mission or search and then was a major contributor to making sure we set up our club correctly. When she passed, my family found out she had changed her will. When Mom, Dad, and I were at the attorney’s office, I almost passed out when he read the will. He also gave me a letter from my grammy that I still have to this day. To be blunt with you all, if I wanted to be out in the public, I’d be in those magazines about being one of the richest people in the world. Can’t do that with what our club’s mission is though. What that money allows me, nope, our club to do is not only try and break up all the human trafficking circuits we can but help club sisters or friends and family start new businesses. The reason for all of this is my dad Tank over there, Nova, and I have spoken. His people have had a brief meeting with the brotherhood and they are in the process of negotiations. Malachi, I know you probably are the only one who might have the money, but honestly, we want to keep you out of it as much as possible. These bastards already know about me, and Nova’s people will spin it as I’m trying to help everyone involved because it falls back on me and my club. It’s well worth whatever the final amount is to get these assholes off of all of your backs.”

I know Ruby is probably going to be pissed, but I’m no pushover and I am pissed, so I go with my gut.

“Well, if we’re going with being honest, Tink, then seems like everyone at this table knows my worth, but I don’t see yours down on this paper. Is there a reason for that?”

Ruby instantly elbows me in the gut, which takes my breath away. Shadow growls while Nova chuckles. When I look at him, he gives me a wink and nods. Glad I went with my gut feeling. As mom always says “squeaky wheel gets the oil . ”

Tink’s eyes never leave mine, even when her man Noodles walks to where she is sitting. He bends down, whispering in her ear while I believe, yeah Panther, is standing behind Shadow. Oh shit, maybe I just put my foot in my mouth, for Christ’s sake. When Tink nods I hold my breath. She takes a breath and lets it out.

“Malachi, to be brutally honest with you, I truly have no idea of my entire worth. I have my hand in so many different businesses, not only in town, but also partnering with ranchers and farmers who would have gone under if I hadn’t helped them out. In return, I received percentages of those businesses. And they are all in the black now so that adds to the financial wealth I have. Also, over the years, I’ve invested in the stock market. My financial advisor is one of the best out here in Montana and a family friend of my dad’s. Though you have a good point, I’m not trying to hide anything. If I was to guess, which I suck at, I’d say more than Taylor Swift but probably less than Oprah. Does that give you an idea?”

I feel my face getting red as everyone’s head swivels toward me. Holy fuck, Taylor Swift just hit over a billion dollars. I had no idea and when I shift my eyes around the table, I’d say not many knew. Knowing Tink’s waiting, I nod and softly say thank you.

As Tink then Raven and finally Glory go over what the next steps are, I’m so deep in my head. I’ve never let money, or lack of, influence how I viewed people. For some reason, Tink revealing what she did has me lost for words. And I don’t know why, or maybe it’s because she decided to try and do better in our world rather than being a prima donna. I can feel the anger coming from Ruby, but she’s got to try and understand where I’m coming from.

Nova’s deep raspy voice grabs my attention. He is in the process of explaining how his “friends” are bargaining with the Thunder Cloud Knuckle Brotherhood faction in Cali. He then proceeds to explain this is more of a rebel group of ex-brotherhood members. He’s pretty confident he can buy Jude’s dad’s gambling debts and then provide that small group with enough money to keep them happy. There are stipulations which Nova said he has already gone over with Tink and Tank. He then looks at me and says he’s also included that no one is to ever approach my family or me for anything, or else they will deal with Nova and his friends. I say thanks because I’m glad he thought of my family.

Next, Tank puts his two cents in and gives updates that his IT dude Freak found out. No one was seriously injured but those who were, they’ve been taken care of, as has the Lodge. He looks to Jude next and in a very serious voice asks if he’s learned his lesson. Then before Jude can talk, Tank tells him that you never betray a friend. That Jude should have come to me, and I agree.

I once again seem to drift between being one-hundred-percent present to like I’m watching from above. Not how I wanted to spend my time with Ruby. Damn! Well, tomorrow we are leaving for Billings for a couple of days. I reserved a home about twelve miles from Billings. It has three bedrooms and just looked like a good place to kick back and relax. I invited Presley and Hannah to come up in a few days, but I want some time with Ruby alone. We need to figure out where we go from here.

