Running Alone (Mayhem Makers-MMM) 20. ‘Kitty’ 77%
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20. ‘Kitty’




I can’t believe Lachi planned this getaway for us. I briefly spoke to Squirt, who told me that she and Presley are coming along with Dani. Dottie already has plans with Shadow at their ranch.

Trying to decide what to pack, I take a minute when it hits me, I’ve never gone away with a man before. Not like this. Yeah, I met Lachi in Billings and we slept in the same bed, but nothing went further than heavy petting, as they call it. I’m not a virgin, just sex never did anything for me. In fact, the pressure affected my anxiety and I’d end up with a tension headache, fearful I wouldn’t be able to perform right. So to make it easier, especially after the few dates I had from the dating site, I quit dating.

I’m folding my bathing suit when I hear someone knocking on the door, so I go to see who it is. When I see Wildcat, I’m kind of shocked but open the door. She smiles as she walks in. I shut the door and turn to her but before I can say a word, she motions for me to join her on the sectional. Then she grabs my hand.

“Kitty, if I’m overstepping a boundary, it is only because I love you like a little sister. Now just listen for a second or two. I’m probably going to fuck this up, but here goes. You are such a good person and I mean that. Kitty, also know about all of your worries about some of the things in your life. Yeah, I’ve known about the anxiety. I mean, you freak if a table isn’t cleaned as soon as a customer leaves at the Wooden Spirits. And don’t forget, I saw a few of your panic attacks. I want you to be a little less hard on yourself, Kitty. You have the opportunity to start something special with Malachi. And he seems to be such a good guy, even Malcolm said something—which is not the norm—so that says a lot about your man. That’s right, get used to that, he’s your man. I wanted to come over and see if you have any questions about, well, going away on a romantic getaway with a special someone. So do you have any questions or concerns?”

My heart is beating like crazy. It dawns on me my boss and a member of the Devil’s Handmaidens club is here for me because she’s, one, worried and, two, wants to help me so this weekend is special. Before I can think about it, I grab Wildcat to me and hug her tightly. It takes her a few before she wraps her arms around me and hugs me back.

When I lean back, she lets me go and we just take a minute. Then I look directly at her.

“Wildcat, thank you so much. You always seem to know what to do or say to me to put me at ease, which doesn’t come easy for me. I have a million and one questions but don’t think I have time for that. So first is, what do I pack? Second, am I to assume that this getaway is going to be a sex-a-ton getaway?”

Wildcat breaks out laughing and watching her, can’t help it I join in. And that releases any remaining anxiety I was holding in. As she wipes her face from laughing so hard she was crying, she sits back and takes a breath.

“Kitty, I don’t know Malachi that well, but anyone can see he cares about you. There is no right or wrong in these types of situations. I mean, look at Malcolm and me. How long have we been together, and yeah, we fool around but haven’t gone all the way. He’s either off or I am and we’re in a rush. Think about it like that, there is no timetable. Talk to Malachi too. Make sure you are both on the same page. If you do that, then nothing will be able to stop or break you two apart. I’ve learned being open and talking about things are what keep a relationship going. Now, if you don’t have any questions, I’ll get out of your hair. I just want you to know that I’m always around if you need anything. You’re like a little sister, Kitty, and I love you, kiddo.”

I’ve lost the battle with crying but I do my best to suck it up.

“Wildcat, thanks so much. You’ve always had my back and it means the world. Be careful what you offer, I might be bothering you all the time.”

She shakes her head and chuckles. We hug again at the door then I shut and lock it. I go back to my room to pack, feeling a bit more excitement after talking with Wildcat. She’s right, Lachi is a special man and all I have to do is be more open and share my thoughts and fears with him. And that’s exactly what I’m going to try and do.

