Secrets in Pelican Crossing (Pelican Crossing #2) Fifty 100%
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The next two weeks passed in a flash and suddenly it seemed, it was July first, and The Crossing Courier was no more. First thing in the morning, a fleet of vans arrived to remove everything which belonged to the consortium, apart from the larger items they’d agreed Joe and Finn could purchase.

Liz and Tilly arrived as the vans were leaving and just as a couple of workmen were removing the sign. It was a teacher-free day for Tilly, and she’d begged to come along. Liz didn’t have the heart to refuse and had picked her up on the way.

It was sad to see the newspaper they all loved disappearing, and there was quite a gathering of community members in the street outside. But despite the sadness, there was an air of excitement when another van appeared, and the new sign was unloaded.

It had been Tilly’s idea, one afternoon when she had met Liz with Finn on the beach. They had been discussing Tilly’s birthday, and the girl expressed her desire to get an Amazon Echo Pop from Liz. When Liz said she’d never heard of it, Tilly started to explain how she’d use the smart speaker to play music and listen to audiobooks in her bedroom. Then she had stopped in her tracks and said, ‘That’s what you should call the newspaper.’ And The Crossing Echo was born.

‘Glad you could make it,’ Finn came out to greet them, and welcome Liz with a hug and a kiss, despite the fact it wasn’t long since he’d left her, after they’d enjoyed breakfast together. ‘Come on in. We’re about to start. ’

Inside the almost empty building were gathered the staff of the old Courier , along with Joe and various local dignitaries, council members and local business proprietors, all there to farewell the old paper and celebrate the new one.

‘To The Crossing Echo ,’ Joe said, holding up a glass of champagne, after waiters from Crossings , provided by Poppy, mingled with the crowd offering glasses to everyone.

‘To The Crossing Echo ,’ everyone yelled, then they broke into a loud cheer. Someone began to sing For he’s a jolly good fellow , and everyone joined in, to Joe’s obvious embarrassment.

‘And thanks to young Tilly for our new name,’ Finn said, gesturing to where she was standing.

Everyone turned to look at Tilly, and it was her turn to blush.

When they were all enjoying the magnificent spread Poppy and her staff had provided, Tilly whispered to Liz, ‘I’m so glad Mum and I came to Pelican Crossing, Gran. Life here is so much more exciting. I have a new family and I got to name the new newspaper.’

Liz hugged her granddaughter, a warm glow engulfing her. She was glad Julie and Tilly had moved here too. Their arrival had changed her life. Then she looked across the room to where Finn was standing beside Joe. Their eyes met. Finn Hunter had changed her life too, in so many ways. Her thoughts went to the previous night.

‘I love you, Liz Phillips. I never imagined I’d find someone like you, never dreamt coming to Pelican Crossing would be such a new beginning for me,’ Finn said, as they were lying in bed, her head on his chest, their legs entwined, having made beautiful love.

‘I love you too,’ Liz said. ‘You have made my life complete. No more secrets.’

‘No more secrets,’ he agreed, before pulling her back into his arms and kissing her.

The End

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