By the time we head back to the ranch, I’m beyond exhausted. It’s getting dark and I doubt Timber-Ghost has a drive-thru McDonald’s to grab some shit food to eat. When Ruby tells me to go back to the Wooden Spirits, I almost let out a groan. I mean, they have great food but I just want some downtime to not think about anything. Not to mention I still have to call my folks and fill them in on what’s going down.

When I’m close, Ruby gives me directions and before I know it, we’re pulling up at the rear of the restaurant. Ruby tells me she’ll be right back and jumps out of the vehicle. Well, okay. My mind is done for the day and it’s going to take some time tonight, or before we leave tomorrow, to try and catch up on emails and make sure shit is in order. When someone knocks on the passenger door, I almost shit myself and by the look on Ruby’s face, she knows it too. I unlock the doors and she goes to the passenger back door, opens it, and puts two bags on the floor. Then she jumps in the front and tells me to head to the ranch.

As I drive, the smells coming from the bags have my stomach growling, which in turn has Ruby giggling.

“Lachi, are you starving? Poor hungry man, once we get back to the cabin, I’ll make sure you get something to eat.”

My mind instantly goes left and I have pictures in my mind. Well, until Ruby screams, telling me to stay on the road. Fuck.

We talk about really nothing and when we don’t it’s comfortable. Before we left, Panther told me that between him and Avalanche, they would make sure my boys are taken care of. Now that everything is in the process of being taken care of, Jude was given a choice if he wanted to stay with Vito and Freddy, and he elected to stay at Panther’s ranch. Said something about the serenity and horses that he was enjoying. Hey, each to their own.

Pulling up to Tink’s ranch can be intimidating as there are guards at the gate. When they see Ruby, they wave us by and we slowly make our way up the long as fuck driveway. Along the way are a few trucks and Jeeps that have guards, per Ruby. She tells me the story of when Tink had issues and someone got on the ranch. The club wasn’t worried about themselves but the folks they just brought in from a trafficking case. Now they have outrageous security but, hey, gotta do what ya gotta do.

When we finally make it to and in the cabin, first thing I do is flip my shoes off. Then I excuse myself to use the bathroom, splash some water on my face and brush my teeth. I’ve been feeling scrubby for the last couple of hours. I make my way to the guest bedroom and grab some workout shorts and a T-shirt. Once I’ve changed, I head back out to the kitchen to see Ruby had the same idea. She’s in a pair of yoga pants and a Devil’s Handmaidens oversized sweatshirt. She’s taking to-go containers out left and right from the two bags. When my stomach growls again, she laughs out loud.

“Come on, Lachi, let me feed you. Not sure about you, but I’m dead on my feet. My brain is fried with way too much information. This has got to rank as one of three longest days in club history.”

I go to the sink, wash my hands, and ask her what she wants to drink then I grab two bottled waters and sit down at the table. My eyes can’t believe what they’re seeing until I hear Ruby cough to hide a laugh.

“Not sure what you wanted so I told cook to give me a selection. Swear, didn’t know she’d put almost a little of everything on the menu. At least we’ll have food for the next couple of days.”

“Yeah, about that, Ruby.”

“Oh, do you have to go home? I get it, don’t worry about it.”

No way in hell is she going to push her feelings down like they don’t matter. Now that I know about her issues, not going to let her brood or ignore shit. We’ll talk about stuff and she’s got to learn to give me a chance and trust me.

“Ruby, don’t do that. If something bothers you, then say it. Don’t be afraid, I’d rather you be honest than hold it in and maybe have a panic attack or let your anxiety get out of hand. If this is going to work, we have to be honest. Now, what I was going to say is, we are leaving tomorrow for a couple of days. I reserved a home outside of Billings. Presley and Hannah, along with Dottie and Dani, will be joining us later. Not sure about my boys, but invited them too. I wanted you alone first, so that’s why when you said we’d have food for the next couple of days, there’s no need. Maybe drop it off at the main house, I’m sure someone will want it.”

She drops her head for a second then looks up, her eyes shining. She tentatively reaches over to grab my hand.

“I don’t know what to say, Lachi, except I’m humbled by your kindness and appreciate how you consider everything I shared with you. I’ll have to see if Tink is good with me leaving, then talk to Wildcat about my shifts.”

“Already done, Beauty. So, Ruby, would you like to go away for some ‘get to know you time part two’?”

Her smile could light a room when she nods. Even after a day like today, her wanting to go with me makes everything better. Can’t wait ’til tomorrow.

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