D on’t get me wrong, I hadn’t minded the guys being around. It has been a lot less lonely, especially when you add in Ruin, Lea and even Oliver…who isn’t actually Oliver at all, but Talian?
Ugh, my head hurts just trying to understand it. I know what I saw. I watched him shift before my eyes, but even still, it’s hard to believe. Had you asked me last week if this were possible, I would have thought you were crazy, but beyond that, I would have laughed. Talian and Oliver were about as different as they could be as far as I was concerned, but now.
Well, I’m not so sure anymore.
Looking back, I can see the small differences. Talian cooking pancakes, telling me the boss wanted me to take off, checking in on me, and even following me when I’d run from the club and ended up in the alley…
And as Oliver, well, he’d been amazing.
I think that might be one of the things that confused me the most, them being the same person.
Sinking deeper into the water, I blow the bubbles and watch them move across the top of the water. I’d wanted to use this tub from the second I saw it, but it never really worked out. Between trying to avoid the guys, work and just life, I’d given up on using it. Besides, it’s not like the shower wasn’t amazing. Between the rainfall-like shower head that’s built into the ceiling and the very effective detachable shower head, I could have been happy only taking showers for the rest of my life.
Until Bast ruined it.
He’s quiet still, but I’ve learned he’s very perceptive. I found out the truth from them three days ago, and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t weighing on me. So much has changed for me. Things I’d never known to be possible were not only very possible but affecting me.
Rome owns my soul…
If that’s not traumatic, the fact that my parents knew and were fine with handing me over to him for money… yeah, I’d say that would affect most people.
Before Kai let me have my memories back, I’d thought the guys just had a change of heart and decided we should be friends. Now I know better; they’re constantly around because they’re trying to keep me safe. Or, at the very least, keep Rome away from me, which I’m more than okay with. I’d love to never have to see him again, but somehow, I don’t think that’s going to happen.
Since then, Asta's made it very clear that I’m only to go out with one of them so that they can watch me. I didn’t realize he was going to cut me off from work, too, despite Talian working there.
Apparently, I didn’t realize much of anything, like the fact that my asshole boss is Asta or that Lea is also a demon. Oh, and that the ‘costumes’ aren’t costumes. I just work with a bunch of immortal beings. I’m the only mortal to ever be allowed in Purgatory’s VIP section, which is supposed to be exclusively for immortal beings.
Nope, too much.
Taking a deep breath, I let myself sink down below the water and try to clear my mind.
It works for a moment, but the second I’m above the water, my brain starts going again.
Bast suggested I try a bath to relax after I asked if one of them could go to the store for some headache medicine. Usually, I’d go myself, but with being stuck in the house or with one of them, it just seemed easier to see if they would.
It did help me relax a bit. My back and legs feel a lot better after a nice hot soak and the last few days off, but I don’t think it’s going to do anything for my head, not with so much going on.
Getting out, I’m careful not to fall and bust my ass on the tile. Not only do I not want or need a trip to the hospital, but I’d hate for any of them to have to come in here to help me. Just the thought has my cheeks heating.
I expected the floor to be cold but find it warm, as if it's heated. Bast had insisted on getting my bath ready, which was fine by me as I didn’t have the first clue what all the buttons did, but clearly, I was missing a lot more than just how to use the bathtub.
The thought of Bast turning on a floor heater just for me makes me smile. He doesn’t have to say much. He finds a way to show me he cares more and more each day.
After getting dried off, I slip on my pajama shorts and a tank top before loosely braiding my hair so it doesn’t look as crazy in the morning.
Not that it matters since I won’t be going anywhere.
With a sigh, I pick up my dirty clothes and towel and toss them into the hamper. I’d been using the laundromat down the road since I moved in. It’s not like I have a shit ton of clothes, so one trip a week was more than enough.
I’d tried to go yesterday, and Kai had laughed at me before telling me to use the damn hamper. Apparently, one of the many perks of having the penthouse is that the hotel staff does their laundry.
Who knew I would miss doing laundry?
Walking out of the bathroom, I head back down the hall toward the kitchen, where I can hear someone moving around, probably Bast. Sure enough, I round the corner and find him moving around the kitchen, preparing two steaming hot mugs, and I can’t help but stop to watch him.
