Running Alone (Mayhem Makers-MMM) 25. ‘Lachi’ 96%
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25. ‘Lachi’




These last few months have been beyond phenomenal and so very hard. I’ve not seen Ruby for just about two months, and that’s way too long. After we had our weekend away with our friends, my boys went home, and I spent another three days with my Beauty. The day I left almost broke me. Never have I felt so close to anyone like I do with Ruby.

She came to see me like three weeks later and, damn, did my family go overboard. Mom and I had conversations about Ruby and her life, or what I knew about it. I did have Nova look into her, and her past is so sad. I’m glad she found the Devil’s Handmaidens because she also got Tank and Momma Diane. Also, all of Tank’s brothers, who seem to look at Ruby as their kid sister. Can’t tell you how many times one or more of the men have pulled me to the side to ask what my intentions are. Well, if everything goes as planned, then I’ll be able to tell them next time I’m up there in Timber-Ghost.

I’ve worked hard this week so I can have a couple of free days with Ruby. She should be arriving shortly and Mom is in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. My dad and brothers are on my covered screen porch playing cards. Jude is supposed to be here later, while Vito and Freddie are picking up some ice for me. I wanted everyone I care about close, so Dad had called my brothers, who dropped everything and made their way here. Ruby has met everyone so it shouldn’t put her anxiety on high alert.

Between Panther, Avalanche, and Ollie I was able to find property that I truly love. It’s still a small part on Tink’s property, and the rest is on Ollie’s folks’ ranch. Back and forth we’ve gone and the only problem is Tink. I’ve talked to her so she’s one of the few who knows my intentions and plans. That’s why I need to have a conversation with Ruby this weekend before she hears shit from someone else.

Mom is yelling from the kitchen that she’s here. I make my way to the front of the house just as she gets out of the limousine I sent for her. When she turns and reaches in, I’m shocked to see Wildcat and Malcolm getting out behind her. That is until I see the look on Wildcat’s face. She barely nods but mouths “later” so I let it go and greet my girl.

“Damn, Beauty, how can you be even more gorgeous than the last time I saw you? FaceTime and Zoom doesn’t do you justice. “How was the flight, my dad’s pilot said it was seamless?”

“It was great, Lachi, thanks for that. We didn’t even have to go through security. And that car… Wow, is all I got. Wildcat and I played with all the buttons and lights the whole way here. Oh, I hope you don’t mind they came with. Malcolm has to go see some specialist. He might need another surgery and this woman is supposed to be the best. Oh, hi, Lee, it’s so nice to see you again.”

I watch my mom as she slowly approaches Ruby and pulls her in for a hug. The look on my girl’s face both makes me happy and breaks my heart. She’s not used to that kind of affection. And when Mom is done, Dad takes over hugging Ruby. As everyone says their hellos and gets settled, I’m trying to wait for the right moment, but leave it to Presley to blow the surprise.

“So, Malachi, when do you plan to move up to Montana to be closer to me?”

Everyone freezes and Ruby’s staring at me, eyes wide open, shock on her face. When Hannah elbows Presley in the gut it penetrates, and he mouths “Dude, so sorry, man.” Before this can go even more south, I grab Ruby’s hand and lead her to the outdoor living area. I have a screened porch, a pergola, and a gazebo off of the pool. I move us to the screen porch and sit on the love seat, pulling Ruby onto my lap.

“Lachi ,what’s going on? What was Presley talking about?”

I take a second or two to get my thoughts together. Then I pull her close and gaze into her eyes.

“Okay, I’ll explain, though don’t lose your mind, just hear me out. I’ve been working with Panther, Avalanche, and Ollie, looking for some property. With the help of them and Tink, I’ve put in an offer for about eighty-five acres between Tink’s ranch and Ollie’s sanctuary. I want to build a compound that I can work from and have my family come and stay for unlimited amounts of time. They are sick of Cali and so am I. Ruby, please, I want to be close to you. Beauty, I’m sick of this back-and-forth, and I know you’ll never leave the Devil’s Handmaidens or Timber-Ghost. I’m good with that because my family doesn’t really care. Dad can’t wait to get out there and help me plan our homestead. Now the most important question is, are you okay with that? Do you want to take this relationship to the next step? I want your help planning the house and barns. Eventually, I hope with time, you’ll live there with me and we can start a family, if that’s what you want.”

