Secrets in Pelican Crossing (Pelican Crossing #2) Forty-five 90%
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Finn watched Liz walk off, his heart sinking. He brushed away an incipient tear and looked at the two untouched plates sitting on the table. Neither of them had been hungry and, after what Liz had said, he hadn’t felt like eating. What had he done? The sweetest, kindest, most attractive, and genuine woman he’d ever met, the one who he’d thought to spend the rest of his life with, had just left without a backward glance. He knew she was hurting too, but he accepted her decision, agreeing that the longer their relationship continued the greater the hurt would be… for both of them. Knowing this however, didn’t make the parting any easier.

With a sigh he rose and began to make his way back to the office. But on the way, he decided to detour past the town hall in the hope that while he and Liz were talking, some miracle had happened. To his disappointment, the funding thermometer was still a fair way from the top.

‘It’s not looking good, but I haven’t given up hope.’ Finn turned at the sound of Joe’s voice to see his friend, accompanied by his faithful dog. ‘I always give Coco a walk around this time,’ Joe said, ‘It does me good to get out of the office for a bit and stretch my legs. You’re looking very despondent.’

‘I seems like I’m going to have to accept the television offer… if they really do make it,’ Finn said. ‘They approached me, but there’s no guarantee.’

‘Anyone would be lucky to have someone with your skills,’ Joe said, ‘ but don’t give up hope. We still have a few weeks till the end of the financial year. Have faith.’

‘Easy to say. I can’t afford to rely on the hope that the remaining money we need will suddenly appear. The timing couldn’t be worse either, Joe. Adele seems to have slipped back into her blanket of grief with the anniversary of Tim’s death.’

‘Of course, that was yesterday. I’m sorry. But there’s something else bothering you. Is everything okay with you and Liz?’

Finn cursed the fact his friend was so perceptive. He kicked the ground, making Coco give a quiet growl of displeasure. ‘Sorry, Coco.’ He sighed. ‘You’re right, Joe. Liz and I are finished. I can understand her reasoning. If I’m to be leaving Pelican Crossing, there can be no future for us. It was probably doomed from the start, but…’

‘… it doesn’t lessen the hurt. I understand.’ He patted Finn on the shoulder.

Finn felt ashamed. Here he was seeking sympathy over the loss of a relationship which had only lasted a few months while Joe had lost his wife of over twenty years. ‘Thanks, Joe. I should be getting back. I still have a paper to run.’

‘Don’t give up… on the paper or Liz. I have a good feeling about this, Finn.’

‘Thanks.’ Finn wished he had his friend’s confidence. In his opinion, it was a foregone conclusion that Pelican Crossing would cease to have a newspaper on the thirtieth of June.


Liz hurried out of Books and Coffee , tears streaming down her cheeks. She couldn’t go back to work like this. Taking out her phone, she did something she’d never done before. She texted the receptionist to say she’d been taken ill over lunch and made her way home.

Once inside her apartment, the familiar surroundings provided some comfort. She threw herself onto the bed and gave in to the paroxysm of grief she’d been holding back. She sobbed and sobbed till there were no tears left. She was lying gazing into space, wishing she hadn’t been so hasty to end the relationship, while feeling justified that she had, when she was aroused by a knock at the door and a young voice calling, ‘Gran, are you home?’

What was Tilly doing here?

‘Won’t be a minute,’ she called, rising quickly and going into the ensuite to sluice her face with cold water before answering the door. She knew she still looked a mess, but she couldn’t ignore Tilly.

‘What are you doing here, sweetheart?’ she asked when she opened the door.

‘I popped into the medical centre to see you, and they said you were sick. I came round to see if I could do anything to help you.’

‘Oh, you darling girl. I’m feeling much better now.’

Tilly gave her a strange look.

Liz put her hand up to her hair which was all mussed. ‘I’ve been lying down,’ she said by way of explanation. ‘Come on in.’

Tilly bounced in and dropped her bag in the hallway. ‘I can make you some warm milk with honey,’ she said. ‘It’s what Mum makes me when I’m sick.’

‘I don’t…’ Liz began, then stopped. The thought of a mug of warm milk and honey suddenly sounded very comforting. It was what her own mother used to make her when she was sick as a child. ‘That would be lovely, Tilly.’

Liz followed Tilly into the kitchen, took a seat at the table and ran her fingers through her hair while Tilly began to heat the milk, chattering all the time about things that happened at school that day. She let the girl’s words flow over her, barely paying attention, but at least it took her mind off what had happened at lunchtime.

Taking the mug of warm milk Tilly handed her, Liz took a sip, letting the sweet liquid soothe her. But nothing could take away the despair she felt, knowing she had thrown away her chance of love with a wonderful man.


When he arrived home, Finn was relieved to see Adele in the kitchen listening to Sandy read. As usual, Bluey was right there, under Sandy’s chair, but for once he was lying still. ‘Feeling better? he asked, when Sandy had finished reading and jumped off his seat, Bluey following him out the door.

‘A little.’ Adele gave the semblance of a smile. ‘I’m sorry I was short with you. You were right what you said about Tim. He’d want me to be there for Sandy. He’s all I have left now Tim’s gone, him and you, Dad.’

Finn cleared his throat. He wasn’t going to make the same mistake with Adele as he had with Liz. No more secrets; she deserved to know score. ‘There’s something I need to tell you.’

‘Ooh, sounds ominous. Why don’t I make us a cup of tea and we can take it out into the yard and watch Sandy’s antics with Bluey?’

Finn wasn’t sure the atmosphere in the yard would be conducive to what he wanted to say, but tea sounded good, so he agreed.

‘Right, what’s up?’ Adele asked, when they were settled in the wicker chairs outside with cups of the herbal tea she preferred.

‘It’s the newspaper… and the campaign.’ Finn put down his cup and ran a hand through his hair. ‘We may not reach our goal.’

Adele’s eyes widened. ‘But I thought it was going well.’

‘It was. It is. But it may not be going well enough. It takes a lot of money to start a paper, then there are the salaries while we get it up to speed. Joe’s still optimistic, but I have to be prepared for the worst.’

‘What would the worst be?’ Her eyes clouded.

‘I’d need to look for another job, away from here. You and Sandy could come with me if you wanted,’ he added quickly, seeing signs of her beginning to panic. ‘I know you love it here, but…’

‘It’s where Tim and I lived together. I don’t think I could bear to leave. I want Sandy to grow up here with the beach and the friends he’s made at school. I have friends here too, friends Tim and I had.’

‘I know, sweetheart.’ Finn felt helpless, but how could he stay in Pelican Crossing without a job?

‘Where would you go?’

‘The regional television channel that approached me. They’re based in Townsville.’

‘Townsville? That’s miles away.’

Finn nodded. It wasn’t his ideal solution either. ‘I’ve sent off my CV as a precaution. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but…’

‘Oh, Dad! It’s been so good having you here. You’ve been such a support to me and Sandy. I don’t know how I’d have got through the past year without you. But Townsville? I don’t think so. ’

Finn was stunned. He’d imagined Adele and Sandy would be happy to go with him to wherever he found work. It was true that apart from her wobble yesterday, she’d improved a lot from how she had been when he arrived in Pelican Crossing, but would she be able to manage without his support if he had to leave?

If the campaign failed and he was forced to accept another position was he not only to lose Liz, but to be separated from his family too?

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