It only takes me a second for me to realize he’s making tea as he pulls the bags out and adds a little honey. Usually, the guys are quick to notice me, but right now, he seems really focused on the tea and if I didn’t think he was so freaking adorable before, I sure as hell do now.
“What kind of tea is that?” I ask, pulling in a deep breath to try to figure it out, but it just smells like a bunch of stuff I couldn’t ever even hope to name. Usually, I just drink regular or iced tea and add a bunch of sugar or honey.
The smile on Bast’s face when he turns to look at me is so wide and happy. I don’t know what I could have done to deserve being looked at like that, but I kind of don’t ever want him to stop.
“It’s sleepy tea. It’s supposed to help you get a better night's rest.” He cards his fingers through his hair, turning back to the mugs. “I figured it would help you relax. I know this week's been a lot.”
Oh, that’s an understatement, for sure. This week has been life altering, and it’s not even over yet. But the thought behind first the bath and now the tea isn’t lost on me.
Bast might be a demon, but he’s a good guy—so much so that I wonder what the deciding factor really is. How does one end up in hell? Maybe he was a serial killer when he was human. Wait, were demons once human?
I shake myself from my thoughts and find Bast looking at me with a frown, his eyes full of concern.
“Shit, I’m sorry I kind of zoned out. What did you say?”
The concern slips from his face, and he smiles at me before shaking his head. Thankfully, he doesn’t look upset.
“Did you want to sit in here or in the living room…” Bast trails off, holding up the two mugs in question.
I sink my teeth into my bottom lip while I think about it. The kitchen is cool, but the stools are not comfortable at all. While the living room couch is super comfortable, all I can think about is how close I was to Bast last time we were in there and touching Asta’s wings.
Neither of those things is going to help me relax, especially because I like Bast, but for some reason, I just turn into a blushing idiot every time I talk to him.
“Would you be okay with going in my room?” I ask, my voice hardly more than a whisper as my nerves get the better of me. I’m not exactly trying to make a move on Bast, though I can’t say I would mind. I can’t deny that I’m most comfortable in my room in the whole apartment. I just didn’t really think about how that would sound out loud before I said it.
I watch as his cheeks turn pink, and yeah, great idea, Aeri.
“We don’t have to,” I hurry to assure him, holding up my hands in what I hope is a pacifying gesture. “We can sit in the living room or even right here. I’m fine, really.”
I move to sit at the island, but Bast’s laughter stops me short and makes me turn back to face him in awe.
Fuck, I wish he laughed more often. The sound is warm and inviting, and his fangs point out with his smile and fuck, I just want too like pinch his cheeks and kiss him at the same time.
Is that weird? Maybe, but it’s exactly how I feel right now.
“Your room's fine, Aeri,” he assures me, nodding toward the hallway before heading toward my room, leaving me to quickly follow him.
We make it to my room, and fuck me sideways. I hadn’t thought about the fact that we would have to sit on the bed.
It’s fine, Aeri, it’s only Bast. You can do this.
And it turns out I can. It’s only awkward for a few minutes, but between the tea and how easy he is to talk to, it doesn’t last long. We don’t talk about much, I ask a few questions that I hope aren’t super rude, and he answers what he can.
Apparently, some demons, depending on their power class, have extra powers like he can feel emotions, specifically lust, because that’s the circle he’s in charge of in hell.
I didn’t even know hell had different circles.
I also learned that Bast doesn’t have wings, though he didn’t say why, so I’m not sure if he never did or what. He seemed a bit sad talking about it, though, so I didn’t want to push it.
By the time my tea is gone, I’m yawning like crazy but much more relaxed than I was before.
“Thanks, Bast.” I hear him stop at the door on his way out, and I peek up at him from where I lay on my bed, ready to pass out.
“Anytime, Aeri, anything you need,” he says before walking out and pulling the door closed behind him and somehow, I believe him.
Ever since Kai returned my memories, I’d had flashes of that night when I ran from the club, but tonight, I get the joy of reliving it.
I wake in a cold sweat, panting, unsure where I am or what's going on as I stare around into the darkness. It only takes a second for my eyes to begin adjusting and the room to start looking familiar.