She’s squinting her eyes at me and I can’t tell if she’s pissed or happy. Then she literally throws me a bomb.

“Well, Lachi, I love the idea, but is this a proposal? And as far as starting a family, we’d have to do a lot more than we have been doing, that’s for sure.”

Then she giggles as I look at her. She’s so much more comfortable in her own skin, and I’m loving her sense of humor as she becomes more secure in who she is.

“No, Ruby, not a proposal, more of a hint of what’s to come. Now can we go back in? Be prepared, they all know what I was going to tell you so they’re going to go nuts. Mom and Dad have already booked a trip up to Timber-Ghost and are renting a cabin from Tink. Well, actually, Taz rented it to them, being she’s the one in charge of that kind of stuff. They are beyond excited, let’s go back to the family, Beauty.”

Watching Ruby throughout the day, it dawns on me how lucky I am to have found this wonder. And of all places, a biker book signing. On that subject, I’ve booked our hotel rooms for that signing next March 15th. The girls are beyond excited and have already started their lists. From what Ruby mentioned, some of the Grimm Wolves women are coming to meet them there like before. It’s going to be epic not only for the signing, but also to see if they can catch that elusive D.M. Earl author. Nova is beyond frustrated because neither he nor his people could find out who this person is. Personally, I know it’s got to be someone either in the Devil’s Handmaidens club or someone close. I’ve read the books and it’s too close for a stranger to guess the events that have happened to the club sisters.

By the time evening comes, everyone is settling down, some playing games or cards, while Mom and Dad are sitting out by the firepit, talking quietly. Hannah, Ruby, Dottie, and Dani are all off in the dining room, talking about who knows what. I look in time to see Presley, Jude, Vito, and Freddy coming my way, all with beers in their hands. Presley has two and when he gets close, he hands one off to me.

“So gonna give all this up to move up to Bumfuck, Montana?”

I smile at Freddie.

“Dude, I’m keeping this house. We’ll use it if I have to come back for business or if a friend needs somewhere to stay. Real estate is always a good investment. And it’s going to take time to build the house Ruby and I decide on. Why, buddy, you gonna miss me?”

He drops his head then lifts up to look my way.

“Well, was going to ask if maybe there’s room for me? Not much here for me and you know I’m a nerd when it comes to computers. I’ll even take a low-level position, if you’ll give me a chance.”

I’m shocked as I’ve been trying for years to get my boys to come work with me. Time was never right, wonder what has him wanting to relocate.

“Yeah, always have room for you, brother. Let’s talk more and beside our home, there are going to be a few cabins for friends and family to stay in. I can throw housing into the contract if we can agree. Any one of you other guys want to come on the journey with us?”

Vito looks like he’s thinking about it when Jude, who’s been quiet, softly says to all of us.

“I owe you all an apology. My mom threw my dad out. Seems like we are going to lose the house, even if we all pitch in. Dad hasn’t been paying on the house or taxes for a while. We’re fucked but that’s okay. It’s bringing us all closer. I’d love to go, Malachi, but I can’t leave my mom and siblings right now. Maybe later, once all the shit settles down. Appreciate the invite though.”

Watching my friend groveling, it makes me sad. I know his dad bailed because that’s the kind of coward he is. My mom has spoken to Jude’s and they came up with a plan. Seems like it’s up to me to explain it.

“Jude, our moms have been talking. Since the house is a goner, your dad just let it go. I’d pay to get it back but another option is this. Mom and Dad want to downsize. They are actually building their retirement home. Their forever home in Cali is going to stay in the family. Saying that, my mom has offered your mom the guesthouse for her and you guys. It’s not as big as your current house but it has five bedrooms and four and a half baths. Get your family over there to look it over. All my parents ask is you all keep an eye on their property. Mom said she’d sign the guesthouse over to your mom. It’d be hers clean and free. Nope, don’t argue with my mom, Jude, you know you’ll lose. Now I’m going to grab my girl and maybe we can all go out and sit around the fire. Enjoy each other’s company because it seems like all of our lives are changing. Let’s make sure to keep in touch, no matter what. To friends and brothers.”

We all tap our bottles and tip them up. Yeah, life is moving on and I can’t wait.

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