Running Alone (Mayhem Makers-MMM) 21. ‘Lachi’ 81%
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21. ‘Lachi’




Well, I’ll be damned. This cabin and land blows me away. Its views are breathtaking and the cabin is fully stocked. We took our time stopping whenever we wanted so the two-and-a-half-to-three-hour drive took four plus, but I’m glad we did it how we did.

Each stop was either for a picture of the landscape or for a business right off the highway. We are stocked with homemade huckleberry jelly and some banana bread from a small farmers’ market. The wife of the farmer had so much stuff for sale that Ruby wanted to help her out without just giving her money. So she bought something for each of her club sisters. Jellies, lotions, pickles, and even crafty stuff. Not sure how Shadow is going to take the wreath for their front door, but I’m hoping Beauty knows what she’s doing. When the woman gave us the total in shock, she asked if we wanted to return anything.

I shook my head as Ruby started to go through her purse. I grabbed her hand and shook my head. Then I reached into my pocket, pulled my wallet out, and counted out six one-hundred dollar bills and a fifty. Now that was more than the total but I handed it to the woman and simply stated, “Thank you so much, you’ve made our shopping so easy. There’s a little extra so you, your husband, and kids can have a night off and maybe grab some dinner.”

Her eyes got huge as she counted the money. When she went to give some back, I simply said no, for her to keep it. Just as we were going back and forth a tractor came down from the fields, and a huge mountain of a man got off and walked toward us. When I saw he had a gun handle sticking out of his overalls, I pulled Ruby to stand behind me. The farmer saw it and shoved the handle farther down into his inside pocket, I guess.

“Hey, y’all, everything okay? Honey, you need anything?”

She turned to him and started to explain what we bought and how much money I gave her. His face started to turn pinkish red before he quietly looked at us and stated in a stern voice, “Sorry, mister, we don’t take charity. Chrissy is proud of all of her stuff, but folks generally don’t tip us for purchasing our wares. We appreciate your kindness but we can’t accept it.”

I looked from him to his wife. Coming down the driveway were three, nope, four children of all ages. We all waited ’til they got to our group. I took in the entire family and it was apparent they were struggling though proud. So it took me a minute before I figured it out.

“Sir, would you mind if the kids helped us load our vehicle? We’re kinda in a hurry.”

He stared at me for a quick minute then told the kids to gently take all the bags and baskets to our car and wait for us there. When he turned, I knew he figured it out.

“You ain’t gonna let this go, are you? For a young whippersnapper you sure do put up a battle.”

I smiled then walked to the car with four fifty-dollar bills in my hand. Ruby was grinning at me. I grabbed her hand and we approached the kids, who were oohing and ahhing over the SUV.

“Well, thanks so much for your help. Now my dad always said to show your appreciation, so there is one of these for each of you. Use it wisely.”

As I handed each kid a fifty, I could see their faces and more importantly their minds spinning. When their mom got close, the littlest one ran to her waving the money in her tiny hand.

“Momma, look, the man gave this to me. Now you have money to buy material for those curtains you wanted to make. Here, take it.”

After that each kid ran to their mother, handing their money over to her for something. Yarn for new blankets or to buy more jars for canning. The man watched from behind his wife, a small smile on his face. Probably from seeing how his children were growing into fine human beings. Before he could say a word, I asked for their name and address.

“Why would you want or need that?”

“Because I run a business and I’m wondering if you would like to partner up with me. I mean, all of the items we bought are beyond fabulous and who doesn’t like homemade items? Now, for sure, I’ll need at least five of those blankets I’m hearing about. Those will go to each of my family members. Here’s my card and if you are willing, I can have my attorney put together a contract. No, don’t worry, it’s something for you both to look at. And don’t worry if you don’t want to talk to my attorney, find one you are comfortable with and I’ll pay their fee, as this is a business arrangement. So, guess I should have done this earlier. My name is Malachi and this is my girlfriend, Ruby. Nice to meet all of you.”