Which is why I almost scream when my eyes land on a large dark figure sitting at the foot of my bed. If I had any oxygen in my lungs, the whole building would know about my intruder, but as it is, I’m still out of breath from my nightmare.
Scrambling back against the headboard, I don’t take my eyes off them even though they don’t move.
I feel crazy saying his name, but even in the dark, I know it’s him. I can just make out his dark hair, and I swear his green eyes glow, but more than that, it’s like I can feel him.
"Bad dream?” he asks in the way of answering me, but I guess it’s an answer in its own right.
His mention of it brings it back to the front of my mind, reminding me of the panic that had just been all but choking me.
"Normally, they aren’t so bad. Not enough to wake you." Kai sounds as if he’s talking to himself more than me, but there’s no mistaking the fact that he’s talking about me.
“Usually, I can hear you as you get lost in your nightmare. You’re not exactly quiet, but this? Well, this nightmare seemed to be a bit more than usual.”
One of the most annoying things about Kai has to be his ability to make me seem like I’m crazy or annoying when he says something. The need to apologize for bothering him sits heavy on the tip of my tongue, but I’d rather bite it off than say sorry to him right now.
“Do you make a habit of coming into my room in the middle of the night?” I ask, hitting back with a bit of my own sass. Something I have plenty of with him around.
He turns, facing me for the first time since I woke, and yeah, I definitely wasn’t imagining his eyes glowing. The bright green cuts through the darkness, his pupil no longer a circle but a vertical slit, kind of like a cat but not cute.
“What were you dreaming about?” he asks, completely ignoring my question. I’m not even surprised at this point. However, I have no intention of entertaining him if he’s going to just be an ass.
I cross my arms but remain quiet as he looks me over. His brow scrunched, and he tilts his head to the side.
His voice is low, sounding almost more like a hiss and I’m not sure if I’m more caught off guard by that or the fact that he just, what? Read my mind?
“You…you can read my mind?” It takes a second for me to get the words out between my panic a moment ago and the fact that it sounds fucking crazy.
“He would have grabbed you that night if not for Talian.” He nods, and I’m not sure if it’s at his own words or my question. But I can tell you he doesn’t sound like he cares much either way.
“Why are you in my room? I’m sure your life would be much easier if he’d succeeded, but that’s on Talian, not me, so why don’t you go take it up with him?” I spit, unable to keep my anger from my voice.
I’m well aware he doesn’t like me, and I’m not exactly fond of him, either. So why not just leave me alone? There's no point in making this into more than it already is.
He pushes to stand, and I feel the weight shift off the end of the bed. I’m not sure what I expected, probably for him to leave because that would make sense, but of course, that’s not what he does.
Walking up to the head of the bed, he stands looking down at me, face blank as his eyes roam my face.
“Do you want me to take it away?” he asks, his voice so quiet I almost miss it.
I open my mouth to say something sassy like ‘I don’t want anything from you’ or something similar, but I can’t bring myself to say it when I look up at him.
For the first time since I’d met Kai, he’s not looking at me with eyes full of disgust or annoyance. His green eyes shine with so much more, so many emotions I can’t possibly put my finger on all of them, but there’s one I can see.
I let my mouth close, really thinking about what he’s asking. It would be amazing to forget Rome, the fear I felt when I realized he’d not only found me but that I’d brought him right to some of the only people who have ever cared about me.
It was terrifying and crippling. Honestly, it still is. Yes, the guys might be demons, and Ruin is an angel, but Rome owns my soul.
They told me to let them handle him, but I’m not sure how one fights against that.
“No,” I say after a minute of deliberation. “Thank you, though, for trying to help.”
Kai’s face scrunches in confusion, and I can’t say I blame him. I feel kind of crazy denying his offering.
“Even if I forgot, that doesn’t mean he’s not out there, waiting. No, my fear of him might make me lose sleep, but it’s a healthy fear; it helps me remember who I’m dealing with. Who I don’t want to be and why I’m willing to give up everything to be rid of him.”
Kai nods, though he still doesn’t look like he really understands.
“I know you didn’t do it to help, but knowing you’re listening. That he can’t just come in and take me while I sleep helps,” I say with a forced chuckle, realizing how silly that sounded after I’d already said it.
Good job, Aeri.
