Running From Nightmares (Roommates from Hell #1) 30. Aeri 100%
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30. Aeri

I wake feeling rested for the first time since Kai gave me back my memories. Rome had been my nightmare since I was a teenager, but having him find me after I’d gone through so much to get away.

I knew that would end badly for me, but I’d had to try. No way was I going to just accept that I was stuck with him, well, until now, I guess. If the guys can’t figure out a way to break this contract, I might actually be stuck with him and not just for the rest of my life, but forever.

I shiver at the thought.

My bed is beyond comfortable this morning, and I stretch out, delaying getting up as long as I can.

Last night had been strange, between my dream about Rome and then about Kai. Well, what had started as panic had a very happy ending, if I do say so myself. Maybe that was the key to getting good sleep, sex dreams.

But maybe that’s not a great idea, on the off chance that any of the guys really can read minds.

With a sigh, I roll over and finally give in, knowing I need to get up, but I don’t make it far.

With my face pressed to the pillow, I get a whiff of a scent that I’ve come to know belongs to Kai. It’s not like his body wash or a cologne but something spicy, with a hint of cloves, like a flavored cigarette or cigar. I’d always associated the smell of them with old men like the ones at the country club with my dad, but not since meeting Kai.

Although I guess with Kai being a demon, he’s probably much older than anyone at the country club had been, but that’s beside the point.

The real question is, why does my pillow smell like him?

My eyes fly open, and I’m up in a flash.

No way…there’s no way last night really happened.

Kai hates me! And I’m not his biggest fan, either.

‘Make no mistake, craving you is a weakness. One I in no way intend on continuing to indulge in past tonight, but it seems you had the right idea. I should have left before I got myself in trouble, but now it would seem it’s too late, and you are too delicious to pass up.’

I’d been more asleep than awake, so I didn’t really understand what he was saying, but there was no mistaking the next part or how much I enjoyed it.

The ache in my muscles and between my legs tells me none of that was a dream, and I can’t bring myself to regret it.

First Talian, now Kai, plus my little crush on Bast, and Ruin and hell might as well add Asta in too.

What the hell are you doing, Aeri?

Without a good answer, I move to the bathroom to pee and wash my face, but even washing my face can’t wipe away the stupid grin on it.

Should I be this giddy about sleeping with someone who hates me? No, probably not.

Should I be this giddy about the fact that he fucked me when I was all but asleep? Also no.

Yet here I am, a smiling idiot. Who did, in fact, get fucked while asleep by a man who hates her, and I can’t help but wonder if he would do it again. Because despite the fact that Kai claims to hate me, he was in my room because I was having a nightmare. He’d calmed me down and offered me a comfort he didn’t have to, not once but twice, and he admitted to looking out for me more than just last night.

My phone beeps from where I left it on my bed in my room, and I happily grab it. A distraction is a wonderful idea, or I’m liable to knock on Kai’s door and ask him if he’d be interested in another round.

No! Bad, Aeri.

With a groan, I plop down on my bed and grab my phone. Switching to my messages, I find a text from Lea.

Shopping today still?

Crap! I’d forgotten all about our girl's day.

We’d made plans to go out a few weeks ago on one of the rare days we both have off. She’d lent some of her clothes to me for my date with Oliver/Talian, but had given me so much shit about needing to stock my wardrobe that we’d decided to do coffee and shopping just so she would drop it.

No way the guys are going to let me go out with her.

Lmao take that up with Asta.

I expected her to have something sassy to say about Asta, but instead, her three dots appear for a moment before disappearing.

Guess she knows as well as I do they wouldn’t say yes.

Tossing my phone on the pillow, I drop my head into my blankets and yell in frustration.

I understand why they are being so cautious—really, I do. But Lea’s a demon. What makes her any less than them? In truth, it could be a hundred different things. I’m not going to pretend I understand the first thing about demons and how they rank or what makes one stronger than the other.

The ring of my phone has me scrambling for it.

Nobody ever calls me, so who would start now?


“Don’t sound so surprised. You know I couldn't leave my girl locked away forever. Now get dressed and grab some money cause we're going out. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes, bitch,” she says with a laugh, and I’m already jumping out of my bed and heading to my closet.

“What about Asta?”

“Let me worry about the grumpy devil. You just worry about being ready, okay? Good. Love ya!”

She hangs up before I can press her any further, and it’s probably for the best. Honestly, I don’t really care what she does or says if it gets me out of the house for a little while.

I’m changed and ready in less than fifteen minutes. I probably should have grabbed a shower after last night's activities, but I didn’t really have time, and well, I might enjoy carrying his scent around with me. It’s comforting, sue me.