Well, packed and loaded. Just grabbing some snacks for the drive. Lachi promised me the house will be ready for us, including food, snacks, and whatever else he thought we would need. Squirt told me they are excited to be joining us in a few days. I also know that after talking Dani down that she wasn’t going to show up because she felt like a fifth wheel. I explained to her that Lachi and I are moving slowly so there was no reason for her not to come. Who cares if you are with someone or not, this is just some quality time away with friends. That seemed to sway her, which I’m glad, love my sister.

I’m just finishing up when Lachi walks in, looks at my bag, then laughs out loud.

“Damn, Beauty, you’re the only woman I know who is going away and can pack everything into one travel case. Damn, if I wasn’t already gone on you, this would definitely do it, Ruby. Are you ready to go?”

I put the ice packs into the cooler and shut it, then turn to face him.

“Sure am. I’ve got some waters and sports drinks for the ride, along with some nuts and trail mix. Let’s get this show on the road.”

He moves toward me, pulling me close. Leaning down so his mouth is right next to my ear he whispers softly to me, “Beauty, relax. Promise not to jump your bones as soon as we get there. This is more of an extension of what we’ve been doing here, with the exception of the ton of folks in our business constantly. Let me grab the bag and cooler. Close and lock up, make sure you arm the alarm. Your chariot is waiting, Beauty.”

As I watch him grab the bag and cooler, then walk out, I’m struck by how comfortable I am around him. Maybe Wildcat has a point. We’ve been friends for a very long time. If or when we take it further, it’s not like it’s someone I don’t know. With that thought I check the cabin, make sure the water is off and no toilets are running. Then I set the lamp on the timer, grab my purse, and walk to the alarm. I arm it as “away,” then close and lock the door. I’ve already asked the girls to grab any mail or packages that come to me.

Lachi is waiting at the open passenger door, ready to give me a hand. I love this vehicle, it’s so comfortable and seems to have everything you’d want. When my door is closed, I get an awesome view of Lachi walking right in front of his vehicle, hat turned backward and dark shades covering those eyes I’ve come to love. He’s in faded jeans with boots, and a faded-out button-up shirt over a colored T-shirt. He looks beyond hot, and I still can’t believe the two of us are not only, I guess, going out but we are going away together as a couple. Damn, I’m proud of myself for not letting my anxiety ruin this for me or Lachi. We deserve all of the downtime we can fit in after this last debacle. From what Wildcat shared, Nova’s friends have paid that rebel group of the brotherhood off. Saying that, Wildcat also said we have no worries because they will never reach out to any of us Devil’s Handmaiden sisters again. That sounded so final I asked Wildcat about it. And what she shared shocked me but not as much as it would to other people.

“Between us, Kitty. This whole thing is a setup. Nova did meet with them and had a huge bag of money. Just when he was ready to hand it over, some of Nova’s team came in and disposed of the last of that brotherhood. My mouth drops open but then it dawns on me. This was the setup the entire time. Tank calling in Nova, then Nova having a bunch of mercenaries contact the outlaw bunch. Should have seen it coming. Well, all I truly care about is that Lachi is safe, as are his brothers.

As we start down the driveway of Tink’s ranch, it dawns on me, I’ve come full circle. Yeah, sure, I’m going to have anxiety and probably panic attacks in the future, but I’m also learning how to deal with everything that comes my way. And now that Lachi and I are together, nothing seems too large for me to scale over or deal with directly. For that I can thank Lachi. His patience and mind over matter way of approaching everything has helped me heal my own insecurities.

Lachi said it’s not a long drive, just a couple of hours. I lean over and turn the radio on to a station I think we both might enjoy. Then I lower my window and let some fresh air in. As it blows my hair around my face, and the inside cabin, I feel something I’ve not felt in years, if ever. First, a form of peace and, secondly, freedom. I finally feel free to live my own life. And, fuck, does it feel so awesome. I reach over and grab Lachi’s hand. His head shoots my way and I give him a smile that I hope portrays all of my feelings.

After he squeezes my hand and leans back, he gives me one of the cutest smiles ever. One of the last things I remember as I fall asleep.

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