Kai stiffens before taking a step back away from the bed, and I guess we’re done being nice. He makes his way toward the end of my bed, and while it might not have been permanent, it’s nice to know he’s not always an ass. That somewhere in there, Kai might actually have a heart.
A shift at the end of the bed pulls me from my musing, and I lift a brow at Kai despite the fact that he’s not looking at me.
“Go to sleep, Aeri. Nobody’s going to get you. Not while I—we’re here.”
A smile pulls at my lips, and while I know he probably can’t see it in the dark, I still lie down, pulling the blanket up to my chin to hide it.
I’m not sure Kai’s ever used my name before. Like I said he might just have a heart after all—more than just a pretty face soured by a shitty attitude.
I hear him snort a laugh before I remember that he can read my mind.
“Not normally. Most of the time, your thoughts are hidden from me for some reason, but it seems in sleep and half awake, that’s not the case.”
Well, at least he didn’t know my thoughts all the time, like when I first met him and thought he was hot.
His low laughter fills the room. I’ve never heard him laugh before, but suddenly, I wish I had. It’s a very nice sound.
“I’m going back to sleep before I get myself in trouble.”
“That sounds like a great idea,” he says, sounding sarcastic, earning him a swift kick.
“Believe it or not, I didn’t mean it rudely. I was simply agreeing that you might get yourself in trouble. Your mind is a very interesting place when it’s not plagued by terrible memories and nightmares.”
I think that’s the closest I’ll ever get to a compliment from him, but nonetheless, it has my thoughts returning to Rome.
“Good night, Kai.” I feel the need to assure myself he’s still there despite feeling him on the bed.
“Good night, Aerilyn.”
Rome’s here, and he’s going to get me. I was stupid to try and escape him, stupid to think I ever stood a chance at getting away and having a life that was my own.
He owns me. How do I fight against that?
I don’t. This is so much worse than I ever thought it could be when I ran.
Panic grips me, and I can’t breathe. I don’t want to be his, I can’t handle being his property.
A hand grips my shoulder, shaking me, and I choke on a scream, expecting it to be Rome.
That’s not Rome, but the voice is familiar.
“Kai?” I ask, blinking away sleep. But if Kai’s here, where’s Rome?
Looking around, I realize we’re still in my room.
Another nightmare.
“You were yelling, you’re going to wake the whole damn building,” he grumbles from beside me, but he doesn’t actually sound annoyed.
“Sorry.” I’m too tired to argue with him. I already wasn’t getting enough sleep, but to have been awoken twice from a nightmare in just a matter of hours is ridiculous even for me.
“Scoot over.”
“What?” I might be half asleep, but there’s no way I heard him, right?
Instead of repeating himself, he simply shoves me over before climbing into the bed beside me.
“Now go back to sleep.” He pulls me back toward him so that I’m tucked into his side with his hand resting on my head. I make it so far as to open my mouth before I realize my mind is blissfully empty. No Rome, no worry about guys or money, just nothing.
“Maybe you aren’t so sour,” I mumble, already dipping back into unconsciousness.
“Shut up, or I’ll let you scream all night.”
I don’t respond; I’m too far gone, but I feel my lip twitch at how dirty that sounded.
“You are by far the most annoying mortal I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting. Do you know how hard it is to even be in the same room as you? To want nothing to do with you while also wanting to fuck you when you do things like pleasure yourself in the bathroom or stink the house up with your lust, or simply when you sleep…” His voice gets husky before he cuts himself off.
“Fuck, even sleeping, you drive me crazy. I should have left when I had the chance, but something about you keeps pulling me back and now…” He makes a sound that’s something between a growl and a groan, and I can feel him damn near vibrate beneath me.
“Now I’m here, and I don’t have the ability to keep walking away from you. Make no mistake, craving you is a weakness. One I in no way intend to continuing to indulge in past tonight, but it seems you had the right idea. I should have left before I got myself in trouble, but now it would seem it’s too late, and you are too delicious to pass up.” His warm breath fans across my skin, and I feel his fingers run through my hair.
