I can’t believe how time’s flying by. I’m always busy lately and I’m not complaining. Wildcat has been handing out promotions at Wooden Spirits. Cook is now the Kitchen Manager while I’m the Junior Assistant Manager. I’m now working with Wildcat when we need to hire help. I am in total control of the schedule for those folks under me. And to top it off, I got another raise and am now in something called profit sharing. Taz tried to explain it but I asked her to set up what she thinks is best for me, and she did.
Lachi is between Cali and Timber-Ghost right now. It’s taken forever for us to figure out what kind of home we want. Both of us agree that we have similar styles, which makes it easier. After the architect finalized the plans and we got all the legal permits and stuff, the ground was leveled where we want the main house. Being here in Montana, we decided on a poured concrete base since I wanted a walk-out basement. It is going to be a mix of a log cabin home and a bit of a modern farmhouse. Lachi, his mom and dad, along with me have gone over the plans until we were blue in the face. I just want it to be warm and open. And Lachi just wants me to have whatever I want. Lee has been so much help, and I’ve come to love Malachi’s mom. They also are in the process of building their home, which is going to be stone and logs.
Knowing I have a meeting with Tink, Glory, and Wildcat, I rush out of my cabin and make my way to the ranch conference room in the new pole barn next to the main house. When I walk in, they are all already around the table drinking coffee. Wildcat motions for me to sit where a cup is waiting for me.
“Hey, sorry, didn’t mean to keep you waiting. The builder called again, and I’m not used to all of this, so every time I need to make sure Lachi is on board. So, what’s up?”
They all look at each other and Tink clears her throat.
“Kitty, we wanted to touch base with you. Wildcat informed us you took the assistant manager position. Congratulations. We want to make sure you understand your benefit package, as Wildcat didn’t have all the information when you both sat down to discuss it. Since you accepted the position, there is a signing bonus. That means for the next nine months every three months you’ll receive an estimated amount of eight thousand dollars and change. No, let me finish. If you don’t want it in a check or direct deposit, we can use it as a buy-in to the business itself. Before you answer, just want to let you know, Wildcat is in the process of purchasing the majority percent of the Wooden Spirits. I can see it in your eyes. Why, you’re thinking? Well, my promise to Granny was that I’d use my inheritance to help others, be it from horrible situations or to give aid and help others achieve their goals. With Malcolm here now, Wildcat wants to really put some foundation down for the two of them. So, take some time but I think for you it’s a win-win situation.”
We talk for a bit then everyone gets back to their day. I walk back to my cabin, pull my phone out, and dial Lachi. He answers on the second ring.
“Hey, Beauty, is everything okay?”
I excitedly explain to him what Tink just offered me. As I have no idea what’s better, I ask him for his opinion. And he honestly gives it to me.
“If Wildcat is purchasing the Wooden Spirits, I’m getting it’s her pushing to keep you on there. You’re one of the best workers they have there, hands down, and she doesn’t want to lose you. As far as the bonus, that’s spot-on. Take that money and invest it. If you need help, I’m kind of good at that kind of stuff. Now, what’s got you worried?”
I try to explain that I’m always afraid of failing or letting folks down. Talking to Lachi always calms me down. By the time I say goodbye and I can’t wait to see him in seven days, I’ve made my mind up. So, before I can change my mind, I again walk to the main ranch and walk in, hearing voices in the kitchen. When I push the door in, I see Wildcat, Tink, and Shadow. No Glory though. Maybe she went to pick up Olivia, not sure. I walk right to Wildcat hand out.
“If the offer is still out there, I accept, Wildcat. Thanks for this opportunity I won’t let you down, promise.”
She pulls me close, holding on tightly.
“Little sister, I’ve never doubted you. If we could clone you, the restaurant would run smoothly. That’s why I need you at my side.”
Later that day, I’m on my cabin’s front porch, watching the sun go down, thinking about how my life is ever-changing. And how blessed I am. Not only am I involved with a really nice guy, but we’re building a life together, along with a home.
And it all started at a book signing in Texas. I can’t wait to see what this next signing brings our way. Counting down the weeks ’til March fifteenth. Mobsters, Motorcycles and Mayhem, the Devil’s Handmaidens will be there with bells on.
For the first time in my life, I’m looking forward to what’s next. And I have so many folks to thank, but mainly all of my gratitude goes to Lachi. He’s made me value each and every moment. Not sure what comes next, but I’m just about game for anything as long as I have Malachi and my club sisters.