The apartment is quieter than I’ve heard it in a while. Usually, someone is here lately, either Bast or Talian. Sometimes Kai and Asta are, too, but they seem to have busier schedules.

I walk down to the bathroom, but the door is open, and I don’t hear anything behind the other two closed doors. I’m not sure what’s in them, but I don’t really feel like snooping is my best bet in a house full of demons. Maybe some other time.

I make my way to the kitchen to find it, and the dining room is empty before continuing to the living room again.

Strange .

Turning to head back to the door to head down to wait for Lea, my eyes stop on the stairs. It’s so funny that I’d lived here for weeks and never realized there was an upstairs. I have no idea what’s up there, but I’ve only ever seen Asta go up there on the night I got my memories back, and learned the world is full of more than just humans.

The house is empty. Maybe for the first time since I moved in, I feel alone here. It would be a great time to really look around and take a tour of the upstairs. It’s not like Asta ever told me I wasn’t allowed up there.

But for some reason, I can’t bring myself to do it. They’ve done nothing but help me. Yes, they might be demons, but they could have just as easily given me up to Rome and found a new human. The way Talian explained it the other day was that they required a human roommate to help them mask their auras from angels while they kept an eye on what was happening here. Something about heaven and hell being at odds about something.

Either way, it didn’t need to be me. They didn’t need my measly rent contribution, just my aura, which every human had. Their helping me with Rome was more than I could have ever asked for, and they’d offered without even being asked.

No, whatever is upstairs or behind their closed doors is their own business.

Heading back to the kitchen, I grab a water bottle from the fridge to take with me and find a note on the island.

Had something to take care of. I'll be back in just a few and I’ll make us lunch.


How Bast is a demon is beyond me. He’s so damn sweet I swear he could give me a cavity.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I don’t even need to look at it to know it’s Lea.

It’s definitely been more than fifteen minutes by now.

Without wasting any more time, I head out, only pausing to make sure I have my key to get back in. I swear the elevator feels like it takes a lifetime to get up here and goes even slower on the ride down.

By the time I make it out front Lea looks very unamused.

“Sorry,” I say, trying to catch my breath as I slide into the passenger's seat beside her. “I was looking for the guys, but apparently everyone had shit to do today.”

She pulls out into traffic seamlessly before giving me a look that’s so full of attitude I swear I can hear it.

“Yup. I called Asta about this for clearance. He said Bast would be meeting us at the mall when he’s done with his errand. So we’re babysitter free for coffee at least.” She shrugs like it’s not a big deal, but honestly, she’s kind of even more amazing now than she was before. Asta isn’t easy to deal with. He’s stubborn and, well, kind of terrifying. He’d told me I was to stick with the guys, so I expected that to be the end of it.

I’m not sure what Lea said or did, but I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. No, I needed out, and while I wouldn't have minded Bast being at the coffee shop as well, I can’t deny that the idea of some girl time has made me even more excited about this trip than I was when we first made the plans.

Maybe I could talk to her about the fact that I’d suddenly become a hoe.

Then again, she and the guys know each other. From what I’ve gathered, they’re all friends from hell, so maybe that’s not a great idea.

The coffee shop only takes about twenty minutes to get to, and while I hadn’t understood why she was so hyped about it before, I can’t deny its appeal when we pulled up.

It’s adorable.

Brewing Grounds has an all-dark aesthetic, giving off a witchy vibe with its dark walls, tinted windows and an old hanging sign over the door.

Lea managed to find a spot close to the door, and honestly, it’s even more awesome up close. They found a target and went for it, and they nailed it.

“See! I told you it was awesome, and you said it was just coffee.” She bumps my shoulder with a laugh, and I can’t help but laugh with her. She’s not wrong. I’d really believed all coffee was the same, and while that still might be true, this place is seriously cool.

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go see how the coffee actually is, huh? There's no way they make a better cup than me.” Flipping my hair, I stick my nose in the air, trying to look as self-righteous as possible.

“Oh, never. Nobody makes coffee like Aeri,” Lea says, sounding horrified at the thought. Honestly, I wish I had a friend like her all my life. But at least I’ve got her now.

Dissolving into a fit of laughter, we make our way inside, only to be impressed all over again.

Fuck I just know everything is going to be great, and it is. So much better than anything I could ever make.

I skip coffee and go for a chai latte, knowing they probably taste great. Not many places do it right, but I’ve got a feeling that it’s spot on. Lea goes with something so full of sugar that the one sip she has me try is enough to probably have me up all night. How she ever sleeps between coffee and energy drinks is beyond me.