I’m not sure if this is a fantastic dream or some kind of crazy alternate universe where Kai is coming on to me in the middle of the night, but honestly, either way, I’m okay with it. I drift off again or at least I think I do, honestly I can’t be sure anymore but the next time I’m even remotely close to consciousness it’s because the bed dips. I don’t need to open my eyes to know Kai’s gone. I can feel the difference, his warmth gone as I lay on a pillow instead of him.
I feel like I’m drunk, or maybe I’m just sleep deprived from the last few days, but I can’t seem to get my eyes to open even though I want nothing more than to stop him from leaving.
Kai might be an asshole about ninety nine point nine percent of the time, but I’ll be damned if I’m not enjoying that other point one percent right now.
It’s been a long time since I’ve felt safe, and it’s never been in the arms of anyone.
The covers are pulled away, and usually, I’d be cold, but after sleeping on Kai, I’m hot. He’s like a little hellfire keeping me warm.
Drifting back to sleep, I awake with a start. Fuck, I’m so tired I can’t seem to stay even semi-conscious; it’s as if I’m missing chunks of things that are happening.
“I hope your dreams are sweet little mortal, though I’m not sure they can beat my reality right now.”
A hoarse little whine is pulled from my throat without thought as his fingers dig into the flesh of my ass, pulling me into him, and there’s no denying what I feel. His hard cock rests along the top of my very bare ass, and despite the way my body clings to sleep, I can feel the kiss of cold steel, and not just one set.
Without any more warning, he props up my hips and slams into me. I didn’t even realize how fucking wet I was until he's pressed in all the way to the hilt, stealing the air from my lungs.
“I can feel your mind trying to wake. I know you can feel me because I can see inside your mind. Don’t worry, little mortal, you don’t need to wake for me. I actually prefer you don’t.”
Pulling back, he damn near pulls all the way out before he slams back into me with a grunt from us both. Once, twice more, he does that before one of his hands twists up in my hair and the other braces himself on the bed beside me, and he sets a punishing pace as he thrusts into me over and over.
“You will ruin us. The same way you invade my mind, I know no pussy will ever be as sweet as yours. I’d hoped fucking you would help me to get you out of my mind, but I’m not sure that’s possible.” He runs his mouth up my exposed neck, and I can feel the sharp point of his teeth as they graze across my skin. “To sink my fangs into you and taste you, the thought is almost enough to finish me, but I want to see you, little mortal. If this is the one time I will fuck you, I want you to look up at me as I push you over the edge and coat your insides with my cum.”
As if his words are the permission I needed, I finally find my way out of the sleep that had been holding me under. He’s got me pinned to the bed, but as I blink through the haze of sleep, he seems to be able to tell and pulls back enough for me to look back at him over my shoulder.
Kai’s green eyes are so bright they almost look neon as they glow in the darkness of my room. It takes a few seconds before my eyes adjust enough, but I can’t help stare at him as I wait. I need to know what he looks like. I need to burn this into my mind.
His chest is bare, tattoos decorating every available inch of skin, and I think I might see two metal balls near his right nipple. His teeth are dug into his lower lip as he continues to piston his hips into me, pressing me further into the mattress as he becomes more erratic. It’s impossible to miss the fangs that are clearly breaking his skin if the blood trailing down his chin is anything to go by. But as beautiful of a picture as that paints, it’s not the best part.
Kai’s wings are out and fully extended on each side of him. They're black and leather looking, just like Asta’s, but also not. Whereas Asta’s made me think of a mix between a dragon and a bat, Kai’s look more like a vampire’s does in movies when they have wings in human form.
I’m not sure if I’ll ever get used to the idea of Kai being able to look into my mind, but at this exact moment, I can’t bring myself to care. I watch on the brink of orgasm, unable to move or think. Unable to do anything but enjoy the feel of his cock and its piercings as they drag inside of me while his wings fold in toward me. Ever so slowly, he bends forward, grasping my arm at the wrist before lifting it so that my fingers drag across the surprisingly thin layer of skin.
“Fuck!” Kai shouts, moving impossibly faster, and the only sound I can make are gasps and whimpers before he pushes me over the edge. I’m unable to make any noise at all as my orgasm all but chokes me.
Kai’s hands slam into the mattress on each side of my head as he heaves in oxygen rapidly.
Leaning in, I feel his lips graze the shell of my ear.
“Sleep, little mortal.”