Set Up by the Cartel (Nightshade Wolves #5) Chapter 3 16%
Library Sign in

Chapter 3


I leaned against the polished mahogany bar top, one elbow propped beside the half-empty tumbler before me. The amber liquid sloshed inside its confines as I swirled the glass idly between my fingers, watching rivulets cling to the sides before sliding back down to pool once more at the bottom. I was reflecting on a lot of things.

My gaze flicked up to meet the omega's curious stare, noting the way his blue eyes widened upon making eye contact again. Even though he didn't want to show it, he had been avoiding looking me in the eye. He was nervous.

Kael had a pretty face, delicate features framed by artfully tousled black hair. And that lithe body promised all sorts of sinful delights... My cock was stirring, just thinking about that.

But no, I reminded myself. That wasn't why I was here. At least, not entirely anyway.

"I'm Mateo,"I introduced, flashing a disarming smile meant to put him at ease."Mateo Sanchez."No need to mention my true identity or position within the Nightshade Wolves cartel. Not yet, anyway.

The young man blinked, seeming to shake himself slightly before responding."Kael Morales. Nice to meetcha."

His tone remained guarded even as he returned my grin tentatively. Good, he had some sense then. Not everyone possessed the wisdom to be wary around strangers bearing expensive suits and air of barely restrained power. His parents had taught him well.

"Any other reason why you're here other than work?"I asked with a casual tone, taking a sip of my whiskey."Looking for a little excitement perhaps?"

Kael shrugged, busying himself with wiping down the gleaming countertop."Just working, same as always. Gotta pay the bills somehow."

Ah yes, the eternal struggle for survival in a world stacked against omegas like him. I knew that particular battle intimately well.

"Well, allow me to buy you a round, then,"I offered, gesturing towards the array of bottles lining the shelves behind him."You deserve a break after putting up with drunks like Javier." And, yes, I had seen my subordinate being an asshole to Kael. Javier was going to pay for that later.

Kael glanced over at the mention of our mutual acquaintance, surprise evident on his handsome face."Wait... how did you..."

Chuckling, I shook my head."Oh please, that boy couldn't keep quiet if his life depended on it. Half the city knows about his latest escapades by now."

Kael snorted, shoulders relaxing as though he was talking to someone he had already known for years."Yeah, tell me about it. He needs to learn when to shut his trap sometimes."

We fell into easy banter then, discussing shared acquaintances and gripes about entitled alphas thinking they owned the place. It turned out we both enjoyed classic horror films and spicy street tacos from that hole-in-the-wall joint downtown. Small world indeed.

As the minutes ticked by, I felt myself unwinding under the influence of good liquor and pleasant company. Perhaps too much so, though.

"You know..."Kael mused, leaning forward to rest his elbows atop the bar,"you seem awfully interested in me for someone who just walked in off the streets. What gives?"

I froze mid-sip, nearly choking on my drink. Shit. Had I been that obvious? Quickly schooling my expression into one of nonchalance, I set my glass down before meeting his questioning gaze head-on. I was more than ready to answer his question.

"Why would you say that?"I hedged, playing dumb."Can't a guy simply enjoy the company of a charming bartender without ulterior motives?"

Kael rolled his eyes, unimpressed by my flippant response."Sure, sure. But most guys don't go out of their way to strike up conversations with random staff unless there's something more going on. I'm just telling you how it is."

Damn, he was perceptive — more so than I had thought. I'd have to watch my step around this one lest he catch onto my game too soon.

"Alright fine,"I conceded with a dramatic sigh, raising my hands above my head."Maybe I am intrigued. Is that such a crime?"

"No, but..."He trailed off, biting his lower lip uncertainly."Look, I appreciate the attention and all, but I'm not looking for anything serious right now, okay? Just friends."

Friends. Right. As if I could ever settle for mere platonic companionship where an omega like him was concerned. Especially THIS omega.

Still, I nodded agreeably enough, determined to play along until I figured out my next move.It shouldn't take long.

"Of course, whatever you say. 'Friends' it is then."

Kael seemed satisfied with that answer, turning away to pour another round for himself. I watched the fluid lines of his throat work as he swallowed, admiring the graceful curve of his neck leading down to his shoulders. Such a pity he insisted on keeping things casual. We could already be having so much fun together.

Shaking off those distracting thoughts, I focused instead on the steady thrum of music pulsing through the club's speakers, letting it wash over me like a balm. Maybe coming here hadn't been such a terrible idea after all. A night spent engaging in witty repartee with a clever omega certainly beat brooding alone in my study surrounded by stacks of paperwork. Whenever I had the chance, I preferred being outside enjoying myself rather than stuck inside, advancing the cartel's agenda.

Besides, I rationalized, getting to know Kael better wouldn't hurt either. The prophecy demanded I take steps toward accepting my fate whether I liked it or not. Might as well start small and build from there. After that, at the moment, I didn't know what I would do, but it wasn't something I had to worry about at the moment.

Lost in contemplation, I almost missed Kael waving a hand in front of my face, snapping me back to the present moment.

"Earth to Mateo! You still with me?"

Blinking a few times in a row, I refocused on the young man regarding me with curious eyes."Yes, sorry. Got lost in thought there for a minute."

He quirked one eyebrow."Uh-huh. Well, snap out of it, buttercup. It's already getting late."

Glancing at the clock mounted above the bar, I realized with a start that time had flown by faster than anticipated. Already?

With a rueful smile, I pushed back from the polished wood surface, reaching for my wallet once more."Guess I should get going then. Thanks for the drinks and stimulating conversation."

Kael accepted the cash I pressed into his palm, tucking it safely away beneath the register."Anytime. Feel free to stop by again sometime."His tone held a note of genuine invitation as he shot me a playful wink.