Being around Lea is easy and natural. We catch up on what I’d missed the last few days at Purgatory while we eat sweets and enjoy our drinks. Despite being a little worried about her saying something or judging me, I tell her about everything with the guys. For the most part, she cheers me on, giving me a high five for kissing Ruin, even if only on the cheek. None of it seems to phase her until I catch her up with what happened last night.

“No fucking way,” she says, mouth hanging open in shock that has my cheeks burning. “Say you swear right now! You’re not fucking with me?” she demands, leaning over the table to get in my face. I bite my lip and shake my head, unsure what to say.

“Get it, girl, out here living your best life!” She all but shouts, and I hush her as everyone else in the shop turns to look at us.

“Shut up,” I hiss, smacking her arm, which only makes her laugh harder.

“And you're sure you're not into girls?” Her question catches me off guard. She’d said something like that to me the night she gave me my makeover but I’d chalked it up to a joke.

Was she serious?

I don’t answer, instead staring at her, blinking rapidly, unsure what to say.

It takes me a second to realize Lea’s no longer smiling, instead having gone quiet as she looks around as if worried.

Did I mess up? Shit, did not answering her hurt her feelings?

“Shit, sorry, Lea. I mean, honestly, I don’t know, I’ve never…” My words catch in my throat as she turns to look at me, and I see so much more than hurt feelings.

She looks terrified.


Tears fill her eyes as she looks at me, and her lip wobbles. She reaches out, grabbing my hand and squeezing it hard as she shakes her head.

“I’m so sorry, Aeri. Fuck, I’m so sorry.”

“Wh—" I choke on the question when I realize the answer on my own.


“What did you do, Lea?” I breathe, my voice falling as panic grips me. But I don’t have time for the panic or her answer. I need to go now. I need to call Asta or any of the guys.

I look around for my bag, only to realize I’ve left it in the car.


Lea doesn’t try to stop me as I run from the shop, and I’m not sure if that’s worse or not. She didn’t even try to explain, but I can’t worry about that right now. I can deal with my hurt feelings later, if there is a later for me.

I can see the car. I know my bag is right there on the floor, my phone inside waiting for me.

“Butterfly.” His voice has me stumbling, but I keep going, not daring to look back. The sight of him is too much; I know better. I just need to get to my phone and the only people who might be able to help me. “Your family made a deal, and I’ve come to collect what’s mine. Even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming, you belong to me.”

A bright white flash behind me reflects off of every surface I can see, making me pause as I’m momentarily blinded. Blinking slowly, I keep moving forward even as spots dot my vision. Blind or not, I won’t stop. I won’t make it easy for him to get me.

“Awe, my poor beautiful butterfly. You can’t outrun me.”

My head snaps up when I hear him not behind me but in front. I know some demons have powers, but I’m not really sure what they might be. Some have wings, though, like Asta, so who's to say Rome wouldn’t?

And fuck, does he ever have wings? The only problem is there is nothing like Asta’s. Instead of the black leathery material resembling a bat or a dragon, Rome hovers before me with beautifully bright white feathered wings. They’re equally beautiful and breathtaking, just like Ruin's.

Rome is the thing of my nightmares, but he isn’t a demon at all….

“You're an angel?”

The smile that curves his lips is twisted, and malicious as I stand before him with nowhere else to go.

He doesn’t answer, but he doesn’t have to. I can see him even as tears fill my eyes and blur my vision. It's impossible to miss the bright white of him, which shines like its own little sun.

‘You’re mine now,’ his voice rings inside my mind as if he’s shouted it. He’s all I can hear. ‘So behave and come with me. We have a life to live away from the trash.’

I watch on in horror as I move forward, reaching out a hand to him as if it’s the most normal thing. The light dims, and Rome drops down on the sidewalk in front of me before taking my hand and pulling it up to his lips for him to drop a kiss on my knuckles.

I want to pull away, to run, smack him or vomit, something, anything but stand here, but I can’t.It’s as if I’m simply a passenger in my own body, able to watch but in no way in control or able to stop the crash that I can see coming from a mile away.

‘Owning one's soul has its perks, my dear. I’d tried to let you have your free will the way Father intended, but that didn’t work out too well, and I’ve had to take that privilege away for now. Maybe if you can please me, we can try again sometime.’

His voice is inside of my head, making me want to scream as I look up at him. He hasn’t said a word out loud, but I want to scratch my eyeballs out so I don’t have to see him. I shove nails in my ears so I never have to hear him again.

‘A very creative mind you have. You’ll come to see I can be creative as well, in other, more interesting ways.’

Leaning in, he presses his lips to my cheek, and I remain still, unable to do or say anything even as I lose it inside of the prison of my mind.

“Time to go home, Aerilyn.”

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