A few nights later, I found myself pacing the length of Club Nocturne's dimly lit interior like a caged tiger, jaw clenched tight around an unlit cigarillo. That damn alpha had been showing up every evening without fail these past several days, inserting himself into my life whether I wanted him there or not.
At first, I tried ignoring his presence altogether — refusing to engage whenever he attempted conversation beyond taking his drink orders. But he proved relentless, cornering me during lulls in business to press his unwanted attention upon me.
"Don't think that you can fight destiny,"he purred, leaning across the bar top with a roguish grin."The prophecy won't be denied."
Prophecy? What fucking prophecy? I scoffed internally, rolling my eyes so hard I swore I saw my brain rattle. As if I believed in any of that superstitious nonsense! The first time we met, he was already going on about that fated mates stuff. I’d heard of it, but always thought it was nonsense — no matter how drawn I felt to him. I figured it was just hormones and the urge to hook up.
"Listen, compadre..."I began, leveling him with a warning glare."I appreciate the flattery and all, but I'm not interested in whatever game you think we're playing here. So why don't you take your mystical mumbo-jumbo elsewhere and leave me to work?"
Mateo just laughed, clearly amused by my irritation. The bastard probably got off on pissing me off! Well, two could play at that game...
"I have proof, if you'd care to look,"he offered with a smirk, reaching into his suit jacket pocket. My heart stuttered before resuming its normal rhythm. Proof of what exactly? Did he really think that I was going to believe it?
Nope, not falling for it! Squaring my shoulders, I crossed my arms over my chest."Save it for someone who buys into that hocus-pocus bullshit. I'm not biting."
His expression softened slightly, green eyes glinting with something akin to understanding."Suit yourself then. But mark my words, little wolf... fate has plans for us both whether you accept it now or fight tooth and nail against the inevitable."
I couldn’t believe an almost complete stranger was talking to me like that. It felt like a setup — like someone was recording us to post online. No doubt, it would go viral.
With that ominous declaration hanging heavy between us, he tossed a crisp bill onto the countertop and sauntered away without a backward glance. I watched him go, fingers curling into fists. Who did he think he was, waltzing in here spouting cryptic prophecies like some kind of modern-day Nostradamus?
Shaking my head, I tucked the money into the register and moved on to serving the next customer. Whatever delusions that arrogant asshole suffered from were his problem, not mine. I had enough issues to deal with without adding supernatural drama to the mix.
Later that night, however, after collapsing into bed utterly exhausted following another grueling shift, I couldn't seem to quiet my racing thoughts long enough to fall asleep. Every time I closed my eyes, visions of piercing green irises and sensual smiles danced behind my eyelids, taunting me with their very existence. I'd never felt this way. What was going on? I hated myself so much, my mind working against me.
Growling in frustration, I flung back the covers and stomped over to the window overlooking the darkened street below. The cool glass felt good pressed against my overheated skin as I leaned forward to peer down at the empty sidewalk three stories beneath.
That's when I spotted him. Mateo stood across the way, gazing up at my apartment with an intensity that made my stomach flip-flop despite the distance separating us. Even from this vantage point, I could make out the sharp angles of his chiseled features illuminated by the glow of a nearby streetlamp. I shouldn’t be doing this, and those thoughts shouldn’t even be crossing my mind.
What the hell was he doing skulking around out there at this hour? Was he stalking me or something? Before I could ponder further implications, he lifted one hand in casual greeting, waving as if we were old friends sharing a joke rather than strangers engaged in some bizarre game of cat-and-mouse.
Indignation surged through my veins, overriding any lingering traces of attraction. How dare he invade my privacy like this?! Didn't he have anything better to do than lurk outside my home uninvited? I mean, he was rich. He should be busy with something else, and not being a nuisance.
Without thinking twice, I wrenched open the window and leaned out far enough to shout down at him:
"What part of 'leave me alone' didn't you understand, asshole?"I snarled, fully aware of how ridiculous I must appear half-naked and disheveled. Too late, I realized my mistake...
Mateo's gaze raked over my exposed torso, lingering on the defined lines of muscle visible above the waistband of my boxer briefs. A slow, wicked smile spread across his face as he took full measure of my state of undress.
"Careful what you wish for,"he called back, voice dripping with seductive promise."You might get more than you bargained for."
Oh, I bet I would! Gritting my teeth, I slammed the window shut with enough force to rattle the panes. That smug bastard! Did he really think I was going to roll over and submit simply because he said so? Just because he thought we were meant to be? Hell no!
Besides, I was pretty sure he was just messing with me, getting a kick out of it. Yeah, that had to be it — and someone was definitely recording the whole thing.
Stalking back to bed, I threw myself facedown onto the mattress with a groan of pure frustration. This was exactly why I avoided getting involved with alphas — they always seemed to believe themselves entitled to control every aspect of your life once they decided they wanted you. Well, I refused to be anyone's puppet! Not this time. Not ever.