Finally, I got their names, Chrissy and Doug. We sat and drank some homemade lemonade while I explained what I was thinking of. When I mentioned some amounts of money they might earn, Chrissy looked to her husband, her eyes wet. He just squeezed her hand.

“Malachi, let us think about it, though you couldn’t have come at a better time. It’s been a really rough farming year and we are barely getting by. Now my John Deere tractor is about ready to die. So any little bit of money we can pull together will be great before fall and winter hit. We make the most of our household funds from our crops and if we have any cows to take to market.”

Knowing Doug was going to freak, I gave him the time he wanted. We said our goodbyes and Ruby and I got back in our vehicle and headed back to the highway. I hit the hands-free to dial Patti.

“Hey, boss, make it to the cabin yet? I had them stock it for both of you and they will be back before your friends arrive. If I’m missing anything, let me know.”

“No, running a bit behind. Need a favor. We met a farmer and his wife who were selling their wares on the side of the road. Patti, you’d love the wife’s stuff. Got some to bring back for you. Anyway, I need you to do me a few favors. Have our attorney draw up a basic contract stating we, meaning our company, will be going into a partnership with, and I’ll give you their names and the homemade items. Instead of paying for each item separately, we will be doing a monthly stipend. I want you to make sure it states they will receive twenty thousand dollars a month for whatever we purchase. If we go over that, they will need to inform us. Also get ahold of a John Deere facility and have them send a salesman over to the farm. I want them to get him everything he needs to keep that farm running. Finally, I want you to personally get ahold of his wife, Chrissy, and find out what the kids need for clothing and such. Also, what they like to eat. Put in an order from Costco and we’ll pay extra to have it delivered. Got it?”

“Boss, as usual, you find someone down on their luck and you rock their world. I got it and will start working on it right now. Send me a list of some of the items Chrissy is selling. Maybe down the road we can add them to the website as a specialty side store. We’ll talk more when you get back home. Hope you and Ruby have fun. Give Presley a huge hug from me. Later, boss.”

Before I hung up, Ruby grabbed my hand, holding on tightly. When I looked at her, she had tears running down her face.

“How did I get so lucky to have found you, Lachi? What you just did will not only change Chrissy and Doug’s lives but those of their children too. You are so kind, not sure why Jude did what he did because all he had to do is approach you for help. Now, do you want something to drink?”

That brings us to now. Ruby is on the phone speaking to Wildcat and I’m on the wraparound deck, sitting with a hot chocolate my Beauty made for me. With real milk, chocolate, and whip cream. The air is starting to really cool down, it’s brisk but gorgeous out here. Never thought of Montana as a place to make my home but I’m giving it a lot of thought, as I know Ruby will never leave the Devil’s Handmaidens Timber-Ghost Chapter. They are her only family and to be that far from them would eventually kill her and make her hate me for making her move.

For me, yeah, I’ve got parents and brothers but all are financially secure and can jump on my dad’s plane at any time, or worst-case scenario, let me know and I’ll send my plane.

I hear the door slide open and Ruby wrapped in one of the blankets makes her way to the rocker next to me, holding her own hot chocolate.

“Wildcat said what you did truly makes you one of her favorite people. Right up there with our prez, Lachi, which is one of the biggest compliments you could ever get from one of my sisters. Now, looks like Patti had them leave some meals already prepared. In the fridge is a tray of baked mostaccioli ready to go into the oven. And they have that frozen Texas toast, along with a salad already made. We can use one of the dressings we bought from Chrissy. Want me to get dinner started?”

I grab her empty hand, closing mine around it.

“Take a minute, Beauty, and enjoy this view. I know you’ve probably seen something like this before, but this is all new to me. It takes my breath away. Almost as gorgeous as you are, Ruby.”

I raise her hand to my lips and place a soft kiss on the top of her knuckles. Then we sit back and enjoy each other’s company while watching nature at its best. Can’t ask for much more than this, I think to myself.

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