I preened at the unspoken compliment, straightening my jacket lapels."Oh, I'll definitely be coming back. Until next time, then."

Turning on my heel, I strode towards the exit, feeling Kael's gaze boring into my back the entire way. Let him wonder what other surprises awaited us both further down the line, I thought. For now, I had all the information I needed to proceed with caution moving forward.

The cool night air hit me like a slap across the face upon exiting Club Nocturne's dim interior. Blinking against the sudden brightness of neon signs and passing traffic, I paused briefly to collect myself before heading down the alleyway running alongside the building.

Halfway down the narrow passage, I spotted two figures engaged in heated discussion near a pair of overflowing dumpsters. One appeared to be Javier, gesticulating like an angry Italian chef while the other stood with arms crossed defensively, refusing to back down despite the larger alpha looming so close.

Intrigued, I slowed my pace, straining to make out their muffled words carried on the breeze:

"...think you can just walk all over people whenever you feel like it?"That sounded suspiciously like Kael's voice rising in anger. My ears perked up at hearing it.

Javier scoffed, jabbing one finger into the smaller male's chest."Listen, kid, I do what I want. You're lucky I let you breathe the same air as me at all..."

Oh no, he didn't. Before I could second-guess myself, I found my feet carrying me forward to intervene before fists started flying.

"What seems to be the problem here?"I inquired with a booming voice, inserting myself between them with practiced ease born of years dealing with volatile underlings.

Both males whirled to face me, surprise warring with annoyance on their features. Javier recovered first, flashing a cocky grin.

"Nothing we can't handle, boss-man,"he assured, though his body language remained tense."Just a friendly disagreement is all."

I arched one brow, turning my attention to Kael who glared daggers at his adversary.I was also bewildered by Javier's behavior. I knew he was drunk, but his attitude still wasn't forgivable.

"Is that so? Because it sounds like someone needs to learn some manners."

The younger wolf bristled at the implied criticism, jaw clenching tight."Mind your own business, old man,"he spat venomously."This doesn't concern you."

Ah yes, youthful pride rearing its ugly head yet again. How tiresome.

"I beg to differ,"I countered, stepping closer until barely any space separated our bodies. If he wanted to be taught a lesson, I was happy to oblige. It wouldn't be the first time I did it, anyway.

Up this close, I could see the pulse jumping erratically at his throat, smell the adrenaline pumping through his veins."Anything happening within my territory falls squarely under my purview," I affirmed.

Kael demanded my attention, too. His eyes narrowed, hands balling into fists at his sides. For a heart-stopping moment, I wondered if he might actually strike me. But then he seemed to deflate, shoulders slumping in defeat.

Did he already not know that I was protecting him? What was going on with him? What was he thinking?

"You don't understand..."he muttered, shaking his head."You have no idea what you're getting involved with here. This doesn't concern you. You are just a stranger and I really have no idea who you are."

Perhaps he was right... but something told me I was exactly where I needed to be regardless.

Just then, Javier decided to insert himself again, clearly not picking up on the tense vibe between me and the bartender."Hey, why don't you run along home now boy? Leave the grown-ups to talk business." He was talking to Kael.

My patience snapped like a frayed rope. Whirling around, I advanced on my insolent subordinate with murder in my eyes."Shut your fucking mouth, Javier!"I snarled, baring my teeth in a feral grin."I won't tell you again."

Javier wisely backed away, hands raised in mock surrender."Whoa there, boss! Didn't mean any disrespect..."

"Save it,"I spat, turning my attention back to Kael who watched the exchange with wide-eyed trepidation. Good. Let him see the consequences of defying me.

"I wasn't finished speaking with you,"I informed the young omega, closing the distance between us once more. Up close, I could smell the adrenaline pumping through his veins, hear the rapid thrum of his heartbeat echoing in my ears. Fear and something else... excitement maybe?

Kael stood his ground despite the tremor running through his body, chin jutting mulishly."And what makes you think I have anything left to say to you?"

Oh, this one had spirit. I'd give him that much. Too bad he seemed determined to waste it fighting against the inexorable pull drawing us together.

Grabbing him by the front of his shirt, I pushed him none-to-gently against the brick wall, pinning him there with my larger frame. His breath hitched as panic flared briefly in his eyes before being quickly banked down beneath a layer of stubborn defiance.

"What do you want from me?"He demanded with a shaky voice, struggling against my hold."Some grand declaration of love? A promise of forever? Well tough luck buddy, 'cause that ain't happening!"

I leaned in closer, letting him feel the heat of my skin, the power coiled tightly in my muscles."You don't know who you're talking to, little wolf,"I purred, nipping sharply at his earlobe."Keep pushing me and you'll regret it."

Kael shuddered violently, a needy whimper escaping his throat. The sound went straight to my cock, making it twitch eagerly behind the confines of my slacks. Fuck, but he was responsive!

Before I could act on the impulse to throw him over my shoulder and carry him off somewhere private though, common sense reared its ugly head. Now was not the time or place for such displays. Patience would be rewarded later when we were alone and I could properly show him the depths of my obsession.

Forcing myself to release him, I stepped back and straightened my jacket with brusque movements. Kael slid bonelessly down the wall, chest heaving as he struggled to regain his composure.

"We're done here,"I declared flatly, tucking a stray lock of hair behind his ear almost tenderly in contrast to my harsh tone."Go home, get some rest. We'll continue this discussion another day."

In the meantime, I realized Javier had already disappeared. Even in his drunken state, he knew better than to keep being a nuisance.

Without waiting for a response from Kael, I turned on my heel and strode towards the mouth of the alleyway leading out onto the main street. Behind me, I heard Kael push unsteadily to his feet, muttering curses under his breath even as he hurried in the opposite direction.

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