Tossing and turning for hours, I finally succumbed to exhaustion sometime near dawn only to plummet into a fitful dream filled with shadowy figures and ominous portents. In it, I found myself standing alone atop a windswept cliffside, staring out over an endless expanse of turbulent ocean waves crashing against jagged rocks below. I had no idea why I was having that dream, but it was happening.
Out of nowhere, a scroll materialized in my hands bearing strange glyphs and symbols I couldn't begin to decipher. As I struggled to unroll the ancient parchment — it felt as though it was endless – it crumbled to dust right before my eyes, leaving me clutching nothing but air.
Despair crashed over me like a tidal wave, dragging me under suffocating darkness. I thrashed wildly, desperate for purchase even as the water filled my lungs and my vision began to dim.
Just as I teetered on the brink of oblivion, a strong arm wrapped around my middle hauling me towards the surface. I should be feeling grateful, but I wasn't. I had a bad feeling about what was happening.
Gasping and sputtering, I broke free of the icy depths to find myself cradled against a broad chest clad in black leather.
"You can't leave me yet,"a familiar baritone murmured against my ear, sending shivers down my spine despite everything."You know that there is a lot to happen between us and that you can't escape it. No matter how much you try, how hard you try — you will always end up with me."
I knew without looking that it was Mateo holding me close, his scent enveloping me like a second skin. Somewhere deep inside, a tiny part of me thrilled at being rescued by him, even though my rational side screamed about the danger!
When I awoke the next morning, heart pounding and sheets tangled around my sweat-dampened body, I lay motionless for several minutes trying to shake off the lingering sense of unease clinging to me like a shroud. But it didn't want to go. It wanted to stay with me.
Was it only a nightmare born of stress and sleep deprivation? Or perhaps something more... prophetic?
No, I told myself with extreme conviction, sitting up abruptly. Enough of these superstitious notions! There was no such thing as fate or destiny beyond what each individual made of their own lives through hard work and determination.
I already had enough going on in my life. I didn’t need this added to the pile.
And yet... the memory of those intense green eyes boring into mine from across the alleyway persisted, refusing to be dismissed. What if Mateo wasn't just some random alpha fixated on conquest but rather someone meant to play a significant role in shaping my future?
But no, that couldn't be. It couldn't be what was really going on. It didn't make any sense.
And before I could delve deeper into that disturbing line of thought, however, my phone buzzed insistently from its charger on the nightstand. Glancing at the screen, I saw an unfamiliar number flashing across the display. Curiosity piqued, I swiped to answer.
"Kael Morales?"A gruff male voice inquired without preamble. My blood ran cold at the sound of it. I'd recognize that timbre anywhere. It was him. I knew it was. He didn't even have to say his name.
"It's me,"I confirmed, suddenly very awake."Who's asking?" I shouldn’t have asked that. I should’ve just hung up on him.
A low chuckle echoed through the receiver, sending goosebumps racing along my flesh."Your new boss, that's who. We need to talk about your recent performance review..."
My stomach dropped straight through the floor. Performance review? What the fuck was he talking about now?
"I'm listening,"I managed to choke out past the sudden lump lodged in my throat. This had to be a misunderstanding, for sure. I'd been doing my job just fine!
"Good boy,"Mateo purred, tone shifting gears seamlessly into one of dark promise."Meet me at Club Nocturne tonight after closing. Don't keep me waiting."
The way this was going, I couldn’t even believe he was my new boss. It didn’t make sense. Would he really go that far just to get under my skin? I knew he was reckless, but not that reckless.
With that cryptic command delivered, the line went dead, leaving me gaping at the device in my hand. What fresh hell was this? Was he serious? Somehow, I was beginning to think that he was.
For a moment, I considered ignoring the summons altogether and continuing on as usual. But something told me that ignoring the issue further wouldn't end well for either of us. Better to confront this head-on and put an end to whatever game he thought we were playing once and for all.
Fine then, let's dance Mr. Big Shot Alpha, I thought grimly, tossing the phone aside and throwing back the covers. You want to play hardball? Let's see how long you last...
The rest of the day passed in a blur of restless anticipation punctuated by bouts of self-doubt and growing trepidation. By the time evening rolled around, I felt like a tightly coiled spring ready to snap at any provocation. It took every ounce of energy I had not to take my frustration out on a coworker.
As soon as the final customer cleared out and Lila flipped the Open sign to Closed, I grabbed my things and headed for the exit without bothering with pleasantries. I had bigger fish to fry than shooting the shit with coworkers.
Mateo waited for me outside beneath the flickering glow of the neon sign, hands tucked into the pockets of his tailored slacks. It felt like he was trying to act like he was there by accident, as if he hadn’t been waiting for me.
He looked sexy as usual, though — damn him. Broad shoulders tapering down to his lean waist, chiseled jawline softened by a hint of stubble — the whole package was so unfair!
Shaking off those traitorous thoughts, I stalked forward until mere inches separated our bodies. Tilting my chin up, I met his gaze head-on, determined not to be intimidated.
"So here we are again,"I drawled, crossing my arms over my chest."To what do I owe the pleasure of another late-night visit, oh great and powerful alpha?"
One corner of his mouth quirked upward in amusement even as his eyes darkened with undisguised hunger."Still playing coy, I see. Very well, I admire persistence."
He reached out to brush a stray lock of hair behind my ear almost tenderly before trailing his calloused fingertips down the side of my neck. I shivered despite myself, hating how easily he affected me.
"What do you want from me?"I demanded, hating the breathlessness in my voice.And deep inside, I already knew the answer to my question. "Why won't you just leave me alone already?"
His expression sobered, green eyes boring into mine with unnerving intensity."Because I can't,"he answered simply, as if stating a fact."Fate has other plans for us both whether we accept them willingly or fight tooth and nail every step of the way."
Oh, so we were already back to this nonsense again? Growling under my breath, I batted his hand away."I don't believe in fate or destiny,"I insisted even as doubt began to creep into my mind.Dammit, I hated that. I hated the way my mind thought about the issue. It was as though it was working against me.
"We make our own choices based on free will and personal agency," I stated.
"You think so?"He challenged, arching one brow. Before I could respond, he produced a folded piece of parchment from within his jacket, thrusting it towards me.
"What's this supposed to be?"I asked right away, eyeing the ancient-looking document with distrust. Some kind of trick perhaps?
"A confirmation of everything I've been trying to tell you,"Mateo replied, pressing the scroll into my unresisting hand."Proof that we're destined to be together regardless of your continued resistance. I know you understand the meaning of this scroll's existence."
Skeptical but morbidly curious, I unfolded the brittle pages, squinting to decipher the strange symbols scrawled upon their surface. And I also remembered my dream. Or, maybe I should say: nightmare.
At first glance, the symbols appeared to depict two figures entwined in an intimate embrace surrounded by arcane glyphs and runes.
But as I studied the images more closely, a chill raced down my spine. Because there, plain as day amidst the abstract designs, was an uncanny likeness of myself gazing adoringly up at someone bearing a striking resemblance to none other than the man standing before me right now.
Heart pounding, I tore my gaze away from the damning evidence to search Mateo's face for answers. His expression remained impassive yet somehow triumphant, as though he knew exactly what I must be thinking. And I knew that he knew. It wasn't a big mystery.
"This... this is impossible!"I sputtered, clutching the incriminating proof against my chest like a shield."There has to be some mistake!"
"There is no mistake,"Mateo countered, reaching out to cup my cheek in one large palm."What we share is real, Kael. Denying it changes nothing."
And even though I didn't want to admit it, I knew that part of me realized he was right about that.
Tears pricked the corners of my eyes unbidden as the weight of his words sank in. Everything I'd ever known about the world seemed to shift on its axis, threatening to send me tumbling into an abyss of uncertainty.
Was that really it? Was this my destiny unfolding before me, with no choice in the matter? That’s one of the reasons I didn’t want to get involved with Mateo any more than I already was. In different circumstances, if he were someone else, maybe we would’ve had a chance.
"I'm scared,"I admitted, hating the weakness in my voice but unable to keep the truth locked inside any longer."This isn't what I planned for my life..."
Mateo's thumb brushed gently across my lower lip, drawing a shudder from deep within my core."Neither did I,"he murmured, leaning in close until our breaths mingled."But sometimes the greatest blessings come wrapped in unexpected packages."
Before I could formulate a response, he closed the remaining distance between us, capturing my mouth in a searing kiss that stole the very air from my lungs. I stiffened for a brief moment before melting against him, surrendering to the inevitable pull drawing us closer.
When he finally released me moments later, I swayed dizzily on my feet, lips tingling and brain short-circuiting from lack of oxygen. Mateo steadied me with strong hands gripping my upper arms, green eyes blazing with barely restrained desire.
“Come home with me,” he urged, his voice husky with need. “I know this is crazy, but I can’t imagine my life without you. I felt the same way after finding the scroll. I wanted to fight it, pretend I didn’t feel what I do — but there’s no escaping it. We’d both die without each other. It’s as simple as that. We’re not like most people. It’s as much a curse as it is a blessing.”
Every instinct screamed at me to refuse, to push him away and flee back to the safety of familiar routines and expectations. But something else, something primal and undeniable, urged me to take the leap of faith and trust in the promise shining bright in his eyes.
And I knew the decision I was going to make.